Super Smash Bros. Vanguard (2025)

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Super Smash Bros. Vanguard (???) is the sixth installment (seventh if Wii U and 3DS are counted as separate installments). It is intended for release on the upcoming Nintendo Switch successor. Vanguard features several elements from previous Smash installments as well as introducing new features.


  • 1 Gameplay
    • 1.1 Gameplay Upgrades
  • 2 Modes
  • 3 Fighters
    • 3.1 Returning Fighters
    • 3.2 Newcomers
    • 3.3 Unlockable Fighter Criteria
    • 3.4 Alternate Characters
  • 4 Stages
    • 4.1 New Stages
    • 4.2 Returning Stages
  • 5 Items
    • 5.1 Assist Trophies
  • 6 Reveal Trailers
  • 7 Trivia


The Super Smash Bros. series dramatically differs from many fighting games. Instead of depleting an opponent's life bar, Smash Bros. seeks players to launch characters off the stage. In Super Smash Bros., characters have a damage total, represented by a percentage value, which rises as they take damage and can exceed 100%. As characters' percentages rise, they can be knocked progressively further by an opponent's attacks. To KO an opponent, the player must send that character flying off the edge of the stage, which is not an enclosed arena but rather an area with open boundaries, usually a set of suspended platforms. When a character is knocked off the stage, they may use jumping moves to (attempt to) return; as some characters' jumps are longer-ranged, they may have an easier time "recovering" than others. Additionally, some characters are heavier than others, making it harder for an opponent to knock them off the edge but likewise harder to recover.

Smash Bros.'s play controls are greatly simplified in comparison to other fighting games. While traditional fighting games such as Street Fighter or Soul Calibur require the player to memorize button-input combinations (sometimes lengthy and complicated, and often specific to a character), Smash Bros uses the same one-attack-button, one-control-stick-direction combinations to access all moves for all characters. Characters are not limited to constantly facing their opponent but may move around freely. Smash Bros. also implements blocking and dodging mechanics, which can be used both on the ground and in the air. Grabbing and throwing other characters is also possible, allowing for a large variety of ways to attack.

One additional major element in the Super Smash Bros. series is the inclusion of battle items, of which players can control the frequency of appearance. There are conventional "battering items" with which a player may hit an opponent, such as a baseball bat or a sword, as well as throwing items, including Bob-ombs and shells, and shooting items, either single-shot guns or rapid fire blasters. Recovery items allow the user to lose varying amounts of their damage percent. From the Pokémon franchise come Poké Balls that release a random Pokémon onto the battlefield to assist the user; Brawl introduces a new "Assist Trophy" item which serves a similar purpose, albeit being capable of summoning a wider range of characters from a variety of franchises. Brawl also introduces items called Smash Balls, which allows fighters to perform powerful character-specific attacks, known as Final Smashes.

Gameplay Upgrades[]



Returning Fighters[]

Everyone returns from the previous installment, Super Smash Bros. Ultimate. Italicized names indicate that the fighter is unlockable.

