SWADE - Super Powers Companion (v1.4) (2022!01!07) CC - PDFCOFFEE.COM (2024)

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SUPER POWERS COMPANION Written and developed by Shane Lacy Hensley, with Clint Black. First Edition villains by Paul “Wiggy” Wade-Williams Additional Material by Darrell Hayhurst, Tracy Sizemore, Jessica Rogers, Michelle Hensley, Simon Lucas, & Michael Conn Special Thanks to Donavon Bailey, Erica Balsley, Christopher Landauer, Sara Martinez, David Anderson Jr Original Super Powers Contributors: Paul “Wiggy” Wade-Williams, Adam Loyd, Jodi Black, Matt Cutter, Norm “No Relation” Hensley, Mike McNeal, Steve Todd, Preston DuBose, Ed Wetterman, Joel Kinstle, and Piotr Korys Graphic Design by Karl Keesler, Simon Lucas, & Thomas Shook Cover Art by Aaron Riley. Interior Art by Chris Appel, Alberto Bontempi, Mauricio Caballero, J B Casacop, James Denton, Bien Flores, Ani Ghosh, Jimbo, Mitch Mueller, Mircea Nicula, Emanuele Ottaviani, Paolo Puggioni, Adrian Rodriguez, Ron Root, Unique Soparie, Carly Sorge, Dimitar Spasov, Don Tantiado, Jon Taylor, The Creation Studio, Mateusz Wilma Dedication: To all the writers, artists, editors, letterers, colorists, spokespersons, and teams involved in creating the incredible world of comic books.


Savage Worlds, artwork, logos, and the Pinnacle logo are © 2021 Pinnacle Entertainment Group. Savage Worlds, all associated characters, logos, and artwork are Copyrights of Pinnacle Entertainment Group. All other trademarks and registered trademarks herein are the property of their respective owners.

CONTENTS CHAPTER ONE: HEROES & VILLAINS...................... VILLAINS...................... 5 What’s In This Book?...................................... 5 Making Characters.......................................... 6 Heredity............................................................ 6 Attributes.......................................................... 6 Skills.................................................................. 6 New Hindrances.............................................. 6 New Edges...................................................... 10 Background Edges......................................... 10 Combat Edges................................................ 11 Leadership Edges........................................... 11 Social Edges.................................................... 11 CHAPTER TWO: GEAR................... GEAR................... 13 Vehicles........................................................... 18 Bases................................................................ 21 Step 1: Advantage.......................................... 21 Step 2: Complication..................................... 22 Step 3: Form................................................... 23 Step 4: Upgrades............................................ 24 Encounters...................................................... 26 Example HQ: The Doom Guard’s Barrage.27 CHAPTER THREE: SETTING RULES........................... RULES........................... 29 New Terms..................................................... 29 Comic Book Combat.................................... 29 Combined Attacks......................................... 29 Knockback...................................................... 30 Power Stunts................................................... 30 Large Improvised Weapons.......................... 32 Synergy........................................................... 33 Death & Defeat.............................................. 34 No Finishing Moves...................................... 34 Larger Than Life............................................ 34 Mega Destruction.......................................... 34 Never Surrender............................................ 35 Throwdown.................................................... 35 Training Montage.......................................... 35 Villainous Conviction................................... 36 Super Styles.................................................... 37 “Four Color” .................................................. 37 Cosmic............................................................ 37 Gritty............................................................... 38 Fantasy............................................................ 38

Horror............................................................. 38 Ultra Violent.................................................. 39 Zero to Hero................................................... 39 CHAPTER FOUR: POWERS. POWERS.............41 ........... 41 Power Activation........................................... 42 Area Effect Range.......................................... 42 Power Down................................................... 42 Power Types................................................... 43 Power Modifiers............................................. 44 Alternate Trait (+1)....................................... 44 Contingent/Linked (0/+2)............................ 44 Device (−1/–2)............................................... 45 Forceful (+1).................................................. 45 Heavy Weapon (+1)...................................... 45 Limitation (−1/–2)........................................ 45 Range (+2/+4)................................................ 46 Selective (+1).................................................. 46 Special (?)....................................................... 46 Switchable (+1).............................................. 47 Powers............................................................. 48 POWER SUMMARIES. SUMMARIES.................... 93 CHAPTER FIVE: ROGUES GALLERY. GALLERY........................ 97 Atlanteans....................................................... 98 Civilians........................................................100 Citizens.........................................................100 Common Criminals....................................100 Police Forces.................................................101 Alchemist......................................................102 Arrowhead....................................................103 Asmodeus.....................................................104 Baba Yaga......................................................105 Beachhead....................................................106 The Black Hole.............................................107 Blackguard....................................................108 Blood Widow...............................................109 Boomer.........................................................110 Brimstone.....................................................111 Chainsaw......................................................112 Clone.............................................................113 The Controller..............................................114 The Crab.......................................................115 Crusader.......................................................117

Dark Star.......................................................120 Surtr..............................................................168 Decay.............................................................121 Tempest.........................................................170 The Doom Guard........................................122 Thuggee.........................................................171 Electron.........................................................123 Tsunami........................................................173 Fantamu........................................................124 Vulcan...........................................................174 The Fixer.......................................................125 Warden..........................................................175 Flux................................................................126 Whirling Dervish........................................176 Ghoul............................................................127 Witch Hunter...............................................177 Gladius..........................................................128 CHAPTER SIX: Goliath..........................................................129 ITEMS OF POWER. POWER........................179 ...................... 179 Grappler........................................................130 Amulet of All-Sight.....................................179 Gravel............................................................131 The Book of Doom......................................179 The Green Goddess.....................................132 The Box of All Fates....................................179 Pods...............................................................133 Crown of the New God...............................180 Spores............................................................133 Devastation Seed.........................................180 Grenadier......................................................134 Dr. Chronos’ Redo Button..........................181 Halifax...........................................................135 Hellfighter’s Gloves......................................181 Hammer........................................................136 The Mighty Owl’s Goggles..........................181 Hangman......................................................137 Nega Rods.....................................................182 Hellcat...........................................................138 The Prismatic Shield...................................182 Hell’s Angel...................................................139 The Scarecrow’s Mask.................................182 Hex................................................................140 S’Kram Crystals...........................................182 Hunter...........................................................141 Sphere of Eternal Imprisonment...............182 Huntsman.....................................................142 The Tattered Symbol...................................183 The Ice Queen..............................................143 Teleporter Gun.............................................183 Jackdaw.........................................................144 Time Bomb...................................................183 Kamchatka....................................................145 The Titanium Scepter..................................183 Katyusha.......................................................146 The Vermilion Cape....................................183 Kilowatt.........................................................147 The Z Contaminant.....................................183 Knave of Clubs.............................................148 APPENDIX A: Lycanthropus................................................149 THE V’SORI................................ V’SORI................................ 184 Magnetron....................................................150 The Overmind..............................................184 Mako.............................................................151 Troops...........................................................186 Medusa..........................................................152 Minions.........................................................189 Mictlantecuhtli.............................................153 Drones...........................................................189 The Mole.......................................................154 K’tharen........................................................191 The Monster.................................................155 Necessary Evil..............................................192 Necromancer................................................156 Index.............................................................196 Nocturne.......................................................157 Octopon........................................................158 TO The Omega Legion......................................159 YOU DO N’T DO THIS JOB DO Pied Piper.....................................................160 GET FAM OU S, SO N. YOU Ratkin............................................................161 IT TO HELP PEO PLE AGAINST The Reaper....................................................162 THREATS NO OR DINARY Sickle.............................................................163 PERSO N CAN HAN DLE. THAT’S Soothsayer....................................................164 WH Y WE’RE “SU PER ” HEROES. The Spider.....................................................165 Stealth............................................................166 -WARDEN Supernova.....................................................167

CHAPTER ONE: HEROES & VILLAINS There’s never been a better time to enjoy the WHAT’S IN THIS BOOK? super hero genre! From the comics to the Chapter One shows you how to construct silver screen to incredible live-action and your brave hero or fiendish villain—or animated series to games, clothing, and even “super.” theme parks, those who love caped crusaders Chapter Two contains new items, gadgets, have numerous ways to enjoy their favorite and gear your heroes can use to take down super-powered tales of action and adventure. the bad guys, as well as rules for creating a The Savage Worlds Super Powers Companion team’s very own headquarters! lets you simulate most any super heroic (or Chapter Three features special Setting Rules villainous!) setting you can think of, from the for supers games and how you can use them beloved worlds of Marvel or DC Comics to to easily replicate the feel of different comics obscure independents to our own Necessary and super hero movies. Evil™ and the upcoming Doom Guard™! Chapter Four is the dynamic heart of the Best of all, you can create your own super book, containing nearly 100 powers you can hero (or villain!) with Savage Worlds and this use to mimic your favorite super character book, and Game Masters can create their or create those from your own imagination. own worlds for your group of super friends Chapter Five is dedicated to allies and to enjoy. adversaries a Game Master can quickly drop This companion lets you make characters into her campaign as villainous threats or and threats of any power level, from the pulp stalwart allies. heroes of the past to up-and-coming teens to Chapter Six spotlights over a dozen items of veteran crime-fighters and world-savers. You power Game Masters can use as rewards or can make heroes who patrol the crime-laden the basis of an entire campaign. streets, defend the city from super villains, or guard the entire galaxy against evil alien All this is followed up with a conversion empires. of the world-conquering v’sori and their Our Setting Rules allow you to capture the minions and vehicles from our Necessary tone of your favorite setting or your own Evil setting, updated and ready to use if you world. Play cynical supers like those featured decided to revisit those classic games or use in Image Comics’ The Boys all the way to them as threats in your own campaign. family-oriented worlds like those of Pixar’s Incredibles.





All skills from the Savage Worlds rule book are allowed in a supers campaign unless a setting specifies otherwise. Most supers campaigns are modern or futuristic and should use the More Skill Points Setting Rule, but that’s up Super-powered heroes and villains follow all to the Game Master. the usual rules for making characters found Supers also use the Focus skill to control in Savage Worlds with one major exception— powers. This is the same skill as that required they get super powers! by Arcane Background (Gifted), and can be Unless the Game Master says otherwise, used for both if the hero has that Edge as well. characters in a supers campaign get the Super FOCUS (SPIRIT) Powers Edge (page 10) for free. Focus reflects a hero’s ability to use those Strictly speaking, choosing Edges is one of abilities that aren’t covered by other Traits. the last steps in character creation, meaning Sometimes this is called for by a specific you should generally make a normal character power, other times the hero might use it for then give him super powers. In actual some minor or mundane effect called for by practice, you should feel free to adjust your the Game Master. hero’s Traits, other Edges, and Hindrances as desired to ensure they all work together to make the character you want to play. Note that unlike previous editions of Savage Worlds, super powers aren’t an Arcane Background, though those may be chosen as well if they fit the campaign world and have ALIEN FORM (MAJOR) Your character is completely alien in the Game Master’s approval. appearance: a glowing ball of energy, an amoeba with tentacles, a large floating brain, HEREDITY Supers are humans by default and thus have and so on. His physiology is nearly impossible the Adaptable racial ability. You can also for humanoids to figure out. Healing rolls to create your own custom background if you help the hero are at −4. like, perhaps playing the lone survivor of Numerous roleplaying instances should a dead planet, or a cat-like rakashan from also be a major challenge as well—the another dimension. See Savage Worlds for individual can’t get into restaurants, wear details. common clothes or Kevlar vests, fit into a car, Ignore the Super Powers option listed in the and so on. Positive Racial Abilities table of Savage Worlds, If average citizens are unaccustomed to however. Use the rules listed here instead. The seeing alien forms in the setting, consider Super Powers Edge (page 10) grants access taking the Outsider Hindrance as well. to powers, and player characters should start No matter how it’s described, Alien Form with it for free in most supers settings. doesn’t grant any inherent abilities; those must be taken separately. If a glowing ball of ATTRIBUTES energy wants to be able to pass through walls, The Super Attribute Edge allows attributes to for example, take the intangibility power. exceed a race’s normal limits. If the increase is permanent, it counts for Advancement. If DEPENDENCY (MAJOR) it’s not—perhaps because it must be activated, The super must consume or have contact with increases or decreases only with a different some sort of relatively common substance form, etc.—use the character’s inherent for an hour out of every 24. If he doesn’t, he attribute. either can’t use his powers or takes a level of Fatigue (decide which when this Hindrance is taken). If the latter, he takes an additional



Chapter One: Heroes & Villains level of Fatigue every 24 hours until he’s Incapacitated (this may cause death). An hour spent recovering with the appropriate substance restores all Fatigue caused or powers lost to this Hindrance. Note: This is the Hindrance version of the Negative Racial Ability in Savage Worlds. In a supers campaign, this might come about as a condition or backstory rather than part of a character’s heredity.


Your character has some person to which he is completely devoted and will do anything to protect. This may be a wife or husband, a child, coworker, or even a pet. The Dependent is a Novice Rank Wild Card without powers who constantly gets into trouble, reveals team secrets, or otherwise causes your champion no end of grief. Of course, every now and then, the Dependent might just save the hero’s life in return. If the Dependent ever dies, your hero gets a point of Conviction, and another if she gets justice…or revenge! After that, you should work with the GM to create a new Dependent, or buy off the Hindrance with Advances. The Dependent should appear fairly regularly in your campaign as a Major Hindrance, or every now and then as a Minor Hindrance.


Your super’s appearance is somewhat different from others of his race (a blueskinned human, a talking gorilla, etc.), and easy to spot, even out of costume. This makes him easier to track down and pick out of a crowd and can even cause troublesome social problems among his own people. The appearance must be present in and out of costume to count as a Hindrance—all supers are distinctive in costume, after all!


Your character is more susceptible to a specific Power Type (see page 43), such as Cold, Fire, Mental, and so on. She takes +4 damage when hit by an attack of that type, and subtracts 4 from resistance rolls of that Power Type (powers that work like infection or mind control).

Talk with the Game Master before taking this Hindrance—it’s not really a Hindrance if you take an Environmental Weakness to a Power Type that never comes up in your campaign. You may take this Hindrance more than once for weaknesses to more than one Power Type.


The super is humorless, never cracking a smile or making a joke. He’s Provoked (see Savage Worlds) on any successful Taunt— whether the opponent has the Edge or not.

PLAYING TO THE TROPES Sometimes heroes in comics and movies behave in ways that don’t really make sense. For example… • A villain drops a smoke bomb to escape a super speedster—who can move at the speed of light! Not only should he be able to catch the smoke bomb before it goes off, he could easily search an entire building for the escapee in seconds if he wanted. • A hero might lift a city bus in one scene, then later grunt and groan as he lifts a dumpster. Supers also make strange mistakes and unwise decisions sometimes. They might… • Turn over a villain to the police they know has escaped jail numerous times. • Walk into an obvious death trap. Why do these things happen? Because the writers need to portray drama. We see Superman grunt and strain when he lifts a bus, even though we watched him punch through a mountain earlier. If you want to emulate this aspect of the super hero genre, characters who deliberately play to risky or harmful tropes should occasionally get a Benny. Common sense applies as always—a player shouldn’t get a Benny every time he roleplays his character straining to lift something or lets a villain escape, but should when it’s dramatically appropriate. A little extra roleplaying of a hero’s efforts never hurts either!


SAVAGE WORLDS: SUPERS COMPANION Provoked characters subtract 2 from rolls to affect any opponent except the one who insulted him. This lasts until a Joker is drawn or someone else successfully Taunts the stern avenger. Grim also counts as a Requirement for the Menacing Edge (see Savage Worlds).


You believe in truth and justice, whatever the cost. You see things in black and white, right and wrong, which gives you great trouble in the gray areas of life. Most of the time this is a great virtue, but you struggle when deciding if a starving thief should be handed over to the law or using lethal force against someone, even if they’re about to cause great destruction and loss of life.


This is a Major Hindrance if the source is relatively common, like water or loud noise. It’s Minor if the source is fairly rare, such as classical music, radiation, or rare metals.


Even the most powerful supers lose control of their abilities from time to time. Those with this Hindrance cause more mayhem than most. Whether from lack of control, reckless abandon, or carelessness, anytime the character Critically Fails a roll to activate or use a power, it goes wildly out of control. It affects the wrong target, has the converse effect, or causes massive collateral damage. The exact effect is up to the GM based on the situation, but it should be memorable and potentially disastrous! A super must have powers that require an activation roll to take this Hindrance.

The villain has big plans and he’s the only one with the vision to see them through. The super needs to be in charge of every situation. SECRET IDENTITY (MAJOR) If there’s to be a team, he must be its leader, Only her close friends know her “civilian” and woe unto the impudent fool who tries to identity and her super alter ego. If the former make him the butt of their jokes! is ever discovered, her enemies will come The character gains no positive benefits after her at work or home. from any Command Effect, and suffers a −4 penalty on any attempt to Support another TERMINALLY ILL (MINOR/MAJOR) This unfortunate soul suffers from a terminal character’s rolls. and incurable illness. As a Minor Hindrance MONOLOGUER (MAJOR) she subtracts 1 from any roll made to resist Some villains are known for gloating over Fatigue from any source. Subtract 2 if it’s a their foes when they should be killing them, Major Hindrance. and some heroes can’t resist a chance to A Critical Failure on such a roll means things lecture or chastise evil-doers. are getting worse. If your super has the Minor Any time the character’s Action Card is a Club, version, she gets worse and her Hindrance he must make a Smarts roll at −2 or spend his becomes Major. entire turn announcing his opponents’ doom, If she already has the Major version, Critical making excuses for his failures, reveling in Failure on a Vigor roll means doom is nigh. his success, or scolding those around him The hero gains an immediate point of for their misdeeds. The verbose character Conviction but will perish this session. She may move and take free actions during his might go out in a Blaze of Glory (see page monologue but is otherwise preoccupied 34) or peacefully, surrounded by friends making his point. in their lair or in the mountains of an alien world. When your character finally passes, POWER NEGATION (MINOR/MAJOR) the other player characters gain a point of Exposure to a certain substance or condition Conviction, drawing strength from the brave robs your hero of all his super powers, death of their stalwart companion. including Edges and Traits bought with Super You may also buy off the Hindrance by Power Points. This occurs immediately when spending an Advance (reducing Major to the hero faces that condition, comes within 6” Minor or eliminating the Minor version all (12 yards) of the material, or similar situation together). Work with the GM to figure out approved by the Game Master.


Chapter One: Heroes & Villains a narrative reason for the improvement—a high-tech drug, a miracle cure, a transfusion from a unique donor, or some other storybased explanation for the character’s miraculous improvement.


Your character must undergo a fundamental change to access her powers. Maybe she has to summon mystical energy, take a pill, get injured (Shaken or Wounded), morph her body, don armor, or say a magic word. Whatever the trigger, if she can’t Transform, she can’t use her powers. As a Minor Hindrance, the character is in charge of her Transformation. She makes a Focus roll as an action and the transformation occurs. As a Major Hindrance, the transformation is more difficult. It might take an entire minute or more to transform (perhaps donning a complicated outfit or suit of armor, or transforming slowly into a

werewolf). Transformation might also occur from an external trigger beyond the character’s direct control, such as being Shaken or Wounded from a physical attack, a full moon, the sight of blood, etc. In the latter case, the hero may make a Focus roll not to Transform each round the trigger is present or occurs, if she chooses. Work with the GM if this would alter your hero’s Edges and Hindrances as well, essentially making a second character sheet once transformed.


Exposure to a certain substance is potentially fatal to your hero. With the Minor version, he’s Distracted whenever he’s within 12” (24 yards) of the substance. With the Major version, he must also make a Vigor roll or suffer a level of Fatigue that can lead to death.

MAKE VULNERABILITIES MEAN SOMETHING In the comics, Superman fights an inordinate number of villains who have access to Kryptonite or use magic, even though both are relatively rare in Metropolis. Why? Because he has great weaknesses to both and that makes the story more interesting! It has nothing to do with reality, and that’s something you should keep in mind as well. If a super in your game takes an Environmental Weakness to the Radiation Power Type, for example, some of his foes should have radiation-based Trappings. This isn’t “cheating” on the Game Master’s part—it’s her responsibility. Just like your favorite comic book heroes, their greatest villains are those who can actually threaten them. Keep in mind themes as well. Heroes whose powers are based on light are likely opposed by foes who revel in or use the darkness. Fire controllers find themselves battling villains with air or ice abilities. This doesn’t mean every villain just happens to have these abilities—see if you can come up with ways to spawn them from the hero’s own adventures or backstories. This tailors the campaign to your player characters and gives the team a real threat to consider, plan for, and roleplay. This is especially true if the player takes a Hindrance like Vulnerability or modifiers that grant discounts for vulnerabilities to specific Power Types, or those always troublesome dependents! These are only Hindrances if they actually have adverse effects now and then, after all.



POWER LEVELS Level I: Early pulp heroes or teens with developing powers. They defend their homes and neighborhoods with a few simple abilities—generally nothing too flashy that might bring unwanted attention to their friends and families. Their foes range from shadowy manipulators to grisly killers to neighborhood gang leaders. Level II: These are street fighters, veteran pulp heroes, or new supers who haven’t yet learned the extent of their abilities. They normally tackle criminals such as bank robbers and gangs who threaten towns or areas of the city. Level III: True super beings are “four color” heroes who often wear colorful costumes and are often well-known to the public. They have powerful nemeses who threaten entire cities and occasionally a nation. Villains might form evil alliances or be part of well-funded and high-tech organizations with legions of troops and deadly equipment. Level IV: Heavy Hitters are the most powerful of the planet’s heroes. They’re the first line of defense against megalomaniacal world-conquerers, invading aliens, natural disasters, and legions from Hell. Level V: At this level, the heroes are galactic guardians who can contend with cosmic threats. Most have the ability to travel and survive in deep space or on alien worlds with hostile environments. Their adventures often see them pitted against galactic warlords, threats to an entire star system, reality as we know it, or even all life itself.


Super Power Points create a balanced system for player character advancement. Nonplayer characters can be given as many Super Power Points as the GM wants, though it’s generally a good idea to maintain Power Limits (see page 10) to keep certain types of powers in theme with the campaign.


NEW EDGES Here are new Edges you can use for your supers campaign, including the main Super Powers Edge that gives a character access to the abilities found in Chapter Four.




This Edge grants characters a number of “Super Power Points” they can use to buy the super powers listed in Chapter Four. The exact number of Super Power Points player characters begin the game with depends on the Campaign Power Level, shown below, and chosen by the Game Master. If she wants to run a campaign of gritty pulp heroes or developing teen supers she might choose Power Level I. If she wants to run a cosmic campaign she might go all the way up to Power Level V. See the Power Levels sidebar for details. The Super Powers Edge should be free in most supers campaigns.


















Note: Super Power Points aren’t the same as those used for Arcane Backgrounds, and Edges that affect Power Points have no effect on Super Power Points unless the Edge specifically says otherwise.


Player characters can’t spend more than the campaign’s Power Limit on any one power. This maintains the particular flavor of a setting so neighborhood champions aren’t running at the speed of light. Use the total cost of the power after all modifiers are applied. A Level II hero who

Chapter One: Heroes & Villains starts with 30 Super Power Points and has a Power Limit of 10, for example, could buy Sonic speed for 13 points if she reduces its cost by 3 with negative modifiers such as Ungainly (−2) and a hand-held Device (−2). Power Limits never change, even if the characters get additional Power Points in some manner.


REQUIREMENTS: Novice The hero has a very potent power. Her Power Limit is half her maximum Super Power Points (round down) rather than a third (listed on the Campaign Power Level table). Heroes in a Level II campaign, for example, have 30 Super Power Points and can put at most 10 points in a single power. With this Edge, a hero could put up to 15 points in a single power.



RISING STARS Some heroes grow in power as they mature (Advance), learning to master their special abilities or even given increased power by a mentor or strange, cosmic devices. If the Game Master wants to run this type of campaign, player characters start with one or two thirds the Super Power Points listed in the campaign’s Power Level (GM’s choice) and gain additional points as they overcome obstacles and gain experience. Exactly when that occurs is up to the GM, but should eventually get them all the Power Points listed for the Campaign Power Level. Power Limits remain in effect as usual. If the partner should die or leave the campaign, the hero may, with the Game Master’s permission, choose a new team member to replace him. This should usually take place after the two train or fight together for a battle or two.

REQUIREMENTS: Seasoned, Iron Jaw, Vigor d10+ These bruisers are good at rolling with punches, lucky, or just really tough. They get a free SIDEKICK reroll on Soak rolls made to eliminate Wounds REQUIREMENTS: Wild Card, Veteran or Vigor rolls to resist Knockout Blows. In a supers setting, the Sidekick Edge (see Savage Worlds) can be taken when a super LEADERSHIP EDGES reaches Veteran Rank. TEAM LEADER Follow the usual rules, except the sidekick REQUIREMENTS: Seasoned, Command, has as many Super Power Points as his Common Bond, Natural Leader mentor’s Power Limit (but has no limit Team Leaders excel at getting people to himself). work together like the idiomatic well-oiled machine. With this Edge, all allies within her Command Range (see Leadership Edges in Savage Worlds) may exchange Bennies as if they all had the Common Bond Edge.



REQUIREMENTS: Novice, Spirit d8

The hero chooses one other specific character. When assisting this partner in a successful Combined Attack, he adds both the skill bonus to hit from Support and the extra damage for Combined Attacks (see page 29). This Edge may be taken multiple times to apply to additional allies.


CHAPTER TWO: GEAR With the advent of super-intelligent gadgeteers making all manner of hyper-advanced equipment, it’s inevitable such devices would advance the general technological state of the world as well. Indeed, there are many advanced technologies available on the black market and by certain high tech companies— if the price is right. All modern gear found in Savage Worlds can be found in most supers settings at standard prices. New gear specially tailored for supers campaigns is listed in this chapter as well. The Game Master should also decide where these items are available. Can pulse rifles be purchased at any gun store, or are they only found on the black market or in large military organizations? Very high tech or items of alien origin might be off-limits to most. Supers who possess such devices might be wanted by the authorities or have to keep it secret (or disguised). Such gizmos are also frequent targets of nefarious villains who want them for their own diabolical schemes. Supers are still usually subject to national laws unless they’ve been given special exemptions. That includes bans on fullyautomatic rifles or firearms of any type in certain nations, states, or cities. Such laws almost always include blasters, explosives, flamethrowers, and similar “military” grade weaponry.

The Game Master decides what’s legal and available in her world. Of course, vigilantes or those who operate in more gray areas may not care about the legality aspect—those types only care about meting out punishment and getting the dirty work done.

GEAR LISTS The Game Master must decide what gear is available in her setting and how common it is. Some of the devices listed on the following pages, like flying cars, nullifier rods and guns, or force field belts, don’t make sense in a gritty, Noir-style game, for example. Even in a true four-color setting, such devices might be entirely the province of villains or militaries tasked with fighting super-powered foes, and the devices just never seem to work—at least for long—for costumed types. When you create your campaign’s Gear List, you might also want to check out other resources, such as the Savage Worlds Science Fiction Companion for high tech games, the Savage Worlds Horror Companion for a campaign centered around monstrous heroes and villains, or even our Deadlands setting if you’re doing supers in the Old West!



SUPER STRENGTH & ENCUMBRANCE Use the table below to see how much weight a super can lift or carry. For Strength over d12, use the values here rather than those presented in the Gear chapter of Savage Worlds. This better reflects the incredible feats of super-powered beings from comics and films. Characters who attempt to carry weights greater than those listed for their Strength on the table below are Encumbered. They subtract 2 from Pace (minimum 1”), running rolls, Agility and all Linked skills, and Vigor rolls made to resist Fatigue. At three times the lifted weight, a hero can move at a Pace of 1 for a number of rounds equal to his Vigor. Every round thereafter he must succeed at a Vigor roll or take a level of Fatigue. The maximum weight a character can lift or carry is four times the weight listed in the Encumbrance Level column.





20 lbs


40 lbs


60 lbs


80 lbs


100 lbs


125 lbs


250 lbs


500 lbs


1,000 lbs


2,000 lbs


2 tons


4 tons


8 tons


16 tons


32 tons


64 tons


125 tons


250 tons


500 tons


1K tons




Energy Shield



Notes: A large shield (Parry +2, –1 Pace, Cover –4) charged with energy or made of special material that absorbs damage. The shield grants its user one free Soak roll against eligible attacks (see Shields below) using its inherent Focus d10 (Wild Card wielders add a Wild Die as usual). This roll must be resolved before a hero attempts to Soak on his own. Failure means the shield is out of power and must be recharged for one hour at a power source. Critical Failure means the shield is destroyed.

Auto Grapnel



Notes: Range 50 yards, supports up to 500 lbs (Size 1), and grants the swinging power.




Notes: Light amplification, high magnification. Eliminates up to 4 points of penalties from range or darkness on visual Notice rolls.

Comm Link


Notes: One mile range, or may link to radio or telephone networks.

Jet Pack



Notes: Grants flight at Pace 90 (60 MPH) with the Ungainly modifier, –1 attack penalty, for up to one hour before it must be recharged via a power source of some sort (GM’s call depending on the setting).

Smoke Grenade



Notes: Creates a cloud of dense smoke that obscures vision (–4) in a Large Blast Template. Throwing Range 5/10/20.


A shield protects against half its wielder’s opponents if attacked by multiple foes on the same Action Card (round up; defender’s call which ones). This can be ignored if the shield bearer has a superior position, such as flanked by allies with no foes behind her, blocking a doorway, corner, or narrow hallway, and so on. A shield’s Parry bonus is written in parentheses next to a character’s Parry, like this: 8 (2). This means 2 points of the character’s 8 Parry comes from a shield.

Chapter Two: Gear

ARMOR Below are the armor types commonly worn in super hero settings. Medieval and ancient armor types from the Savage Worlds core rules are available as well. Futuristic armor is only available if the setting is suitably advanced. TYPE

Body Suit










Notes: A custom-fit leather or synthetic outfit, uniform, or costume with reinforced pads over the vitals. Covers the torso, arms, and legs.

Body Armor













Notes: A ballistic vest. Torso only.

Heavy Body Armor


Notes: A heavy ballistic vest. Torso only.

Combat Armor


Notes: A full suit of light ballistic armor. Covers the torso, arms, and legs.

Heavy Combat Armor



Notes: A full suit of ballistic armor. Covers the torso, arms, and legs.

Ballistic Helm








Notes: A durable, lightweight cape securely fashioned to the hero’s neck. See Capes!, below.

*Ballistic Protection: Armor marked with an asterisk reduces the damage from bullets by 4 before taking AP values into account. “Bullets” are any physical shot fired from a firearm; typically rifled metal slugs, but GM’s call. Example: A hero in body armor (+4*) takes 20 points of damage from a bullet with AP 2. First reduce the damage to 16, then reduce the armor value by 2 and resolve the remaining damage.

CAPES! Capes impress foes and allies, but can occasionally get in the way! Short capes are purely decorative and have no game effect. Longer capes cost $50 more and are Min Str d4. They add +1 to the wearer’s Intimidation or Persuasion rolls (chosen when the cape is crafted depending on the wearer’s overall look). Opponents who attempt to grapple the wearer or perform physical Tests that involve grabbing the cape add +2 to their rolls. Large capes may also be upgraded with any or all of the options below: +2* ballistic armor, doesn’t stack with worn armor, can be bypassed with any appropriate Called Shot, and can be used like a medium shield (−2 cover, +2 Parry) if one of the wearer’s hands is free. ($500, +4 lbs.)


The cape reduces damage from fire-based attacks by 4. ($300, +2 lbs.) „ GLIDING: The hero can glide across short distances at an average Pace 6, dropping roughly 10 vertical feet for every 100 horizontal feet traveled. ($500, +4 lbs.) „ OBSCURING: The cape is large, billowing, and obfuscates the wearer’s form. Opponents subtract 1 from direct attacks against him unless he’s Bound, Entangled, or motionless. ($500, +2 lbs.) „ FIREPROOF:




CLOSE COMBAT WEAPONS All the close combat weapons listed in Savage Worlds are available in a supers campaign, plus those listed here. If the society or a particular foe is advanced enough, weapons from the Science Fiction Companion might be available as well. WEAPON












Notes: A light club typically used to subdue rather than cause permanent injury.

Net (Weighted)


Notes: A successful hit with Athletics means the target is Entangled (see Savage Worlds). The net is Hardness 10. May be thrown at a Range of 3/6/12.

Nullifier Rod





Notes: When hit, a target must make a Vigor roll (at –2 with a raise on the attack roll) or lose all super powers. At the start of the victim’s turn, he makes a Vigor roll as a free action and recovers one power of his choice with success and two with a raise until all powers are restored.






Notes: Reinforced gloves that grant +4 armor to the hands. May use the Energy Weapon, Power Weapon, or Stun Charge upgrades below. Gauntlets prevent fine manipulation with the fingers, such as firing guns, bows, using electronics, etc.

Two-Handed Mallet











Notes: Parry –1, requires two hands.

Wrist Claws

Notes: AP 2. Sturdy, sharp three-tined claws strapped to the user’s wrists. WEAPON MODIFICATIONS

A hand weapon may have any one of the modifications below. Critical Failure with any of the powered weapons below means it’s out of energy, loses its edge, etc., and no longer grants its additional function until it’s recharged or repaired (usually an hour’s worth of recharging or work with outlets or tools appropriate to the setting).

Chain/Vibro Blade: Bladed weapons, such as swords or axes, fitted with a rotating chain of small blades; or a weapon that vibrates at extremely high frequencies. Such weapons are extremely loud and add +d6 damage and AP +2 to the weapon’s basic statistics.



Energy Weapon: A weapon made of or encased by pure energy. It increases damage a die type and increases AP by +4. This does increase its Min Str requirement. Heavy Weapon.



