1. Review #183: Spectral VS Generation - Of Swords and Joysticks
18 dec 2014 · The game is absolutely gorgeous, graphics are very bright and well animated. The style in which the sprites where drawn is very similar to ...
Yet another PSP fighter falls upon my lap. Spectral VS Generation is a 2D one on one fighting game featuring characters from both "Gene...

2. UndeadPriest999's Review of Spectral vs Generation - GameSpot
2 apr 2010 · So in short, Spectral vs. Generation is a budget title released only for a couple of platforms and with very limited audiences. This is a great ...
UndeadPriest999's Review of Spectral vs Generation. Read GameSpot player reviews and contribute your own!

3. Spectral vs Generation Reviews - Metacritic
26 okt 2006 · ... Review. Game Stats for Spectral vs Generation. PlayStation 2 ... There are no critic reviews for this game yet. User Reviews. User ...
The fate of a land rests in the hands of fearless fighters, united in their quest to control the power of the Earth temple. Master devastating attacks and vanquish your enemies in this epic straggle between good and evil!
4. Spectral vs. Generation (2005) - Backloggd
17 mei 2005 · Once you get into its groove, its honestly good fun. It's incredibly unpolished for a fighter, compared to those that came before it, however it ...
The fate of a land rests in the hands of fearless fighters, united in their quest to control the power of the Earth temple. Master devastating attacks and vanquish your enemies in this epic struggle between good and evil! Spectral VS Generation is a 2D versus fighting game in which you take control of one of ten fighters from the Spectral Force series and Generation of Chaos series. The cause for all the fighting is apparently to decide who will claim the powers of the of the fabled Earth temple. The fighters to choose from are Ice witch Mayura, War gale Weles, Empress of darkness Roze, Northern knight Eril, Sword master Kryce, Aristocrat of Darkness Jado, Holy fist Ryuken, Explosion child Hiro, Wyvern of the East Drochimaru and Holy god earth. Each fighter has their own weapon and fighting techniques which include special attacks and fights are best of three. The game offers an Arcade mode, Training mode and Survival mode for single player as well as an VS mode for multiplayer.

5. Spectral vs Generation (PlayStation 2) - HonestGamers
Spectral vs Generation ... At HonestGamers, we love reader reviews. If you're a great writer, we'd love to host your Spectral vs Generation review on this page.
See AlsoRoshambo Coupon CodeCoverage related to Spectral vs Generation (PlayStation 2), provided by site staff and readers.

6. Spectral vs Generation - Other Games - Shoryuken Forums Archive
Bevat niet: negative reviews
I will update this thread accordingly. Post here if you have played it, and or contribute your thoughts.

7. Spectral vs Generation - Games Asylum
11 aug 2007 · In the case of Spectral vs Generation it's neither a good nor a bad thing, given how run of the mill it is. ... Reviews (1,120); This Week's Games ...
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8. Spectral vs. Generation Is Downloadable Now, If You Really ...
19 feb 2009 · Somehow Spectral vs. Generation made its way to Europe fully in English care of budget publisher Midas Interactive. A strange licensing choice ...
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