ImageNameVoice Actor(s)DebutFranchise
MarioKevin AfghaniDonkey Kong (1981)Super Mario
Donkey KongTakashi NagasakoDonkey Kong
LinkThe Legend of Zelda (1986)The Legend of Zelda
SamusMetroid (1986)Metroid
YoshiSuper Mario World (1991)Yoshi
KirbyKirby's Dream Land (1992)Kirby
FoxStar Fox (1993)Star Fox
PikachuPokémon Red and Blue (1998)Pokémon
LuigiKevin AfghaniMario Bros. (1983)Super Mario
Captain FalconF-Zero (1991)F-Zero
JigglypuffPokémon Red and Blue (1998)Pokémon
PeachSamantha KellySuper Mario Bros. (1985)Super Mario
BowserKenny James
Ice ClimbersIce Climber (1984)Ice Climber
SheikThe Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time (1997)The Legend of Zelda
ZeldaThe Legend of Zelda (1986)
Dr. MarioKevin AfghaniDr. Mario (1990)Super Mario
PichuPokémon Gold and Silver (1999)Pokémon
FalcoStar Fox (1993)Star Fox
MarthYuri Lowenthall (English)Fire Emblem: Shadow Dragon and the Blade of Light (1990)Fire Emblem
Young LinkThe Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time (1997)The Legend of Zelda
GanondorfMatthew Mercer (English)
MewtwoPokémon Red and Blue (1998)Pokémon
RoyFire Emblem: The Binding Blade (2002)Fire Emblem
Mr. Game & WatchBall (1980)Game & Watch
Meta KnightEric Newsome (English)Kirby
PitAntony Del RioKid Icarus (1986)Kid Icarus
Zero Suit SamusMetroid
WarioKevin AfghaniSuper Mario Land 2: 6 Golden Coins (1992)Wario
SnakeMetal Gear
IkeFire Emblem
Pokémon TrainerPokémon
Diddy KongDonkey Kong Country (1994)Donkey Kong
SonicRoger Craig Smith (English)Sonic the Hedgehog (1991)Sonic the Hedgehog
King DededeKirby's Dream Land (1992)Kirby
R.O.B.Stack-Up (1985)R.O.B.
Toon LinkThe Legend of Zelda: The Wind Waker (2002)The Legend of Zelda
WolfStar Fox 64 (1997)Star Fox
VillagerAnimal Crossing
Mega ManBenjamin DiskinMega Man
Wii Fit TrainerOctober MooreWii Fit
Rosalina & LumaSuper Mario
Little MacPunch-Out!!
Mii BrawlerMii
Mii Swordfighter
Mii Gunner
PalutenaKid Icarus (1986)Kid Icarus
Dark PitKid Icarus Uprising (2012)
Pac-ManMartin T. ShermanPac-Man (1980)Pac-Man
LucinaFire Emblem Awakening (2012)Fire Emblem
Bowser Jr.Super Mario Sunshine (2002)Super Mario
Duck HuntDuck Hunt
RyuStreet Fighter
CloudFinal Fantasy VII (1997)Final Fantasy
CorrinFire Emblem
InklingSplatoon (2015)Splatoon
DaisyGiselle FernandezSuper Mario Land (1989)Super Mario
RidleyMetroid (1986)Metroid
SimonCastlevania (1987)Castlevania
RichterCastlevania: Rondo of Blood (1993)
ChromFire Emblem Awakening (2012)Fire Emblem
Dark SamusMetroid
King K. RoolDonkey Kong Country (1994)Donkey Kong
IsabelleAnimal Crossing
KenStreet Fighter (1987)Street Fighter
Piranha PlantSuper Mario
HeroDragon Quest
Banjo & KazooieChris SutherlandDiddy Kong Racing (1997)Banjo-Kazooie
TerryFatal Fury (1991)Fatal Fury
BylethFire Emblem Three Houses (2017)Fire Emblem
Min MinARMS (2017)ARMS
SephirothFinal Fantasy VII (1997)Final Fantasy
PyraXenoblade Chronicles 2 (2017)Xenoblade
KazuyaTekken (1994)Tekken
SoraKingdom Hearts (2002)Kingdom Hearts


A grand total of __ fighters make their playable Super Smash Bros. debut after either serving previous roles such as Poke Balls, Assist Trophies, or other elements such as Spirits, Stickers, or Trophies while others make their first official appearance in the Smash Bros. series. Italicized names indicate that the fighter is unlockable.