Molecular Blade: Edged weapons with an extremely thin edge add +2 to damage and add half the weapon’s damage die type in AP (+2 AP for a d4, +4 AP for a d8, and so on).


Power Weapon: The weapon contains a burst of energy that’s released on impact, adding an additional +d6 to damage or +d10 with a raise on the attack roll.



Stun: After resolving damage, a target hit by a stun weapon must make a Vigor roll (at −2 with a raise on the attack) or be Stunned.





Chapter Two: Gear

PULSE WEAPONS “Pulse blasters” are energy weapons used by police, corporate, criminals, or supers. All versions can cause double damage by expending two shots of ammunition instead of one, but a Critical Failure means the weapon blows up, causing 3d6 damage to the user. All may cause lethal or nonlethal damage via a selector switch. WEAPON

































Notes: Power packs cost $20 and weigh .25 pounds each.






Notes: Power packs cost $20 and weigh .25 pounds each.






Notes: Heavy Weapon. Power packs cost $30 and weigh .5 pounds each.

Rifle, Assault






Notes: Min Str d6, Heavy Weapon. Power packs cost $30 and weigh .5 pounds each.

Rifle, Sniper







Notes: Heavy Weapon, Snapfire. Power packs cost $30 and weigh .5 pounds each.








Notes: Heavy Weapon, Snapfire. Power packs cost $50 and weigh one pound each. Backpacks are available that provide 200 shots, weigh 5 pounds, and cost $250.










Notes: Heavy Weapon, Snapfire. Power cores cost $500 and weigh 10 pounds. Backpacks are available that provide 96 shots, weigh 35 pounds, and cost $2000.

SPECIAL WEAPONS Below are special weapons used by police and military organizations that occasionally fall into the hands of supers and vigilantes as well. WEAPON









Foam Thrower

10/20/40 Special — 3 6 d12+2 500 $2000 Notes: This riot-control and containment weapon fills an area equal to a Small Blast Template with quick-hardening foam. Anyone in the area of effect must roll Evasion (at an additional –2 with a raise on the attack) or become Bound. The foam is permanent until a solvent is applied or destroyed (Hardness 10). For two shots per attack, the area affects a Medium Blast Template, or a Large Blast Template for 3 shots. Ammo costs $200 each and weighs four pounds.

Net Gun

5/10/20 Special — 1 1 d6 10 $500 Notes: Fires a super-strong, lightweight net. With a successful hit, the target is Entangled, or Bound on a raise. Ammo costs $400 each and weighs one pounds

Nullifier Gun

5/10/20 Special 1 4 d8 5 $15K Notes: Typically given to paramilitary forces who must deal with super beings, this weapon fires a ray that temporarily renders super powers inert. When hit, a target must make a Vigor roll (at –2 with a raise on the attack roll) or lose all super powers. At the start of the victim’s turn, he makes a Vigor roll as a free action and recovers one power of his choice with success and two with a raise until all powers are restored. Power packs (four shots) cost $100 and weigh one pound each.

Stun Grenade

5/10/20 — — 1 1 d4 1 $100 Notes: Everyone in an LBT must make a Vigor roll (at –2 with a raise on the Athletics roll) or be Stunned.

Stun Gun

10/20/40 — — 1 12 — 1 $300 Notes: When a target is hit, he must make a Vigor roll (at –2 with a raise on the Shooting roll) or be Stunned. Power packs cost $30 and weigh .25 pounds each.



SPECIAL AMMO Police forces, vigilantes, and villains have a few additional options when it comes to ammunition for their weapons. TYPE

Cape Killers





Notes: These expensive bullets are made of special, dense metals designed to penetrate the skins of super-powered individuals. They only work in firearms of .45 caliber and up. The bullets are AP 4, Heavy Weapons. They cost 10 times the usual ammo cost for the weapon and are twice as heavy.

Rubber Bullets

Notes: Nonlethal damage. Rubber or “mercy” bullets allow a standard firearm to cause nonlethal damage. They lose all AP bonuses and have the same weight and cost as the weapon’s normal rounds.


Any good super setting also features incredible vehicles, from the personal bikes, cars, and jets of the main characters to jaw-dropping helicarriers. Below are a few staples you can use as-is or as the basis for your own variants. Don’t worry too much about rules for altering them. If you want a flying bike, just use the Chieftain and decide how fast it flies! If you want to give the Mako Attack Sub a full science lab for your adventure, just do it. Heroes who truly want a custom vehicle can check the vehicles super power on page 89.








Chieftain Street Bike

1 +1 160 11 1+1 $8K “Made for Super Heroes Like You!” The Inupchuck Motor Corp manufactures this fast, durable motorcycle for street level crime fighters and other do-gooders. Notes: 50% chance attacks hit the driver or passenger rather than the bike. Though out of reach of most supers, the Chieftain can mount a single pulse Gatling on the rider’s right-hand side (see page 17). It can also mount a passenger sidecar for an extra $2000.


Chapter Two: Gear









Mako Attack Sub

9 (Huge) −1 30 27 (12) 1+11 $800K A fast, sleek sub designed to get super teams to underwater locations, attack giant sea monsters, or raid coastal locales. Notes: Heavy Armor, Submersible. Weapons: 2× Torpedo Tubes (Fixed Forward), 2× Gatling Pulse Laser (Pintle Mount when surfaced).








Juggernaut APC

7 (Large) −1 50 24 (8) 2+12 $400K An armored team or squad vehicle designed to get heroes (or villains!) to heavy combat areas. The basic model is called the Juggernaut, and is modified by various groups to suit their particular missions and themes. Notes: Amphibious, Heavy Armor. Weapons: 2× Pulse Gatling Lasers (Pintle Mounts).











Peregrine Jump Jet

8 (Huge) +1 800 18 (4) 1+5 $5M This VTOL (Vertical Take-Off and Landing) jet allows your super team to traverse the globe in style. It’s a fast comfortable ride and competent dogfighter, but should usually avoid conflicts with true fighter jets. Notes: May be fitted with linked pulse Gatlings (purchased separately) or two racks of four sidewinder missiles (see Savage Worlds), or a mix of the two.









Grizzly Battle Tank

9 (Huge) −1 50 50 (30) 4 $5M National, corporate, and private military groups use these powerful main battle tanks to devastate their foes or defend their citizens from alien overlords, galactic conquerors, and giant monsters. Notes: Heavy Armor, Tracked. Weapons: 120mm tank gun (Stabilizer), 2× Pulse Gatling Laser (Pintle Mount on turret).


Chapter Two: Gear ADVANTAGE (ROLL 1D6)

BASES Every good super hero team needs a base of operations, whether it’s a satellite station in geosynchronous orbit around the Earth, a tower in the heart of downtown, or a cave hidden on the outskirts of the city. It’s a place where the heroes can plan their next adventure, develop technology to defeat powerful foes, train for action in the field, and rest up between epic battles. Of course villains need a lair, too. Their bases might be death traps intended to lure do-gooders to their doom, secret weapon labs, hidden bases far from the prying eyes of their sworn foes, or even corporate offices where they pose as (or are!) legitimate businesses. The Game Master can simply design nonplayer character bases as she wishes, or she can empower the players to create their own during play, following the steps below. Roll an Advantage (page 21). Roll a Complication (page 22). „ STEP 3: Determine the HQ’s Form and how the super team acquires it. „ STEP 4: Add any Upgrades (page 24) the structure might already have when acquired. The player characters can guide its growth from there. „ STEP 1:

„ STEP 2:


The Advantages listed on the table below are framed in terms of typical four-color hero super teams. Use your imagination to apply them to other themes. A “Hallowed” base in a disadvantaged area, for example, doesn’t have to be a massive structure of stone and steel. It might be an old gym frequented by a beloved hero from years past, the site of some terrible tragedy or great victory, or even a building reclaimed by the neighborhood from some formidable oppressor. In all cases, “members” refers to any and all permanent team members who have free access to the base and its systems. If an individual quits or leaves the team, or if the base is destroyed, any bonus is lost.

1–Exotic Location: The base is in an unusual location, such as a space station, flying aircraft carrier, beneath a volcano, on a private island, or hidden deep below the heroes’ city. The group can decide if it’s hidden or not. A hidden base is harder for villains to find and attack, while a public base makes it easier to host friendly super teams, government officials, and other allies. 2–Hallowed: The structure or its grounds are deeply revered and respected. It may mark the site of a great battle or heroic sacrifice, hold the remains of a legendary person, or is the former home of a prestigious order or academy. Most citizens have a Friendly attitude toward any team members known to operate from its hallowed halls, and all team members start each session with an additional Benny. 3–Inspiring: Those who walk this headquarter’s halls are inspired to great deeds of selflessness and heroism. Inspiration might come from a monument to a fallen teammate, trophies from previous victories, or even amazing art or architecture that inspires the soul. All team members’ Spirit die is increased one die type. The bonus is lost when a character leaves the team. 4–Mentor: The base is managed by an exceptional individual. He or she might be a butler, a retired super hero, a beloved relative of one or more of the team, an incredibly advanced AI, an alien presence, or even a ghostly spirit. The GM should create an appropriate Wild Card character and use him or her to support the team in their adventures. At the start of each session, randomly choose one player character. Continue to do so each session until every player has been chosen once, then start again. That character may recite a brief tale of the mentor’s guidance or inspiration to gain Conviction that must be used on some action relevant to the anecdote. If the Conviction isn’t used by the end of the adventure, it’s lost.



SAVAGE WORLDS: SUPERS COMPANION 5–Powerful: The base confers power to its members. Perhaps the team has access to additional gadgets, the base lies on ley lines, or the training program is particularly intense. Level I, II, and III heroes gain +5 Super Power Points; Level IV and V level heroes gain +10 Super Power Points. These points may be applied immediately, though Power Limits still apply. Power always comes with a cost, of course. Work with the GM to create a Major Hindrance (or two Minor) everyone in the party can share. This might be a Vow to serve an entity that grants the extra power, a powerful Enemy, or a Dependent who must be protected. 6–Renowned: The base is famous for something. Perhaps it’s one of the greatest scientific labs in existence, holds a wondrous library of occult texts, or is one of the foremost training academies for super-powered individuals. All team members gain a permanent die type in a Trait of their choice. The bonus might come from exposure to scientific or occult phenomena, exceptional training equipment or tutors, or the rigorous standards the place imposes on the super team.


Complications are long-term issues with the base. The heroes might be able to resolve the matter for a while, but it eventually returns, changes, or evolves with a slight twist or change to keep the story interesting. COMPLICATION (ROLL 1D6)

1–Contested: A powerful rival wants the base for her own. She’s constantly attempting to take it by guile, force, blackmail, subterfuge, or even lawsuits! This is usually a villain, but could also be a rival super team or even an unfriendly government organization such as a jealous building inspector or other official with a petty grudge. The team gains the Enemy (Minor) Hindrance. The enemy might be powerful but only show up occasionally, or may be less powerful but more frequent in its actions.


2–Crumbling: The base is falling apart. It may be old, was built poorly, lies on a fault line, or suffered one too many attacks by superpowered beings! Doors stick, rats can be heard in the walls, computers go offline, or power fails intermittently. When rolling for Encounters, a roll of 5–9 indicates the Collapse result instead. 3–Foreboding: The structure is imposing, terrifying, a reminder of some terrible tragedy or betrayal, ugly, or perhaps located in some strange or unnatural place. Visitors are uneasy there, help is hard to find (and retain), and the world’s perception of its inhabitants is inevitably tainted. Team members have the Bad Luck Hindrance. Roll again until you get a different result if the headquarter’s Advantage is Hallowed. 4–Very Public: The headquarters’ location is well known. The public appears near daily to ask for help and it’s centered in an area likely to incur widespread collateral damage. There’s always a crowd outside, including nosy reporters, paparazzi, enemy agents, those asking for spurious help, or those who are truly in need. If the location is difficult to reach, take the Remote result instead. 5–Intruders: The headquarters is frequently invaded by creatures from other dimensions, beneath the earth, the spirit world, etc. The building may sit above an old burial ground, uncharted tunnels, or portals to another world. The foes occasionally find their way in to cause trouble, steal equipment, or even attack. They may be molemen, demons, a subterranean race, beasts from an adjacent dimension, ghosts, or a rogue AI. 6–Remote: The base is in a far removed location. It may be underground, underwater, in space, or the far reaches of the arctic. Whatever the location, travel to the base requires time or special equipment like a Teleporter Upgrade (see page 25), a boat, aircraft, or spacecraft. The GM and players should work together to figure out the exact nature of this Complication based on the team’s Power Level, resources, and setting.

Chapter Two: Gear


Now that you know a bit about the base, figure out its general form and appearance. Is it an office building in downtown Manhattan? A cave hidden deep beneath a mansion? A space station? Whatever it is, it’s large enough to accommodate the team’s personal quarters, mess, meeting rooms, and any Upgrades (page 24). If the team later expands their base so that the current description no longer makes sense, the GM and players can describe an expansion, they can move to a new facility, or whatever else fits narratively. This is a perfect opportunity for villains to infiltrate, by the way!


Next decide how the heroes came by their base. Were they gifted it by a wealthy patron? Tasked with running it by some authority? Does it belong to one of the characters? Do they have to complete some goal to acquire it? Does it come with an obligation of some sort? Don’t worry about the “cost” of the base. Decide what makes sense for the group and their environment and use it as an opportunity to emphasize the flavor of the setting. If the heroes are an up and coming team fighting for respect, for example, maybe they have to take space in a run-down part of town. If the team is beloved by the city, maybe a wealthy patron gifts them an office right in the heart of downtown. Both reinforce the feel of the

game and even create new adventure ideas. What do the heroes have to do to earn respect? Does the patron expect something in return? Villains might take their structure from someone. Or they might need to steal cash or special items to establish their lair.


Modern structures require mundane services such as electricity, internet, water, and so on. Large bases also need help with the day to day operations—loyal butlers, personal assistants, or even robotic servants. The players and GM should work together to understand and record the basics, naming any important staff members and giving them a few unique personality traits to make them memorable and unique. (You can use the Allied Personalities table in Savage Worlds for inspiration.) The cost to maintain the base isn’t something the players and Game Master should normally track. Such matters might create adventures, however! Perhaps a sinister villain sets out to ruin his rivals’ finances so they have to vacate or sell their building. Or a shortfall forces them to take a distasteful mission they’d otherwise pass on. Villains might be forced to hit a lucrative but well-guarded target, or team up with rivals they wouldn’t normally consider. Use the maintenance and upkeep of the team’s base to create drama and roleplaying situations. Don’t worry about counting dollars and cents—that’s not very heroic!




Bases consist of personal living quarters, kitchens, meeting rooms, showers, and other basic areas by default. Anything else is an “Upgrade.” When the group earns an Advance, they may also add any one of the Upgrades below to their lair. It’s up to the team to figure out what to do if they can’t agree on which Upgrade to take! Encounters: Owning a super base has a price! Whenever you Upgrade your base, roll on the Encounters table on page 25. ROOM UPGRADES

Advanced Firewalls: Modern settings only. The team’s electronics are protected by advanced firewalls or protective software that make them very difficult to hack. Any foe attempting to break into their systems subtracts 8 from their Hacking rolls, and failure automatically signals all available team members to the attempted intrusion. Base Defenses: The base’s entrances have automated turrets equipped with either stun guns or pulse Gatling lasers (team’s choice). If this Upgrade is taken a second time, they cover each other Upgraded room as well. The exact nature of the defenses should be a discussion between the players and Game Master, but is intended to be a typical comic book style approach and not overly complicated or complex. Brig: Prisoners are kept in these advanced security cells. Various methods, from built-in nullifier rays to character-specific weaknesses to tranquilizer beds, ensure all but the heaviest hitters can be kept here until handed over to the proper authorities. Command Center: This upgrade makes the heroes’ central gathering area a cutting edge command center. In a modern supers campaign, it adds interactive holographic maps linked to global satellites, advanced scanners that can detect different kinds of energy, and state-of-the-art communications arrays. Adjust this for the time period as needed. In the pulp era, for example, the command center might add a bank of wireless radios, international telegraphs, and pneumatic tube systems linked directly to the press, personal contacts, or local authorities. Besides narrative and operational functions, the Command Center adds +2 to Research rolls if the information can be found in this way (GM’s call). Exotic Location: The base is in an unusual location, such as a space station, flying aircraft carrier, beneath a volcano, on a private island, or hidden deep below the heroes’ city. The group can decide if it’s hidden or not. Either decision has its own story-based consequences on the campaign. A hidden base is harder for villains to find and attack, while a public base makes it easier to host friendly super teams, government officials, and other allies. If the heroes already have a base when they choose this Upgrade they must relocate. Maybe that occurs after a titanic battle that levels their previous home. Monument: This Upgrade may only be taken after a team member falls! A monument in a prominent location in the base recounts her achievements and final sacrifice. Every member of the super team increases their Spirit one die type permanently. This may only be taken once, no matter how many monuments are eventually installed. Hidden Entrance: Whether it’s the main entrance or a secret back door, the base has a secure method that its members and even its vehicles can enter and exit discreetly. The portal might be a long corridor leading far from the building or cave, a secret elevator into the local subway network, or even a tunnel that runs into a lake or ocean (or opens up out of it). Medical Center: The team has a full hospital with advanced life-saving equipment. Add +2 to Healing rolls made to treat patients here. Occult Library: Masters of mystic arts can consult the rare tomes kept within this powerful library. Those allowed to access these texts add +2 to their Occult rolls. Science Lab: The base has an advanced workshop, laboratory, or research room that adds +2 to any Science or relevant Research rolls made within.


Chapter Two: Gear Security Team: The base has five security agents (design them yourself or use SPCR profile on page 101) to protect it from infiltration and assault. The squad may be taken on missions if desired, but this is generally frowned upon as it often results in their harm—they aren’t supers, after all! This Upgrade may be taken more than once to gain an additional team or give all existing teams one Advance. Self-Sufficient: The base has its own water source, generator, food-stores, oxygen (if necessary), and other critical life-support systems. The team can survive within for up to 90 days even if cut off from the outside. Teleporter: In appropriate high-tech or magical settings, and with the GM’s approval, the base has a teleporter room that can send up to ten people at a time to any known location on the planet. Taken a second time, it can teleport the team to any known location in the universe. Taken a third time, it can transport them to any place in the multiverse. The teleporter requires a minute to recharge between uses and an Electronics roll by a user or an automated system (d10 Electronics). Failure means the team arrives 2d10 miles from their chosen destination, and a Critical Failure means they arrive at a completely different location—perhaps an “off world” adventure of the Game Master’s choosing or even another setting! Training Room: In a high-tech setting, the room can project hard-light holograms of traps, villains, and other foes to keep the heroes in tip-top shape. In earlier eras, the training room consists of androids, robots, mechanical traps, and even hired opposition to hone the team’s battle skills. The brutal training grants all team members +1 Toughness. Trophy Room: The heroes dedicate a room to relics of their most memorable adventures. This Upgrade may be taken up to three times, representing new trophies that add a Benny to a special team pool. When this Upgrade is implemented, and at the start of each session afterward, the players should take turns being in charge of the pool. The player with this role can hand out these Bennies at any time, granting them as she thinks appropriate to her teammates (and even nonplayer characters). Vehicles: Each time this Upgrade is taken grants the heroes Chieftain bikes for each team member, a Juggernaut APC, a Peregrine Jump Jet (see Vehicles on page 18), or a custom super vehicle (see page 89). Vehicle Bay: The heroes have a dedicated vehicle bay that adds +2 to vehicle Repair rolls.




Every time your group Upgrades the base, roll on the Encounter table below. As always, the Game Master should customize details for her world and the super team’s particular backgrounds and adventures. ENCOUNTER (ROLL 1D20)

1—Double Trouble: Roll twice and apply both results! 2–8—No Encounter: This time! 9—Mysterious Portal: A strange portal leads to another dimension. Maybe something out, or maybe the heroes can go in—perhaps even visiting another Savage World! 10–Rampage: A giant monster (or monsters) terrorize the city—and the team’s base is directly in its path! Perhaps the creatures were driven from some underground world and aren’t truly destructive, or maybe they’re being manipulated by some insidious villain. 11–Attack: Super villains attack the team’s base. This might be a frontal assault, an attack via “Trojan Horse,” or even a betrayal of some sort. 12–Collapse: Some part of the base collapses. An Upgrade, chosen randomly, is lost in a bizarre accident, finally crumbles from previous damage, or is the target of a super villain attack. When the team takes their next Upgrade, the damaged Upgrade is repaired as well. 13–Shortfall: The team’s finances are at a crisis level for some reason. Maybe it’s only a temporary state, but they must raise funds by taking on some sort of task from a disagreeable source to keep the base afloat. 14–Secret Identity: The secret identity of a team member is threatened. Maybe a street camera near the base catches the alter-ego entering or leaving, a villain taps into the security system, an ex-romantic interest is angry or jealous, or a citizen happens to be filming a fight with a super villain when the super’s mask is torn or ripped off. 15–Hostile Government: The mayor, governor, or some other powerful figure or authority has a beef with the heroes. The authority tries to make the team’s life difficult by slowing construction (Upgrades), filing complaints for violating noise ordinances, or riling up the public by pointing out the financial and physical hazard the base poses for the locals. This might lead to a Social Conflict in court—and perhaps uncover the nefarious involvement of a villain as well. 16–Catastrophe: A natural or man-made disaster threatens their base and the area around it. It might be an earthquake or tornado, a battle between extremely powerful supers, an attack on a nearby power center, or an accident at a nearby high-tech lab (secret or otherwise). 17–Local Trouble: The locals have a problem with the super group or one of its members. One or more of them have complained to the authorities, filed a lawsuit, or is making terrible accusations in the press of some troublesome wrongdoing. The authorities might be friendly to the heroes, but the locals, led by one or two troublemakers, are adamant about chasing the “freaks” out of their neighborhood. 18–Trophy Trouble: One of the team’s trophies is cursed, haunted, bugged, comes to life, or otherwise causes trouble. Maybe the giant T-Rex statue comes to life, the ghost of a dead foe manifests from his costume display and attacks as an ethereal being, or possesses one of the staff and sabotages the team’s vehicles. Whatever the encounter, the source is some item the team has kept, either to use, as a trophy, or just to keep out of the hands of others. It must be discovered and destroyed to stop the trouble. 19–Interview: A local reporter wants to visit the base and interview one or more of the team members. If this result comes up a second time, a national reporter wants the scoop. Give each player an interview question or two—friendly if they’re in good standing, or “gotcha” style if they’ve recently had trouble or made an enemy with the media. 20–Celebration: A grateful city, fan-group, or even the government sincerely want to thank the heroes for their efforts. They throw a celebration including interviews, speeches, and interaction with common folks. Let each player narrate an Interlude about her experience at the celebration (don’t draw for topics—let each player choose).


Chapter Two: Gear


Advantage (Exotic Location): The players roll an exotic location and decide that since they want to take missions all over the world they’ll need a mobile base. They brainstorm a bit and decide their headquarters is a massive aircraft called Barrage. The Doom Guard sometimes asks for aid against existential threats from powerful super villains, so while the existence of Barrage is well-known its specific location is kept secret between missions. Complication (Contested): Barrage was built to face an alien invasion by a coalition of governments and massive corporations. After the invasion, ownership has been contested by all involved and the Doom Guard must be wary of rival powers or super groups appearing to claim ownership. Form (Aircraft): The group has already determined the base is an aircraft. They elaborate further and decide on some details: The A-1290 is a heavily modified airbus that uses state-of-the-art technology. The Barrage combines stealth technology, vertical take-off and landing capability, and the ability to enter low earth orbit to get the Doom Guard anywhere on the planet. While not in flight, the Barrage uses a series of secret locations to make repairs, refuel, and await news of the next existential threat to the planet. While most of the technology on board was provided by trusted allies, one of the Doom Guard’s most recent missions required the incorporation of tech from the criminal OGRE. From time to time, the active team must hunt down the warmonger so he can repair the systems he installed.


„ PILOT: Carl Moreno’s gift for creative profanity seems to be directly tied to his piloting

skills. Thankfully he is unsurpassed at both. „ HEAD MECHANIC: Amy Allen Anders is best known for her ability to fix any problem. She’s prone to “creative” fixes none of her mechanics can understand. „ CHEF: For the first three months it was active, everyone assumed the Barrage had some sort of automated system for producing food. But team members periodically report seeing a short man wearing a chef’s hat carrying a tray of food down one of the craft’s cramped hallways. Several attempts to interact with him have been attempted, but “Chef” just seems to disappear before he can be confronted. Real or not, food on the Barrage is excellent.


Upgrade (Occult Library): After completing a mission to stop a group of cultists, the players Advance and choose the Occult Library upgrade. Ranging from Ascension of the Old Gods to Zur’klugh Vralh-Nhughpft, this new library provides the Doom Guard’s members with a key new resource in their fight against supernatural evil.


After the Upgrade, the GM rolls for an Encounter and gets a 15—Hostile Government. The GM decides to combine the next mission of his campaign—a remnant of the cult survives in a remote location deep in the Siberian wastes—with an assault by the Russian government! As the Russians are one of the nations that claim ownership of Barrage, the Doom Guard must avoid their high-tech detection network to land in Siberia and defeat the cult before they summon an ancient evil. At the climax of the battle, a Russian super group arrives to fight for possession of Barrage. Can the Doom Guard defend their ship from the supers while finishing off the cult and its monstrous champion? Or can they perhaps convince their rivals of a truce, quickly gaining the upper hand against the ancient thing even now rising from the snow?


CHAPTER THREE: SETTING RULES This chapter is filled with options to make combat feel more like the pages of your favorite comic books and movies and Setting Rules appropriate for different sub-types of supers adventures.



COMIC BOOK COMBAT These options capture some of the core tropes of supers combat, whether from comics, movies, series, or animated shows.

The following rules already exist in Savage COMBINED ATTACKS Worlds but are now defined by the following Heroes and villains can combine their powers terms: for truly spectacular results. This works Limited Actions: Some actions require just like the usual Support rules except the greater concentration. A character may only Supporting character may enhance his ally’s perform one limited action on their turn, skill total or damage—though he must choose whether it’s the same or different actions. which before rolling. A limited action may be part of a MultiIf the latter option is chosen, success adds +2 Action as usual. to the ally’s damage total and a raise adds +4. Limited Free Actions: Like limited actions, A group of supers who need to take down a a character may only perform one limited big foe can Support a teammate to really deal free action per turn, whether it’s the same or a powerful blow! different action. Example: Gabe combines his high-tech blaster Limited free actions allow supers to with Red’s fire attack. He decides to boost Red’s activate certain powers quickly and easily damage, rolls Shooting as a Support roll, gets while limiting them from turning on and off a raise, and adds +4 to her damage. infinitely throughout their turn.


After all modifiers are accounted for, the maximum penalty to affect or hit something is −10. Similarly, a character’s maximum Parry bonus is +10 from all sources (not counting the base derived Parry from Fighting).





player rolls 9” (18 yards). This sends the dinoman into a brick building, which causes another 2d6+9 damage from the impact!

Heroes and villains in comic books are often knocked across the street, hurled into the air, or even blasted across the city. POWER STUNTS Any time a character takes damage that Heroes and villains of comics and film often would propel him in dramatic, comic book use their powers in new and creative ways. fashion—such as a punch or energy blast but This isn’t just a fun gimmick, it’s a critical probably not a sword slash or bullet (GM’s aspect of creative problem solving inherent call)—he takes “Knockback.” to adventure tales. Here’s how we handle it The damage needed to cause Knockback in Savage Worlds. depends on the victim’s Scale: Every power stunt costs a Benny and must make narrative sense in some way. This KNOCKBACK THRESHOLD grants the character one use of an Instant power such as ranged attack; or three rounds DAMAGE TARGET’S SCALE THRESHOLD of a passive power like armor. Small or Tiny 10 Different stunts may be combined, but each effect still costs a Benny. A hero could Push Normal 20 and Interrupt at the same time, for example, Large 30 for two Bennies. Huge





When a character causes Knockback, he may Distance: Knockback propels a target 1d6” use this Power Stunt to aim his foe in any if the threshold is met and an additional direction he chooses. 1d6” per 10 full points of damage above the If you’re using miniatures or pawns, threshold. A Normal scale villain hit for 37 remember that characters in the game world points of damage, for example, is propelled aren’t static. Even if a hero punches a villain 2d6”. facing one way on the tabletop, he might just Characters who are Knocked Back must as easily move around him and punch him make an Athletics roll at −2 or end up Prone. the other way in the game. Collisions: Victims fly in a direct line away from the attacker. If the victim hits a ALL OUT ATTACK significant obstacle such as a building, hill, or The hero puts everything she has into one other solid object, he takes 2d6 damage plus desperate strike. She may spend a Benny to the Knockback distance. A villain who hits a change the damage dice from damage field, wall and was knocked back 4”, for example, explode, melee attack, or ranged attack from d6s to d10s. takes 2d6+4 damage. Characters in the victim’s path get an Evasion roll. If failed, both individuals take damage as if hitting an obstacle. Soaking: Ignore Knockback if the target Soaks all Wounds or Shaken results. Otherwise apply the full effects, even if some of the Wounds are Soaked. Example: T-Rex is Large, so he ignores Knockback unless he takes at least 30 points of damage. Firebird blasts him for a whopping 42 damage. That’s over 30, so T-Rex goes flying even though he Soaks all but one of the Wounds. 42 damage is 10 points above T-Rex’s threshold so he’s Knocked Back 2d6”. Firebird’s



Sometimes a fire blaster needs to douse a foe in water, or a hulking bruiser needs to shock a robotic threat. This stunt allows a creative character to do so by temporarily changing an ability’s Power Type. How she does so is up to the circ*mstances and environment and always requires the Game Master’s approval. A fiery blast, for example, might be used to destroy a fire hydrant and douse a target in water— changing the Power Type from Fire to Water. Or a fire-blaster might “burn away the oxygen” from a foe to change the Power Type

Chapter Three: Setting Rules from Fire to Air. A super with energy control (Electricity) might amplify a nearby police siren to change her Power Type to (Sonic).


A news reporter covering the titanic fight between supers is knocked off the edge of the skyscraper to her doom or a bomb is about to explode. Your hero has the ability to save lives but has already acted this turn. What’s a hero to do? The Interrupt power stunt allows a super to take an immediate turn just as if she were on Hold. If she hasn’t acted yet this round, she discards her Action Card, is Distracted, and is now on Hold. She may then act (and attempt to interrupt if needed) as usual. If she has already acted this round, she’s Distracted and Vulnerable then on Hold.


This stunt allows a hero to use one of her powers as if it were another. To do so, she picks a “new” power based off one of her existing abilities and describes how it’s used to gain the effects of another. The number of Super Power Points in the temporary power must be equal to or less than the campaign’s Power Limit. A Level I super can mimic up to 5 points of a super power, for example, while a Cosmic hero can mimic up to 25 Super Power Points. Here are a few examples of how a power might be used to mimic another: • A character with a ranged attack (fire) cauterizes an injury by mimicking healing. • A brute with super attribute (Strength) slams his hands together to stun a foe. • A character with swinging and a web trapping spins a parachute. The GM decides this gives him three rounds of flight and lets him land safely on the ground.

brilliant white flame to distract those around her. Or a brute might throw a chunk of concrete into the middle of a crowd to rattle them. Overawe allows a super to perform a single powers-based Test on every foe in a Large Blast Template. The template may be placed anywhere within Range of whatever power she’s using. Use whatever skill is appropriate (Focus, Shooting, etc.) Targets resist the Test individually.


The super temporarily increases any one power by up to five Super Power Points. This may exceed the usual Power Limit if the GM feels it’s appropriate to the setting.


This stunt allows a character to temporarily reconfigure any of her powers as long as the overall cost remains the same (or lower). She might swap out a 3 point Smash modifier from a melee attack for six points of Armor Piercing (1 Power Point per 2 AP), for example.


Sometimes a character needs to impress or dazzle a large group of enemies with an intense or focused display of her powers. A fire blaster, for example, might surge with




Use the standard rules for Improvised Weapons in Savage Worlds if a character has d12+2 Strength or less, or when throwing standard Improvised Weapons (see Savage Worlds). More powerful characters can use much larger and heavier objects to bash their enemies! Use the tables below to determine the damage such objects cause and how far they can be thrown. These hasty weapons generally fall apart after a single use (GM’s call), and are always considered Heavy Weapons. Stacking: When wielded as a hand weapon, this damage stacks with the melee attack power to a maximum of 5d6.





See Savage Worlds for standard Improvised Weapons

I (Up to 400 lbs)




II (Up to 2 tons)




III (Up to 8 tons)




IV (Up to 32 tons)






In Weight Class


One Weight Class lower


Two Weight Classes lower


Three or more Weight Classes lower


Example: Gabe’s Strength is d12+6. He can throw a typical car (about 2 tons) for Str+3d6 damage at a Range of 3/6/12 since it’s in his Weight Class. A typical motorcycle is one Weight Class lower, so he could throw it for Str+2d6 damage at a Range of 5/10/20.


Improvised weapons affect an area equal to the size of the object. For objects with listed scales (like vehicles), assume a Large item affects a Small or Medium Blast Template. A Huge object can be represented by one or two (overlapping) Large Blast Templates. Gargantuan objects must be handled on an individual basis. Ultimately, the Game Master must use the size, angle of attack, and any other relevant factors to determine the area affected and which foes take the brunt of the attack. Don’t worry about having an exact template—items hit or land at awkward angles sometimes anyway. The GM may apply other weapon abilities based on the properties of each improvised weapon. For example, a street lamp might grant Reach based on its length. Thrown items of these sizes use all the rules for Area Effect attacks and may be Evaded.



