20-pin J-Link Connector - SEGGER Wiki (2024)

This article describes the 20-pin J-Link Connector, available on all J-Links (except for EDU mini), J-Trace & Flasher models.


  • 1 Pinout for JTAG
    • 1.1 Target board design
  • 2 Pinout for SWD
    • 2.1 Target board design
  • 3 Pinout for SWD + Virtual COM Port (VCOM)
  • 4 Pinout for SPI
  • 5 Pinout for QSPI
  • 6 Adapters

Pinout for JTAG

J-Link / J-Trace 20-pin JTAG pinout

J-Link and J-Trace have a JTAG connector compatible to ARM's Multi-ICE.The JTAG connector is a 20 way Insulation Displacement Connector (IDC) keyed box header (2.54mm male)that mates with IDC sockets mounted on a ribbon cable.

(*) On some models like the J-Link ULTRA, these pins are reserved for firmware extension purposes.They can be left open or connected to GND in normal debug environment.Please do not assume them to be connected to GND inside J-Link.
The following table lists the J-Link / J-Trace JTAG pinout.

1VTrefInputThis is the target reference voltage.
It is used to check if the target has power, to create the logic-level reference for the input comparators and to control the output logic levels to the target. It is normally fed from VDD of the target board and must not have a series resistor.
2Not connectedNCThis pin is not connected.
3nTRSTOutputJTAG Reset.
Output from J-Link to the Reset signal of the target JTAG port. Typically connected to nTRST of the target CPU. This pin is normally pulled HIGH on the target to avoid unintentional resets when there is no connection.
5TDIOutputJTAG data input of target CPU.
It is recommended that this pin is pulled to a defined state on the target board. Typically connected to TDI of the target CPU.
7TMSOutputJTAG mode set input of target CPU.
This pin should be pulled up on the target. Typically connected to TMS of the target CPU.
9TCKOutputJTAG clock signal to target CPU.
It is recommended that this pin is pulled to a defined state of the target board. Typically connected to TCK of the target CPU.
11RTCKInputReturn test clock signal from the target.
Some targets must synchronize the JTAG inputs to internal clocks. To assist in meeting this requirement, you can use a returned, and adjusted, TCK to dynamically control the TCK rate. J-Link supports adaptive clocking, which waits for TCK changes to be echoed correctly before making further changes. Connect to RTCK if available, otherwise to GND.
13TDOInputJTAG data output from target CPU.
Typically connected to TDO of the target CPU.
15nRESETI/OTarget CPU reset signal.
Typically connected to the RESET pin of the target CPU, which is typically called "nRST", "nRESET" or "RESET". This signal is an active low signal.
17DBGRQNCThis pin is not connected in J-Link.
It is reserved for compatibility with other equipment to be used as a debug request signal to the target system. Typically connected to DBGRQ if available, otherwise left open.
195V-SupplyOutputThis pin can be used to supply power to the target hardware.
Older J-Links may not be able to supply power on this pin. For more information about how to enable/disable the power supply, please refer to Target power supply.
4, 6, 8, 10, 12GNDGroundGND pins connected to GND in J-Link.
They should also be connected to GND in the target system.
14, 16, 18, 20ResReservedOn some models like the J-Link ULTRA, these pins are reserved for firmware extension purposes.
They can be left open or connected to GND in normal debug environment. They are not essential for JTAG or SWD in general
Please do not assume them to be connected to GND inside J-Link.

Target board design

We strongly advise following the recommendations given by the chip manufacturer.These recommendations are normally in line with the recommendations given in the table Pinout for JTAG.In case of doubt you should follow the recommendations given by the semiconductor manufacturer.You may take any female header following the specifications of DIN 41651.
For example:

Hartingpart-no. 09185206803
Molexpart-no. 90635-1202
Tyco Electronicspart-no. 2-215882-0

Pinout for SWD

J-Link / J-Trace 20-pin SWD pinout

The J-Link and J-Trace JTAG connector is also compatible to ARM's Serial Wire Debug (SWD).

(*) On some models like the J-Link ULTRA, these pins are reserved for firmware extension purposes.They can be left open or connected to GND in normal debug environment.Please do not assume them to be connected to GND inside J-Link.
The following table lists the J-Link / J-Trace SWD pinout.