ImageNameVoice Actor(s)DebutFranchise
Super Smash Bros. Vanguard (2)PaulineKate HigginsDonkey Kong (1981)Super Mario
Super Smash Bros. Vanguard (3)WaluigiKevin AfghaniMario Tennis (2000)
King BooLuigi's Mansion (2001)
Dixie KongDonkey Kong Country 2: Diddy's Kong Quest (1995)Donkey Kong
Super Smash Bros. Vanguard (4)Foreman SpikeWrecking Crew (1984)Wrecking Crew
UrbosaThe Legend of Zelda
Raven BeakMetroid Dread (2021)Metroid
KrystalStar Fox Adventures (2002)Star Fox
MeowthJames Carter CathcartPokémon
AnnaFire Emblem
MedusaCree SummerKid Icarus (1986)Kid Icarus
Noah and MioXenoblade Chronicles 3Xenoblade Chronicles
Famicom DetectiveFamicom Detective Club
Ayumi Tachibana
Super Smash Bros. Vanguard (5)Professor HectorD.C. DouglasStack-Up (1985)R.O.B.
StylistStyle Savvy
Virtual BoyGalactic Pinball (1995)Virtual Boy
TailsColleen O'ShaughnesseySonic the Hedgehog 2 (1992)Sonic the Hedgehog
KnucklesDave B. Mitchell
AmyCindy Robinson
Dr. EggmanMike PollockSonic the Hedgehog (1991)
Ms. Pac-ManMs. Pac-Man (1981)Pac-Man
Super Smash Bros. Vanguard (6)FroggerFrogger
Super Smash Bros. Vanguard (7)ShantaeCristina VeeShantae
ConkerChris SeavorDiddy Kong Racing (1997)Conker
Marina LiteyearsMischief Makers
GoemonGanbare Goemon
Super Smash Bros. Vanguard (8)Carmen SandiegoCarmen Sandiego
Super Smash Bros. Vanguard (9)CupheadTru ValentinoCuphead
Super Smash Bros. Vanguard (10)Bad Mr. FrostyClayFighter
Super Smash Bros. Vanguard (11)RioRio's Rainbow Gate
ArleErica MendezMadou Monogatari Trilogy (1990)Puyo Puyo
CrashScott WhyteCrash Bandicoot (1996)Crash Bandicoot
Super Smash Bros. Vanguard (12)ToonDisney's Toontown Online (2001)Disney's Toontown

Unlockable Fighter Criteria[]

NameMethod 1Method 2Method 3StageSoundtrack
LuigiRecruit Them in Adventure ModeMushroom Kingdom: Last Resort{1}
Dr. MarioMushroom Kingdom: Dr. Mario World
Rosalina & Luma
Bowser Jr.Delfino Isle: Delfino Plaza
PaulineMetro Kingdom: New Donk City
King Boo
Foreman SpikeMetro Kingdom: Wrecking Crew{1}
Dark Samus
Raven Beak
Professor Hector
Virtual Boy
Dr. Eggman
Ms. Pac-Man
Carmen Sandiego
Bad Mr. Frosty
Mii BrawlerCreate a Mii Fighter in the Mii Fighter section of the menu.N/A
Mii Swordfighter
Mii Gunner

Alternate Characters[]

Alternate Characters are fighters that serve as alternate skins to the main fighters. Although many of them have their own voice actors and small details such as animations or weapon changes, they are not considered their own characters for things such as records. They are treated as separate in regards to how they will have their own unique announcer calls, and crowd chants. Many fighters feature a gender-swapped version.

ImageNameAlternate Character BaseVoice Actor(s)DebutFranchise
Pokémon Trainer (Female)Pokémon Trainer (Male)Pokémon FireRed and LeafGreen (2003)Pokémon
AlphOlimarPikmin 3 (2013)Pikmin
Wii Fit Trainer (Male)Wii Fit Trainer (Female)Wii Fit (2007)Wii Fit
Robin (Female)Robin (Male)Fire Emblem Awakening (2012)Fire Emblem
LarryBowser Jr.Super Mario Bros. 3 (1990)Super Mario
Corrin (Female)Corrin (Male)Fire Emblem
Byleth (Female)Byleth (Male)Fire Emblem Three Houses (2019)Fire Emblem
Alolan MeowthMeowthPokémon Sun and Moon (2016)Pokémon
Super Smash Bros. Vanguard (13)MugmanCupheadCuphead: Don't Deal with the DevilCuphead
Super Smash Bros. Vanguard (14)Ms. Chalice


New Stages[]