Chapter Three: Setting Rules


Sometimes a power might work particularly well in a given situation, or in tandem with another power. A character doused by a water controller, for example, might take additional damage from an electrical attack. A villain subjected to a particularly personal and terrifying illusion might suffer a penalty when resisting the fear power. Positive synergy occurs if two powers affect a target in the same round and would narratively combine in some way to create a larger end result. The first power works as usual. The second gains a +2 bonus to the skill roll and any resulting damage. If the power is resisted, the target resists at −2 instead. Negative synergy occurs when two powers or effects should stifle each other, such as when fiery blasts hit a target who’s just been doused by water. This reduces the attacker’s skill roll and damage by 2, or adds +2 to the target’s resistance. Synergy is separate from Support rolls, and stacks with it in appropriate situations.


Certain environments might increase or reduce a power’s effectiveness as well. A hero with a plant-based ranged attack might get a bonus if he’s in a lush jungle or a magical arboretum. A super might also suffer penalties if she finds herself in an adverse environment, such as a water controller in the desert or a fire blaster in a heavy rain. In extreme situations, the penalty may be greater or it may even be impossible to use a power, such as an earth-based ranged attack that relies on throwing rocks or concrete when no projectiles are available, or attempting to shoot fire in a vacuum. The bonus or penalty applies to all uses of the affected Power Types, including Tests.




The hero is beaten and bloodied but will live to fight another day. He must choose one of the following results: • Go out in a Blaze of Glory (see above). In comic books, heroes and villains are often • Roll on the Injury Table in Savage Worlds. defeated but seldom perish. This option The injury is permanent. reflects a more narrative fate for those super• Lose one step in an Attribute. powered individuals who fall in battle. • Lose an Edge. When a hero is Incapacitated by lethal • Gain a Major Hindrance, perhaps damage, he makes an immediate Vigor roll reflecting a permanent mental or physical and checks the results below (don’t use the injury from the fight. regular Incapacitation rules in Savage Worlds). „ CRITICAL FAILURE: The character is not Incapacitated but instead goes out in a Blaze of Glory (see below). „ FAILURE: The hero is Incapacitated and Defeated (see below). Super heroes and villains are notoriously „ SUCCESS: The character is Incapacitated hard to kill—sometimes you just can’t crack and Injured. Roll on the Injury Table in that armor or break that impenetrable skin. Savage Worlds. The Injury goes away once If this option is in play, helpless supers are all Wounds are healed. immune to Finishing Moves (attackers still „ RAISE: The character is Incapacitated, get the Drop on them though). but a Healing roll at −2 gets him up and fighting on the next round (with all his Wounds as usual).




Great heroes and villains should have memorable and desperate dooms. When a hero Critically Fails her Vigor roll due to Incapacitation, she’s awarded a point of Conviction. On her next turn, she ignores all Wound and Fatigue penalties, acts normally, then perishes—hopefully having taken out some of her adversaries or accomplished a significant goal with her sacrifice. (Of course the Game Master may always work with the player to simply narrate some dramatic and purposeful end rather than gaming it out.) Death isn’t usually permanent in comics. If the player and Game Master want the hero to come back, she can—perhaps transformed with new or altered powers. With the GM’s permission, you may alter a returning character’s profile or create it from scratch. Such a return should be suitably melodramatic. Exactly when and how this happens is up to the GM and the player, but it should be a significant and memorable event in the campaign.



Super-powered characters often have faults and responsibilities as great as their incredible powers. They may take one additional Major Hindrance during character creation, and use the additional points normally.

MEGA DESTRUCTION Best used at Power Level III and higher, Mega Destruction means combat between supers wreaks terrible havoc on the landscape. Anytime a super-powered being is Knocked Back into a building, at least part of it collapses. If a brutish villain hurls a chunk of concrete at a hero and misses, it plows through buses, cars, and entire traffic jams with terrible results. In a lighter game, innocents are seen limping away in clouds of rubble. In darker games, civilian casualties are innumerable.

Chapter Three: Setting Rules Mega Destruction has massive campaign consequences for heroes if they don’t try to maneuver their foes away from populated areas. Terrible tragedies often trigger government intervention or gain the attention of powerful extraplanar or divine beings or agencies. Villains may take advantage of this, knowing heroes must be extremely careful with their powers if battling in the middle of crowded city streets.

Dynamic hand-to-hand combat is the bread and butter of comic book characters! Ignore the Unarmed Defender rule that normally gives an attacker armed with a melee weapon +2 to hit an unarmed foe (see Combat Options in Savage Worlds).



Incapacitated Wild Cards are dealt Action Cards as usual during a fight, though Edges like Quick and Level Headed or Hindrances like Hesitant don’t apply. If dealt a Joker, the fallen hero immediately regains consciousness and returns to the fight Shaken. Wounds and Injuries remain in full effect, but he stabilizes if he was Bleeding Out.

The montage occurs only once in a campaign, typically after a major defeat. Sometime soon after, the GM may work with the players to describe a “training montage.” Tell a story of the trials each character goes through— perhaps how the heroes fail at first but gradually work through their struggles— then award them all +5 Super Power Points. These may be spent on new or expanded powers. If a new character joins the team, she may gain the points by spending a point of Conviction to fully become “part of the team.”





Villains gain Conviction any time they Incapacitate, or capture an important character (GM’s call, but always includes player characters), accomplish some significant part of their scheme, or undergo a major tragedy or triumph. In the course of play, this means villains gain Conviction as they accomplish their goals, kidnap Dependents, make off with treasures, or destroy some hated target—even if it’s “off-camera.” That lets them start a scene with Conviction, which is another incentive the heroes have for thwarting their plans. This should usually be visible to the players when they encounter the villain so they know what they’re up against.

The player characters have Bennies, Conviction, and even Adventure Cards to help them in their epic struggles—and the ability to earn more through great roleplaying. Villains get Bennies, but at a much slower rate, and while they can be given Conviction if the Game Master desires, it’s not something they earn quite as easily as player characters. This Setting Rule reinforces that villains do, in fact, get Conviction, helps the Game Master understand when to award it to them, and adds a powerful new ability to even the VILLAINOUS EFFECTS Villains gain one additional effect when they odds against meddling caped crusaders. play Conviction besides the usual d6 bonus Note: Villainous Conviction applies to the to their actions and damage (see Savage heroes if the player characters are the villains, Worlds)—they become Unstoppable (see page such as in our Necessary Evil setting! 97)! This helps even lone villains last a bit longer against those annoying super teams.


Chapter Three: Setting Rules


It’s okay to let your villains be destructive for the sake of mayhem itself, but any significant or long-term threat should have a more relatable motivation. Everyone is the hero of their own story, after all. „ SETTING RULES: Born a Hero (SW), Comic Book Combat (SPC), Conviction (SW), Creative Combat (SW), Death & Defeat (SPC), Fanatics (SW), High Adventure (SW), Larger than Life (SPC), Mega Destruction (SPC), More Skill Points (SW), Never Surrender (SPC), No Finishing Moves (SPC), Throwdown (SPC), Villainous Conviction (SPC), Wound Cap (SW)

Not all super hero settings are alike. Marvel’s main titles like Avengers and Fantastic Four generally have a traditional four-color style, but other series are much darker, such as Moon Knight when he battles his own inner demons or Daredevil’s when blackmailed and disgraced by the ruthless Kingpin. DC’s iconic Superman and Justice League comics also embrace the four-color feel, but Batman’s Gotham is brooding and grim. Mark Millar’s “Millarworld” series, such COSMIC as Kick-Ass or Jupiter’s Legacy, are cynical Best for Power Levels 4–5 and bloody, and Robert Kirkland’s Invincible blends the tropes of the traditional four-color Cosmic comic tales take place in space and on alien worlds. The protagonists should with shocking scenes of ultra-violence. definitely take the spacer power (page 83), The Savage Worlds Supers Companion or risk relying on their allies or equipment to allows you to reinforce those tropes with help them survive, move, and function in the Setting Rules, picking and choosing those vast depths of space. that make sense for a particular style or feel. The vacuum should be a threat in cosmic We’ve recommended those most commonly campaigns, but tropes are inspired by real associated with each genre below, but you physics rather than drawn from them. should absolutely pick and choose those that fit your world. Alien worlds are often singular in their In parentheses after each Setting Rule is environment—at least in the parts the story where it comes from, either the core Savage takes place. One planet might be an ice Worlds rules (SW) or the Super Powers world, another a galactic arena, and another a steaming jungle filled with terrifying Companion (SPC). dinosaurs. Planets are tropes—almost “FOUR COLOR” characters in their own right, and present threats and creatures just strong enough to Best for Power Levels 3–5 challenge the characters or drive them toward The “Four Color” style is the classic super their goals. hero feel found in the most popular DC and Cosmic villains are often very powerful. It Marvel comics. Characters are larger than life with an occasional sense of serious purpose, takes more than a criminal gang to travel and the laws of physics bend to fit the whims the space lanes, after all. Asmodeus and the minions of Stygia are good enemies (page of the story. 104), as are armies of barbaric aliens of your Villains range from collaborations of own design, enhanced with enough super like-minded cretins to bank robbers to powers to present a challenge to the heroes. evil conquerors bent on taking over a You might use some of the devices or ships neighborhood, city, or even the world. Some are melodramatic megalomaniacs but most from the Science Fiction Companion, but are after something personal, such as a cure remember that super hero settings tend to for some terrible condition (theirs or a loved focus on big stories and action rather than the one’s), vengeance for some perceived wrong, minutiae of buying and maintaining a ship. ultra technology, or even to change the world In these tales, the ship is a way to get to the action rather than an end in and of itself as it in a way they think is better. often is in scifi.



Book Combat (SPC), Conviction (SW), Creative Combat (SW), Death & Defeat (SPC), Fanatics (SW), High Adventure (SW), Larger than Life (SPC), Mega Destruction (SPC), More Skill Points (SW), Multiple Languages (SW), Never Surrender (SPC), No Finishing Moves (SPC), Throwdown (SPC), Villainous Conviction (SPC), Wound Cap (SW)


Best for Power Levels 1–2

of their own, and are attended by mighty captains and terrible monsters or mounts. Fantasy supers settings often focus on rare artifacts and magical items as well. Such devices are rarely common or prolific like in a typical fantasy campaign, but instead are world-altering relics the villains want to control and the heroes must keep from them. „ SETTING RULES: Born a Hero (SW), Comic Book Combat (SPC), Conviction (SW), Creative Combat (SW), Death & Defeat (SPC), Fanatics (SW), High Adventure (SW), Larger than Life (SPC), Mega Destruction (SPC), Multiple Languages (SW), Never Surrender (SPC), No Finishing Moves (SPC), Throwdown (SPC), Unarmored Hero (SW), Villainous Conviction (SPC), Wound Cap (SW)

Gritty tales of pulp action, crime, or even “super hero” noir can be incredibly exciting and different for players looking for a twist on the supers genre. These settings work best for supers who fight ruthless street-level thugs, like the HORROR Shadow or the Green Hornet. They also work particularly well in earlier eras, such as the Best for Power Levels 1–3 ‘20s through ‘40s, where the authorities have Horror comics typically feature monstrous difficulty communicating with each other protagonists. The Tomb of Dracula, Werewolf by across cities, are corrupt, or there’s some Night, Man-Thing, Swamp Thing, Ghost Rider, other reason the vigilantes must take things Vampirella, and similar titles are all excellent into their own hands. examples of this style. Enemies are usually criminal gangs, Heroic horror stories are most often about insidious manipulators, or weird threats from redemption or recovering the protagonist’s afar such as foreign gangs or even covert alien mortal form. An undead being might want invaders. to taste food again, or feel the touch of her „ SETTING RULES: Born a Hero (SW), Comic lover. A swamp creature may want to shed its Book Combat (SPC), Conviction (SW), mossy flesh and return to the regular world. Creative Combat (SW), Death & Defeat Or a werewolf may seek to redeem herself for (SPC), Fanatics (SW), Gritty Damage (SW), some past misdeed of terrible carnage. Hard Choices (SW), High Adventure (SW), The villains are often hunters, misguidedly Larger than Life (SPC), Never Surrender trying to kill the monsters; or other villains (SPC), Throwdown (SPC) looking to learn the horror’s secrets so they can weaponize it or grant themselves the FANTASY monster’s powers. Suitable for All Power Levels See the Savage Worlds Horror Companion for Thor, Kamandi, Warlord, and even the comic other useful gear, Setting Rules, and threats. book versions of Edgar Rice Burroughs’ „ SETTING RULES: Born a Hero (SW), Comic John Carter series feature fantastic worlds Book Combat (SPC), Conviction (SW), dominated by powerful individuals. Creative Combat (SW), Death & Defeat These tales are about exotic locations, (SPC), High Adventure (SW), Larger mysterious forces, and great wars between than Life (SPC), Mega Destruction (SPC), realms. The heroes are swept up in the tale Never Surrender (SPC), Throwdown and must lead armies and/or battle hordes of (SPC), Wound Cap (SW) rampaging foes. Enemies are powerful warlords, deadly sorcerers, vampire queens, or other legendary individuals. They have fantastic abilities


Chapter Three: Setting Rules



Best for Power Levels 3–5

Suitable for all Power Levels

Ultra-violent comics like Kick-Ass, Invincible, The Boys aren’t usually gory just for the sake of shock. At their best, they often explore themes like what a world of god-like, superpowered beings would be like. How would the law respond to such beings? How would the public respond? Would they have corporate endorsem*nts? What would the collateral damage really be like? Wouldn’t a battle between titans destroy a city and cost thousands of lives? These ideas should feature as prominently in the campaign as the villains. In fact, the villains are probably a secondary threat compared to staying clear of the law, governments, national military forces, or even worse—the hazards of social media! „ SETTING RULES: Born a Hero (SW), Comic Book Combat (SPC), Conviction (SW), Hard Choices (SW), High Adventure (SW), Larger than Life (SPC), Mega Destruction (SPC), More Skill Points (SW), Never Surrender (SPC), Throwdown (SPC)

Movies like Sky High, We Can Be Heroes, Zoom: Academy for Supers, Mystery Men, and other tongue-in-cheek movies about superpowered individuals combine a healthy amount of humor with a rise from the bottom rung of the super-powered community to the eventual top. The path is likely difficult, filled with setbacks in combat and far more importantly socially, and presents challenges to the group’s reputation and self-esteem as much as their physical well-being. „ SETTING RULES: Comic Book Combat (SPC), Conviction (SW), Creative Combat (SW), Death & Defeat (SPC), Dumb Luck (SW), Fanatics (SW), Mega Destruction (SPC), Never Surrender (SPC), Throwdown (SPC), Villainous Conviction (SPC), Wound Cap (SW)


CHAPTER FOUR: POWERS On the following pages are dozens of powers for daring heroes and nefarious villains, along with modifiers that allow you to create thousands of super abilities—or an infinite number if you consider their Trappings and Power Types! Here’s how to read and use each power’s description: Cost: The price of each power is listed in parentheses after its name in Super Power Points. Note that Super Power Points are not used to activate powers like those granted by Arcane Backgrounds listed in Savage Worlds. Once purchased, super powers just work when activated. No power may be taken more than once unless it says otherwise, and each is considered a separate power for Edges like the Best There Is and Power Limits. Levels: Some powers refer to “levels.” This refers to the number of times a power is taken (assuming it can be taken more than once). Taking super attribute five times, for example, means the hero has five levels in it. Trappings: These are ideas for what a power might look like or where it comes from. Trappings are generally narrative and descriptive, but matter when it comes to determining Power Types (see page 43). Power Modifiers: Listed with each power are specific modifiers you can use to customize an ability, along with the points it costs or saves you. After all modifiers, the minimum cost of a power is 1.

TRAPPINGS Trappings are the “secret sauce” of the Savage Worlds powers system. They let you quickly and easily create an infinite number of powers with similar effects so you don’t have to constantly look up what a particular version does. At first glance, this might seem like less than what’s offered in other games because there aren’t individual powers for ice blasts, fire blasts, etc. But all that and more is here—how it manifests is just up to you and your imagination rather than different rules for every aspect of a similar power. In this book, a single ranged attack power lets you model anything from fiery blasts to barrages of dark energy to waves of biting insects. The armor power can represent a full suit of body armor to the thick chitin of an insectoid. Uncanny reflexes might be anything from extrasensory warnings to fast reflexes or pure luck. All Game Masters and players have to do is describe them and look up any special modifiers an individual’s power might have.



POWER ACTIVATION Passive powers like armor or Toughness don’t require a skill roll to activate—they’re always on unless a character has taken the Requires Activation modifier (available for certain powers and listed in their description). Active powers list the skill roll needed to activate, such as using Focus to activate the fear power. This is always an action unless the power says otherwise. Powers that require activation terminate if a hero is Incapacitated, knocked unconscious, or sleeps. He can also terminate them himself as a free action. Critical Failure: Unless a power has a specific effect listed, rolling a Critical Failure when activating it makes the super Distracted and Vulnerable. It’s quickly overcome but if it happens at the wrong moment it can be devastating! Line of Sight: The Range of each power is listed in its description, but the target person or impact point must always be in sight unless it says otherwise. Sight can include “remote viewing” through magical, psychic, or technological means if the Game Master


thinks it’s appropriate for the power type. Templates must be placed so that the center of the template is in line of sight.


If a power says to place a template anywhere within 12” (24 yards) of the character, measure to the template’s center point. Anything even partially touched by the template is affected (that makes the area of effect larger than displayed but keeps our templates reasonably sized). Templates that can be moved, such as the mobile version of the force field power, may be moved as far as the controller likes—as long as she can still see it. Measure movement from its center point.


Some powers state they “Power Down” if the super loses concentration. If so, anytime a character with such a power is Shaken or Stunned, he must succeed at a Spirit roll or all those powers that may Power Down do so instantly after resolving the action causing the effect. A character who negates a Shaken effect immediately with a Benny (or Soaks all the Wounds of an attack) does not have to roll. Such powers end automatically if the hero is Incapacitated.

Chapter Four: Powers



Cold (frost, ice)



Biological (animals, humans, punches, kicks)

Electricity (lightning)

Earth (glass, sand, stone)

Fire (heat)

Metal (bullets, knives)

Force (force fields, force projections, gravity, magnetism)

Plant (most cloth, rope)

Light (lasers)

Synthetic (plastic)

Magic (spiritual, supernatural)

Water (liquids)

Mental (hypnosis, psionics) Radiation Sound Temporal (time powers)



When a power or item consists of multiple Power Types, it consists of all of them (for purposes of the game). That means if a defense works against any part of a combined power or item it works against all of it. The super villain Boomer (page 110), for example, has a cursed boomerang. That means its Power Type is Magic (for the curse) and Plant (for the wooden boomerang).

Powers like energy control require the player to choose a particular type of energy or matter the power uses or affects. These are called “Power Types,”and the usual categories you can choose from are described below. Power Types are based on comic book tropes, Example: A flaming magic sword is composed not the hard science of the real world. Don’t of Fire energy, Magic energy, and Metal matter. get too hung up on the fact that darkness A foe with resistance to any one of those has isn’t really a type of energy in the real world resistance to damage caused by the sword. or why ice is listed under Cold rather than Water. What’s important is their theme. An TRAPPINGS AS POWER TYPES “ice-man,” for example, should be able to If a power is described in terms that match a create frigid gales, hurl shards of ice, or make Power Type, it is that Power Type. Illusion cast it snow. Collectively, these are functions of with sorcery, for example, is Magic. Illusions “Cold” powers in comic books, so that’s how created by refracted light is the Light Power we categorize them here. Type. Similarly, fear described as the effect of some noxious flower is the Plant Matter Power Type, or Mental if it shows a victim his worst fears.




POWER MODIFIERS Most powers have specific modifiers that expand or narrow their usage in exchange for a higher or lower cost, but there are a few modifiers that apply to many abilities. Modifiers may be combined. Stun might be Contingent on a ranged attack with the Range and Device modifiers, for example. Modifiers may never take a power’s cost below 1.


Contingent and Linked powers are activated when a Trait roll to complete some “primary” action is successful—such as making an attack or activating a different power. For example, the decay power Linked to a ranged attack could be used to create a “necrotic ray.” The primary action must require a successful Trait roll for this to work, either inherently or with the Requires Activation modifier found on some passive powers. Abilities that are “always on” cannot trigger Contingent or Linked powers. It doesn’t matter if the successful Trait roll actually causes damage or has an effect, it just has to hit the target, force a foe to resist, or beat the target in an opposed roll. A successful damaging attack that’s Soaked by the enemy, for example, is still successful for the purpose of any power Linked to or Contingent on it. Use the primary power’s Trait roll for both totals. If melee attack is linked to stun, for example, use the Fighting roll for both totals.

Some powers require a Trait roll to activate, such as Focus, but you can designate a different skill as long as it makes sense and the GM approves. This is most often used to “centralize” a character’s power in one skill, such as a magician who wants to use Spellcasting to entangle a foe rather than Focus. It might also Example: Arrowhead (page 103) has an be used to more accurately reflect a power’s entangling arrow (entangle Contingent on a Trapping, such as using Athletics to hurl ranged attack). She must first hit her target an entangle grenade rather than Focus (the with a Shooting roll. Her Shooting total is also default skill for entangle). used to activate entangle. The Trait used should also reflect how the Once per Action: Contingent and Linked power is delivered. Using Focus with healing powers are limited to once per action. If might be a beam of light that emanates from entangle is Linked to a ranged attack with the supers’ eyes. Switching it to the Healing a Rate of Fire of 3, for example, it’s only skill means the hero must get in and work triggered once (the player decides which shot with her hands (and should use the Requires is affected before rolling). Similarly, if decay is Touch modifier). Remember that no matter linked to Fighting and the attacker has Frenzy, how powers are configured, they still need it activates only on one of the Fighting dice to make narrative sense as well! (player’s choice). Edges: Alternate Traits don’t affect Edges that require particular attributes or skills for RANGE their Requirements or usage. The Marksman Contingent and Linked powers use the Edge, for example, only applies to Athletics primary power or weapon’s Range when and Shooting, even if a character uses Focus activated in this way. or Spellcasting for the ranged attack power. Example: Entangle normally has a Range of 12”, but if linked to ranged attack it triggers at CONTINGENT/LINKED CONTINGENT/ LINKED (0/+2) that power’s Range (typically 12/24/48). Contingent powers activate only when another action is successful—they can’t be RESISTANCE used on their own. If a power or Trait is resisted, the target resists Linked powers may activate when another the primary power first. If successful, she action is successful, and may also be used on automatically resists the secondary as well. their own. This increases the Linked power’s If she fails, she must then roll to resist the Contingent or Linked power as usual. cost by +2 points.


Chapter Four: Powers Example: Decay is Linked to mind control. If the target resists mind control, she automatically resists decay as well. If she fails, she must then resist decay separately.


eventually lets him acquire a replacement and regain his abilities. If a hero loses a Super Attribute or Super Skill Device, any Edges or other abilities that used those as Requirements are lost until the Device is recovered.

The Requires Touch modifier found on some powers may be taken if the power is Linked FORCEFUL (+1) to or Contingent on a melee attack or other Anytime the hero causes Knockback (page power that also requires physical contact. 30) with this power, add +1d6 to the total “Touch” includes friendly or stealthy contact distance an enemy is knocked back. out of combat such as a passing touch, friendly HEAVY WEAPON (+1) handshake, or hand on the shoulder. In combat, it includes grappling and all Fighting The attack is a Heavy Weapon. Armor with the Heavy Armor tag ignores damage from attacks—even with weapons. any attacks that aren’t noted as Heavy It doesn’t matter if the super using the Weapons, so this is a crucial modifier for power has gloves or the defender is in a suit of cracking those especially difficult and highly metal armor—”touch” includes any physical armored villains and monsters! contact between the super and his target. If a target doesn’t want to be touched, the attacker must make a melee or Touch Attack to activate her power. If successful, she may then roll to activate her power as a free action. Example: Ratkin’s infection is Contingent on his Fighting (claws) attack, so he can take the Requires Touch modifier. He makes and resolves his Fighting roll, and if successful, resolves damage then rolls Focus for his infection as a free action.

DEVICE (–1/–2)

Since they can be taken away, powers are discounted slightly if they stem from a device rather than some inherent ability of the super. The discount depends on how easy it is for the owner to lose his Device: If the Device is a wearable item or is relatively difficult for a foe to remove, such as a suit of armor, mask, helmet, or belt, reduce the cost by 1. If the item is easily removed—such as an amulet or headband, or hand-held and thus can be dropped or disarmed—such as a magic staff or firearm—reduce the cost by 2. A power purchased as a Device never works for other characters no matter what form it takes. Lost Devices: If a Device is lost, the hero must attempt to recover it to regain his power. If it’s destroyed, the Game Master should create a difficult adventure or task that

USING OTHER CHARACTERS’ “DEVICES” Characters can’t use other hero’s devices that are described as devices. Why not? First the obvious. Narratively, they’re devices, but in game terms, they’re that character’s powers and it would cause problems if a group of heroes or villains could freely exchange their abilities. Second, they actually can if they use a Power Stunt. Say one vigilante has a powerful, futuristic weapon he uses as his ranged attack. Another super could use the Mimic stunt to say he’s borrowing it for a shot. Sure, it’s expensive (it costs a Benny to do a Power Stunt), but it allows for those occasional scenes in a comic or movie where one hero picks up another’s special weapon. This also keeps it from happening too often and stealing the other character’s gimmick, or encouraging one hero to sit back and do nothing but hand out “weapons” to the others. This way, everyone must get in on the action and the story like a true super team.




Some powers only work in certain situations or against certain targets. If the prohibition is rare but occasionally comes into play it’s worth a one point discount. Examples include energy control that can’t affect a certain Power Type or the color red or a ranged attack that doesn’t work on undead. Anything that prohibits the power from working about half the time is worth a 2 point discount. It might work only at night, only indoors, only against men, or only against aliens in a galactic game. The nature of the campaign should also be taken into account. A stun gun that only works underwater might be a rare Limitation in most games, but very common in a tale set in Atlantis!

RANGE (+2/+4)

You may double all of a power’s listed Ranges for 2 points, or triple them for 4. This applies to powers with range increments such as 12/24/48, and those that have a flat range, such as 6” or Smarts (to make it 2× or 3× Smarts). The Range modifier doesn’t apply when using a Cone Template, and may not be taken with the Requires Touch modifier.


The super can choose not to affect any or all individual targets within a power’s area of effect template, picking all enemies instead of allies with an area effect version of fear, for example.


This category is a catch-all for very specific modifiers a character might have that don’t neatly fall into any of the other categories. Most modifiers should fall within the +/–2 point range, but this is a suggestion rather than a hard rule. For example, perhaps using a particular power Fatigues a character. That’s a two point discount if it’s a power the character will use once an encounter or so. If the power is rarely used, maybe it’s just a one point discount. Work with the GM to decide on a cost and give it a try. You can always tinker with it later if you and the GM feel it’s under or overpriced.


UNIVERSAL POWER MODIFIER SUMMARIES Alternate Trait (+1): The power uses a different Trait than the one listed in its description. Contingent / Linked (0/+2): Contingent and Linked powers are triggered by a primary power. Contingent powers can only be used with a primary power; Linked powers may be used separately if desired. Device (−1/–2): The power is a device that can be removed or lost, such as a suit of armor or helmet, for 1 point. For 2 points, the item is a hand-held device that can more easily be dropped or taken from the hero. Forceful (+1/+2): Knockback distance is increased by +1d6. Heavy Weapon (+1): The attack can harm those protected by Heavy Armor. Limitation (–1/–2): A rare Limitation that prohibits the power from being used reduces its cost by 1 point. A common Limitation (works about half the time) reduces its cost by 2. Range (+2/+4): Double a power’s Range for 2 points, or triple it for +4. Selective (+1): The super can choose which targets in her area effect power are affected by it. Special (?): Any modifier the player and GM feel are appropriate that isn’t covered by other modifiers. Switchable (+1): The hero has one or more different versions of a power (at the same base cost in Super Power Points).


Chapter Four: Powers

POWER SETS If you want to create a character who has different powers in different forms, and your Game Master allows it, use this option. It’s a little more involved but allows you to create strange characters such as a crimesolving occult sleuth who can turn into a ravaging werewolf. Or an alien being of pure energy who fires plasma blasts in one form and becomes a crystalline melee fighter in another. (You may want to consider the Transformation Hindrance on page 9 as well.) The cost of each set in Super Power Points is listed in the table below. Each power set then has an equal amount of points (however many points are left over). Each also has a reduced Power Limit. Switching between Power Sets requires a Focus roll as an action (roll only once if the character has the Transformation Hindrance). Critical Failure means the hero can’t access the desired Power Set for the rest of this encounter!





3 SPPs

4 SPPs


5 SPPs

8 SPPs


8 SPPs

12 SPPs


10 SPPs

16 SPPs


12 SPPs

20 SPPs

Example: Gabe is playing a character named Cybertooth. When he presses a button on his wrist computer (and makes a Focus roll), he transforms from a cyborg into a werewolf. He has two Power Sets—one for his tech abilities and another for his feral werewolf form. The Power Level is III, so he has to pay 8 Super Power Points to have a second set of powers. Each set has 22 Super Power Points instead of the usual 30, and a Power Limit of 12 instead of the usual 15.


Most powers can’t be taken more than once, but Switchable allows a character to have multiple versions of the same power. Each variation costs +1 Power Point, and must be equal to or less than the original cost of the original power (not counting the Switchable modifier). A Switchable power might vary in nothing but Trapping (and Power Type), or it might be a completely different configuration. An elemental hero might take a 10-point water-based ranged attack, for example, then add Switchable +3 to make air, fire, and earth versions she can switch to as she wishes. Each of those might use different combinations of damage and modifiers as long as they’re all less than or equal to the original 10 points.




Amorphous form, matter or energy control, phasing, magic. The character can absorb, negate, and perhaps even channel a specific kind of matter or energy chosen from the Power Types (page 43). When the super would take one or more Wounds from that Power Type, he gets a free Soak roll using Focus instead of Vigor (any rules applying to Vigor for Soaking also apply to Focus). „ TRAPPINGS:

MODIFIERS „ ACHILLES HEEL (−1): This modifier may

only be taken with the +4 or +8 version of the Additional Power Types modifier (see below). The character cannot absorb two Power Types from his list of absorbable types. (For example, the Black Hole can absorb all energy except for Magic and Mental.)


Your hero can absorb additional Power Types. For +1 point, choose one additional Power Type. For +2 points, choose up to three additional Power Types. For +4 points, absorption applies to all Power Types of the same category as the original chosen (all matter or all energy). For +8 points, your character can absorb all Power Types. „ GROWTH (+3): Each Wound absorbed increases the hero’s Size by +1. This increases Strength and Toughness one step as if he had the growth power (page 64). The effect lasts until the end of the encounter or the hero wishes to return to her normal Size (a free action). „ MASTERY (+1): The super adds +2 to the Focus roll to absorb one specific Power Type. This may be taken multiple times if you have the Additional Power Types modifier (once for each type). „ REFLECTION (+2): The character may redirect any Wounds he absorbed to any


foe within 12” (24 yards). He may split absorbed Wounds among possible targets if he likes. Those targets may Soak as usual and may attempt to absorb them as well if they also have this power! „ TRANSFERENCE (+2): Each time the hero absorbs a Wound, he may increase an attribute one die type. This lasts for five rounds and has a maximum of +4 die types in any one attribute. „ TRANSMUTE (+3): For each Wound Soaked, the hero gains a “Transmutation Token.” These tokens last until the end of the scene and may be used as a free action to trigger any one of the effects listed below: • Damage: Add +1d6 per token to any damage roll (max three tokens per damage roll). • Toughness: Increase Toughness by +1 per token until the end of the encounter. • Power Stunt: Perform a Power Stunt (page 30) exactly as if you’d spent a Benny.


Super speed, adrenaline surge, super-analytical mind, temporal control, extra or robotic limbs. Fast heroes, villains with multiple arms, or geniuses with super-analytical minds can operate incredibly efficiently and can do more in one turn than others. For five points, additional actions reduces a character’s total Multi-Action penalty by two. She could take three actions at −2 to each, for example, or two actions at no penalty. For ten points, the power reduces the total Multi-Action penalty by four. She can perform three different actions at no penalty. For 15 points, she has a maximum of four actions per turn instead of three. This does apply a Multi-Action penalty of −6 total (for three additional actions) but is reduced by four to −2. Additional actions stacks with any other Edges or powers that reduce Multi-Action penalties. Characters are still limited to three actions per turn (or four, if they take the 15 point option), and as always, all actions must be declared before any are resolved. If an action becomes impossible, usually because it was dependent on a previous action, it’s lost. „ TRAPPINGS:

Chapter Four: Powers MODIFIERS „ CONCENTRATION (+2): If the hero only

takes a single action, she can “concentrate” to add +1 to any one Trait roll this turn instead. If she has 10 or 15 points in this power and concentrates on only two actions in a turn, she adds +1 to each. If she concentrates on a single action, she adds +2. „ EVALUATION (+2): Rather than declaring all actions simultaneously, the super hero may complete each one individually and judge its effects before declaring the next. The number of actions used must still be declared before any are resolved. „ FAST ACTION (+2): The hero can perform longer tasks more quickly (if possible, GM’s call). Any task that takes less than a minute (ten rounds) can be performed in a single action. Tasks requiring minutes are done in that number of rounds, and tasks requiring hours are done in a like number of minutes. „ MENTAL ONLY (−1): The power only takes effect if all the character’s actions are mental or spiritual (linked to Smarts or Spirit). „ PHYSICAL ONLY (−1): The power only takes effect if all the character’s actions are physical (linked to Agility or Strength).