1VTrefInputThis is the target reference voltage.
It is used to check if the target has power, to create the logic-level reference for the input comparators and to control the output logic levels to the target. It is normally fed from VDD of the target board and must not have a series resistor.
2Not connectedNCThis pin is not connected.
3Not usedNCThis pin is not used by J-Link when selecting SWD as interface type.
If the device may also be accessed via JTAG, this pin may be connected to nTRST, otherwise leave open.
5Not usedNCThis pin is not used by J-Link when selecting SWD as interface type.
If the device may also be accessed via JTAG, this pin may be connected to TDI, otherwise leave open.
7SWDIOOutputJTAG mode set input of target CPU.
This pin should be pulled up on the target. Typically connected to TMS of the target CPU.
9SWCLKOutputJTAG clock signal to target CPU.
It is recommended that this pin is pulled to a defined state of the target board. Typically connected to TCK of the target CPU.
11Not usedNCThis pin is not used by J-Link when selecting SWD as interface type.
If the device may also be accessed via JTAG, this pin may be connected to RTCK, otherwise leave open.
13SWOInputSerial Wire Output trace port.
(Optional, not required for SWD communication.)
15nRESETI/OTarget CPU reset signal.
Typically connected to the RESET pin of the target CPU, which is typically called "nRST", "nRESET" or "RESET". This signal is an active low signal.
17Not usedNCThis pin is not connected in J-Link.
195V-SupplyOutputThis pin can be used to supply power to the target hardware.
Older J-Links may not be able to supply power on this pin. For more information about how to enable/disable the power supply, please refer to Target power supply.
4, 6, 8, 10, 12GNDGroundGND pins connected to GND in J-Link.
They should also be connected to GND in the target system.
14, 16, 18, 20ResReservedOn some models like the J-Link ULTRA, these pins are reserved for firmware extension purposes.
They can be left open or connected to GND in normal debug environment. They are not essential for JTAG or SWD in general
Please do not assume them to be connected to GND inside J-Link.

Target board design

We strongly advise following the recommendations given by the chip manufacturer.These recommendations are normally in line with the recommendations given in the table Pinout for SWD.In case of doubt you should follow the recommendations given by the semiconductor manufacturer.

Pinout for SWD + Virtual COM Port (VCOM)

J-Link / J-Trace 20-pin SWD + VCOM pinout

The J-Link and J-Trace JTAG connector is also compatible to ARM's Serial Wire Debug (SWD).

(*) On some models like the J-Link ULTRA, these pins are reserved for firmware extension purposes.They can be left open or connected to GND in normal debug environment.Please do not assume them to be connected to GND inside J-Link.
The following table lists the J-Link / J-Trace SWD pinout.

1VTrefInputThis is the target reference voltage.
It is used to check if the target has power, to create the logic-level reference for the input comparators and to control the output logic levels to the target. It is normally fed from VDD of the target board and must not have a series resistor.
2Not connectedNCThis pin is not connected.
3Not usedNCThis pin is not used by J-Link when selecting SWD as interface type.
If the device may also be accessed via JTAG, this pin may be connected to nTRST, otherwise leave open.
5J-Link TxOutputThis pin is used as VCOM Tx (out on J-Link side) in case VCOM functionality of J-Link is enabled.
For further information about VCOM, please refer to VCOM
7SWDIOOutputJTAG mode set input of target CPU.
This pin should be pulled up on the target. Typically connected to TMS of the target CPU.
9SWCLKOutputJTAG clock signal to target CPU.
It is recommended that this pin is pulled to a defined state of the target board. Typically connected to TCK of the target CPU.
11Not usedNCThis pin is not used by J-Link when selecting SWD as interface type.
If the device may also be accessed via JTAG, this pin may be connected to RTCK, otherwise leave open.
13SWOInputSerial Wire Output trace port.
(Optional, not required for SWD communication.)
15nRESETI/OTarget CPU reset signal.
Typically connected to the RESET pin of the target CPU, which is typically called "nRST", "nRESET" or "RESET". This signal is an active low signal.
17J-Link RxInputThis pin is used as VCOM Rx (in on J-Link side) in case VCOM functionality of J-Link is enabled.
For further information, please refer to VCOM.
195V-SupplyOutputThis pin can be used to supply power to the target hardware.
Older J-Links may not be able to supply power on this pin. For more information about how to enable/disable the power supply, please refer to Target power supply.
4, 6, 8, 10, 12GNDGroundGND pins connected to GND in J-Link.
They should also be connected to GND in the target system.
14, 16, 18, 20ResReservedOn some models like the J-Link ULTRA, these pins are reserved for firmware extension purposes.
They can be left open or connected to GND in normal debug environment. They are not essential for JTAG or SWD in general
Please do not assume them to be connected to GND inside J-Link.