Special Stages: BattlefieldSuper Smash Bros.Super Smash Bros. VanguardNo
Special Stages: Big Battlefield
Special Stages: Final Destination
Special Stages: Rainy TempleYes
Special Stages: Seaside Cliff
Flower Kingdom: Pipe-Rock PlateauSuper MarioSuper Mario Bros. Wonder
Moon Kingdom: Dark Side of the MoonSuper Mario Odyssey
Mushroom Kingdom: Dr. Mario WorldDr. Mario World
Mushroom Kingdom: Last ResortLuigi's Mansion 3
Dark World: Bowser's KingdomSuper Mario Odyssey
Juicy Jungle: Beehive BrawlDonkey KongDonkey Kong Country: Tropical Freeze
Juicy Jungle: Fruity Factory
Autumn Heights: Windmill Hills
Bright Savannah: Scorch 'n' Torch
Northern Kremisphere: Kastle KhaosDonkey Kong Country 3: Dixie's Double Trouble
New Hyrule: Spirit TracksThe Legend of ZeldaThe Legend of Zelda Spirit Tracks
Hyrule: Palace of TwilightThe Legend of Zelda Twilight Princess
Paldea Skies: Poké Floats 2PokémonPokémon Scarlet and Violet
Savvy City: Savvy BotiqueStyle Savvy
Savvy City: Fashion Show
Little Planet: Stardust SpeedwaySonic the HedgehogSonic CD
Isle O' Hags: Gruntilda's LairBanjo-KazooieBanjo-Kazooie
Mega City: Dr. Wily's Military BaseMega ManMarvel vs. Capcom: Clash of Superheroes
Inkwell Isles: The Devil's CasinoCupheadCuphead: Don't Deal with the Devil
Goltschmidt Kingdom: Howard ResortRio's Rainbow Gate
North Pole: Freezing FortressClayFighter

Returning Stages[]


Smash BallBrawlWhen broken into, it will unleash the user's Final Smash.Super Smash Bros.
Fake Smash BallUltimateWhen broken, the ball will explode and launch all fighters within its path.
Healing FieldCan be thrown on the ground. Once thrown, it will open up and will heal anyone on the spot.
Home-Run Bat64An extremely powerful item. Its forward smash is among the most powerful attacks in all games, being a one-hit KO in every installment. As a throwing item, it maintains its high knockback and is a semi-spike. It becomes stronger when hit on the tip.
BeastballUltimateReappears near an opponent after being thrown and targets them, covered in flames.
Fan64Fastest-swinging battering item. High shield damage.
BasketbombVanguardCan be bounced and tossed around. Each bounce brings down the amount of time it can be bounced before it explodes.
FoodMeleeEach type of food recovers a different amount of damage. Can be produced in large numbers by Peach Blossom.
Ray Gun64Fires blasts of energy that have infinite horizontal range.
Banana GunUltimateEjects the banana out of the peel and the player is left with the banana peel after using it.
Barrel64Once thrown, struck, or landed on a slope, may roll across the stage and damage what it hits before breaking. Has a one-in-eight chance of exploding.
Assist TrophyBrawlWhen picked up, after the character lands on the ground, they will perform a short animation and summon a random character to aid them in the fight.
Beam Sword64
Double-Edged Beam SwordVanguard
Poison Beam Sword
Black HoleUltimate
Blast BoxBrawl
Cracker Launcher
Rage BlasterUltimate
Team Healer
Motion Sensor Bomb64
Healing SproutUltimate
Cloaking DeviceMelee
Gooey Bomb
Smoke BombBrawl
Rolling CrateBrawl
Party BallMelee
Super MushroomMeleeSuper Mario
Poison Mushroom
Fire Flower64
Ice FlowerVanguard
BoomerangSmash 4
Super Star64
Giga Bob-ombVanguard
Green Shell64When thrown, attacked, or landed on, slides across the stage and damages everything it hits. Can be stopped by jumping on it.
Red ShellWhen thrown, attacked, or landed on, slides across the stage and damages everything it hits. Aims for nearby characters and avoids sliding off edges.
Spiny ShellSmash 4Commonly known as the 'Blue Shell'. Hovers above a player before dropping onto them and exploding. Can be dodged, or it can hit someone other than its intended target on descent.
FreezieMeleeSlides across the stage, freezing characters when struck by it. Can be destroyed before being picked up.
Metal BoxTurns the user metallic, increasing their weight and falling speed, while also reducing the chances of flinching. Can be activated by pickup or by direct attack; indirect attacks will either destroy it (in Melee) or do nothing (other games).
HotheadBrawlFollows the contours of the stage once thrown. Grows in size and damage but lasts for a shorter time when hit by flame or electric attacks.
Banana Peel
Giant Banana PeelVanguard
Soccer Ball
Striker BallVanguard
POW Block
Fire Bar
Bullet Bill
Super Leaf
Super Launch Star
Double CherryVanguard
Spring Mushroom
Cloud Flower
Bubble Flower
Drill Mushroom
Golden HammerActs the same as the regular Hammer, though faster, more powerful and with the ability to float. May be a dud Squeaky Hammer that deals no damage at all.Wrecking Crew
HammerDonkey Kong
Barrel Cannon
Orange GrenadeVanguard
Coconut Gun
Animal Crate
Heart ContainerThe Legend of Zelda
Bunny Hood
Deku Nut
Fairy Bottle
Gust Bellows
Screw AttackMetroid
Watermelon Fuse BombVanguardYoshi
Warp StarOnce picked up, the user flies into the sky and then crashes down with an explosion. Can be steered slightly, and if there are platforms above, will land there instead of the starting point.Kirby
Maxium TomatoThe third most powerful recovery item, healing up to 50% damage (in the original Super Smash Bros., it can heal up to 100% damage).
Star Rod
Superspicy Curry
Smart BombStar Fox
Poké BallPokémon
Master Ball
Mr. SaturnMOTHER
Franklin Badge
Ramblin' Evil Mushroom
Killing EdgeFire Emblem
Killer AxeVanguard
Devil Axe