Immortality, biological renewal, body of exotic material or energy. The hero never grows old. He’s permanently stuck at whatever age the player chooses. Ageless characters often have super skills or super Edges to reflect their long lives and great experience. Generic modifiers like Contingent or Limitation may not be taken since they’d have no immediate effect. „ TRAPPINGS:

MODIFIERS „ VERY OLD (+2): The character is already

quite old, though he may not show it. His life experience gives him +2 to Smarts and Common Knowledge rolls.


An energy form, a body composed of a particular matter, elasticity.


The hero has a morphable body made from a particular type of energy or matter. This is his normal, full-time state—take Requires Activation if he’s normally human and must shift into his altered form. The morpher has no vital organs (or they’re very resistant, protected, or hidden) so Called Shots have no effect on him. He takes only half damage from falling or collisions, and any Knockback against him is halved. Additional powers are required to reflect specific forms, such as absorption with the Reflection modifier for a stretchy, rubber band effect, damage field or poisonous if the form is dangerous to others, or regeneration with a Situational modifier if he can absorb a Power Type to heal Wounds. MODIFIERS „ FALL PROOF (+1): Heights are no threat to

this super. His malleable form allows him to fall, bounce, glide or otherwise ignore falling damage. „ GRAPPLER (+1): The hero can easily entwine his limbs around foes, granting him +2 to grappling attacks—or to escape from being bound or entangled. „ REACH (+1): The super can stretch his limbs, granting +1 Reach per point in this modifier each time it’s taken. „ REQUIRES ACTIVATION (−1): The hero is normally human and must make a Focus roll as an action to transform into his altered form. If he loses concentration, it Powers Down and must be reactivated (see page 42).

MAKING POWERS What do you do if a power you want isn’t in this book? We can’t cover every idea, but we think we’ve got the vast majority of ideas covered, especially those that fit within the framework of a game that needs a sense of balance. So start with the existing powers and see if you can alter it slightly to get what you’re after. The costs and mechanics are fairly standard throughout this book so it shouldn’t be too hard.


SAVAGE WORLDS: SUPERS COMPANION Weapons or fists that hit the hero may become stuck in her altered form. If the Sticky hero is Shaken or Wounded by an attack, the attacker is Entangled in the Sticky hero’s form as if grappled (if the hero chooses). „ VISCOUS (+2): The morpher can push his body through most small openings (GM’s call). Oozing through grates or large openings is treated like difficult ground. Paper-thin cracks and the like take 1d6 rounds to seep through, leaving the hero Vulnerable until she reforms. „ YIELD (+1): High damage blows through the super’s altered form, or her skin stretches and snaps right back into place, making her immune to Knockback. „ STICKY (+2):


a super dog.

A trained wolf, a spirit lion,


be taken more than once to create different companions. The hero has a loyal animal companion. The creature is a Wild Card and can share Bennies with its master and vice-versa. The animal’s profile is that of a normal creature that exists in the campaign setting, and its cost in Super Power Points is 3 plus its Size. (The minimum cost of the power is 1.)


Animal companions don’t Advance. They have their own personalities and the same weaknesses and desires as others of their kind. Death: If an animal companion is killed, the hero can train or otherwise attract another. Exactly how this happens and how quickly should be worked out with the Game Master, and have some sort of narrative or “cut scene” between adventures to explain how it came to pass. MODIFIERS „ INTELLIGENT (+2): The creature has human

Smarts rather than “animal” Smarts. (+2): The animal can speak. It might have an electronic “translator” that converts basic communication into human speech, or if Intelligent, might speak normally. „ SUMMONABLE (+2): The hero can summon an animal companion with a Focus roll. If successful, it appears anywhere within 12” (24 yards). With a raise on the Focus roll, the creature may act immediately— otherwise it acts on the summoner’s next Action Card. It may be dismissed as a limited free action (no roll required). „ SUPER POWERS (+3/+8): For +3 points, the animal has as many Super Power Points as their master’s Power Limit (but has no limit itself). „ SPEECH

Chapter Four: Powers For +8 points, the companion has the same number of Super Power Points as their master. The animal must abide by the Power Limit as usual, so use Super Edge to take The Best There Is Edge if needed. Super-powered animal companions have the Focus skill at d8. „ TELEPATHIC LINK (+1): The super and her companion can communicate via telepathy at a Range of 24” (48 yards). This is a limited version of the telepathy power and doesn’t grant any of that power’s other abilities.


Jungle folk, animal characteristics, high tech devices, charms. The champion can mentally control and communicate with animals native to her world. The more points a character has in animal control, the more beasts she can command at the same time. This doesn’t grant her a pet (use animal companion for that), it just allows her to control those she encounters. An animal’s Size is how many points it takes to control it (minimum cost of 1). A lion (Size 1) takes 1 point of animal control, for example, while a Size 5 rhino takes 5 points. „ TRAPPINGS:

A character may control as many animals as she likes up to her level at once. With 8 points in animal control, for example, she could control both a lion and a rhino at the same time. The Range is 12” (24 yards), and taking control of any or all animals in Range is an action and a Focus roll (at −2 if the animal is hostile, injured, frightened, etc.). The character can communicate verbally with the animals under her command, but the beasts can only understand simple commands such as “attack that person” or “bring me that key.” They may get confused in a group of similar threats to attack or objects to retrieve. Swarms: Rats, insects, and smaller creatures may be controlled as swarms. A large swarm is Size 3, a medium is Size 2, and a small swarm is Size 1. Swarms summoned in this way never split (see Swarms in Savage Worlds). Rival Beasts: If a creature is already controlled by another (via the animal control

OUR WEAPONS HAVE NO EFFECT ON HIM! Between absorption, armor, and Toughness some villains (and heroes) may seem nighinvulnerable to most attacks. What do you do when faced with such a foe? First off, realize this is the bread and butter of comic books. This is how it’s supposed to work! That’s what makes the heroes have to think of ways to defeat their foes rather than just keep punching and hoping for a lucky shot over and over again. Some problems just can’t be solved with raw damage. Look for ways to get around a power’s special protection. Absorption only applies to specific Power Types and may point out a weakness to the opposite type. Clever use of the environment or a well conceived Power Stunt can also produce the different energy needed for maximum effect. Even if it doesn’t work, clever ideas and exclamatory dialogue can generate Bennies needed to finish the fight in another way. And if a foe is too hard to hit because he’s flying or running too fast, remember that area effect attacks hit whatever’s under them, regardless of any attack penalties! Combined Attacks with an entire team can also generate tons of additional damage. Add on a called shot and not much can stand up to it! For that last big attack consider using a Power Stunt like All Out Attack to boost damage potential. If all that fails, the solution may be something else entirely. Perhaps the foe can be trapped or de-powered. Or the party can talk to him! What’s he after? What can be done to stop him from achieving his objective rather than directly attacking him? Finally, sometimes the heroes should fail. That’s a great story beat now and then, and forces them to regroup, lick their wounds, and plan something clever for the next encounter.


SAVAGE WORLDS: SUPERS COMPANION or animal companion power or the Beast Master Edge), the controller’s Focus roll is opposed by the foe’s Focus or Spirit instead (defender’s choice). MODIFIERS „ REQUIRES TOUCH (−2): The super must

touch an animal to control it. This may not be combined with the Range or Summonable modifiers. See page 45 for more information. „ SUMMONABLE (+4): The hero can summon animals with a Focus roll at −2 and an action (this controls the creature or creatures as well). The animals appear within 12” (24 yards). With a raise on the Focus roll, they may act immediately— otherwise they act on the summoner’s next Action Card. If a summoned creature is slain, the Super Power Points allocated to it aren’t available for one hour. „ TELEPATHIC LINK (+1/+2): The super can talk with animals under his control via telepathy. They understand his basic instructions, and he can read their primary emotions. The range is 24” (48 yards) for one point, or one mile for 2 points.


Atlantean heritage, amphibious, sealed systems, gadgets. For one Power Point the character is semiaquatic and can hold his breath for 15 minutes before checking for drowning. For two points, he’s native to the water. He cannot drown in oxygenated liquid and moves his full Pace when swimming. See page 99 for rules on conducting comic book style adventures underwater. „ TRAPPINGS:

MODIFIERS „ FAST SWIMMER (+1/+2): The character

swims at his normal Pace +2 for one point, or Pace +4 for two points.


Body armor, hardened skin, a magical shell, powered suits. A character gains 2 points of armor each time this power is purchased. Armor doesn’t stack with worn armor, but does stack with natural armor and the toughness power (page 88). Weak spots, small gaps, or joints can be bypassed with a Called Shot at −6. For 100% protection, take toughness instead (page 88). Maximum Toughness: A character’s combined bonus from the toughness and armor powers can’t exceed the Power Limit. Total Toughness is unlimited (from increased Vigor, Size, etc.). A Level II super, for example, has a Power Limit 10. She could have 6 points of armor and +4 toughness (page 88), or any other combination of 10 total points or less to add to her derived Toughness. „ TRAPPINGS:

MODIFIERS „ HEAVY ARMOR (+4): A character must

have at least 4 points of armor to take this modifier. The armor is considered Heavy Armor, and can only be damaged by Heavy Weapons. „ PARTIAL PROTECTION (−1/–2): The armor has wider gaps or less coverage than usual. For −1 point, Called Shots to bypass the armor are made at −4 instead of −6. For −2 points the penalty is only −2. „ REQUIRES ACTIVATION (−1): The hero must make a Focus roll as an action to activate. If he loses concentration, it Powers Down and must be reactivated (see page 42).


Chapter Four: Powers „ SEALED (+2): The armor is a suit or covering

that’s airtight (usually via the Device modifier). It provides one hour of oxygen and adds +2 to the wearer’s roll when resisting airborne toxins or similar threats. (For full immunity, take the immune to poisons/disease, page 67.)


MODIFIERS „ AREA EFFECT (+2/+3): For +2 points the

power affects everyone in a Medium Blast Template. For +3 points the area of effect is increased to a Large Blast Template. „ STRONG (+1): The Vigor roll to shake off the effect is made at −2.


Radar, sonar, Zen training, „ TRAPPINGS: Karma, flowing energy, predictive movement. leadership, chemical enhancements, The warrior can sense and predict the nanotech, mental guidance or movements of his foes. He ignores 1 point of manipulation. attack penalties for each level in this power. The super can temporarily boost one Trait Attack penalties are any penalty the target belonging to herself or an ally, or reduce an causes the attacker to subtract from his total, enemy’s! such as the Dodge Edge or dodge power, flight Select any skill or attribute (Trait) when or speed penalties (natural or from powers), this power is taken. As an action, the super etc. It has no effect on Parry or the Block Edge chooses a target within 12” (24 yards) since those aren’t actually penalties. and makes a Focus roll. If successful, she Awareness doesn’t counter penalties incurred increases or decreases the target’s Trait one by the attacker’s own conditions or actions die type (two with a raise, to a minimum of (Distracted, Fatigue, Wounds, etc.), or the d4 if lowered). This lasts until the end of the environment (cover, Illumination, etc). target’s next turn. A character’s Trait may never be raised or MODIFIERS lowered more than two die types even if „ REQUIRES ACTIVATION (−1): The hero must targeted by multiple characters with boost / make a Focus roll as an action to activate lower Trait. this ability. If he loses concentration, it Powers Down and must be reactivated Derived Stats: Boosted Traits like Vigor or Fighting affect any derived stats (like (see page 42). Toughness and Parry) as well. BITE A common one-point Limitation is only See melee attack, page 73. being able to boost or lower Traits; or taking the BLIND (2) Any Trait modifier below but only affecting „ TRAPPINGS: Bright or strobing lights, skills or attributes. For a two-point Limitation spray of sand or fine matter, mind control. both could apply, a character might only Obscure blankets an area in darkness, but this boost attributes or only lower skills. insidious power strikes directly at a target within a range of 12”, momentarily rendering BOOST TRAIT him sightless. OUT OF COMBAT Blinding a foe is a Focus roll versus the Boost Trait is a very short burst of target’s Vigor. If successful, the victim suffers inspiration, strength, or other benefit, so a −2 penalty to all actions requiring sight, or it doesn’t help during long tasks such −4 with a raise. as researching information, sneaking The victim automatically tries to shake off across a field, etc. At the GM’s discretion, the effect with a Vigor roll as a free action at however, a super with this power can the end of each of his following turns. Success allow it to affect one roll that pertains to a removes 2 points of penalties and a raise longer task, essentially watching for those removes the effect entirely. Once a victim has critical moments that make up the effort broken free, he can’t be affected by blind again and boost at the appropriate moments. in the same encounter (even if targeted from „ TRAPPINGS:

a different source).



can affect an additional target for one Super Power Point each. This modifier may be taken more than once. Boosting and lowering are two separate uses of the power and must be done as separate actions. „ ANY TRAIT (+2): The character can affect any attribute or skill “on the fly.” If she has the Additional Recipients modifier, she may affect a different Trait for each target. „ LEECH (+2): When lowering an enemy’s Trait, the super increases her own identical Trait a die type until the end of her next turn. She may still not raise a single Trait more than two die types, but could raise multiple Traits if she has the Additional Recipients modifier. „ POWER (+2): A boosted ally gets a free reroll once per round, or once per action with a raise on the Focus roll. „ REQUIRES TOUCH (−2): The super must touch her targets to boost or lower their Trait. This may not be combined with the Range modifier (see page 45).


High tech devices, machine men, big braces. As an action, the hero can see and hear any radio, television, or internet signal as long as he’s within ten miles of a connection (such as another radio, cell tower, etc.). He can also connect to the network with any electronic playback device without a physical connection. Connecting to an encrypted transmission requires a Focus roll at −2 (−4 or higher for military-grade encryption). Failure means he can’t try that particular signal again until he increases his Focus via Advancement. „ TRAPPINGS:

MODIFIERS „ CHANNEL SURFER (+1): The character can

tap into as many channels as he can detect at the same time. „ MANIPULATION (+1/+3): For +1 point, the character can broadcast previously recorded audio or video as long as the recording can be accessed somewhere. For +3 points, he can splice together clips from


previous audio / visual sources into brand new video. “Deep fakes” are detectable by experts as they contain manipulated data, but stand up to the scrutiny of most untrained viewers. „ RANGE (+1/+2): The hero can tap into networks up to 100 miles distant, or 1000 miles distant for +2 points.


Earth control, a body of sand or dirt, characters modeled after burrowing animals. A super with this power can tunnel beneath the earth to surprise and ambush her foes! A burrowing hero may tunnel on her action, moving up to half her usual Pace per round beneath relatively soft earth. Solid rock, metal, brick and mortar, and other hard substances, as well as water, stop the tunneler cold. Death From Below: Burrowing characters may erupt from beneath their opponents to take them by surprise. If the target was unaware of the burrower’s presence, she makes an opposed Stealth roll versus the victim’s Notice. If the burrower wins, the target is Vulnerable to her only. With a raise, the burrower gets the Drop. Targets on Hold may attempt to interrupt the attack before it occurs a usual. Burrowers can’t usually surprise a foe once their presence is known, but can still burrow for protection and mobility. „ TRAPPINGS:

MODIFIERS „ BLOCK BUSTER (+1): The burrower may

use an action to try and break through hard substances that would normally block his movement. He rolls his attack damage, and if he exceeds the Hardness of the obstacle, he breaks through 1” (2 yards) of the substance per round. „ PACE (+1): The digger’s burrowing Pace is his full normal walking Pace (rather than half). „ TUNNELER (+1): The burrower may leave a tunnel behind so others may follow. The size is relative to the burrower, but generally big enough for humans to run through while stooping.

Chapter Four: Powers CHAMELEON (3)

Malleable form, high-tech disguise kits. This power allows the character to assume the appearance of another being or animal he’s seen or studied. The character cannot emulate someone more than two Size levels different from himself. Changing appearance takes an action and a Focus roll. The details are as good as the super can observe, but can’t replicate fingerprints, retinal scans, or fool electronic voice scanners. He can imitate the target’s voice if he’s heard it with Performance, however (or take the Biometrics modifier, below). Someone familiar with the original target and suspicious of the chameleon gets a Notice roll opposed by the super’s Performance once per encounter to detect the ruse. A suspicious character may still ask questions or otherwise detect the imposter, but the roll to see through it may only be attempted once per encounter. Chameleons don’t gain a target’s abilities or Traits—only their appearance. A chameleon with copycat can take a target’s super powers too though, making them very convincing! Power Down: Chameleon terminates if the super loses concentration. See Power Down on page 42. „ TRAPPINGS:


The character can assume the shape of inanimate objects. The form assumed cannot vary from the character’s Size by more than two. There’s no contest if someone is suspicious of an object, just a simple Notice roll at −2, once per encounter, to spot the fake.

(+2): The chameleon can replicate a target’s voice, fingerprints, retinas, and other identifiers. Notice rolls to detect the deception are made at −2. „ REQUIRES TOUCH (−2): The super must touch a target to copy him. See page 45 for more information. „ BIOMETRICS


See melee attack, page 73.


A robot, cyborg, mass of wires. The character is a living automaton, cyborg, robot, statue, or android. Most are products of alien technology, weird science, or the supernatural. Constructs add +2 when attempting to recover from being Shaken, ignore one point of Wound penalties, don’t breathe or eat and are immune to biological diseases and poisons, don’t Bleed Out, and Wounds are removed with Repair instead of Healing. Each Repair roll takes one hour of work per current Wound level, but isn’t limited to the usual “Golden Hour” for healing in Savage Worlds. If a construct takes the regeneration power, he has nanobots, self-repair systems, or other systems that allow him to make natural Healing rolls with his Vigor. He doesn’t benefit from first aid kits or typical medical care, however. Constructs do need to spend some amount of time dormant, resting, or resetting unless they take the doesn’t sleep power. „ TRAPPINGS:


The construct must recharge one hour each day at a suitable place: an electrical outlet for a robot, a magical shrine for a statue, in water and sunlight for a plant, „


SAVAGE WORLDS: SUPERS COMPANION etc. Without the required replenishment the construct suffers a Fatigue level each day. If Incapacitated it remains inert until somehow recharged.


„ TRAPPINGS: Natural, adaptive physiology,

fast learner, prodigy. Copycat allows the character to mimic the super powers of other heroes and villains. Copying powers is an action. If the target is willing, no roll is required. If not, a successful Focus roll causes a target within 6” to make a Spirit roll (at −2 with a raise on the Focus roll). If the victim fails, the copycat may mimic his powers freely. The maximum point value of the powers the hero can copy is equal to her levels in copycat. She can mix and match copied powers as she wishes within this limit, from one source or many. All or Nothing: Each power copied must be identical to the original in all ways, including all modifiers and Trappings. That means she must be able to take all of a power, not just some of it, for success. Duration: Copied powers last for one hour or until released (a free action). No Devices or Magic: Copycat can’t mimic powers with the Device modifier—it doesn’t replicate machines and gizmos. Nor can it replicate powers with the Magic Power Type since such power typically flows from external sources that can refuse to grant it when the power is stolen. Power Down: Copycat terminates if the super loses concentration. See Power Down on page 42 MODIFIERS „ ARCANE (+2): The copycat has learned to

channel magical energies or trick whatever arbiter grants it to the mortal realm. She can copy powers with the Magic Power Type. „ DEVICES (+2): The hero has a configurable device of her own, can conjure a copy of a powered item from thin air or nearby components, or perhaps is a construct herself. Whatever the reason, she can copy powers with the Device modifier.


(+3): The power is retained until a new one is copied (rather than the usual Duration of one hour). „ OVERLY ACCURATE (−2): In addition to copied powers, the character also gains the target’s Environmental Weaknesses, Power Negation, or Vulnerability Hindrances as long as he keeps his powers. „ PARTIAL POWER (+2): The copycat can take some levels in a target’s power without having to take all of them. She could copy five points of a foe’s Strength, for example, who actually has 10 levels of super Strength. „ REQUIRES TOUCH (−2): The super must touch the victim to affect him. This may not be combined with the Range modifier (see page 45). „ DURATION


Fiery aura, radiation, cold, spikes, tendrils of darkness or chaos, toxins, a swirling circle of blades. This deadly power creates a dangerous aura or field of any one Power Type around the character to incinerate, blast, or barrage nearby foes. Activating the field is an action, and it remains on until the super terminates it. At the end of the super’s turn, every adjacent character must make an Evasion roll or suffer the damage listed below. „ TRAPPINGS:









Power Down: Damage field terminates if the super loses concentration. See Power Down on page 42. MODIFIERS „ ARMOR PIERCING (+1): Every point put

into this modifier gives the damage field +2 AP, to a maximum of +10 AP.

EFFECT (+2/+4): For 2 points, the power may expand to a Medium Blast Template, or a Large Blast Template for four points.


Chapter Four: Powers (−1): The attack is inherently deadly. He can’t use this power to make Non-Lethal Attacks (see Savage Worlds). „ PERMANENT (−2): The character can’t turn off his damage field, even if he wants to! This prevents it from being Powered Down. „ LETHAL


Extreme training, natural marksman, integrated combat computer, former Olympian, gun fu. The character causes +d6 damage with firearms (including pulse weapons and the like), bows, or crossbows. Deadeye doesn’t stack with or apply to super powers like ranged attack (regardless of Trapping), explosives like grenades, flamethrowers, crew-served or vehicular weapons, or any sort of area effect weapon. „ TRAPPINGS:

MODIFIERS „ DEADLY (+1): The hero’s damage increases

to d10.


Rust, corrosion, rot, acid. This insidious power rots and destroys objects and people who attract its wielder’s wrath. A successful Focus roll causes a target within 6” to make a Vigor roll (at −2 with a raise on the Focus roll). If the victim fails, he takes a Wound. Decay can also destroy a Very Small object of Armor or Hardness 12 or less as an action, or a similarly sized portion of a larger object. It has no effect on objects with Armor or Hardness of 13 or higher (but see the Strong modifier below). „ TRAPPINGS:

MODIFIERS „ AREA EFFECT (+2/+4): For 2 points, the

attack may affect everyone and everything in a Medium Blast Template. For 4 points the hero may use either a Medium or a Large Blast Template. Targets in the blast area resist individually. „ MIDAS TOUCH (−2): The character can’t turn off his power. Everything he touches (except himself) with his bare hands begins to decay.

(+2): Vigor rolls are made at −2, and decay affects objects with Armor or Hardness up to 20. „ REQUIRES TOUCH (−2): The super must touch the victim to affect him. This may not be combined with the Range or Area Effect modifiers. See page 45 for more information. „ STRONG

DODGE (1–5)

Acrobatics, swirling winds, mystic shields, fast reactions, “sixth sense.” The hero is agile, prescient, or just really good at using cover. Direct ranged attacks (Shooting and Athletics (throwing)) subtract 1 for each point in this power, to a maximum of −5 for 5 Super Power Points. Dodge stacks with any other abilities that subtract from ranged attacks, to a maximum penalty of −10. It offers no protection from area effect attacks. „ TRAPPINGS:

MODIFIERS „ DEFENDER (+2/+4): The hero’s protection

extends to all allies in a Medium Blast Template centered on herself for +2 points, or a Large Blast Template for +4 points.


SAVAGE WORLDS: SUPERS COMPANION (+2): Once per turn, when the hero is missed by a ranged attack, she can attempt to Deflect it by making a Focus roll. Subtract 2 from the roll versus firearms, and 4 for energy weapons. If successful, the attack is redirected at the original attacker. With a raise, the hero may redirect it to any other available target. In either case, the attack automatically hits but can never hit with a raise. Area effect attacks may not generally be deflected, but the GM may allow it if the attack is a grenade or similar object that might be redirected.


„ REQUIRES ACTIVATION (−1): The hero must

make a Focus roll as an action to activate this ability. If he loses concentration, it Powers Down and must be reactivated (see page 42).


Alien life forms, elementals, immortals. The super can hold her breath for up to 15 minutes. „ TRAPPINGS:

MODIFIERS „ EXTREME (+1): The super doesn’t breathe at

all. She isn’t affected by inhaled toxins, can’t drown, and doesn’t suffocate in a vacuum.


Immortals, dimensional beings, robots. The hero survives on very little sustenance. She can go twice as long as a normal human without food (see Hunger under Hazards in Savage Worlds). Hunger may not necessarily mean human food. A robot who needs occasional energy or a zombie who needs occasional meat still “eats.” „ TRAPPINGS:

MODIFIERS „ EXTREME (+1): The super never needs food

or water and is completely immune to the effects of Hunger and Thirst.


Predatory senses, advanced beings, robots. The being needs half the normal amount of sleep or “recharge time” as humans. „ TRAPPINGS:


MODIFIERS „ TIRELESS (+1): The character never needs

to sleep.


Dimensional twin, homunculus, illusions, future selves. Duplication allows a hero to create copies of himself by making a Focus roll. Each level in the power creates a “clone” that has all the creator’s powers except for duplication and certain other powers listed below. The copies created are Extras and completely under the creator’s control. Duplicates spawn in the creator’s image, wearing whatever clothes he currently has on. They don’t come with any other gear or equipment without the Equipped modifier below. Any or all duplicates may be dispelled by the creator as a limited free action. This is often done to protect them if the creator knows they’re in extreme danger given the Incapacitation rules below. Incapacitation: If a duplicate is Incapacitated, it cannot be resummoned for an hour. All duplicates vanish instantly if the parent is Incapacitated. Tell: Duplicates are always slightly off. Perhaps they don’t sweat, don’t cast shadows, or have some other “defect.” Opponents may attempt a Notice roll at −2 against one target to determine if it’s the original or a copy. This is a free action each foe may attempt once per turn (make a group roll for identical Extras). Power Down: Duplication terminates if the super loses concentration. See Power Down on page 42. „ TRAPPINGS:

MODIFIERS „ EQUIPPED (+2): The duplicates have any

normal items (GM’s call) the original has when they’re created. If the hero has a power as a device, a special weapon, or a rare or unique item, the clone may have a basic version of it. If the hero has an enchanted long sword, for example, the clone may have a regular long sword without any of the magical weapon’s nonstandard properties.

Chapter Four: Powers (−2): The duplicates terminate if they move further than 12” (24 yards) from the original. „ NO TELL (+1): Duplicates look more like the original. Notice rolls are made at −4 to tell a duplicate from the original. „ PROMOTION (+2): If the original character is Incapacitated while a duplicate survives, one duplicate becomes the new Wild Card “parent” instead of vanishing. „ LEASHED


„ TRAPPINGS: Tremors, sonic vibrations, hi-

tech “thumpers.” The character causes the earth to tremble and shake, throwing everyone within the seismic ripple off-balance. Creating a quake is an action, and its effects last until the start of the character’s next turn. The earth shaker may choose the form of the quake: • A Cone Template originating from the hero. • A Large Blast Template up to 24” (48 yards) distant. • A straight line 2” (four yards) wide and 12” (24 yards) long originating from the super. All those within the area of effect, or who enter the zone before it expires, must Evade or be Shaken. Those who Critically Fail take 3d6 damage from crushing rock or earth, falling debris, etc. Fault Lines: If earthquake is used at the heart of an existing fault-line or deep within the earth at a tectonic plate, the results can be catastrophic. Roll a d6 when this is attempted (no more than once per game week). On a 6, a real earthquake is triggered. The size of the quake and its effects depends on the fault line and should be handled narratively, but it causes significant to massive damage in a large area. Prevention: A hero with this power can also stop an earthquake! This is a simple Focus roll for a small quake or one caused by this power. Stopping a large earthquake is a Challenging Dramatic Task with at least a −2 penalty for a significant quake and a −4 for a major quake.

MODIFIERS „ STRONG (+2): Those attempting to Evade

a quake must subtract 2 from their rolls. Buildings suffer significant damage and are eventually breached or might even collapse if the super keeps up the assault.


See altered form, page 49.


Beings of pure energy, elemental manipulation, magical binding, science gadgets. Energy control allows a super to manipulate one energy Power Type within a single “energy field” as an action. The field is a sphere the size of a Medium Blast Template, that appears up to 12” (24 yards) away. The controller may move the field up to 12” (24 yards) per turn as a limited free action on her turn, as long as it stays in sight. „ TRAPPINGS:


SAVAGE WORLDS: SUPERS COMPANION Other Abilities: Other “energy control” abilities such as ranged attacks, entangle, damage field, force field, obscure and the like may be taken separately, using the same Power Type as energy control to reflect greater mastery. Power Down: Energy control terminates if the super loses concentration. See Power Down on page 42. MODIFIERS „ ADDITIONAL POWER TYPE (+1): The hero

The field lasts as long as the super maintains it (i.e. isn’t Incapacitated or Powered Down). Once the sphere is created, she may activate minor effects appropriate to the Power Type as a free action—summon a cool breeze, light or extinguish a fire, create light, and so on. The controller may activate one of the effects below as a limited free action; terminating an effect is a free action. The controller is always immune to her own effects. • Damage: Anyone in the field at the end of the super’s turn suffers 2d6 damage from flame, sonic blasts, temporal atrophy, or some other harmful effect appropriate to the Power Type. • Dampen: The controller provides environmental resistance (see page 61) to her selected Power Type for everyone within the field. • Darken: The area inside the sphere is darkened or obscured by energy, casting everything within in Dim light (see Illumination in Savage Worlds). • Distract: Everyone in the template at the end of the super’s turn is Distracted. Remove the condition at the end of their turn as usual if they are no longer in the template.


may control an additional energy Power Type. This may be taken more than once, choosing a different energy Power Type each time. „ AREA EFFECT (+2): The controller may expand her energy field to the size of a Large Blast Template. „ POWER (+5): The character’s energy has greater effect. Damage increases to 4d6, Dampen gives allies immunity to the Power Type while they’re within, Darken creates Dark conditions, and Distract makes foes Distracted and Vulnerable. „ REQUIRES MATERIAL (−1/–2): The character cannot create energy but must use what’s already present. In the absence of such energy, she cannot use her power. This is worth one point if the energy is fairly common in the setting (light, heat), or 2 points if it’s rare (radiation, temporal).


Glue bomb, vines, electrical net, handcuffs, spider webs, sorcerous bindings. Entangle tangles foes in bands of energy, ropes, vines, webbing, or other entanglements. To activate, the hero targets any foe within 12” (24 yards) and makes a Focus roll opposed by the victim’s Athletics. If the attacker wins, the victim is Entangled. If the attacker wins with a raise, the victim is Bound. The bonds are Hardness 8, and a Bound or Entangled victim may attempt to break free as usual on his next turn. See Bound and Entangled in Savage Worlds for more details. „ TRAPPINGS:

MODIFIERS „ AREA EFFECT (+2/+4): For 2 points, the attack

may affect everyone in a Medium Blast Template. For 4 points the hero may use either a Medium or a Large Blast Template.

Chapter Four: Powers The super may cause his entanglement to constrict, burn, cut, or harm those trapped in its clutches. As an action, the super may inflict 2d6 damage on anyone he’s Bound or Entangled. For +4 points, it causes 3d6 damage. „ REQUIRES MATERIAL (−1/–2): The character cannot create matter and must have a source of it within range to use his power. This is a one point discount if the matter is fairly common in the setting (vines, wiring), or 2 points if it’s rare (vines on a spaceship, skeletal hands from a cemetery). „ REQUIRES TOUCH (−2): The super must touch the victim to affect him. This may not be combined with the Range or Area Effect modifiers. See page 45 for more information. „ STRONG (+2): The binding material is very strong. Rolls to break free are made at −2 and Hardness increases to 12. „ DEADLY (+2/+4):


„ TRAPPINGS: Energy or matter controllers,

altered forms, alien physique. Your hero is resistant to a particular Power Type. She ignores its background effects, reduces damage from that Power Type by 4, and adds +4 when resisting any effects with that Power Type’s Trapping. MODIFIERS „ ADDITIONAL POWER TYPE (+1): The hero’s

environmental resistance applies to an additional Power Type. This may be taken more than once, choosing a new Power Type each time. „ AREA EFFECT (+2/+4): For 2 points, environmental resistance may apply to everyone in a Medium Blast Template centered on the super. For 4 points, the character can expand her protection to a Large Blast Template. „ IMMUNITY (+2): The hero is immune to damage and effects from her resisted Power Types.


SAVAGE WORLDS: SUPERS COMPANION At the GM’s discretion, even Immunity might break down in the most extreme circ*mstances. Spending more than a few minutes in a nuclear reactor for radiation resistance, for example, or the surface of the sun for fire resistance, is more than even this modifier can withstand. „ REQUIRES ACTIVATION (−1): The hero must make a Focus roll as an action to activate this ability. If he loses concentration, it Powers Down and must be reactivated (see page 42).


Bombs, radioactive form, gathering energy. The super has the unusual ability to explode! His body somehow survives the detonation intact or reassembles itself afterward. Exploding is a limited action. A successful Focus roll creates an explosion the size of a Large Blast Template centered on the hero. Everyone within the template must Evade (at −2 with a raise on the Focus roll) or take 3d10 damage (4d10 with a raise). A hero is automatically Shaken after exploding. „ TRAPPINGS:

MODIFIERS „ BIG BANG (+2): The explosion may cause

5d10 damage but the hero is Stunned afterward. „ FAILSAFE (+1): The character explodes automatically if he becomes Incapacitated. „ TEMPORARY


The super’s body disintegrates when it explodes! Once he recovers from being Shaken (or Stunned with Big Bang), he must make a Focus roll to reform. The hero can’t be targeted or communicated with while disintegrated.


Tentacles, tail, robotic arm, extra-dimensional manifestation. Your character has an additional prehensile limb or pair of limbs each time this is taken. These act as hands and can hold weapons or other equipment. Extra limbs doesn’t grant the character additional actions—use the additional actions power for that. The limbs may be used for „ TRAPPINGS:


sustained actions, however, such as holding a flashlight or grappling a foe, leaving other limbs free for other things. Gang Up: Each time this is taken also grants the owner a +1 Gang Up bonus on his foes, assuming the limbs are used to fight or otherwise confound a foe. This applies to grappling attempts as well (attacking, not breaking free). MODIFIERS „ REACH (+1/Level): The extra limbs have

Reach +1 each time this is taken.