Pinout for SPI

J-Link / J-Trace 20-pin SPI pinout

(*) On some models like the J-Link ULTRA, these pins are reserved for firmware extension purposes.They can be left open or connected to GND in normal debug environment.Please do not assume them to be connected to GND inside J-Link.
The following table lists the pinout for the SPI interface on J-Link.

1VTrefInputThis is the target reference voltage.
It is used to check if the target has power, to create the logic-level reference for the input comparators and to control the output logic levels to the target. It is normally fed from VDD of the target board and must not have a series resistor.
2Not connectedNCThis pin is not connected.
Leave open on target side
3Not connectedNCThis pin is not connected.
Leave open on target side
5DIOutputData-input of target SPI.
Output of J-Link, used to transmit data to the target SPI.
7nCSOutputChip-select of target SPI (active LOW).
9CLKOutputSPI clock signal.
11Not connectedNCThis pin is not connected.
Leave open on target side
13DOInputData-out of target SPI. Input of J-Link, used to receive data from the target SPI.
15nRESETI/OTarget CPU reset signal.
17Not connectedNCThis pin is not connected.
Leave open on target side
195V-SupplyOutputThis pin can be used to supply power to the target hardware.
Older J-Links may not be able to supply power on this pin. For more information about how to enable/disable the power supply, please refer to Target power supply.
4, 6, 8, 10, 12GNDGroundGND pins connected to GND in J-Link.
They should also be connected to GND in the target system.
14, 16, 18, 20ResReservedOn some models like the J-Link ULTRA, these pins are reserved for firmware extension purposes.
They can be left open or connected to GND in normal debug environment. They are not essential for JTAG or SWD in general
Please do not assume them to be connected to GND inside J-Link.

Pinout for QSPI

J-Link / J-Trace 20-pin QSPI pinout

(*) On some models like the J-Link ULTRA, these pins are reserved for firmware extension purposes.They can be left open or connected to GND in normal debug environment.Please do not assume them to be connected to GND inside J-Link.
The following table lists the pinout for the QSPI interface on J-Link.

1VTrefInputThis is the target reference voltage
It is used to check if the target has power, to create the logic-level reference for the input comparators and to control the output logic levels to the target.
It is normally fed from Vdd of the target board and must not have a series resistor.
2Not\n connectedNCLeave open on target side
3IO1I/OBi-directional data I/O pin 1
5IO0/DII/OSingle: Data-input of target SPI. Output of programmer, used to transmit data to the target SPI.
Quad: Bi-directional data I/O pin 0
7nCSOutputChip-select of target SPI (active LOW).
9CLKOutputSPI clock signal.
11IO2I/OBi-directional data I/O pin 2
13DOInputSingle: Data-out of target SPI. Input of programmer, used to receive data from the target SPI.
Quad: Must be connected to same signal as pin 3 IO1/DO to guarantee correct operation for temporary single mode transfers during QSPI mode.
15nRESETOutputTarget CPU reset signal (active LOW). Typically connected to the reset pin of the target CPU, which is typically called "nRST", "nRESET" or "RESET".
17IO3I/OBi-directional data I/O pin 3
195V-SupplyOutputThis pin can be used to supply power to the target hardware.
Older J-Links may not be able to supply power on this pin.
4, 6, 8, 10, 12GNDGroundGND pins connected to GND in J-Link.
They should also be connected to GND in the target system.
14, 16, 18, 20ResReservedOn some models like the J-Link ULTRA, these pins are reserved for firmware extension purposes.
They can be left open or connected to GND in normal debug environment. They are not essential for JTAG or SWD in general
Please do not assume them to be connected to GND inside J-Link.


There are many J-Link Adapters available to be used with the J-Link 20-pin connector. Please refer to the SEGGER Homepage for a list of available adapters.

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20-pin J-Link Connector - SEGGER Wiki (2024)


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