Killer KnucklesFire Emblem Three Houses (2019)
DaybreakKid Icarus
Ore Club
X Bomb
Killer Eye
Back Shield
Dragon PotWario
Hocotate BombPikmin
PitfallAnimal Crossing
Death's ScytheCastlevania
Rocket BeltPilotwings (1990)Pilotwings
Steel DiverSteel Diver
Super ScopeNintendo
Ultra HandVanguard
Boss GalagaGalaxian

Assist Trophies[]

A total of __ Assist Trophies appear in game. Several cut Assist Trophies from Brawl and Smash 4 return, notably being Barbara from Jam with the Band, Jill from Drill Dozer, and Elec Man from Mega Man all returning after being absent for Smash 4 and Ultimate and Ultimate for Elec Man.

ImageNameVoice ActorDescriptionDebutFranchise
Chain ChompN/ASuper Mario Bros. 3 (1990)Super Mario
Lakitu & SpiniesN/ASuper Mario Bros. (1985)
Angry SunSuper Mario Bros. 3 (1990)
Knuckle Joe
Chef Kawasaki
GatekeeperKyle Herbert (English)Fire Emblem Three Houses (2017)Fire Emblem
Hockey TeamNES Hockey
Volleyball PlayerNES Volleyball
VinceArt Academy
Dr. WrightSimCity
BarbaraJam with the Band
JillDrill Dozer
Dr. KawashimaBrainAge
Color TV Game-15Color-TV Game
Elec ManMega Man
GuileStreet Fighter
Werner WermanCuphead

Reveal Trailers[]


  • This is the first Super Smash Bros. to feature multiple changes to the voice cast since Brawl:
    • The first Smash game to feature Kevin Afghani as Mario, Luigi, Wario, and Waluigi, succeeding Charles Martinet, as well as marking the first game in the Super Smash Bros. franchise where Charles Martinet is not part of the voice cast.
    • Vanguard also marks the first time that Afghani has officially voiced Dr. Mario since the retirement of Martinet.
    • The first Smash game to feature Giselle Fernandez as Daisy, succeeding Deanna Mustard.
    • The first Smash game to see Pac-Man with full voice-acting, with Martin T. Sherman reprising his role from the Pac-Man World games.
    • The first Smash game to see Mega Man with full voice-acting, with Benjamin Diskin reprising his role from Mega Man 11.
Super Smash Bros. Vanguard (2025)


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Name: Cheryll Lueilwitz

Birthday: 1997-12-23

Address: 4653 O'Kon Hill, Lake Juanstad, AR 65469

Phone: +494124489301

Job: Marketing Representative

Hobby: Reading, Ice skating, Foraging, BASE jumping, Hiking, Skateboarding, Kayaking

Introduction: My name is Cheryll Lueilwitz, I am a sparkling, clean, super, lucky, joyous, outstanding, lucky person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.