FEAR (2)

Cold stare, horrible visage, dark cowl, fear toxins. Due to her looks or some nefarious power, the super causes foes to tremble in their boots. To activate fear, the hero makes a Focus roll to yell, scream, glare, or otherwise catch the attention of a foe within 6” (12 yards). A single foe may not be targeted more than one per turn. With success, the target must make a Fear test (at −2 with a raise on the Focus roll). No foe may be targeted more than once per encounter by fear, but the power may be used for Tests afterward. The super may use all his usual modifiers when doing so (Area Effect, Strong, etc.). „ TRAPPINGS:

MODIFIERS „ AREA EFFECT (+2/+4): For 2 points, the

attack may affect everyone in a Medium Blast Template. For 4 points the hero may use either a Medium or a Large Blast Template. Targets in the blast area resist individually. „ REQUIRES TOUCH (−2): The super must touch the victim to affect him. This may not be combined with the Range or Area Effect modifiers. See page 45 for more information. „ STRONG (+2): The Fear check is made at an additional −2 penalty.


Constructs, horror-themed characters, daredevils. The character is completely immune to Fear checks, whether they come from powers, Special Abilities, or situations. „ TRAPPINGS:

Chapter Four: Powers Fearless heroes may still have phobias from Hindrances or other sources encountered in their adventures. They aren’t “afraid” of them per se, but still suffer the usual penalties for their discomfort and general agitation. MODIFIERS „ STEADY (+2): The super’s bravery helps

others. Characters within 5” (or her Command Range if it’s greater) gain a +2 bonus on Fear checks.

FLIGHT (2–18)

Wings, jet packs, alien abilities, ice bridges, floating discs. Few powers are as iconic to the supers set as the ability to fly! Whether she truly soars like a bird, zips around on ice bridges, or coasts along electrical lines, your hero can move quickly and easily over the earth. Attack Penalty: The Attack Penalties listed below are subtracted from any melee or ranged attacks against the flyer, assuming she’s able to move at that speed. Ignore the penalty if the character isn’t moving or is confined to a small space. The penalty stacks with all other attack penalties except those from speed (natural or the power) to a maximum of −10. „ TRAPPINGS:

MODIFIERS „ FTL (+1): Must have Near Light Speed flight

to purchase. The character can eventually get to Faster Than Light (FTL) speeds, either through jumps, bending spacetime, or constant acceleration. FTL may only be used in space, outside a planet’s gravity and atmosphere. This allows a character to travel between worlds or star systems in space-faring campaigns. „ GLIDER (−1): Pace 180 MPH or lower only. The flyer doesn’t actually fly, but can glide at his Pace, dropping roughly 10 vertical feet for every 100 horizontal feet traveled. „ MANEUVERABLE (+1): You roll 2d6 to “run” in a tactical environment instead of 1d6. „ UNGAINLY (−2): This modifier may only be taken if the super’s flight is Pace 45 or above. She can fly straight easily enough but has trouble turning and maneuvering, reducing her attack penalty by 2. If she moves at Super Sonic Speed, for example,





Pace 6 (4 MPH)


Pace 12 (8 MPH)


Pace 24 (16 MPH)


Pace 45 (30 MPH)


Pace 90 (60 MPH)



Pace 180 (120 MPH)



Pace 360 (240 MPH)



Sonic Speed (1,200 MPH)



Super Sonic Speed (2,400 MPH)



Near Light Speed (240M MPH)


Out of Control: If a hero in flight is Shaken, Stunned, or Wounded and is in a tight space where he might hit an obstacle, he must make an Athletics roll at −2 or collide for damage equal to 2d6+Xd6, where X is his unmodified attack penalty treated as a positive value.


SAVAGE WORLDS: SUPERS COMPANION her attack penalty is −6 instead of the usual −8. The hero also makes her Athletics rolls to avoid collisions at −4. You may not take the Ungainly modifier if you took Maneuverability.


„ TRAPPINGS: Bubbles of energy, force field

belts, personal energy fields. The defender is surrounded with protective energy that protects her (and possibly others) from harm. Each level reduces incoming damage by 1 point (to a maximum of −10). Power Down: Force field terminates if the super loses concentration. See Power Down on page 42. MODIFIERS „ AREA EFFECT (+2/+4): The hero’s protection

may extend to everyone in a Medium Blast Template, centered on himself, for +2 points, or a Large Blast Template for +4 points. (Take Selective to exclude foes!) Damage initiated inside the field is not negated. „ LIFE SUPPORT (+2): The hero (and anyone protected with the Area Effect modifier, above), are sealed inside the force field and may ignore background environmental conditions, airborne toxins, poisons, or the effects of outer space. The “bubble” provides breathable air or whatever the beings inside require for basic life. Initiating Life Support is an action, and lasts as long as the super maintains it (i.e. isn’t Incapacitated or Powered Down). „ MOBILE (+1): If the hero has the Area Effect modifier, she may activate her force field up to 12” (24 yards) distant, and she may move it up to 12” each turn as a limited free action. The field must stay in sight. „ REQUIRES ACTIVATION (−1): The hero must make a Focus roll as an action to activate this ability. If he loses concentration, it Powers Down and must be reactivated (see page 42).


Well-read, robotic, hyperintelligent, photographic memory or reflexes. The character gets a free reroll on all Smarts and Smarts-based skills. „ TRAPPINGS:


MODIFIERS „ FAST LEARNER (+1): The hero ignores

the −2 penalty when making unskilled, Smarts-based rolls.


Growth pills, words of power, magic, mutated metabolism, Hulking brutes, aliens, robots. The hero can increase his Size up to his level in growth. Each level increases his Size and Toughness one point, and Strength one die type. See the Size Table in Savage Worlds for typical height and mass of each Size, and Scale modifiers. Pace: Add +2 to the character’s Pace when Large, +4 when Huge, and +6 when Gargantuan. Reach: Characters who become Large also gain Reach +1. Huge characters gain Reach +2, and Gargantuan beings add Reach +3. Stomp: A Huge or Gargantuan character may stomp creatures in a Small Blast Template as long as the targets are at least two Scales smaller. The attack ignores Scale modifiers and is an opposed Athletics vs Agility roll (defenders roll individually). Those who can’t get out of the way are stomped for damage equal to the giant’s Strength damage (don’t add damage bonus from melee attack, the Bruiser or Martial Artist Edge, etc). Wounds: At Large Scale and above, growth grants the hero additional Wounds. Track any Wounds taken at Large Scale or greater separately. If a hero reduces his Size below that Scale and would have more than his capacity, he’s Incapacitated. If he returns to a larger scale, his injuries remain (as does his Incapacitation if that’s his current condition). „ TRAPPINGS:

Example: A hero takes five Wounds while in Gargantuan form. He returns to Normal where he can only take three Wounds, so he’s Incapacitated. If roused and he returns to Gargantuan form he still has five Wounds. If he could take four Wounds (from the Tough as Nails Edge), he would keep all four at his Normal Size as well. Power Down: Growth terminates if the super loses concentration. See Power Down on page 42. Ignore this if the condition has the Permanent modifier.

Chapter Four: Powers MODIFIERS „ PERMANENT (−2): The character’s greater

Size is permanent. He can’t wear normal clothes, use normal gear, food costs more, and he might not fit in vehicles or elevators, through doorways, etc. „ SWAT (+1/+2): For +1 point, the character reduces the Scale penalty when attacking smaller targets by 2. For +2 points the Scale penalty is reduced by 4. (The bonus for attacking those of a larger Scale remains.)


Big tough guys and gals, alien physiology, altered forms, magic, absorption. The hero is so tough only the most serious damage can harm him. A second Shaken result in combat doesn’t cause a Wound. „ TRAPPINGS:


Mystical glow, miraculous touch, divine blessings, advanced technology. Your helpful hero can heal herself or another within 6” (12 yards). This takes a Focus roll as an action and heals one Wound with a success, or two with a raise. One Shot: The healing power may only be attempted once per “set” of Wounds (Wounds taken in one attack), and only within the “golden hour” after the Wounds are received. If the roll is failed, the power can’t heal those particular Wounds. The healer may try to treat any new Wounds a patient receives, however. The same character can also use the Healing skill separately, before or after attempting the power, essentially giving her two chances to heal Wounds if she has both the skill and the power. The Healer Edge applies to both the power and the skill as usual. Support: Healers can Support their ally’s natural healing rolls if they’re able to offer a few minutes of treatment each day. „ TRAPPINGS:

Shot rule above (one try within one hour of contracting the poison or disease). „ FATIGUE (+2): In place of Wounds, the healer may choose to cure Fatigue instead. Fatigue is subject to the One Shot rule above (one try within one hour of being Fatigued). „ REFRESH (+2): With a successful Focus roll, every character within a Large Blast Template, centered on herself, immediately recovers from being Shaken or Stunned. „ REQUIRES TOUCH (−2): The super must touch the victim to affect him. This may not be combined with the Range modifier. See page 45 for more information. „ RESTORATION (+2): The healer can repair permanent crippling injuries by making a Focus roll at −4. Restoration is subject to the One Shot rule above (one try within one hour of injury).

MODIFIERS „ CURE (+2): The character can negate

poison or Debilitating or Lethal diseases by making a Focus roll at −2, or Chronic diseases at −4. This is subject to the One


SAVAGE WORLDS: SUPERS COMPANION The ultimate healing ability is the power to raise a character from the dead. This requires most of the fallen’s remains (GM’s call) and a Focus roll at −4. If successful, the hero arises Exhausted and with three Wounds. Resurrection is subject to the One Shot rule above (one try within one hour of death).



Animal senses, sensors,

robotic eyes. The character has extremely powerful senses. Choose one or more of the options below; each option costs one Power Point. „ EAGLE EYES: The character can read fine print up to a mile distant. This reduces Range penalties by 1. „ HEARING: The character can hear a whisper up to a mile away if he knows to listen for it. It also gives him +2 to Notice rolls based on hearing. „ INFRAVISION: The character can see heat sources. He halves darkness penalties against targets with heat signatures (or lack thereof in normal environments). If he also has Low Light Vision, he ignores all illumination penalties. „ LOW LIGHT VISION: Low Light Vision ignores penalties for Dim and Dark Illumination (but not Pitch Darkness). If he also has Infravision, he ignores all illumination penalties. „ MICROSCOPIC VISION: The hero can see down to the molecular level. This adds a +1 bonus to any roll where that might prove useful, such as a Healing roll to treat a disease, Science to analyze the composition of a substance, or Survival to track tell-tale particles through otherwise untrackable terrain. „ SMELL: A

keen sense of smell gives the hero +2 to Survival rolls made to track if the


target had a scent and the trail is no more than a day old. „ X-RAY VISION: The hero can see through any substance x-rays can penetrate (they’re usually blocked by thick metal or particularly dense materials). He can ignore up to 2 points of Cover penalties if he can see through the intervening obstacle.


See melee attack, page 73.


Sorcery, mind tricks, holograms. Illusion allows a character to create imaginary images and sounds. The illusions cannot actually affect the real world, but a clever manipulator can make them look like they do! The creator can conjure an illusion up to 12” (24 yards) distant, filling a sphere the size of a Medium Blast Template with whatever image he desires. As long as the caster pays attention, the images react to the world around them just as if they were real—staggering back from attacks, taking “damage,” and so on. The sphere may be moved up to 12” per turn as a limited free action. It takes a Focus roll and an action to create an illusion, but it may be maintained as long as the creator wishes and remains conscious. It can be dispelled as a free action. Illusions aren’t captured by electronic equipment (unless one takes the Film Quality modifier below). Disbelieve: Illusions never look quite right. Details are just a little blurry, motions are slightly off, or there’s an “uncanny valley” in faces and effects. Even making oneself „ TRAPPINGS:

Chapter Four: Powers disappear leaves a slight outline of their illusions. The creator can turn this on or figure. off as she wishes. „ OBSCUREMENT (+2): The illusion can be Casual observers don’t usually notice these flaws, but those who engage with them used to obscure the creator and his allies or have reason to interact with an image within the area of effect. A villain might or look at it closely get a Smarts roll at −2 make herself appear a few feet left of her as a free action (make a group roll for like actual position, for example, or simply targets); supers with abilities such as eagle eyes, disappear. Attacks against those the microscopic vision, or awareness can ignore the creator decides to obscure are made at −2. penalty. This has no effect on area effect attacks, and continues even if a foe has seen If successful, those individuals see through through the ruse. the mirage. They still see it and may suffer „ SYSTEM SHOCK (+2): The illusion may from certain effects (see the Distraction or Obscurement modifiers), but know it’s not make an attack on the creator’s turn. It real and that an illusionist must be nearby. automatically “hits” any or all targets in It’s up to the Game Master when to allow the area of effect, who must then make a the roll to disbelieve, but any sort of detailed Smarts roll or be Shaken. A second Shaken interaction (such as combat) should normally result from an illusion doesn’t cause a allow a roll. Wound unless the victim rolls a Critical Failure on his Smarts roll (then he’s Once a character realizes an illusionist is Incapacitated but can’t actually perish). present, he ignores the −2 Smarts penalty for the rest of the encounter. System Shock has no effect once a character disbelieves a particular illusion. Disguise: An illusory disguise works well for casual observation. It’s nowhere near IMMUNE TO POISON/DISEASE (1) as precise as the chameleon power, however. „ TRAPPINGS: Aliens, genetic modifications, Anyone who looks carefully should get a roll filters. to see through it as outlined above. The character is completely immune to either Fear: Illusions might cause a Fear test in poison or disease—character’s choice. It may certain circ*mstances at the GM’s discretion. be taken a second time for immunity to both. Power Down: Illusion terminates if the super loses concentration. See Power Down MODIFIERS „ CURE DISEASE (+2): Must have immune to on page 42. disease. The hero may make a Focus roll at MODIFIERS −2 to cure a Debilitating or Lethal disease. „ AFTER EFFECTS (+1): Any after effects of She may make a Focus roll at −4 to cure a the illusion’s passing remain as long as Chronic disease. Doing so automatically the primary illusion lasts. If an illusory gives her a level of Fatigue. monster rampages down a city street, for Such characters attract a lot of attention and example, the wreckage it leaves behind change the worlds they live in drastically, (outside of the area of effect) remains. It so consider this modifier carefully! has no other game effect other than to „ CURE POISON (+1): Must have immune to make the primary illusion more believable. poison. The character may make a Focus „ AREA EFFECT (+2): The illusion may fill a roll to cure an ally of any poison. Large Blast Template. INFECTION (2) „ DISTRACTION (+1): If the creator wishes, „ TRAPPINGS: Sickening touch, swarm of enemies in the area of effect are Distracted flies, aura of corruption. until they move out of the template. This continues even if a foe has seen through The character infects his foe with an extremely fast-acting disease that causes disease and the illusion. other maladies. „ FILM QUALITY (+1): Cameras and microphones can detect and record the


SAVAGE WORLDS: SUPERS COMPANION A successful Focus roll causes a target within 6” (12 yards) to make a Vigor roll (at −2 with a raise on the Focus roll). If the victim fails, he takes a level of Fatigue. At the start of his next turn, he must make another Vigor roll. Failure incurs another level of Fatigue. Success staves off any further effects this round, but the victim must roll again on his next turn. With a raise, there is no further effect and he becomes immune to any further effects of this particular attacker’s infection power for the rest of the encounter. Fatigue is recovered normally (see Savage Worlds), and can cause Incapacitation but not death. MODIFIERS „ AFFLICTION (+2): For +2 points the

infection causes one of the following Major Hindrances as well as Fatigue. This lasts until all Fatigue is restored. Afflictions: Anemic, Bad Eyes, Clumsy, Hard of Hearing, Mute, Slow, TongueTied, Ugly. „ AREA EFFECT (+2/+4): For 2 points, the attack may affect everyone in a Medium Blast Template. For 4 points the hero may use either a Medium or a Large Blast Template. Targets in the blast area resist individually. „ CONTAGIOUS (+1): Infected persons can pass the infection to anyone who touches them! Anyone who comes in physical contact with the character must make a Vigor roll (no penalties) or become infected. „ DURATION (+1): The sickness lasts much longer. Rather than automatically removing a level of Fatigue each hour as usual, the victim makes a Vigor roll every 24 hours. Success removes one level of Fatigue and a raise removes two. „ LETHAL (+1): Fatigue from infection can lead to death. „ MUTATION (+1): The plague bearer may make a Focus roll as a limited action to mutate the infection so that it counts as a new type of infection this encounter, thus ignoring the immunity of those who previously resisted with a raise. Anyone who perishes while suffering from infection rises as



whatever killed him 1d6 rounds later (or slower if the attacker prefers). „ REQUIRES TOUCH (−2): The super must touch the victim to affect him. This may not be combined with the Range or Area Effect modifiers. See page 45 for more information. „ STRONG (+2): Vigor rolls to resist infection are made at an additional −2.


See heightened senses on page 66.


„ TRAPPINGS: Mist or energy form, a ghost,

out of phase, a swarm of insects. Intangibility makes a character unable to affect or be affected by physical attacks, like a phantom or spirit. Energy Power Types affect intangible characters normally—take resistance for more resilience against those Power Types. The power allows a super to walk through walls or other barriers but doesn’t make him invisible (take invisibility for that). Becoming intangible is an action. While intangible, any items the character carries also become intangible and don’t function. Beings carried by the character are dropped. Becoming tangible is a free action. Phasing: An intangible character can make an attack then become intangible again. Opponents who want to attack a “phaser” can go on Hold and successfully interrupt to attack, if they wish. Wounding: An intangible hero can cause damage to an enemy by phasing into a foe’s form (usually a hand to the chest). This is an opposed Focus roll versus the target’s Athletics or Vigor (defender’s choice). If the attacker wins, the victim takes a Wound (two with a raise). If the attacker’s Focus roll is a Critical Failure, he takes a Wound instead! Power Down: Intangibility terminates if the super loses concentration. See Power Down on page 42. Ignore this if she takes the Permanent modifier. MODIFIERS „ AFFECT OTHERS (+2): The hero can turn

individuals within 6” (12 yards) intangible

Chapter Four: Powers with a Focus roll. This requires intense concentration, so she can take nothing but free actions while maintaining anyone else’s intangibility. Unwilling victims resist with Spirit (at −2 with a raise on the Focus roll). If failed, they become intangible and can’t affect the physical world. They may make a Spirit roll at −2 as a free action at the start of each turn to become material. „ PERMANENT (−2): The character is permanently intangible. She may make a Focus roll as a free action to affect the physical world during her turn, then returns to her intangible state at the end of it. She can only be healed via natural healing or supernatural means (such as the healing power). The Permanent modifier allows the super to ignore the Power Down rules. „ REQUIRES ACTIVATION (−1): The hero must make a Focus roll as an action to activate this ability. If he loses concentration, it Powers Down and must be reactivated (see page 42).


Robots, cyborgs, laptops, “jacking in.” Your hero can interface with electronic gadgets, giving him much greater access to their inner workings than others. He gains +2 to Electronics and Hacking rolls. „ TRAPPINGS:


The super can open electronic locks, bypass security systems, and override other similar protection devices without any tools. Thievery gains the +2 bonus for interface so long as electronics are involved in some way.

„ FAST (+2): Attempts

to use any skill affected by interface that would normally

take 10 minutes or less can be tried with a single action. „ RANGE (+1): The character may interface with devices up to 12” (24 yards) distant.


Cell alteration, stealth suit. Becoming invisible is an action, instantly turning the character and all his gear difficult to see. Attempts to Notice her and direct attacks against her suffer a −4 penalty. If the invisible character does something obvious like stand in the rain, the attack penalty is halved for that turn and no Notice roll is necessary to detect her presence. Turning visible is a free action. Power Down: Invisibility terminates if the super loses concentration. See Power Down on page 42. Ignore this if she takes the Permanent modifier. „ TRAPPINGS:


(+1): T h e hero must have the Projection modifier to take Mobile. With it, she may activate her invisibility field up to 12” (24 yards) distant, and she may move it the same amount as a limited free action. „ PERMANENT


The character is always invisible. Besides the obvious roleplaying issues, such as finding an Incapacitated hero or the difficulty of personal relationships, those who try to heal him suffer a −4 penalty since his injuries can’t be seen. The Permanent modifier allows the super to ignore the Power Down rules. „ PERSONAL (−2): The supers’ invisibility doesn’t cover gear or clothes. He must be au natural! Carrying objects is as obvious as standing in the rain (no Notice roll to detect and half penalties to attack her). „ PROJECTION (+3/+6): The

hero can project his invisibility field in a Medium Blast



Template centered on himself for +3 points, or a Large Blast Template for +6. „ TRUE INVISIBILITY (+2): The penalty to see

or attack the super increases to −6.

Your character may actually be able to leap tall buildings in a single bound. The number of points in the power determines how far he can jump.

JINX (4)

Evil eye, curse, super luck. Enemies constantly suffer minor slips, misfires, and other mishaps when they try to harm this super. Anyone who fails an action that affects the hero, including area effect attacks, Tests, etc., becomes Vulnerable. On a Critical Failure, they’re Shaken as well (in addition to any other effects). This might represent a related incident—a thug’s bullet ricochets off a wall and hits another; or a completely unrelated event occurs—a pot falls from a high window and smashes on a thug’s head just as he’s about to shoot. The GM should feel free to get creative in describing the bad luck that befalls those who tangle with this “black cat.” „ TRAPPINGS:

MODIFIERS „ GREATER JINX (+2): Those who roll a

Critical Failure when attacking the hero are Shaken or Stunned, player’s choice.


thick legs.


Massive strength, springs,





2” (4 yards)

4” (8 yards)


4” (8 yards)

8” (16 yards)


8” (16 yards)

16” (32 yards)


16” (32 yards)

32” (64 yards)


32” (64 yards)

64” (128 yards)


Half a Mile

One Mile

Falling: The leaper ignores falling damage for heights up to his vertical distance unless entangled, bound, or otherwise prevented from landing on his feet. Movement: Leaping doesn’t add to a character’s walking or running Pace—use the highest movement value instead. If she can leap horizontally 4”, for example, she’s better off walking if she has a Pace of 6. The power is still useful for clearing chasms, rooftops, and the like, but doesn’t make her faster. MODIFIERS „ BOUNCE (+1): The character has learned

to bounce off vertical surfaces to climb higher than he might otherwise. He may

Chapter Four: Powers scale any height as long as he has opposing walls or other surfaces to bounce off of. „ DEATH FROM ABOVE (+1): As long as he’s not restricted from leaping, the character’s Wild Attacks cause +4 damage instead of +2.


or rolls. Trying to hit someone with either requires a Focus roll (in place of the usual Driving roll). Similarly, a machine controller who takes over a starship with multiple weapons could fly the ship for free and fire up to three weapons at the usual Multi-Action penalty. Rival Controllers: If a device is already controlled by another, the super’s Focus roll is opposed by the rival’s Focus.


MODIFIERS „ MULTI-TASK (+2/+4): For +2, the character


Use energy control, page 59. See heightened senses on page 66.

ignores two points of Multi-Action Technokinesis, electrical penalty when at least one action is with a control, electronic integration, androids controlled machine. For +4, the character The super can mentally control electrical ignores four points of Multi-Action and electronic machines up to 12” (24 yards) penalty as long as two of the actions are distant. Controlled devices can perform their with a controlled machine. usual functions, move at their usual rate (if „ REQUIRES TOUCH (−2): The super must any), cause appropriate damage (GM’s call touch a device to control it. This may not given the wide possibilities), and use the be combined with the Range modifier. See character’s Focus skill for attacks, maneuvers, page 45 for more information. and the like. A machine’s Size is how many points it MALFUNCTION (3) „ TRAPPINGS: Electromagnetic pulse, hexes, takes to control it (minimum cost of 1). A motorcycle (Size 1) takes 1 point of machine bad luck. control, for example, while a Size 6 bulldozer The character can cause tech­no­logical devices takes 6 points. With 7 points in machine control, and machines to fail by picking a target she could control both a motorcycle and a within 12” and making a Focus roll, minus the bulldozer at the same time. modifiers below. If successful, the device mal­ Machine control doesn’t allow the super to func­tions in some way. With a raise, anyone move a normally inanimate device (use matter using the device is Distracted. control or telekinesis for that)—she can only Most devices just stop functioning until the cause it to function as if she were operating bearer uses an action to make a Repair roll. it herself. Large or complex devices with Wounds like Taking control of a machine is an action and vehicles take a Critical Hit (see Savage Worlds). a Focus roll (at −2 or more if the machine is A super can choose to target particular parts particularly high-tech, shielded, alien in or sub-systems of complex devices if desired origin, etc.). If the machine has an AI, treat as a Called Shot. this like mind control (page 74), with the AI resisting with Smarts or Spirit (its choice) MALFUNCTION when tasked with something against its DEVICE PENALTY directives. Simple (can opener, −0 Once controlled, any automatic functions firearm, bow) remain on as the controller desires. This Moderate (laser rifle, civilian −2 includes movement for mobile machines vehicle engine, microwave oven) such as vehicles. Complex (tank, shielded military −4 Any “active” function, such as ramming hardware, alien technology) someone or making an attack, requires an action and a Focus roll. Driving a motorcycle and a bulldozer, for example, takes no actions „ TRAPPINGS:



affect everything in a Medium Blast Template for 2 points, or a Large Blast Template for 4 points. „ REQUIRES TOUCH (−2): The super must touch the target to affect it. This may not be combined with the Range or Area Effect modifiers. See page 45 for more information.


„ TRAPPINGS: Mutant powers, altered form

of similar matter, elemental control. Matter control allows a super to manipulate one matter Power Type within a single “energy field” as an action. The field is a sphere the size of a Medium Blast Template, that appears up to 12” (24 yards) away. The controller may move the field up to 12” (24 yards) per turn as a limited free action on her turn, as long as it stays in sight. The field lasts as long as the super maintains it (i.e. isn’t Incapacitated or Powered Down). Once created, the controller may activate or deactivate any one of the effects below within her matter field as a limited free action:

• Barrier: Solid matter such as earth, metal, or plants, can be formed into any shape and left in place. Regardless of its size or shape, it has a Hardness of 10, and if shattered, effectively clears the area except for the rubble it leaves behind. • Damage: Anyone in the field at the end of the super’s turn suffers 2d6 damage from swirling sands, dehydration, a bombardment of stone, or other harmful effect appropriate to the Power Type. • Dampen: The controller provides environmental resistance (see page 61) to her selected Power Type for everyone within the field. • Distract: Everyone in the template at the end of the super’s turn is Distracted. Remove the condition at the end of their turn as usual if they are no longer in the template. Other Abilities: Other “matter control” abilities such as ranged attacks, entangle, damage field, force field and the like may be taken separately, using the same Power Type as matter control to reflect greater mastery. Power Down: Matter control terminates if the super loses concentration. See Power Down on page 42. MODIFIERS „ ADDITIONAL POWER TYPE (+1): The hero

may control an additional matter Power Type. This may be taken more than once, choosing a different matter Power Type each time. „ AREA EFFECT (+2): The controller may expand her matter field to the size of a Large Blast Template. „ POWER (+5): The character’s matter has greater effect. Her Barrier’s Hardness increases to 14, Damage increases to 4d6, Dampen gives allies immunity to the Power Type while they’re within, and Distract makes foes Distracted and Vulnerable. „ REQUIRES MATERIAL (−1/–2): The character cannot create matter. She must have a source of it within 12” to use her power. This is a one point discount if the matter is fairly common (rocks, water), or 2 points if it’s rare (special metals).


Chapter Four: Powers MELEE ATTACK (SPECIAL)

Rock hard fists, built-up energy, pressure points, athletic prowess, martial arts. All characters cause their Strength damage when they punch or kick someone with an unarmed attack. This is free and isn’t listed in their profile unless they’ve enhanced it with additional damage (see the table below) or have natural or special weapons (see the Modifiers). A character can also enhance her melee damage by using this power, which applies to all armed and unarmed Fighting attacks: „ TRAPPINGS:










Edges: A damage die from Brawler, Bruiser, Martial Artist, or Martial Warrior Edges is added on to a character’s melee attack. A hero with the Martial Arts Edge and 4 points in this power, for example, rolls Str+d4+2d6. Weapons: Add any weapon damage to the total. A hero with melee attack +2d6 and a short sword (+d6), for example, causes Str+3d6 damage. Racial Abilities: Characters with the Bite, Claws, or Horns racial abilities get the equivalent modifier below for free. Alternate Trait: The Target Number to hit a foe with melee attack is always his Parry, even if the skill is changed from Fighting to something else. ADDITIONAL ATTACK FORMS

Melee attack is different than most powers as it includes four distinct “attack forms”: punches and kicks (the core power), Bites, Claws, and Special Weapons. Modifiers such as Armor Piercing, Forceful, or Heavy Weapon apply to each attack form separately. This allows you to customize each form, perhaps giving a hero an AP 4 Bite, AP 6 Claws, and a magical hammer that’s a Heavy Weapon.

CUSTOMIZING MELEE ATTACKS The melee attack power is a little different than most since you can take one level for free, it has more modifiers, and applies the Armor Piercing and Device modifiers separately. This is done so that you can create many different types of comic book brawlers. • Focus on the base bonus melee damage for heroes who rely on their fists, skill, or raw power. • Focus on integral weapons like bite, claws, or horns to reflect a bestial or feral fighting style. • Put your points into Special Weapon if your super wields a magic sword, divine hammer, or futuristic vibro blade. If she’s an inexperienced fighter with a fantastic weapon, put all your points into the weapon’s damage rather than Bonus Melee Damage. The same is true for any attack forms that are Devices (page 45). The Device discount can be taken separately for each attack form it applies to, but can never drop the cost of a form below 1. „ CLAWS (+2): The character has claws that add +d4 damage to her melee attacks and +2 to Athletics (climbing) rolls. The claws’ damage may be increased to a d6 for +1 point, or to 2d6 for +3 points. „ BITE (+1): The hero has fangs. When she bites, she adds +d4 damage to her melee attack. She can also bite a foe she’s grappled. (Most attackers can only crush their prey using raw Strength, see Grappling in Savage Worlds). Damage may be increased to a d6 for +1 point, or to 2d6 for +3 points. „ HORNS (+1): The hero has horns that add +d4 damage to her melee attack when used. They also add +4 damage at the end of one Fighting attack if she runs at least 5” (10 yards) and hits a foe with them. Damage may be increased to a d6 for +1 point, or to 2d6 for +3 points.



WHY DON’T ALL SUPERS USE WEAPONS? Supers can use weapons to cause more damage since they stack with melee attack, but most don’t for various reasons. First and foremost is to stay out of trouble with the authorities and protect a secret identity. It’s hard to hide a long sword in casual business attire, and firearms are illegal in most urban areas. Getting spotted with a pistol in a New York diner leads to arrest, fines, and authorities digging into one’s background. Second is trust and public perception. A character called “The Black Knight” can probably get away with a sword and shield—people expect that as part of the costume. A sword-wielding vigilante without the medieval theme, on the other hand, probably just looks bloodthirsty, especially in a setting with any nod to realism. Swords leave gruesome gashes, severed limbs, and gory decapitations. Fistfights, at least in a cinematic world, cause much less carnage and are far less disturbing to the public. Trust in heroes who use firearms is even worse. Unless a weapon is modified in some way, guns are always lethal weapons. In settings where heroes aren’t expected to kill their enemies, those who use guns are rarely on good terms with the authorities or other heroes. Villains are far more apt to use weapons. They want to intimidate their enemies and the public and don’t usually care if their attacks are shockingly lethal. Of course some may restrict themselves to fists out of convenience, because of some special attack, or most often, to show they don’t need a weapon to dominate their foes.



WEAPON (+2): The hero has a unique hand weapon that adds +d6 damage to his melee attack in addition to the weapon’s usual damage die. A long sword (Str+d8), for example, and the melee attack power at +3d6, causes Str+d8+4d6 as a Special Weapon. Increase the additional damage to +2d6 for +2 points, +3d6 for +4 points, +4d6 for +6 points, or +5d6 for +8 points. Special Weapon stacks with melee attack, but the maximum damage is +5d6. The weapon has all the usual statistics of that particular hand weapon, such as damage, bonuses or penalties to Parry, etc. Lost Weapons: If a Special Weapon is lost or taken away, the hero loses its bonus. If it’s permanently lost or destroyed, work with the Game Master to determine how a replacement might be gained through a short adventure or task. Matched Set: For +1 point, the power applies to two weapons, usually a matched set of daggers, swords, tonfa, etc. Returnable: For +1 point, the weapon returns to the wielder’s hand after it’s thrown.


MODIFIERS „ ARMOR PIERCING: Each point spent adds

+2 AP (maximum AP 20) to any one attack form. „ CHARGE (+1): The hero can “charge up” her attack form as a limited action, adding +1d6 to the first damage roll made in her next action (or +1d10 if combined with an All Out Attack (page 30). „ SMASH (+3): The super may ignore the Armor of inanimate objects and vehicles (not people or the armor they wear) for one attack this turn. Once Smash is declared, the hero is Vulnerable until the end of her next turn. „ THROWN WEAPONS (+2): The hero’s melee damage bonus applies to thrown weapons.


Concentric rings of energy, mesmerism, voodoo dolls. One of the most useful, and most insidious, abilities is the power to take control of a another person’s mind and body. „ TRAPPINGS:

Chapter Four: Powers The super can control a target within 12” MODIFIERS „ FORGETFUL (+2): The victim doesn’t (24 yards) by making a Focus roll. If the remember what happened when she was controller fails the Focus roll, the subject mind controlled. knows something’s happening—further attempts to take over her mind are made at „ LEASHED (−2): The controller must remain −2 for the rest of this encounter. A Critical within 12” (24 yards) of her subject or the Failure means the controller can no longer power instantly terminates. attempt to control the subject this encounter. „ MULTIPLE MINDS (+2): The super can If successful, the target must make a Spirit maintain control over one additional mind roll to resist (at −2 with a raise on the Focus each time this modifier is taken. Each must roll) or she’s controlled for as long as the be controlled separately as usual. attacker cares to maintain the power, or she „ REQUIRES TOUCH (−2): The super must breaks free (see below). touch the victim to affect him. This may If the target resists, there’s no further effect not be combined with the Range Modifier. and the controller can try again when he’s See page 45 for more information. able. If the target resists with a raise, she steels „ SMARTS (+1): If the controller chooses, the her mind and adds +2 to further resistance victim must resist with Smarts rather than attempts for the rest of the encounter. Spirit. If the controller is successful and the target „ STRONG (+2): The Smarts roll to resist or fails to resist, the victim must obey the break free of mind control is made at an super’s commands to the best of her ability additional −2 penalty. until she breaks free (see below) or is released. The victim must be able to hear or otherwise MIND READING (3) „ TRAPPINGS: Concentration, mystical receive her “master’s” orders–the controller doesn’t have a mental link to the victim glow, swamis, hypnotism. unless he has telepathy or a similar Mind reading allows a character to read ability as a separate power. another’s surface thoughts and perhaps One Mind: A mind controller even peer into her past memories. may only control one victim To read someone’s mind, the super at once (unless he has the chooses a target within 6” (12 Multiple Minds modifier, yards) and makes a Focus roll. below). If he’s successful, the target Breaking Free: If given an makes a Smarts roll to resist order that may cause direct harm (at −2 with a raise on the Focus to the subject or people she cares roll). about, or that violates her core If the mind reader fails his Focus roll, ethics or primary responsibilities, the subject knows something’s up— the target gets a Smarts roll as a further attempts to read her mind are free action (at −2 if the super’s made at −2 for the rest of this encounter. initial Focus roll succeeded with a A Critical Failure means the psychic can raise). If she succeeds, she doesn’t no longer read this subject’s mind this obey the command but remains encounter. controlled. With a raise, she breaks If the target successfully resists, there’s free and adds +2 to resist the super’s no further effect and the mind reader mind control power for the rest of this can try again when he wants. If the encounter. target resists with a raise, she senses Power Down: Mind control terminates something is happening and adds +2 to if the super loses concentration. See further resistance attempts for the rest Power Down on page 42. of the encounter. If the mind reader is successful and the target fails to resist, the psychic can



SHORT CIRCUITING MYSTERIES Mind control, mind reading, and object reading can quickly reveal information you might want your players to dig a little harder for. That’s why each is carefully designed to reveal only limited or obscure clues. Mind control lets a victim resist commands that hurt herself or her allies—such as admitting she committed a crime! Mind reading requires capture or sedation to get anything beyond surface thoughts and emotions. Object reading gives the super vague details depending on various factors such as the item’s uniqueness or that of its previous bearer or events it took part in. Keep this in mind when characters use their abilities. Don’t stifle them completely, though. They paid for the power and want to play that type of character, and that should be encouraged. Just think a bit before you answer when they survey a mind or object. If you want them to have the information to move on to the next scene, roleplay it out, let them use their power, and reveal the information. If an investigator’s ability might spoil the adventure, give him clues he can put together with a little thought or further investigation. Example: A super sleuth uses object reading on a knife stuck in the back of a murder victim. The GM wants the adventure to revolve around discovering the murderer’s identity by putting together clues, interacting with suspects, and good old-fashioned detective work. She gives the object reading-hero a vague impression of familiarity when the knife went into the victim’s back—the dead man knew his killer! That gives the player an important clue so he feels rewarded, provides further evidence for the case, and doesn’t give the mystery away.


detect her surface thoughts and emotions. A raise reveals more information. Success against someone who’s lying to the super, for example, means he knows she’s lying. A raise might give her a better idea what general topic she’s lying about. It won’t reveal the lie itself though—that requires a Deep Dive, see below. Deep Dive: It’s much easier to navigate the complex human mind when the target is sedated, unconscious, or asleep. Each attempt against such a victim takes 10 minutes of time but greatly increases the information gleaned. Success acts as a raise and a raise generally gleans everything the psychic wants to know. Failure just wastes the psychic’s time—he can try again. A Critical Failure shuts the victim’s mind down and no further progress can be made this encounter. MODIFIER „ MEMORY MASTERY (+3/+5): The mind

reader can alter and repair memories. The super must first successfully read the target’s mind with a raise. If so, he can remove a short memory as an action. He might make a target forget an encounter, that she ever met an acquaintance, and so on. Given a longer amount of time (GM’s call but at least ten minutes), she can remove any number of memories. With 5 points in the power and the process outlined above, she can implant new memories or restore those that were altered by this power, a traumatic event, or other means. „ REQUIRES TOUCH (−2): The super must touch the victim to affect him. This may not be combined with the Range modifier. See page 45 for more information. „ STRONG (+2): The Smarts roll to resist mind reading is made at an additional −2 penalty.


Concentration, training, madness, zen, high willpower. The hero’s mind is particularly difficult to tamper with for some reason. Mind reading and mind control attempts against her are made at −2. This stacks with environmental resistance to the Mental Power Type! „ TRAPPINGS:

Chapter Four: Powers Further, if the super successfully resists an attempt to read or control her mind, the enemy psychic suffers Fatigue. With a raise on the resistance roll, the foe is Stunned as well. MODIFIERS „ AREA EFFECT (+2/+4): For 2 points, mind

shield may apply to everyone in a Medium Blast Template centered on the super. For 4 points, the hero can expand her protection to a Large Blast Template. „ STRONG (+2): Attempts to read or control the super’s mind are made at −4.


Uniformed thugs, a gang, animated statues, robots. „ MULTIPLE MINIONS: This power may be taken more than once. Each use creates a different set of minions. Any good villain has loyal henchmen, and the greatest heroes sometimes rally brave followers to their side. Some supers can even create their own followers! Each level in minions provides one loyal Extra under the player’s control with the following basic profile. Work with the Game Master if you want to tweak any of the Traits. „ TRAPPINGS:

(+2): The minions can be summoned or conjured from thin air. They might be magical beings, constructs, or zombies that crawl forth from the earth. Summoning minions requires a Focus roll. Success means they appear within 6” and can act on the supers’ next turn. A raise means they can act immediately. A Critical Failure means those minions can’t be summoned this encounter. (Each set of minions must be summoned separately if you take this power more than once.) The minions may be dispelled by the creator as a free action. Incapacitation: If a summoned minion is Incapacitated or killed, it vanishes but can be resummoned after one hour. All summoned minions vanish instantly if their summoner is Incapacitated.


POWERS (+3): For +3 points all the minions have as many Super Power Points as their master’s Power Limit (but have no limit themselves). All minions in the set must have the same powers, and can never take the duplication or minions powers.



Attributes: Agility d6, Smarts d4, Spirit d6, „ TRAPPINGS: Devices, magic, parasitic Strength d6, Vigor d6 touch. Skills: Athletics d6, Common Knowledge d6, This handy and often devastating ability allows Fighting d6, Focus d6, Notice d6, Persuayour hero to negate a foe’s super powers! sion d4, Shooting d6, Stealth d6 A successful Focus roll causes a target within Hindrances: Loyal 6” (12 yards) to make a Spirit roll (at −2 with a Edges: Super Powers (5). raise on the Focus roll). If the victim fails, the Pace: 6; Parry: 5; Toughness: 5 attacker chooses a power to negate. (Negation Gear: Minions may be equipped with any has no effect on Special Abilities that aren’t gear the super cares to purchase for them. super powers!) Summoned minions must use powers to mimic gear (armor for armor, ranged attack The victim gets a Spirit roll at −2 as a free for firearms, etc.). action at the start of each turn to shake off the negation. Each success and raise restores one Replacements: If a minion is killed, another power to its full ability. can be hired, constructed, created, etc., to take its place as befits the Trapping and MODIFIERS „ AREA EFFECT (+2/+4): For 2 points, the attack campaign (usually within 24 hours assuming the hero can reach, build, or summon may affect everyone in a Medium Blast recruits). (Summonable minions are replaced Template. For 4 points the hero may use differently, see below.) either a Medium or a Large Blast Template. Targets in the blast area resist individually. MODIFIERS „ FULL SPECTRUM (+3): The character „ RESILIENT (+1): The minions are Resilient knocks out one power for each success (see Special Abilities in Savage Worlds). and raise on his focus roll.


SAVAGE WORLDS: SUPERS COMPANION TOUCH (−2): The super must touch the victim to affect him. This may not be combined with the Range or Area Effect modifiers. See page 45 for more information. „ STRONG (+2): The target’s Spirit rolls are made at an additional −2. „ REQUIRES


Undead, alien physiology, altered form, plant person. The hero has no discernible or reachable critical organs, such as a heart or brain. Called Shots do no additional damage against her. „ TRAPPINGS:


Psychic imprints, talking to ghosts, looking through time. The hero has the ability to “read” an object and sense certain details about its past use or important events that happened in its presence. To read an object, the super chooses a target within 6” (12 yards) and makes a Focus roll. If he’s successful, he gets a vague impression of the information he’s looking for. With a raise, the information is more clear. An object reader can only try to read an important object, or the general mundane objects, in an area once. If he fails, he can’t attune to those items. Objects carry hazy and obscure impressions. They rarely convey details or the specific identities of their users. The power provides clues but rarely ruins the mystery. A significant relic, such as Cortez’s sword or the coat Lincoln was wearing when he died, might have far more vivid impressions— perhaps due to the psychic energy impressed upon it by some momentous event. „ TRAPPINGS:

Example: Gabe finds a diamond dropped by a jewel thief as part of a heist. He uses object reading on it and gets a raise. The GM tells Gabe the thief wore a costume and spoke with a Greek accent. Gabe has a hunch the thief is none other than the famous Medusa (page 152). MODIFIERS „ REQUIRES TOUCH (−2): The super must

touch the object to read it. This may not be combined with the Range modifier. See page 45 for more information.



„ TRAPPINGS: Darkness, fog, mist, whiteout,

white noise. The hero can create a sphere of darkness, light, mist, fog, smoke, or other intangible field that obscures vision. The area within is Dim or Dark (supers’ choice). Subtract the Illumination modifier (−2 for Dim, −4 for Dark) from Trait rolls made within the sphere that rely on sight (GM’s call); or attacks into the sphere that originate from without. The sphere is the size of a Large Blast Template, and may be summoned up to 12” (24 yards) away. The controller may move the sphere up to 12” (24 yards) per turn as a limited free action as long as some portion of it remains in sight. MODIFIERS „ ADDITIONAL SENSE (+1): The obscurement

may block an additional sense each time this is taken, chosen from: hearing, smell, taste, or touch. The hero can choose which senses to obscure from all her possible choices. „ AREA EFFECT (+2): The super may increase the area of effect up to 25” (50 yards) in diameter. „ SELF (−1): The effect is centered on the hero and moves with her. „ STRONG (+2): The character may increase the obscurement to Pitch Darkness (−6).

PACE (2)

Long legs For true speedsters, see speed, page 84. For those who just want to be faster than most, use this ability. It increases base Pace by +2 and a hero’s running die a die type. This stacks with the Fleet-Footed Edge. „ TRAPPINGS:

MODIFIERS „ STRIDER (+1): The hero ignores Difficult


PARRY (1–5)

Claws, mystic shields, fast reactions, “sixth sense.” Your character’s Parry increases by +1 each time this power is taken, to a maximum of +5. This stacks with any other bonuses to Parry from weapons or abilities. „ TRAPPINGS:

Chapter Four: Powers MODIFIERS „ DEFLECT (+2): Once per turn, when the

hero is missed by a ranged attack, she can attempt to Deflect it by making a Focus roll. Subtract 2 from the roll versus firearms, and 4 for energy weapons. If successful, the attack is redirected at the original attacker. With a raise, the hero may redirect it to any other available target of the character’s choice. In either case, the attack automatically hits but can never hit with a raise. Area effect attacks may not generally be deflected, but the GM may allow it if the attack is a grenade, rocket, or similar object that might be redirected. The character can grant any or all of his parry power bonus (but not other Parry bonuses) to any adjacent allies. This is a free action.



Venom, coated blades, filth. Poison is usually the domain of villains, but some heroes use it to weaken and disable their foes. A successful Focus roll causes a target within 6” to make a Vigor roll (at −2 with a raise on the Focus roll). If the victim fails, he takes a level of Fatigue. At the start of his next turn, he must make another Vigor roll. Failure incurs another level of Fatigue. Success staves off any further effects this round, but the victim must roll again on his next turn. With a raise, there’s no further effect and the victim becomes immune to any further effects of this particular attacker for the rest of the encounter. Fatigue is recovered normally (see Savage Worlds). Fatigue from poison can cause Incapacitation but not death. „ TRAPPINGS:

MODIFIERS „ AREA EFFECT (+2/+4): For 2 points, the

attack may affect everyone in a Medium Blast Template. For 4 points the hero may use either a Medium or a Large Blast Template. Targets in the blast area resist individually. „ DEADLY (+1): Fatigue from poison can lead to death. „ STRONG (+2): The target’s Vigor rolls are made at an additional −2. „ REQUIRES TOUCH (−2): The super must touch the victim to affect him. This may not be combined with the Range or Area Effect modifiers. See page 45 for more information.


Ghosts, soul swapping. This ability allows a super-powered being to occupy and control another’s body. A successful Focus roll causes a target within 6” (12 yards) to make a Spirit roll (at −2 with a raise on the Focus roll). If the victim fails, he’s possessed and the controller may use his body as his own. At the start of each turn thereafter, the victim makes a Spirit roll (at −2 with a raise on the initial Focus roll) to recover. With success, he recovers but is Stunned. With a raise he recovers and is Shaken. The controller’s body collapses when he takes over another, so it’s best to make sure it’s protected by a friend. The controller retains the ability to use possession but loses access to all his other powers while possessing another. Victims of possession are fully aware of their actions while controlled (unless the super takes the Forgetful modifier below). If the victim is Incapacitated, the super’s soul returns to its own body on its next „ TRAPPINGS:


SAVAGE WORLDS: SUPERS COMPANION turn and he may act normally. If the victim is slain, he returns but is Stunned. MODIFIERS „ FORGETFUL (+2): The victim doesn’t

remember what happened when he was possessed. „ MEMORIES (+2): The possessor has access to all the victim’s memories. „ REQUIRES TOUCH (−2): The super must touch the victim to affect him. This may not be combined with the Range modifier (see page 45). „ STRONG (+2): The target’s Spirit rolls are made at an additional −2.

PUSH (1)

A gust of wind, telekinetic force, energy blast, a giant hand. Sometimes a hero just wants to clear his foes away, disrupting formations or making a path for his allies to reach safety or some critical objective. „ TRAPPINGS:

With a Focus roll, the super conjures a powerful force that takes the shape of the Cone Template. The tip of the Cone may be placed anywhere within a Range of Smarts, allowing the super to push foes in any direction toward the large end of the Cone. Everyone within the template is Distracted (take the Selective modifier to avoid affecting allies) and must make a Strength roll or be knocked back 1d6”. With a raise, the Strength roll is made at −2 and those who fail are knocked back 2d6”. See Knockback on page 29. MODIFIERS „ STRONG (+2): The target’s Strength rolls are

made at −2 (which stacks with Distracted), and the Knockback distance is increased to 2d6.


„ TRAPPINGS: Bolts, blasts, fire, water, high

tech guns. The super has a ranged attack with a Range of 12/24/48. See the table below for cost and damage. The hero decides which Trait her attack uses when it’s purchased, typically Athletics for thrown weapons, Focus for energy blasts, Shooting for devices, or Spellcasting for magical attacks.













Ranged Attack Modifiers: Whatever skill is used for this power is affected by all the usual rules for ranged attacks, including Range, Cover, Illumination, and so on. MODIFIERS „ ARMOR PIERCING (+1): Every point in this

modifier gives the attack two points of AP, to a maximum of 10. „ AREA EFFECT (+2/+4): For 2 points, the attack may affect an area the size of a Medium Blast Template. For 4 points the hero may use either a Medium or


Chapter Four: Powers a Large Blast Template. Targets in the blast area may Evade (at an additional −2 with a raise on the attack roll). „ CHARGE (+1): The hero can “charge up” her attack as a limited action, adding +1d6 to the first damage roll made in her next action (or +1d10 if combined with an All Out Attack (page 30). „ CONE (+0/+1): For no points, the attack must use the Cone Template, emanating from the super. For 1 point, the attack can switch between the Cone Template and other uses as usual. „ LETHAL (−1): The attack is inherently deadly. He can’t use this power to make Non-Lethal Attacks (see Savage Worlds). „ RATE OF FIRE (+3/+6): The hero’s attack has a Rate of Fire of 2 for 3 points, or RoF 3 for six. There is no Recoil penalty for these attacks. „ REQUIRES MATERIAL (−2): The character attacks by hurling or manipulating matter of some sort. If there’s none nearby, he can’t use his ranged attack. „ SPREAD (+1): The attack is wide or in a stream that makes it easier to hit friends and foes alike. The attack roll gains a +2 bonus, but hits Innocent Bystanders on a 1 or 2 if the attack misses.

REACH (1–3)

Long limbs, elasticity, tentacles, alien physiques. The hero’s natural limbs have a Reach of +1 to +3. This is often combined with altered form (page 49) for stretchy characters. „ TRAPPINGS:


Powerful undead, mutant healing factor, magic. Whether the hero has self-knitting flesh and blood or advanced technology, she heals in an amazingly short amount of time. For 2 points, she makes a Focus roll every 24 hours as a limited free action. Success heals one Wound, and a raise heals two. For 5 points, she may attempt to heal every hour. For 10 points, she may attempt to heal every round (a free action)! Characters can’t regenerate Wounds caused by a Power Type that matches their Environmental Weakness, Power Negation, „ TRAPPINGS:

“WRITING” THE RULES Here’s a little secret. Comics writers cheat. There’s no way Batman would consistently defeat Superman “in real life.” The Dark Knight might get the drop on the Man of Steel once, maybe even twice. But once Supes knows he’s coming the Caped Crusader would be toast. Superman can fly at or beyond the speed of light depending on the era and writer, so there’s just no way a human, no matter how well trained, can top that. That’s why any attempt to systemically rate the well-known super heroes and villains of comics is inherently flawed. The powers of the heroes depend on the writer, the needs of the plot, and who’s the protagonist—not a chart of who’s strongest and fastest. What is the point value of “Batman takes his lumps until the end of the story but then always wins”? Or “When Batman and Superman fight, Batman always wins”? That’s okay, and you should embrace that in the game. In fact, that’s why we have exploding dice—because anything can happen—and Power Stunts. The big secret of comic books is the same as it is in good roleplaying campaigns. Clever actions that make for good stories should be rewarded. It doesn’t mean they always work, but they should have a chance. The best comics are those where the heroes have to use their powers or their brains to outwit their foes, like when the Invincible Iron Man “calibrates” his blaster to use the particular energy type his foe is weakest against. Or when Spider-Man lures Juggernaut into a vast pit of concrete—the only chance the WallCrawler had against a foe far too powerful for his fists. As the Game Master, try to encourage your players to think in these terms and try new things rather than just rolling attacks and hoping for a big damage roll. That’s cool too, but taking a turn at “writing” the story can create a memorable moment that lasts forever.


SAVAGE WORLDS: SUPERS COMPANION or Vulnerability Hindrances. These Wounds may heal naturally or with powers like healing, however. Knocked Out: Incapacitated heroes with regeneration continue to heal but remain unconscious for one hour (or until she’s dealt a Joker if she’s still in combat). MODIFIERS „ DESTRUCTION (−1): Wounds caused by

acid, fire, or disintegration cannot be regenerated. „ RELIEF (+2): Your hero ignores one point of Fatigue penalties. She can still be Incapacitated if pushed beyond Exhausted—she just ignores the penalty.

(+2): If the super has something that belonged to or was part of a target in some way, or has had personal contact with that being or item before, he can detect it from all the others of that Power Type when he scans. „ DISTANCE (+1/+2): For +1 point scanning distance increases from 1 mile to 10 miles. For +2 points the base distance increases to 100 miles. „ TRACKER (+1): The tracker can sense signs of the target’s passing if it was within range in the last week. „ CALIBRATION


Animal totems or tattoos, necklace of various claws or teeth, feral recover from serious traumatic damage. looks, shamans. Treat all permanent injuries as temporary This power allows a hero to change into unless caused by acid, fire, or damage various natural animals. Those who want caused by a Power Type matching more exotic changes should create each form their Environmental Weakness, Power as a Power Set (see page 47). Negation, or Vulnerability Hindrance. The base cost of the power is 2 per level. RESURRECTION Each level allows a super to transform into a See healing, page 65. natural creature one point higher or lower in Size. A Size 0 hero with four levels in shape SCAN (2) change, for example, could shape change into „ TRAPPINGS: Animal senses, hi-tech a creature from Size −4 to Size +4. sensors, mental scans. Changing form is an action and requires a The super can sense targets, objects, or Focus roll. Once achieved, the shape changer phenomena made up of or using a certain gains the physical attributes and skills of the Power Type. animal, and any Special Abilities (whether A scanner who chooses the Biological Power they’re higher or lower). She can’t speak, use Type, for example, can detect the presence of items that require human form or digits, or humans, animals, undead, and so forth. If he activate her own powers (unless she takes the also took Electricity, he could sense storms, Powers Modifier, below). power lines, or a villain who fires lightning Wounds: At Large Scale and above, shape bolts from his hands. change grants the hero additional Wounds. As an action, the power gives the general Track any Wounds taken at Large Scale direction of any significant source of that or greater separately. If a hero reduces her Power Type within one mile. If the scanner Size below that Scale and would have more spends an entire minute doing a “deep scan,” than her capacity, she’s Incapacitated. If she he increases his detection range by 10×. This returns to a larger scale, his injuries remain. doesn’t tell the scanner which of those sources Example: A hero takes four Wounds while in is the one he’s looking for—use Calibration the form of a Large great white shark. He later for that. returns to his human form (Normal Scale) MODIFIERS where he can only take three Wounds, so he has „ ADDITIONAL POWER TYPE (+1): The hero three Wounds and is Incapacitated. If roused may scan for an additional Power Type. and he returns to Large form without being This may be taken more than once, healed, he still has four Wounds. If he could choosing a different Power Type each take four Wounds (from the Tough as Nails time. „ REGROWTH


(+2): The character can


Chapter Four: Powers Edge), he would keep all four in his human form as well. Power Down: Shape change terminates if the super loses concentration. See Power Down on page 42. MODIFIERS „ POWERS (+4): Unless prohibited by the

character’s form in some way (a hippo can’t fire a bow, for example), she can use her powers while in her animal form. „ PRIMAL (−4): The character takes on all the animal’s Traits, including mental and spiritual attributes and skills. She retains only her Focus and enough consciousness to know she can change back to her human form, who her friends and enemies are, etc. „ RETENTION (+4): The character keeps whichever physical Trait is highest when she transforms—hers or the beast’s. „ SPEECH (+1): The character can speak while in animal form.


„ TRAPPINGS: Shrinking pills, magic words,

mutated metabolism. This power allows the hero to become smaller. He can reduce his Size up to two points (to Small). See the Size Table in Savage Worlds for heights and weights, and Scale for attack modifiers. The character retains his normal Strength die type but suffers a −1 penalty to Strength rolls (including melee damage) per point of Size reduced. Changing Size (either direction) is a limited action. MODIFIERS „ DENSITY (+5): The character’s Toughness

is not reduced when smaller nor does he suffer a penalty to Strength rolls for Size. „ MICROSCOPIC (+3): The character must have the Smaller +16 modifier to take this one. If so, he can become the size of a germ. In this form he cannot generally affect or be affected by the normal world. Even poison gas doesn’t affect him at this size. He can enter most any place completely unseen (even most “airtight” facilities offer no obstacle), travel through the human body, and so on. Creatures in

this “microverse” have proportionately equivalent Strength, Toughness, and other powers as befits a comic book world. „ QUICK CHANGE (+1): The character can shrink (or unshrink) as a limited free action. „ SMALLER (+8/+16): For +8 points, the character can reduce his Size by three points (to Very Small). For +16 points, the character may reduce his Size by four points (to Tiny).


Extreme training, chemical pheromones, past lives. With this power, the hero is particularly good at something. He might be a crack shot, an excellent swordsman, renowned sorcerer, or the world’s greatest detective. Pick one skill each time this power is taken. The player adds +1 to his total any time that skill is rolled for any reason (or +2 for +4 points). Skill Bonus counts as a single power no matter how many times it’s taken. That means a Level II hero with a Power Limit of 10, for example, can’t spend more than 10 points in total for all of her skill bonuses. „ TRAPPINGS:

SLOW (2)

Slowing time, blurred motion, a slippery patch of oil or ice. Sloth allows a hero to make a Focus roll against a target within 12” (24 yards). If successful, she halves the target’s Pace. With a raise, she makes movement an action. This lasts until the end of the target’s next turn. „ TRAPPINGS:


may affect more than one target for 1 additional Power Point each.


„ TRAPPINGS: Space suit, cosmic adaptation,

gadgets. The character can survive in space and underwater. Spacer doesn’t provide the environmental resistance power or any other game effect—it just allows a hero to survive in some way. Spacers can ignore a lack of oxygen in these two environments somehow but still draw


SAVAGE WORLDS: SUPERS COMPANION Your hero can speak any language. If it’s one he’s never heard before, he becomes conversational in minutes and fluent in a few hours. MODIFIERS „ WRITTEN WORD (+1): He can read and

write any language as well, given a few minutes and some samples.

SPEED (3–17)

A blur of motion, powerful legs. This speedster can run at incredible speeds, racing around the battlefield or perhaps even the globe in a flash! Attack Penalty: The Attack Penalty is subtracted from any melee or ranged attacks against your hero as long as he’s able to move relatively freely (not Bound, Entangled, or in a confined space). This stacks with any other attack penalties from powers or Edges except flight, to a maximum of −10. „ TRAPPINGS:





Pace 12 (8 MPH)


Pace 24 (16 MPH)


Pace 45 (30 MPH)


Pace 90 (60 MPH)



Pace 180 (120 MPH)



Pace 360 (240 MPH)

−4 −6

breath where possible and are thus affected by poisonous gases or other hazards. (Take the doesn’t breathe power, page 58, to actually ignore breathing.) Zero-G: Characters suffer a −2 penalty to Agility and Agility-based skills in ZeroGravity. If the campaign ever ventures into space, this hero ignores the penalty.


Sonic Speed (1,200 MPH)




Super Sonic Speed (2,400 MPH)


Near Light Speed (240M MPH)


make a Focus roll as an action to activate this ability. If he loses concentration, it Out of Control: If a speedster is Shaken, Powers Down and must be reactivated Stunned, or Wounded while running and (see page 42). is in an environment where he might hit an obstacle, he must make an Athletics roll at „ SHAREABLE (+1): Each time this modifier is taken, the character can grant the spacer −2 or collide for damage equal to 2d6+Xd6, power to one other individual. The allies where X is his unmodified attack penalty must stay within 12” (24 yards). If they treated as a positive value. stray, or the original spacer is Incapacitated, MODIFIERS the protection drops immediately. „ MANEUVERABLE (+1): You roll 2d6 to “run” in a tactical environment instead SPEAK LANGUAGE (1) of 1d6. „ TRAPPINGS: Devices, surface mind reading, latent skills.


Chapter Four: Powers (+4): The super can pummel a foe with a multitude of quick strikes, adding +4 to one Fighting attack per turn. „ SURFACE TENSION (+1): This modifier requires a minimum of Sonic Speed. With it, the character can run across water or even up and down the sides of buildings. The speedster can’t stop moving or he’ll sink or fall. „ VIBRATE (+5): This modifier requires the Near Light Speed level. The speedster can vibrate his molecules so fast he can actually pass through solid objects. This requires a Focus roll at −2. If successful, he passes through the obstacle but stops on the other side and is no longer moving (foes ignore his Attack Penalty). With a raise, he continues moving but any remaining Pace is halved. The character may never stop inside an object. „ PUMMEL



This modifier may only be taken if the super’s speed is Pace 45 or higher. She can run in a straight line easily enough but has trouble turning and maneuvering, reducing her attack penalty by 2. If she moves at Super Sonic Speed, for example, her attack penalty is −6 instead of the usual −8. The hero also makes her Athletics rolls to avoid collisions at −4. You may not take the Ungainly modifier if you took Maneuverability.

STUN (3)

Electrical attack, mild toxin, mind lash, deafening siren. Caped do-gooders who don’t want to hurt someone can stun them instead. A successful Focus roll causes a target within 6” (12 yards) to make a Vigor roll (at −2 with a raise on the Focus roll). If the victim fails, he’s Stunned (see Savage Worlds). „ TRAPPINGS:

MODIFIERS „ AREA EFFECT (+2/+4): For +2 points, the

power may affect an area the size of a Medium Blast Template. For +4 points the hero may use either a Cone, Medium, or a Large Blast Template. Targets in the blast area resist individually. „ REQUIRES TOUCH (−2): The super must touch the victim to affect him. This may not be combined with the Range or Area Effect modifiers. See page 45 for more information. „ STRONG (+2): The target’s Vigor rolls are made at an additional −2.


Uncanny reflexes (Agility), massive brain (Smarts), power armor (Strength), religious conviction (Spirit), incredible constitution (Vigor). This power increases a chosen attribute one die type per level. This affects Derived statistics as well, such as Toughness. Round down if this exceeds d12 (d12+1 Vigor is Toughness 8). Each level in super attribute also raises the attribute’s maximum a like amount. Each attribute affected is a separate power and thus subject to the campaign Power Limit individually.


MODIFIERS „ NOT TODAY (+2): Once per session,

the character can substitute one of her super attributes for any other attribute roll (not skill rolls). A super strong character might use Strength to Soak damage (grabbing the attacker’s fist as it comes in, perhaps) or a super intelligent villain might use Smarts to break free of entangle (finding the thread that unravels the whole thing).


Extraordinary training or background, extension of super powers. Each time this power is taken grants the character a non-Legendary Edge (regardless „ TRAPPINGS:


SAVAGE WORLDS: SUPERS COMPANION of the hero’s Rank). He must be otherwise eligible for the Edge as usual.


Natural genius, software programs, intensive training. Super skill buys or increases a skill (and its maximum) one die type per level. This reflects extreme training, talent, or supernatural enhancement of some sort. Super skill counts as a single power regardless of the number of skills affected. That means a Level I hero with a Power Limit of 5, for example, can’t spend more than 5 points on all of her super skills. Each level costs one point, regardless of its linked attribute, and increases any derived statistics such as Parry. „ TRAPPINGS:


Super genius, advanced education, technological prowess. Super scientists create fantastic technology on the fly, cobbling together gizmos and „ TRAPPINGS:

gadgets far beyond the tech level of the ordinary world she lives in! When a super scientist spends a Benny on a Power Stunt (page 30), she doesn’t have to base the new power on one of her existing powers like other heroes—she can “invent” a device based on any power in the book. The cost of the invention in Super Power Points may not exceed the campaign’s Power Limit, as usual. She can also use active powers for two rounds instead of one, and passive powers for five rounds instead of three. Prerequisite: A character must have a Science skill of d10 or higher to take this power. MODIFIERS „ OVERLOAD (−1): If the super happens to roll

a Critical Failure with the stunted power (not the original), her device explodes spectacularly, causing 3d6 damage in a Medium Blast Template. Regardless of remaining Duration, the Power Stunt ends immediately. She can “create” a new one as an action.


„ TRAPPINGS: Wizard or priest robes, magic

wands, witches, warlocks, demi-gods, avatars of ancient gods. Super sorcerers channel eldritch energies to cast any number of arcane or divine spells. They might get their powers innately, from old books, or channeled from more powerful beings. When a super sorcerer spends a Benny on a Power Stunt (page 30), he doesn’t have to base the new power on one of his existing powers like other heroes—he can cast a “spell” based on any power in the book! The cost of the spell in Super Power Points may not exceed the campaign’s Power Limit, as usual. He can also use active powers for two rounds instead of one, and passive powers for five rounds instead of three. Prerequisite: A character must have an Occult skill of d10 or higher to take this power. MODIFIERS „ BACKLASH (−1): If the super happens to

roll a Critical Failure with the stunted power (not the original), eldritch energies


Chapter Four: Powers flood into the world, causing 3d6 damage in a Medium Blast Template. Regardless of remaining Duration, the Power Stunt ends immediately.


Picking up an enemy requires a grappling roll (the telekinetic uses his Focus in place of Athletics). MODIFIERS „ FINE CONTROL (+3): The character may use

his Focus skill when performing physical „ TRAPPINGS: Web-lines, cable guns. actions (not the lowest of Focus or the Characters with any kind of cord, rope, relevant skill). webbing, or other grappling lines can move through certain types of settings—such as the „ FLIGHT (+2): The hero can use telekinesis on tall buildings of large cities or jungle trees— himself, granting flight at Pace 6. with ease. The hero can travel through such „ POWER (Variable): Every two Super Power environments at a Pace of 12, vertically or Points put into this modifier increases the horizontally. power’s Strength one step. Swingers who fall from dangerous heights get an Athletics roll to catch themselves TELEPATHY (2) „ TRAPPINGS: Communicators, psychic somewhere along the path of descent (GM’s connection, conference call. call). The character’s line can hold up to 500 The character can communicate with any or all intelligent minds of her choice within 24” pounds safely. (48 yards).

MODIFIERS „ STRONG LINE (+1/1000 lb): The line can

safely hold 1000 more pounds for each point in this modifier.


Mind over matter, mental force, magical animation. Telekinesis is the ability to move objects or creatures with pure thought or will. The power has a range of 12” (24 yards), a Strength of d6, and objects held by it may be moved up to 6” per turn as a limited free action. A telekinetic can manipulate multiple items (subject to the power’s Strength), but each use of telekinesis is an action. So while a villain could wave multiple pistols in the air with telekinesis, he can still only take three actions (at standard Multi-Action penalties). Telekinesis doesn’t allow a hero to lift himself unless he takes the Flight modifier, below. Telekinesis can be used in place of any physical skill such as Fighting, grappling, Shooting, Driving, and so on, but the character must use the lower of the usual skill or his character’s Focus. An excellent telekinetic still needs to know how to fly a plane to pilot it, for example, so he rolls the lower of his Focus or Piloting when using his power to fly. Melee weapons use the power’s Strength telekinesis rather than her own, as do crushing attacks from grappling. „ TRAPPINGS:

MODIFIERS „ RANGE (+2): The telepath may contact any

and all intelligent minds within one mile. „ MIND RIDER (+3): The telepath can see, hear, taste, touch, and feel through the senses of any willing mind in Range. Once the power is activated the telepath is Distracted until he terminates Mind Rider. “Riding” an unwilling target is an opposed roll of the telepath’s Focus vs the target’s Smarts. If successful, the telepath can ride the target for one hour. With a raise, the target is unaware of the intrusion. „ SWITCHBOARD (+2): The telepath can link all friendly, intelligent minds in Range. Everything the individuals consciously “say” is communicated to the entire group.



A cloud of smoke, magic, “phasing” out, teleportation discs. Teleport allows a character to disappear and instantly reappear up to 12” (24 yards) distant. This is an action, and may be combined with normal movement in any way the teleporter desires. He could move half his Pace, teleport, then move the rest of his Pace (plus a running die if he ran), for example. Adjacent opponents don’t get a free attack against the teleporting character as he exits, but those with First Strike do if the teleporter appears next to them. The teleporter must be able to see his destination to teleport with no roll. If he’s teleporting to a place he’s previously seen, he may do so safely with a Focus roll. If he wishes to teleport to a previously unseen location, he rolls at −4. Failure means the character does not teleport and is Shaken, or Stunned with a Critical Failure. The teleporter can never enter a solid space, even if he tries. The power instantly returns him to his starting location as above. Carrying Others: The teleporter can take willing allies with him if he likes, but he can’t teleport them independently without the Teleport Other modifier (see below). The teleporter must touch those he wants to take with him and make a Focus roll even if he can see the target location. Each additional person subtracts 1 from the teleporter’s Focus roll, and whatever effects the teleporter suffers is shared by all (Shaken or Stunned from failure). „ TRAPPINGS:

MODIFIERS „ PORTAL (+2): The hero can open an entry

and exit portal within her teleport Range, allowing anyone adjacent to the entry portal to act as if adjacent to the exit portal. This allows them to make melee attacks, angle ranged attacks from different directions, pass items, etc. It does not grant a Gang Up bonus for melee attacks, however. „ RANGE (+1/+2): For +1 point, the teleporter’s range is increased to 24”, and for +2 points, her range increases to 48”. „ RAPID TELEPORT (+1): The character teleports very rapidly around a foe to


attack from multiple angles in rapid succession. When he uses this modifier his melee attacks grant him a +2 Gang Up bonus against one target. „ REDIRECT (+4): The hero must have the Portal modification to take this ability. If the hero is on Hold while being attacked, he may make an opposed Focus roll at −2 versus an opponent’s Smarts. If successful, the enemy’s attack is redirected through the portal at himself. If the Focus roll is successful, use the enemy’s attack roll against his normal defenses. „ TELEPORT OTHER (+5): The teleporter can teleport allies and enemies within his Range to anywhere else within his Range. This is an action, and requires a Focus roll at −1 for each target he wishes to teleport. Hostile foes may make a Spirit roll (at −2 with a raise on the Focus roll) to resist. If the super teleports an enemy up into the air, he takes Falling damage as usual (see Savage Worlds). „ TRAVERSE (+3): With a Focus roll at −2, she

can teleport up to 1,000 miles. With a Focus roll at −4 she can teleport anywhere on the planet. With the Game Master’s permission, and generally only in campaigns with high power levels and under special circ*mstances, a Focus roll at −8 allows the character to teleport anywhere in the multiverse. In any case, if the roll is failed, the character can’t teleport for the remainder of the encounter!


Hulking brutes, dense skin, reinforced bones, force fields, resilience, willpower. Your character’s Toughness improves by +1. She may be particularly resilient, have mystical protection, unbreakable skin, dense bones, etc. Toughness isn’t negated by Armor Piercing attacks. Maximum Toughness: A character’s combined bonus from the toughness and armor powers can’t exceed the campaign’s Power Limit. Total Toughness is unlimited (from increased Vigor, Size, etc.). „ TRAPPINGS:

Chapter Four: Powers A Level V super, for example, has a Power Limit of 25. She could have 20 points of armor (page 52) and +5 toughness, or any other combination of 25 total points or less to add to her derived Toughness. The Best There Is Edge has no effect on this limit. MODIFIERS „ REQUIRES ACTIVATION (−1): The hero must

make a Focus roll as an action to activate this ability. If he loses concentration, it Powers Down and must be reactivated (see page 42).


Amazing reflexes, extrasensory perception, calculated trajectories, enhanced danger sense. The hero can potentially avoid area effect attacks and effects. She ignores the usual −2 Agility penalty when making Evasion attempts (see Savage Worlds), and gets a regular Evasion attempt against area attacks that don’t usually allow it (with the −2 penalty). The hero’s Athletics roll penalty to return grenades (or s i m i l a r weapons) is also reduced by 2 (see More on Grenades in Savage Worlds). „ TRAPPINGS:


The hero must make a Focus roll as an action to activate this ability. If he loses concentration, it Powers Down and must be reactivated (see page 42).

UNDEAD (8) „ T

R A P P I N G S :

Vampires, liches, zombies, Harrowed. Even the cold hand of death doesn’t stop some desperate souls. These are

undead—most often vampires, zombies, liches, or other spiteful revenants from beyond the grave. Some may have returned in less nefarious ways, such as cyborgs or through some extraordinary journey to and from one of the many dimensions of Death. The specifics of your cadavers’ abilities depend on his origins, but all undead have a few things in common. Undead gain +2 to their Toughness, add +2 to recover from being Shaken, don’t breathe or eat, are immune to disease and poison, and don’t suffer additional damage from Called Shots. Undead Wild Cards ignore one point of Wound penalties and don’t Bleed Out. Undead don’t benefit from the Healing skill, natural Healing, or even the healing power (without the Spark of Life modifier, see below). They’d best take regeneration if they don’t want to atrophy into a pile of bones. MODIFIERS „ SPARK OF LIFE (+2): The creature’s Wounds

can be restored with magical healing (the super power or the healing power in Savage Worlds).



Themed motorcycles, cars, planes, jets, and other vehicles. The hero has a special vehicle customized with trick gadgets and perhaps even weapons. Normal vehicles may be purchased (see page 18), but those designed with Super Power Points may be more easily customized and are replaced somehow if destroyed (see below). Super vehicles are relatively cheap as powers go, but assume they can only be used in very specific situations in most adventures and campaigns, such as chases or outdoor fights.



Device: This power never benefits from the Device modifier. Creating a Vehicle: The basic vehicle is a single-seat, land-based rig with the following statistics: Size 0, Handling 0, Top Speed 60 MPH, Toughness 9 (2), Crew 1. Add Modifications from the list below to customize it further. Wrecked: Vehicles must be Repaired in a garage, either in the hero’s own base (see page 21) or that of an allied mechanic who knows how to keep a secret. If a vehicle is destroyed, the hero gets another one somehow in the next session, or by spending a point of Conviction. The player and Game Master should work together to figure out exactly how this happens. If it’s wrecked, perhaps the repairs go faster than imagined. If it’s lost, maybe a Rich character has a spare or a wealthy patron offers a replacement. In either event, the character may reconfigure the vehicle if she desires. A jet that crashed into the ocean might be replaced by an armored all-terrain vehicle, for example. The point value should stay the same, but the design


may change as makes sense in the story and given the time and resources available. MODIFIERS „ ARMORED (+2/+4): For +2 points, the

vehicle has 4 points of Armor instead of 2. And for +4 points, the vehicle has Heavy Armor. For more Armor, take the armor power with the Super Powers Modifier listed below. „ BULLETPROOF GLASS (+1): The vehicle has bulletproof glass on all its windows (Hardness 12). „ ENCLOSED (+1): The vehicle is enclosed and its Armor protects those within. The owner must decide if it has windows or not. If so, passengers inside may be targeted as usual (see Savage Worlds). If not, passengers inside can’t be targeted through them but the driver must rely on electronics to see outside. „ EJECTION SEATS (+1): As a free action, the driver may safely eject all or some of the vehicle’s passengers. How this works depends on the vehicle, but ejection seats typically have parachutes. In space or underwater, the seat might seal into a

Chapter Four: Powers small pod with a few days of basic life support. „ FLIGHT (+1): The vehicle flies at 60 MPH and has Vertical Takeoff and Landing capability. (Take a 1 point Limitation if it doesn’t.) „ HANDLING (+1/+2): Add +1 to the vehicle’s Handling for one point, or +2 for two points. „ PASSENGERS (+1/+2/+4): Add +1 for a vehicle which can hold one additional passenger (the maximum for a Size 0 vehicle). For +2, the vehicle holds two passengers per point of Size, and for +4, the vehicle holds up to four additional individuals per point of Size. „ SIZE

(+1/Size): Increase the Size and

Toughness of the vehicle by 1 for each additional Power Point spent, up to a maximum of Size 11 (Huge). Large and Huge vehicles gain additional Wounds as well (see Vehicles in Savage Worlds). Normal Scale vehicles can hold twice their Size in additional passengers (in addition to any purchased with the “Passengers” option). Large vehicles can hold three times their Size in passengers. Huge vehicles can hold up to four times their Size in passengers.

POWERS (+2/+5): Use this mod to add armor, burrowing, and other powers to the vehicle. For +2 points it has as many Super Power Points as the Power Category’s Power Limit (but has no limit itself). For +5 points, the vehicle has the same number of points as the Campaign Power Level itself. It must abide by the Power Limit as usual, so use Super Edge to take The Best There Is Edge if needed. Vehicles bought in this way already have 7 points in speed, or 8 points in flight if they have the Flight modifier. Super Power Points gained from this modifier may be used to increase it beyond its base 60 MPH. Super vehicles have a d8 Focus + Wild Die for any powers that require it, or the owner may use her own Focus roll if she’s behind the wheel. She may also take the Alternate Trait power modifier (page 44) to change the Trait to Driving, Electronics, etc.


(Special): Add +2 points to install a pulse Gatling (+1 if it can only fire forward), or +4 points for each pulse cannon (+3 if it can only fire forward). These may be Linked or not as the hero chooses. Use ranged attack with the Super Powers modification for other types of attacks. Normal Size vehicles may not have more than two ranged weapons from this modification. Large vehicles may not have more than four, Huge may not have more than 6, and Gargantuan may not have more than 8.



Adhesive pores, super-grip, extra limbs. People never look up. That’s why those who can walk on walls or ceilings are rarely noticed—until it’s too late! Wall walkers can walk on horizontal surfaces at their normal Pace (and may run), or inverted surfaces at half Pace. „ TRAPPINGS:

MODIFIERS „ STRONG GRIP (+1): Wall walkers are

notoriously hard to budge if they don’t want to. If they choose to stick their ground, they halve the distance of any Knockback dealt them.


„ TRAPPINGS: Wind and heavy rain. This impressive ability allows a character to summon or dispel storms, bring a cooling rain, scorch the earth with a sudden heatwave, or even bring snow to the hottest climes. She can even predict the weather for the next 24 hours within a 50 mile radius with reasonable accuracy. Resistance: Weather controllers have one level of environmental resistance (page 61) to the Air, Electric, Fire, and Water Power Types. Manipulate Weather: Outside of combat, the hero can manipulate local weather conditions to bring or disperse rain, snow, sun, and wind in about a five mile radius. The severity depends on the local environment—a harsh desert might receive gentle rain while a moist environment gets a driving downpour or blizzard.


SAVAGE WORLDS: SUPERS COMPANION These kinds of effects last as long as the controller wishes. Once she no longer concentrates on them, they fade in a few minutes or hours depending on the area covered and environment. Specific effects are up to the GM, but include limited visibility, slippery ground, extreme heat or cold, etc. Combat Effects: Weather control can be concentrated to batter and harass enemies. Activating the power in this way is a Focus roll that conjures a “storm front.” The front is a sphere the size of a Large Blast Template that appears up to 12” (24 yards) away. The controller may move the front up to 6” (12 yards) per turn as a limited free action as long as it stays in sight. As a limited free action, the controller may activate or deactivate one of the effects below within the storm front: • Dampen: The weather controller provides environmental resistance to everyone in the template from weather related Power Types: Air, Cold, Electric, Fire, and Water. • Distract: Everyone in the template is Distracted by freezing wind, searing heat, heavy rain, or electrical storms. Remove the condition at the end of their turn as usual if they are no longer in the template.

Other Abilities: More powerful abilities must be bought as different powers—ranged attacks for lightning strikes, push for gusts of wind, whirlwind for cyclones, and the like. Power Down: Weather control terminates if the super loses concentration. See Power Down on page 42. MODIFIERS „ OUTDOOR ONLY (−2): The hero can only

conjure combat effects outdoors, and only in suitable terrain types if it proves important to the situation. She can’t cause a heat wave in the arctic, for example, or conjure a deluge in the desert.


swirling vortex of air, fire, debris, etc. The super creates a swirling cyclone of air, energy, or matter that can scatter and disrupt his foes. Raising the whirlwind requires a Focus roll. With success, the super places a Medium Blast Template anywhere within 12” (24 yards). She may move the template as a limited free action up to 6” (12 yards) per turn, as long as it stays in sight. Everyone in the template at the end of the supers’ turn is Distracted and must make a Strength roll (at −2 with a raise on the Focus roll). Those who fail take 2d6” Knockback in a random direction (3d6” with a raise). This may cause additional damage if they strike a solid object (see page 29). The super may disperse the whirlwind as a free action. MODIFIERS

„ AREA EFFECT (+2): The super may expand

the Medium Blast Template to a Large Blast Template. „ DAMAGE (+2): Everyone still in the template after resolving their Strength roll takes 2d6 damage. „ CONE (+0/+1): For 0 points, the whirlwind uses the Cone Template, emanating from the super. For 1 point, the attack can switch between the Cone and Blast Template as desired. (+2): The target’s Strength rolls are made at an additional −2.



Power Summaries


Absorption Additional Actions


2 5/10/15


Free Soak roll vs damage from a Power Type; each Wound Soaked generates an Absorption Token for the scene. Tokens add damage, Toughness, or allow a Power Stunt. Reduce Multi-Action penalties by 2/4. Extra action at 15 points.



The hero never grows old.

Altered Form


Immune to Called Shots, half Knockback, and half impact damage.

Animal Companion


Hero has a Wild Card animal companion that can share Bennies.

Animal Control


Mentally control and communicate with animals.



Breathe underwater for 15 minutes/cannot drown.



Two points of armor per Super Power Point spent.



Ignore 1 point of attack penalties per Super Power Point spent.



Opposed Focus versus Vigor to blind a victim (–2 or –4 to actions requiring sight).

Boost / Lower Trait


Focus roll to increase or decrease Trait one or two steps.



See & hear any radio, television, or Internet signal within 10 miles.



Move at half Pace per round through soft earth.



Assume the appearance of another creature within 2 Size levels.



+2 to recover from Shaken, ignore one point of Wound penalties, don’t breathe or eat, immune to biological diseases and poisons, don’t Bleed Out, and Wounds are removed with Repair.



Mimic another’s powers up to copycat’s level.

Damage Field


As an action, deal damage to all adjacent characters.



Deal +d6 damage with mundane firearms, bows, or crossbows.



Deal a Wound or destroy a Very Small object within 6”.



Ranged attacks at the hero subtract one per level.

Doesn’t Breathe


Can hold their breath for up to 15 minutes.

Doesn’t Eat


Survives twice as long as a human without food.


Needs half as much sleep or “recharge time” as humans.

Doesn’t Sleep Duplication


Create an Extra-version copy of the super without duplication.



Make everyone within a Cone, LBT, or a 2”×12” line Shaken.

Energy Control


Manipulate an energy Power Type in a MBT to deal damage, dampen environmental effects, darken, or Distract.



Entangle or Bind foes.

Environmental Resistance


Ignore background effects, reduce damage by 4, and add +4 to resist any effects from a particular Power Type.



Use a limited action to become Shaken and deal damage in an LBT.

Extra Limbs


Each extra limb grants the owner a +1 Gang Up bonus.




Fear Fearless Flight

After a successful Focus roll, a target within 6” makes a Fear roll.


The hero is completely immune to Fear checks.


Can fly, speed determined by the Super Power Points spent. Each level reduces incoming damage by 1 point.





Each level increases Size, Toughness, and Strength by one.



A second Shaken result in combat doesn’t cause a Wound.



Focus roll as an action to heal one Wound, two with a raise.

Heightened Senses


Chose one: reduce Range penalties by 1, +2 to hearing Notice rolls, halve darkness penalties against warm targets, ignore penalties for Dim and Dark Illumination, see to the molecular level, +2 to Survival based on smell, or ignore 2 points of Cover penalties.



Create a visual scene or replica of most anything the caster can imagine.

Immune to Poison/ Disease


The character is immune to either poison or disease.



A target must make Vigor rolls or take Fatigue each round.



Become incorporeal but still affected by the Energy Power Type.



Gain +2 to Electronics and Hacking.



Target is invisible (–4 to affect).



Foes who fail a roll affecting the hero are Vulnerable.



Machine Control


The hero gets a free reroll on all Smarts and Smarts-based rolls.

Can leap great distances, based on the Super Power Points spent. Controls electrical and electronic devices.



Make a piece of technology or machinery within range malfunction.

Matter Control


Manipulate a matter Power Type in a MBT to form a shape and left in place, deal damage, provide environmental resistance, or Distract beings in the template.

Melee Attack


Mind Control


Mind Reading


Mind Shield


Increase the damage of the hero’s melee attacks. The target makes a Spirit roll or is controlled. On a failed Smarts roll, the target’s mind is read by the super. −2 to use mind reading or mind control on this hero. Each level grants the super a loyal Extra under the player’s control.





Target makes a Spirit roll or one of their powers are negated.

No Vital Organs


Called Shots versus the character do not deal additional damage.

Object Reading


Reveals vague impression of an object’s history (more detail with a raise).



Make an LBT Dim or Dark Illumination.



Increase Pace by +2 and the hero’s running die a die type.







2 2–18

Force Field



The character’s Parry increases by +1 per level of the power. The target makes a Vigor roll each turn or takes a level of Fatigue. On a failed Spirit roll, the target’s body is controlled by the super.

Power Summaries


Push Ranged Attack Reach Regeneration Scan Shape Change Shrink Skill Bonus


1 Special 1–3 2/5/10 2 2/Level 4 2/4


Everyone in a Cone Template is Distracted (knocked back on a raise). The hero gains a ranged attack that uses their chosen Trait for attacks. Damage is determined by the Super Power Points spent. Natural limbs have a Reach of +1 to +3. The hero regenerates a Wound on a successful Focus roll (two on a raise) every 24 hours/1 hour/round. The scanner senses targets, objects, etc. of a certain Power Type. Can transform into a natural animal one point higher or lower in size per level. Able to reduce Size up to four points (–1 to Strength rolls/point). Add +1/+2 to a single skill each time the power is taken.



Focus roll to decrease target’s Pace by half or make movement an action with a raise, until the end of their next turn.



The character can survive in space and underwater without air.

Speak Language


Can speak any language, even new ones after short exposure.


Pace is increased dependent on the Super Power Points spent.

Speed Stun


Target makes a successful Vigor roll or is Stunned.

Super Attribute


Each level increases an attribute & its maximum by one die type.

Super Edge


A non-Legendary Edge is granted for each level taken.

Super Skill


Buys or increases a skill & its maximum one die type per level.

Super Science


May use a “device” Power Stunt based on any power in the book.

Super Sorcery


Can cast a “spell” Power Stunt based on any power in the book.



Moves at Pace 12 vertically or horizontally on some kind of line.



Without touching them, moves items with a Strength of d6.



Communicates with any/all intelligent minds within 24”.



Character teleports up to 12″ distant.



Increase Toughness by +1 for each level.


Makes Evasion rolls against all area attacks, even if not normally allowed. Ignore –2 penalty on attacks that usually allow Evasion.



+2 to Toughness, +2 to recover from Shaken, ignore one point of Wound penalties, don’t breathe or eat, immune to diseases and poisons, don’t Bleed Out, and don’t benefit from the Healing skill, natural Healing, or the healing power.



Gain a special, customized vehicle.

Wall Walker


Moves at normal Pace on horizontal surfaces and half Pace on inverted surfaces.

Weather Control


Gain one level of environmental resistance to the Air, Electric, Fire, and Water Power Types. Out of combat, can manipulate weather in a five mile radius. In combat, manipulate weather in a LBT to provide environmental resistance to or Distract beings in the template.



Everyone in a MBT is Distracted and must make a Strength roll or be knocked back.

Uncanny Reflexes


CHAPTER FIVE: ROGUES GALLERY This chapter is filled with enemies and allies, and super villains ready to throw at an eager party of caped crusaders! Remember that the bad guys are likely fighting an entire super team, so they should be backed up by other villains or minions. Also remember to review your villain’s abilities before a fight to make sure they perform to their full potential—the interaction of powers, terrain, and allies can greatly affect their overall performance.  Characters marked with a star are Wild Cards.

CHARACTER PROFILES Each character has an image with useful stats called out to make it easy for the GM to find them during play.


Some creatures have natural Special Abilities, including some that work like powers. These are marked with a square bullet, like so: „ Bite/Claws: Str+d6, AP 2.

If the ability is based on a power, it’s marked with a star, like this:  Bite

(1): Str+d4.

This occasionally makes a difference with powers like negation. The number in parentheses after a power is the amount of Super Power Points spent on the power.


This new Monstrous Ability is usually found on magical or titanic beings. It means the character takes a maximum of one Wound (after Soaking) from any damaging attack unless the attacker’s Action Card is a Joker.

The character’s Pace. The character’s Parry. The character’s Toughness with armor in parentheses as usual. The character’s Defenses. If a character has a number here, it shows the amount subtracted from attack rolls due to super powers. An M or R after the number indicates the modifier only applies to Melee or Ranged powers respectively.



ATLANTEANS Atlanteans are a proud but tragic race, and often xenophobic toward outsiders and “surface dwellers” they blame for ruining the world’s oceans. The “sea folk” are identical to humans in appearance, save for their bluish skin, gills, and sometimes small fins. They are stronger and more robust than humans due to the pressures and rigors of the ocean depths, and boast the ability to speak to other Atlanteans via telepathy. Atlanteans have various vehicles they use to travel long distance underwater (hence the Driving skill rather than Boating). Use the statistics for equivalent surface vehicles, typically with one-third their listed Top Speed. Marines often travel to battle and are supported by the equivalent of Mako Attack Subs (page 19).

NONPLAYER CHARACTER POWER POINTS The number of Super Power Points spent for the nonplayer characters in Chapter Five is listed with their Super Powers Edge to help Game Masters gauge their threat potential and see how the system works. Powers and Power Limits are there to guide comic book tropes and provide balance among player characters. Game Master-controlled characters can always break the rules. In fact, they often should. Remember that the villains have to fight an entire team of player characters who can focus on all their powers, special abilities, and options. The GM has a lot of antagonists to keep up with, so if you want a villain to exceed the Power Limit, have more Power Points, or have higher Armor or Toughness than player characters are allowed, you absolutely should.


Typical Atlantean citizens are proud and noble beings, eager to serve their people against the many threats to their undersea kingdoms. Attributes: Agility d6, Smarts d8, Spirit d6, Strength d8, Vigor d8 Skills: Athletics d8, Common Knowledge d6, Driving d4, Fighting d6, Notice d6, Persuasion d6, Shooting d6, Stealth d8 Pace: 6; Parry: 5; Toughness: 6 Hindrances: Dependency (Water), Loyal Edges: Super Powers (2) Gear: Varies. SPECIAL ABILITIES: „ Aquatic:

Atlanteans cannot drown in water and move their full Pace when swimming.  Telepathy (2): Range 24” (48 yards).


Atlantean marines are the warrior caste of their often-rigid and imperial societies. Attributes: Agility d6, Smarts d6, Spirit d6, Strength d10, Vigor d10 Skills: Athletics d10, Common Knowledge d6, Driving d6, Fighting d10, Notice d8, Persuasion d6, Shooting d8, Stealth d8 Pace: 6; Parry: 7; Toughness: 11 (4) Hindrances: Arrogant, Cautious, Dependency (Water) Edges: Rock and Roll, Super Powers (2) Gear: Heavy combat armor (+4*), force trident (Damage Str+d6, AP 2, Reach +1, +1 to disarm attempts; Range 20/40/80, Damage 3d6, AP 4, RoF 1), net guns (Range 5/10/20, Damage Special, RoF 1). SPECIAL ABILITIES: „ Aquatic:

Atlanteans cannot drown in water and move their full Pace when swimming.  Telepathy (2): Range 24” (48 yards).

Chapter Five: Rogues Gallery

UNDERWATER ADVENTURES Confronting Atlanteans underwater is a dangerous proposition for most heroes. „ COMMUNICATION: Unless a team has waterproof communication devices or telepathy, they must use hand signals to communicate with each other. Encourage the team to roleplay this complication for maximum effect! „ MELEE DAMAGE: For a little extra realism, reduce damage from weapons that must be swung (fists, hammers, slashing swords, etc.) by −4. Piercing attacks are unaffected. „ PRESSURE: For “comic book” style deep diving, a character who dives below 100 feet of water must make a Vigor roll every five minutes or take a level of Fatigue that can lead to Death. Anyone with Heavy Armor or a Toughness bonus of +4 or higher may ignore the effects of extreme pressure. The GM may inflict additional penalties for extreme depths or other dramatic situations. „ RANGE: Halve the Short and Medium Range values for energy and ballistic attacks. Such weapons have no effect at Long or Extreme Range. This includes any attack that must travel through water, including as magical or psionic energy that manifest as physical blasts (GM’s call based on the Trappings). Damage from fire attacks is reduced by 4 at Short Range and 8 at Medium Range. „ VISIBILITY: This is up to the Game Master, but in the ocean depths, visibility is generally limited to 24” (48 yards), or far less in deeper zones, turgid surf, etc.


These Atlantean warriors might lead a squad of marines or form together to battle particularly dangerous threats. They are mighty warriors and powerful psionics. The profile below lists the most commonly chosen powers, but some may specialize in other fields, such as mind control or telekinesis. Attributes: Agility d8, Smarts d8, Spirit d8, Strength d12, Vigor d12 Skills: Athletics d12, Common Knowledge d8, Driving d6, Fighting d12, Focus d10, Notice d8, Persuasion d6, Stealth d6 Pace: 6; Parry: 8; Toughness: 16 (4) Hindrances: Cautious, Dependency (Water), Ruthless (Minor) Edges: Brawny, Brave, Combat Reflexes, Rock and Roll, Super Powers (15) Gear: Heavy combat armor (+4*), force trident (Damage Str+2d6, AP 2, Reach +1, +1 to disarm attempts; Range 20/40/80, Damage 3d6, AP 4, RoF 1), net guns (Range 5/10/20, Damage Special, RoF 1). Special Abilities: „ Aquatic: Atlanteans cannot drown in water and move their full Pace when swimming.  Melee Attack (2): Str+d6.  Stun (8): Telepathic scream. LBT. Selective.  Telepathy (2): Range 24” (48 yards).  Toughness +3 (3): Conditioning.


SAVAGE WORLDS: SUPERS COMPANION Attributes: Agility d6, Smarts d4, Spirit d6, Strength d6, Vigor d6 Skills: Athletics d6, Common Knowledge d8, Driving d6, Fighting d6, Intimidation d6, Notice d6, Persuasion d4, Shooting d6, Stealth d4, Thievery d8 CITIZENS Pace: 6; Parry: 5; Toughness: 6 These are the folks who make up the Hindrances: Greedy (Minor), Mean general population of the city: shop owners, Edges: Brawler bartenders, and so on. Like everyone else, they scrabble to get by from week to week, Gear: Knife or small club (Str+d4) or pistol (Range 12/24/48, Damage 2d6, AP 1). but are generally law-abiding and worthy of rescuing during a super-villain attack.


Attributes: Agility d6, Smarts d6, Spirit d6, Strength d6, Vigor d6 Skills: Athletics d4, Common Knowledge d4, Driving d4, Fighting d4, Notice d6, Persuasion d4, Shooting d4, Stealth d4 Pace: 6; Parry: 4; Toughness: 5 Hindrances: — Edges: — Gear: Citizens own a variety of gear appropriate to their trade. Many own a firearm, or at least a knife.



Lieutenants are a bit smarter than the rank and file thugs they lead. They serve a bigger boss, and are usually far more afraid of him or her than the authorities. This profile should serve as a starting point for named characters with a few special Edges and maybe even a low-level super power or two depending on the setting. A lieutenant named the Hammer, for example, might have an enhanced melee attack, while another who goes by “The Eel” is slippery and hard to hit. Neither are true super villains, but have a little something extra to make them memorable and a bit more of a challenge.

The world is full of common criminals, men and women loathsome enough to steal from the efforts of others—whether it’s digital files Attributes: Agility d6, Smarts d6, Spirit d6, or cars or food off their very tables. Strength d8, Vigor d6 Skills: Athletics d6, Common KnowlBelow are statistics for common thugs. The edge d6, Driving d6, Fighting d8, Game Master should tailor them as fits their Intimidation d8, Notice d6, Persuasion d6, particular theme or role in the story, and Shooting d6, Stealth d6, Thievery d8 perhaps give them a colorful leader and Pace: 6; Parry: 6; Toughness: 6 costumes. Hindrances: Loyal Typical gear is listed for each entry, but the Game Master should tailor the villains to Edges: Brawler, Command, Streetwise suit their task and their opposition. Thugs Gear: Switchblade (Str+d4), .45 pistol (Range 12/24/48, Damage 2d6+1, AP 2). If a lieuwho expect to fight super-powered heroes, tenant knows he might be going up against for example, are almost always armed with a super, he carries a suitable pulse weapon pulse rifles, while an alien horde tasked with instead. defeating cosmic-level defenders likely have pulse cannons in support.



These are wiseguys who run street gangs, cartels, and other relatively “normal” outfits. Most have a few super villains on hand as muscle, or might be supers themselves with powers that match their gang’s theme or reputation.

These are typical gang members or thugs who depend more on brawn than brains. Most gangs of five or more are led by a Wild Card, and might also have a “bruiser” or “big guy” with a higher Strength and Fighting, the Brawny Edge, and the Resilient Special Attributes: Agility d8, Smarts d8, Spirit d8, Strength d8, Vigor d8 Ability.


Chapter Five: Rogues Gallery Skills: Athletics d6, Common Knowledge d10, Attributes: Agility d6, Smarts d8, Spirit d6, Strength d6, Vigor d6 Driving d8, Fighting d10, Intimidation d10, Skills: Athletics d6, Common Knowledge d8, Notice d8, Persuasion d8, Shooting d8, Driving d6, Fighting d6, Intimidation d8, Stealth d8, Taunt d8, Thievery d10 Notice d6, Persuasion d6, Research d8, ShootPace: 6; Parry: 8; Toughness: 8 (2) ing d6, Stealth d4 Hindrances: Greedy (Major), Wanted (Major) Pace: 6; Parry: 5; Toughness: 5 Edges: Block, Charismatic, Combat Reflexes, Hindrances: — Command, Inspire, Nerves of Steel, StreetEdges: Connections (Law Enforcement or wise News), Investigator, Streetwise Gear: Body armor (vest, +2*), Pulse pistol Gear: 9mm handgun (Range 12/24/48, (Range 10/20/30, Damage 3d6, AP 4) or SMG Damage 2d6, RoF 1, AP 1). (increase RoF to 3).


The world’s first line of defense are its policemen. These brave men and women respond to danger and deal with the worst society has to offer every day—and they do it all without super powers.


This is the average patrolman, security detail, or private guard. He’s often the first to respond to trouble or the scene of a crime, and is usually in over his head when it comes to warding off superpowered threats. Attributes: Agility d6, Smarts d6, Spirit d6, Strength d6, Vigor d6 Skills: Athletics d6, Common Knowledge d6, Driving d6, Fighting d6, Intimidation d6, Notice d4, Persuasion d6, Shooting d6, Stealth d4 Pace: 6; Parry: 5; Toughness: 9 (4) Hindrances: Obligation (Minor— Protect and Serve) Edges: Connections (Police Department or Corporation), Streetwise Gear: Heavy body armor (vest, +4*), 9mm handgun (Range 12/24/48, Damage 2d6, RoF 1, AP 1), billy club (Str+d4), handcuffs.


Investigators can be police or private detectives, ace reporters, or other snoops the heroes may come across in their line of work. An investigator often makes a great ally or a dogged and persistent enemy!


The SPCR (Super Power Crime Response) unit is a highly trained and decorated team armed with the most high tech weapons and armor. These brave men and women rush into danger when the average cop or guard is outgunned. While many SPCR units work with local law enforcement agencies, some are part of military organizations, or even private highpowered corporate security forces. Attributes: Agility d8, Smarts d8, Spirit d6, Strength d8, Vigor d10 Skills: Athletics d8, Common Knowledge d6, Driving d6, Fighting d10, Intimidation d8, Notice d6, Persuasion d6, Piloting d6, Shooting d10, Stealth d4, Taunt d6 Pace: 6; Parry: 7; Toughness: 11 (4) Hindrances: Loyal, Vow (Major—to serve their country, city, or employers) Edges: Brave, Marksman, Steady Hands. Gear: Heavy combat armor (+4*), stun baton (Str+d4, see page 16), pulse blaster rifle (Range 20/40/80, Damage 3d6, RoF 1, AP 4, HW). Some may also be equipped with energy shields (Parry +2, Pace −1, Cover −4, grants a free Soak roll using Focus d10 against all physical attacks, see page 14).





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Nicholas Foucault is the direct descendant of the famous alchemist whose name he bears. He uses 6 his powers not for the benefit of mankind, but to finance his own research into new chemical formulas. 5 Though Nicholas believes his concoctions are pure science and the rest of the world just can’t understand his familial genius, there’s actually more 8 (2) than a hint of magic in his formulae. — Alchemist has greatly improved on his ancestor’s delivery methods. No longer must he carry a bag full of glass grenades and leather misters. With the help of the Fixer (page 125), Nicholas devised an “alchemical dispersion system,” or “ADS,” a backpack full of strange chemicals that can be instantly mixed and sprayed out of either of his wrist guns. The device is buckled tightly to his body and made of durable, self-sealing materials (Hardness 14, Device modifier −1).


Attributes: Agility d6, Smarts d12+1, Spirit d10, Strength d6, Vigor d8 Skills: Athletics d8, Common Knowledge d6, Driving d6, Fighting d6, Focus d12, Healing d4, Notice d6, Persuasion d6, Repair d8, Science d12, Stealth d6 Pace: 6; Parry: 5; Toughness: 8 (2) Hindrances: Arrogant, Power Negation (red mercury), Ruthless (Minor), Vengeful (Minor) Edges: Combat Reflexes, Super Powers (45) Gear: Body suit (+2), alchemical dispersion system (ADS, see various powers below).


 Decay

(5): Area Effect (MBT). Device (ADS, concentrated acid). Strong.  Entangle (6): Area Effect (MBT), Device (ADS, advanced epoxy). Strong.  Healing (2): Device (ADS, fast-healing unguents).  Heightened Senses (3): Hearing. Low Light Vision. Smell. X-Ray Vision. Device (HUD in helmet).  Boost/Lower Trait (9): Additional Recipients (4). Any Trait. Power. Device (ADS, radioactive transference vapors).  Negation (9): Area Effect (MBT). Full Spectrum. Device (ADS, radioactive blocker). Strong.  Ranged Attack (11): Focus. Damage 4d6, AP 6. Cone only. Device (ADS, fire).

ADVENTURE IDEAS The Grapes of Wrath: Foucault constantly scans both scientific and archaeological news sites for rumors of ancient formulae and rare ingredients. The discovery of yet another ancient ship at the bottom of the cold Black Sea has unearthed a sealed urn filled with a rare vintage of archaic wine. The wine itself is undrinkable, but the grapes that made it are long extinct. If the Alchemist can obtain the urn, those affected by his negation power roll to recover once per week instead of every round!


Chapter Five: Rogues Gallery power level




To Judith Marks, an Olympic archer, winning mattered more than anything. If anyone ever came 6 close to beating her record, she’d track them down and fire an arrow into a spot that assured a long, painful death. When the authorities finally found her out, she disappeared. 10 Marks reemerged a year later with a new bow and a new name: Arrowhead. Now she kills for money as one of the deadliest assassins on the market, though many think it still isn’t safe to try for her record.


8 (2)



Attributes: Agility d12, Smarts d6, Spirit d6, Strength d8, Vigor d8 Skills: Athletics d6, Common Knowledge d6, Driving d8, Fighting d12, Focus d8, Intimidation d8, Notice d6, Persuasion d6, Shooting d12+4, Stealth d6, Taunt d6, Thievery d10 Pace: 6; Parry: 10; Toughness: 8 (2) Hindrances: Greedy (Major ), Ruthless (Major), Vengeful (Major) Edges: Alertness, Dead Shot, Marksman, Steady Hands, The Best There Is (ranged attack), Super Powers (30) Gear: Combat armor (+2*), compound bow (Range 12/24/48, Damage Str+d6, AP 1; or as ranged attack, see below).

 Awareness

(2): Ignores 3 points of a foe’s attack penalties. Device (Sensors and HUD in helmet).  Dodge −2 (2): −2 to be hit by ranged attacks.  Entangle (3): Contingent on Shooting (bow and arrows). Strong. (Blunt tangle arrows cause no damage).  Heightened Senses (2): Eagle Eyes. Infravision. Low Light Vision. Device (HUD in helmet).  Parry +2 (2): Training.  Ranged Attack (13): Shooting. Range 12/24/48, Damage 3d6, RoF 3, AP 6. Device (Explosive arrows).  Super Skill (6): Fighting +2, Shooting +4.

ADVENTURE IDEAS The Villainous Olympics: Arrowhead’s offers have been slipping lately. The Spider’s latest job was an outright insult. Judith decides to “market” her skills by challenging her rivals to a deadly scavenger hunt. Boomer, Huntsman, and the Witch Hunter take up the challenge. Each villain is given a hero to assassinate! The target might be other heroes in your campaign world or the player characters themselves. The team finds out about the contest from their informants in the underworld and has a short amount of time to stop it. The Arrow’s Path: The Spider has hired Arrowhead to take out a rising rival in a city of the GM’s choice. He wants others to learn what it means to encroach on his territory and has Arrowhead start with the lowest level thugs in the criminal organization and work her way. The goal is fear, so collateral damage earns her a bonus. Warden picks up on the pattern and asks the heroes to intervene. Will they wait till Arrowhead cleans up the criminal element and takes out the new boss? Or will they stop her before innocents wind up in… “the arrow’s path?”





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Prince of the Outer Realms, Conqueror of Nine Galaxies, Devourer of Men—Asmodeus is a cosmic force unmatched in much of the known universe. He rules the demonic plane of Stygia, scheming his dark and terrible plans from his great throne. Asmodeus seeks the complete enslavement of all life. Only then shall the Tyrant of Stygia finally know peace—or so he claims.

Asmodeus is ageless and timeless, but even he cannot control the whims of cosmic law. His armies can only exit Stygia 32 (12) under certain circ*mstances, such as the alignment of planets or the completion of dark rituals by foolish cultists who believe they can control him. Earth’s champions have defeated Asmodeus each time he’s attempted to invade. This angers the prince beyond reason, and now the enslavement of Earth is his greatest and most overwhelming desire.

When the Conqueror appears, darkness follows. Black flames burn in his cloven steps. His form is drawn from the minds of man; that of a stereotypical devil, over eighteen feet tall with goat legs and crimson skin burning so fiercely it’s almost black. The tyrant’s only fear is pure light, which he rarely encounters due to his own ability to summon and control darkness. On his head are massive bull horns. His vile eyes are black as coals. Those few who have looked closely swear they can see the screaming souls he’s consumed within. He wears a long cloak soaked with the blood of millenniums. Asmodeus’ voice is cold as a dying sun.

PROFILE Attributes: Agility d12, Smarts d12+2, Spirit d12+2, Strength d12+4, Vigor d12+2 Skills: Athletics d6, Common Knowledge d10, Fighting d12+2, Focus d12, Notice d12+2, Occult d10, Persuasion d4, Stealth d4, Survival d8, Taunt d8 Pace: 8; Parry: 11; Toughness: 32 (12) Hindrances: Bloodthirsty, Driven (Major— Believes the universe must be enslaved), Environmental Weakness (Light), Ruthless (Major) Edges: Alertness, Champion (Evil), Combat Reflexes, Expert (Notice, Smarts, Spirit), Fleet-Footed, Harder to Kill, Block (Imp), First Strike (Imp), Frenzy (Imp), Level Headed (Imp), Nerves of Steel (Imp), Sweep, (Imp), Tough as Nails, Master (Fighting), Mighty Blow, Quick, Super Powers (75), Take the Hit Gear: Great sword “The Tyrant’s Will” (Str+d12+5d6, AP 10, Parry −1, Heavy Weapon).




 Additional

Actions (5): Ignores up to two points of Multi-Action penalties each turn. „ Ageless (3): Very Old.  Armor +12 (10): Heavy Armor.  Awareness (5): Ignores 5 points of opponent’s attack penalties. „ Damnation: Asmodeus returns to the Abyss when Incapacitated.  Doesn’t Breathe (2): Asmodeus is above such mortal concerns!  Doesn’t Eat (1): Did you not hear? Asmodeus has no need for such mortal triflings!  Energy Control (8): Darkness. Additional Power Type (Fire). Area Effect (LBT).  Fear −2 (4): Strong.  Hardy (2): A second Shaken result doesn’t cause a Wound.  Melee Attack (16): Damage Str+3d6. Heavy Weapon. Special Weapon (Great sword +2d6, AP 8, Device, Heavy Weapon).  Ranged Attack (22): Fire. Range 12/24/48, Damage 6d6, AP 12. „ Size 5 (Large): Asmodeus stands 18’ tall and can take one additional Wound. „ Toughness +6 (6): Demonic constitution. „ Unstoppable: The villain takes a maximum of one Wound (after Soaking) from any damaging attack unless the attacker’s Action Card is a Joker.

Chapter Five: Rogues Gallery power level




Baba Yaga, the witch-ogress of Russian mythology who struts about on a hut with chicken legs, is alive 6 and well. She ventures from her legendary home on her magical mortar and pestle to patrol her land and feast on human flesh. She’s known to the 6 Slavic people as someone to fear, and in the most dire circ*mstances, beg for aid. Baba is a strange figure who both protects the Slavic 12* people and preys upon them. When “her children” are −4R threatened, the witch protects the flock. She offers no such protection to “rude” trespassers otherwise, especially children. She is particularly cruel to those who display magical abilities. When she hears of others with mystical talent, she seeks them out—perhaps through a thrall such as the Witch Hunter (page 177) and destroys (or preferably, devours) them. Baba is a twisted, grotesque figure—the cost for her long centuries of cruelty. When she wishes to put a traveler at ease or infiltrate some village for information, she uses her disguise spell to appear as a beautiful young girl or trusted matron. Baba can be bargained with, but the fee is usually more than most are willing to pay. She might heal a loved one’s chronic disease or fight some terrible threat for a village but demand the sacrifice of some unsuspecting individual with emerging magical talents in exchange.

PROFILE Attributes: Agility d8, Smarts d12+2, Spirit d10, Strength d12, Vigor d12 Skills: Athletics d6, Common Knowledge d6, Fighting d8, Focus d12, Intimidation d8, Notice d10, Occult d12+4, Spellcasting d12+2, Stealth d10, Survival d10 Pace: 6; Parry: 6; Toughness: 12(at full size) Hindrances: Arrogant, Ruthless (Major), Ugly (Major), Vengeful (Major) Edges: Arcane Background (Magic), First Strike, Frenzy, Hard to Kill, Level Headed (Imp), Nerves of Steel, Super Powers (60), Woodsman Spells: Barrier, beast friend, blind, boost/lower Trait, confusion, darksight, deflection, detect/ conceal arcana, disguise, dispel, divination, drain Power Points, elemental manipulation, entangle, environmental protection, farsight, fear, healing, illusion, light/darkness, object reading, protection, puppet, shape change, sloth/ speed, slumber, sound/silence, speak language, stun, summon ally, telekinesis, teleport, wall walker, zombie. Power Points: 60. Gear: Man-sized flying mortar and pestle (see flight), dancing hut.


 Ageless

(3): Very Old (+2 to Smarts and Common Knowledge).  Dodge −4 (4): −4 to be hit with ranged attacks.  Flight (2): Pace 45 (30 MPH). Device (Hut or mortar and pestle). She uses her Agility to maneuver. Ungainly.  Growth (14): Level 4 (Size 4 (12’ tall), +4 Size, Strength, and Toughness). Swat (Ignores 4 points of scale penalties).  Possession (6): Alternate Trait (Spellcasting).  Push (4): Alternate Trait (Spellcasting). Strong.  Ranged Attack (15): Spellcasting. Range 12/24/48, Damage 5d6, AP 4. May use Cone Template.  Slow (5): Additional Recipients +3.  Super Skill (3): Spellcasting +3.  Super Sorcery (4): Baba Yaga is a witch. „ Unstoppable: The villain takes a maximum of one Wound (after Soaking) from any damaging attack unless the attacker’s Action Card is a Joker.





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Sgt. Dirk Davis was on a black ops mission when his team faced certain capture. Davis called in 6 an airstrike, but a shadow agency within the US government decided to wipe away all traces of their activities instead. They launched an experimental neutron-based, microtactical warhead. 8 Davis knew what was coming and told his men to run. They didn’t make it, but Dirk dove into a sandpit at the last second and somehow survived. When he came to, his body had fused with the sand and he was forever after the vengeful villain known as Beachhead.



Attributes: Agility d10, Smarts d6, Spirit d6, Strength d12, Vigor d10 Skills: Athletics d10, Common Knowledge d6, Battle d10, Boating d6, Driving d8, Fighting d12, Focus d10, Intimidation d10, Notice d8, Persuasion d6, Stealth d10 Pace: 6; Parry: 8; Toughness: 20 Hindrances: Distinctive Appearance (Made of sand), Environmental Weakness (Water) Loyal, Vengeful (Major) Edges: Brawny, Combat Reflexes, Nerves of Steel (Imp), Super Powers (45) Gear: None.

 Altered

Form (8): Sand. Grappler. Reach +2. Viscous. Yield.  Burrowing (3): Pace 6. Tunneler.  Environmental Resistance (1): Earth.  Explode (4): Sand burst. Damage 5d10. Area Effect (LBT). Big Bang. Failsafe. Temporary Disintegration.  Growth (4): Level 2 (+2 to Size, Strength, and Toughness). Permanent.  Melee Attack (6): Str+3d6.  Ranged Attack (7): Sand blast. Focus. Damage 3d6. Cone Template Only. Heavy Weapon.  Super Attribute (2): Strength +1.  Toughness +10 (10): Body of rock and sand.

ADVENTURE IDEAS “Porous” One Out For the Homies: Dirk has hit upon a strange and macabre idea. His companions were killed by the warhead, but fragments of their DNA—perhaps even their minds—may still be embedded in the blast area. He makes his way back and begins “sifting” through the soil to find the pieces of his fallen comrades. Exactly where this takes place is up to the GM, but it should be some place unwelcoming. Blackguard (page 108) doesn’t know what Beachhead is doing there, but he knows if he’s captured it could start an international incident—maybe even a war. He contacts the player characters and asks them to infiltrate the country, find out what Beachhead is doing, and haul him back to the Doom Guard’s flying base, Barrage, for quiet exfiltration. (Blackguard even has a vacuum chamber on Barrage that can hold Davis if the team can get him to it.) Davis spills the beans when confronted but says his plan failed. He won’t come willingly, however, so after a relatively brief fight, he’s taken and placed in Blackguard’s special cell. It’s a ruse though—Beachhead was successful, and his former companions’ memories are now part of his psyche. He knows who to go after in the US government and does so just as soon as he can manage an escape from Doom Guard!


Chapter Five: Rogues Gallery power level




The scientific community lauded Dr. Emil Munroe’s brilliant research but they gasped in horror when he 6 actually created a miniature black hole! The experiment altered Munroe’s molecular structure, turning him into a being of pure energy— 5 energy born of a black hole itself! When Munroe’s mind is stable, he searches for a way 20 (12) to cure his body and return it to flesh. He doesn’t want — to give up his abilities, however, and the constant failure has driven him mad. Emil particularly resents the various scientists and organizations who warned him about the dangers of his research. He often appears in a rage at research or tech exhibits to strike at some enemy or perceived slight, or raids laboratories or corporations rumored to have tech that might cure his freakish form.



Attributes: Agility d6, Smarts d10, Spirit d10, Strength d8, Vigor d12 Skills: Athletics d6, Common Knowledge d8, Fighting d6, Focus d12, Intimidation d10, Notice d10, Persuasion d4, Science d12, Stealth d8 Pace: 6; Parry: 5; Toughness: 20 (12) Hindrances: Alien Form (Body of pure, lightless energy), Ruthless (Major), Thin Skinned (Major) Edges: Combat Reflexes, Danger Sense, Nerves of Steel (Imp), Scholar (Science), Super Powers (75) Gear: None.

 Absorption (14): Force. Additional Power

Types (all). Reflection. Transference. +12 (6): Warp effect.  Energy Control (12): Force. Area Effect (LBT). Power.  Flight (19): Near Light Speed, −10 to hit. Light Speed.  Ranged Attack (20): Focus. 6d6. Area Effect (LBT) or Cone. Heavy Weapon.  Spacer (2): The Black Hole can survive in space.  Super Skill (2): Focus +2.  Armor

ANOMALY, INC. Munroe’s paramour and peer, Dr. Nicola-Jane Bartez, rushed in to save Emil during his transformation and was also affected by the “Lucerne Incident.” She became Dark Star and is almost always seen at Emil’s side. The fact that he cannot manifest in the flesh and touch his beloved drives both of them mad. Emil and Nicola-Jane often hire or partner with other villains, from Tech Gangs to individuals such as the Fixer under the group name “Anomaly, Incorporated.” A Villainous Civil War: Emil and Nicola-Jane granted the Fixer (page 125) access to some of their vast knowledge in exchange for her help in stealing alien technology from the Doom Guard. The attack failed thanks to Warden and his team, but the Black Hole feels the Fixer didn’t fulfill her part of the bargain and has been hunting her down with reckless abandon. The Fixer contacts the heroes and asks for a truce. She’ll help capture the vengeful Black Hole and Dark Star, keeping them from causing further damage to civilians and getting the deadly duo off her back.




6 9 —

10 (2)


power level


Axel Grate’s parents were murdered by vile cultists hoping to raise some ancient and nameless god of destruction. When he matured, the troubled youth set out to track down his parents’ murderers, leaving a trail of destruction in his wake and eventually becoming the vigilante/villain “Blackguard.”

Blackguard’s bloody crusade ended when the cult gathered to summon their otherworldly avatar. The troubled champion ultimately proved victorious, and even managed to free the long-tortured souls of his parents.

Axel emerged from the titanic devastation to find himself confronted by the Doom Guard. To his surprise, the team’s leader, Warden, offered him a hand rather than a fist. Blackguard was granted a pardon for saving the world— but only if he joined the Doom Guard. Blackguard struggles with his role as hero but so far has managed to focus his seething anger on his foes. He clashes with Warden often, but secretly thinks of him as the father he lost so long ago.


Attributes: Agility d10, Smarts d6, Spirit d6, Strength d8, Vigor d8 Skills: Athletics d8, Common Knowledge d6, Fighting d10, Focus d8, Intimidation d8, Notice d8, Occult d8, Persuasion d4, Piloting d8, Shooting d8, Stealth d8, Taunt d6, Thievery d8 Pace: 6; Parry: 9; Toughness: 10 (2) Hindrances: Driven (Major—defeat dark cults), Grim, Ruthless (Minor), Secret Identity Edges: Bruiser, First Strike, Nerves of Steel, Super Powers (30) Gear: Combat armor (+2*), pulse pistols (Range 10/20/40, Damage 2d6, AP 2), power gauntlets (Str+d4+d6, see page 16), auto grapnel, binoculars, comm link, smoke grenades ×4, cape (armored, obscuring), net gun.




 Awareness

(5): Ignores 5 points of a foe’s attack penalties. Intense training.  Boost/Lower Trait (1): Strength. Device (Pneumatic injector and cartridges with experimental steroids). Power. Limitation (Boost Trait only.)  Deadeye (2): Expert shot.  Fear (2): Fearsome scowl.  Hardy (2): Inured to pain.  Heightened Senses (1): Hearing. Infravision. Device (Cowl with built-in scanners).  Illusion (7): Distraction. Film Quality. Obscurement. Device (Holo discs).  Mind Shield (2): Strong. Device (Dread cowl with anti-telepathy lining).  Negation (5): Full Spectrum. Requires Touch. Strong. Device (Power inversion field in cuffs).  Parry +2 (2): Reflex amplification implants.  Super Skill (1): +1 Focus. (Gadget master).

Chapter Five: Rogues Gallery power level




Debbie Dalton was a gossip columnist and film critic for any rag that would print her salacious exposes. 6 That career came to an end when she spoiled the shock ending of Radioactive Mutant Spiders 3. This ruined the popular franchise and plunged the studio into bankruptcy. 10 The vengeful creator of the Mutant Spiders series spent the last of her money collecting and irradiating 8 (2) −2 thousands of real radioactive spiders—then setting them loose in Debbie’s home! The critic woke screaming, bitten by a thousand glowing arachnids brimming with strange radioactive toxins. That night, Blood Widow was born. Now Debbie makes her living as an assassin and terrorist, though she occasionally goes off on a bloody spree against Hollywood, and celebrities, who she blames for her terrible plight. Debbie failed as an actress, but knows enough makeup, costuming, and performance techniques to pose as a crew person and work her way onto Hollywood sets, award shows, and the likes. Ironically, Debbie’s revenge against the Mutant Spider series creator was turned into a very successful but critically-panned mega-series.


Attributes: Agility d6, Smarts d6, Spirit d8, Strength d6, Vigor d8 Skills: Athletics d4, Common Knowledge d8, Driving d8, Fighting d10, Focus d8, Notice d8, Performance d8, Persuasion d12+2, Stealth d6, Taunt d4, Thievery d10 Pace: 6; Parry: 10; Toughness: 8 (2) Hindrances: Monologuer, Quirk (vain), Streetwise, Stubborn, Vengeful (Major) Edges: (Very) Attractive, Charismatic, Super Powers (30) Gear: Body suit (+2).


 Awareness

(4): Ignores 4 points of a foe’s attack penalties.  Dodge −2 (2): −2 to be hit by ranged attacks.  Entangle (7): Spider webs. Area Effect (MBT). Strong.  Melee Attack (5): Str+2d6. Bite (+d4).  Parry +3 (3): Prescience.  Poison (3): Contingent on Fighting with melee attack, Bite. Deadly. Strong.  Super Skill (2): Persuasion +2.  Uncanny Reflexes (3): Ignore −2 penalty when making Evasion attempts; may Evade area attacks that don’t usually allow it at −2.  Wall Walker (1): Debbie has tiny insectlike hooks on her palms.






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power level


Dick McClure was trekking through an Aboriginal reserve in Australia when he came across a 6 strange black and blue boomerang, thrumming with power. Dick picked up the thing and was instantly possessed by some horrible presence. 6 “Boomer” now commits robberies, heists, and random acts of vandalism, whispering madly to the boomerang. Perhaps the entity within it is building Boomer up to some terrible and catastrophic act—or perhaps he’s desperately trying to attract the attention of heroes to help him reject the horror!

Attributes: Agility d8, Smarts d6, Spirit d6, Strength d6, Vigor d8 Skills: Athletics d12+2, Common Knowledge d6, Driving d8, Fighting d8, Notice d6, Occult d4, Persuasion d4, Repair d6, Shooting d6, Stealth d6, Taunt d10 Pace: 6; Parry: 6; Toughness: 9 Hindrances: Delusional (Minor—talks to the boomerang), Greedy (Major), Mean Edges: Luck, Marksman, Quick, Super Powers (15) Gear: None.


 Awareness

(1): Ignores 3 points of a foe’s attack penalties. Device (Cursed boomerang).  Flight (2): Pace 24 (16 MPH). Device (Cursed boomerang). Limitation (Boomer can’t throw his boomerang while flying.)  Ranged Attack (7): Athletics. Range 12/24/48, Damage 4d6. Device (Cursed boomerang).  Super Edge (1): Marksman. Device (Cursed boomerang).  Super Skill (3): Athletics +5. Device (Cursed boomerang).  Toughness +3 (1): Mystical protection. Device (Cursed boomerang).

THE BLIGHTED BOOMERANG The boomerang automatically returns to its host when thrown. This takes a few moments, so it can only be thrown once per turn. The thing is sentient, making it incredibly difficult to catch even if someone tries (Athletics roll at −8). If captured, it attempts to break free (Athletics and Strength d12+2, no more than once per turn) then flies at Pace 24 to seek its host. If thrown by someone other than its host it flies off to seek him. If Boomer is unavailable (dead, imprisoned, etc.), the boomerang lies dormant somewhere until he’s freed. Thus far, it’s shown no inclination to take another host.

ADVENTURE IDEAS It Calls to Me: The entity in the boomerang, which calls itself N’Longa, has awakened! It sends him on a deadly walkabout into the aboriginal communities of Australia, causing carnage in his wake. Though it seems like N’Longa is simply after mayhem, it’s actually trying to find and wipe out a shaman who has learned its identity—and how to destroy it! It only knows the shaman as “the Dreamer,” a fact Boomer occasionally lets slip to those attempting to stop him.


Chapter Five: Rogues Gallery power level




Jose Gonzalez was a firefighter in Los Angeles when a lunatic bombed the city. One of the bombs hit the 6 chemical warehouse he was trying to save, drenching him in burning sulfur. As the sulfur dissolved his flesh and most of his sanity, Jose became a creature of living fire. Although the chemical reaction with his 6 body has slowed, it has not stopped. It is only a matter of time before he’s consumed entirely. Until then he lives as Brimstone, a mad villain swathed in constant flame, seeking to burn the world.




Attributes: Agility d10, Smarts d6, Spirit d6, Strength d10, Vigor d8 Skills: Athletics d8, Common Knowledge d6, Driving d8, Fighting d8, Focus d10, Intimidation d6, Notice d8, Persuasion d4, Shooting d6, Stealth d6, Thievery d6 Pace: 6; Parry: 6; Toughness: 6 Hindrances: Alien Form (Fiery body), Environmental Weakness (Water), Habit (Major—must burn everything about him), Terminally Ill Edges: Extraction (Imp), Super Powers (45) Gear: None.

 Absorption

(10): Fire. Additional Power Types (All). Achilles Heel (Magic, Mental). Mastery (Fire).  Altered Form (3): Fire. Yield.  Damage Field (13): Fire. Damage 4d6. Area Effect (LBT). Heavy Weapon. Permanent.  Energy Control (7): Fire. Area Effect (LBT).  Ranged Attack (12): Fire. Focus. Range 12/24/48, Damage 5d6. Heavy Weapon. Lethal.

ADVENTURE IDEAS Fire and Ice: They say that opposites attract, but one of the strangest new duos has to be Brimstone and Natalie Adams, the Ice Queen (page 143). The two met during a temporary alliance with the Fixer. At first, they feuded with each other, but everyone else on the team could instantly sense their chemistry. Jose and Natalie fell in love, and it turns out Natalie’s power could ease Brimstone’s pain. Her experience as a researcher at a cryogenics company also gave the two some hope of relieving Jose’s constant pain. A series of break-ins to gather the appropriate equipment was almost successful when the Ice Queen was captured by Hex and Hellcat of the Doom Guard. Brimstone’s agony increases daily, and he’s been attacking every super-max prison he can find in hopes of locating his love—and the only cure for his constant pain. He fights when confronted, then pleas for relief. Will the party petition the Doom Guard to release Ice Queen and let her finish her research, knowing she’ll attempt to escape with Brimstone the whole time? Once a Hero: Jose was a hero before the incident that drove him mad. Remnants of that personality remain. During a fight with a rival that causes collateral damage, a building catches fire. Soon after, a man runs into the building to save anyone he can. If the party follows, they see this is Brimstone, risking his life to save innocents by drawing off fire. Do they give him a pass or haul him in for the other heinous crimes he’s committed?





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power level


Unlike most super villains, Chainsaw (alias Piotr Kopovski) doesn’t dream of world conquest, 6 financial wealth, or other such lofty ideals. He wants to be remembered for one thing—setting the highest body count for a mass killer over a long and gory career. 8 Piotr knows he’s not smart enough to avoid capture for long, so he often hires himself out to others 12 (4) with more power or better connections. He’s far more concerned with the long-term body count than the short term pile.



Attributes: Agility d10, Smarts d6, Spirit d6, Strength d12, Vigor d8 Skills: Athletics d6, Common Knowledge d4 Driving d8, Fighting d12, Focus d6, Intimidation d6, Notice d8, Persuasion d4, Stealth d8, Thievery d4 Pace: 6; Parry: 8; Toughness: 12 (4) Hindrances: Bloodthirsty, Habit (Minor— always polishing his chainsaw), Vengeful (Major) Edges: Block (Imp), Sweep (Imp), Super Powers (30) Gear: Body armor (+4*), skull mask, diamond-bladed chainsaw (Str+5d6, AP 4).

 Additional

Actions (5): Ignores up to two points of Multi-Action penalties each turn.  Fear −2 (3): Strong. Device (Mask).  Fearless (2): Piotr is his own horror show.  Melee Attack (6): Str+3d6.  Super Attribute (8): Agility +1, Strength +2, Vigor +1.  Super Edge (4): Block (Imp)  Toughness +2 (2): Thick and muscular.

ADVENTURE IDEAS Timber: After a grisly crime spree in Oregon, Piotr fled to a local timber company and is working under the assumed name of Dave Smith. The Doom Guard AI detects the false ID and gets a positive facial recognition match. Warden asks the team to travel to the deep woods of Oregon to apprehend the villain before he causes any more trouble. But the whole operation is a trap set by the Spider! He wants to protect one of his favorite mercenaries and teach the Doom Guard a lesson by slaughtering its allies! Chainsaw resides in the camp as expected though he never lets go of his chainsaw—even when he sleeps! But worse, Kamchatka (page 145) is lurking in the woods nearby! As soon as he hears a fight, he comes charging in to kill any capes he finds. The Chainsaw from Hell: Asmodeus enjoys the slaughter Piotr leaves in his wake. He forges a Hellish chainsaw and uses an incursion of the Dark Brood to deliver it to the relentless killer. The next time the party meets Chainsaw, the weapon grants him the Special Weapon modifier to his melee attack, causing an additional 3d6 damage (ignore the usual 5d6 limit), AP 10. It also grants him +10 Toughness (total Toughness 20 (4)). Power has a price, of course. When Piotr is eventually defeated, a portal to the Dark Brood’s hellish dimension opens up, and clawed hands drag him screaming into the void. Don’t worry, he’ll cut his way out someday…


Chapter Five: Rogues Gallery power level




Clone, aka Michaela Donaldson, is one of many copies of the same individual inhabiting different 6 dimensions. Her preferred tactic in combat is to copy an opponent’s power, negate the original’s abilities, summon a dimensional twin or two, and then let her opponent suffer the effects of his own 6 powers—doubled or even tripled. Clone was born with her powers and has no idea where they come from, but suspects there might be a grain of truth in her mother’s wild stories of alien abduction.




Attributes: Agility d8, Smarts d10, Spirit d10, Strength d6, Vigor d6 Skills: Athletics d6, Common Knowledge d6, Driving d6, Fighting d8, Focus d10, Notice d8, Persuasion d4, Stealth d8, Taunt d10, Thievery d6 Pace: 6; Parry: 6; Toughness: 5 Hindrances: Habit (Minor—talks to self), Overconfident, Ruthless (Major), Vengeful (Major) Edges: Alertness, Dodge, Extraction, Quick, Super Powers (30) Gear: None.

 Awareness

+2 (2): Ignores 2 points of attack penalties.  Copycat (10): Level 8. Linked to negation. Overly Accurate.  Duplication (10): Level 2. Promotion.  Boost/Lower Trait (2): Any Trait. Leech. Requires Touch. Limitation (Lower Trait only).  Negation (6): Full Spectrum.

ADVENTURE IDEAS But Where Do I Come From, Though?: Michaela finds a v’sori scientist (page 188) marooned on Earth after the failed invasion (or perhaps crash-landed on Earth if that invasion isn’t part of your setting’s history). The scientist promises her fabulous wealth if she’ll help him signal for pickup. Clone agrees, but also has something else in mind. She wants the scientist to find out if she’s truly the child of aliens, and if so, who her father was. The scientist agrees, and the two decide to break into one of the few light speed transmitters on Earth—the Doom Guard headquarters in Star City! They hire a group of even more powerful villains (GM’s choice, but powerful and deadly types) and stage the assault. The other villains are the distraction, causing as much physical damage if possible. Warden sends out a call for help, and the player characters are closest. Clone and the scientist make it to the transmitter and call for help—but there’s no answer. At a dramatically appropriate time, a v’sori assault squad of k’tharens (page 191) warp out of hyperspace in a Manta to rescue the v’sori—or kill him if it looks like he might be captured and forced to reveal the v’sori’s many secrets! It’s an all-out battle royale in the halls of Doom Guard HQ! Clone tries to keep out of sight as much as possible, using her abilities to negate the player characters’ powers and send clones out with stolen powers to strike at opportune moments.





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6 6 —

23 (18)

power level


New York City crime boss Alfred “Big Al” Mazetti vanished when the v’sori turned Manhattan into a prison island. His son, Felix, inherited what was left of the Empire while still at M.I.T. finishing his Masters in Computer Science. Felix moved to Star City, took over his father’s business, added cybercrimes to the mob’s activities, and eventually created the Kraken crime syndicate (see below) where he is known as “The Controller.”

With the Fixer’s help (page 125), Felix built a suit of powered armor that enhanced his ability to hack into computer systems, fly, and even fight—which he considers crucial to being the figurehead of a modern international crime syndicate.

The Doom Guard artificial intelligence, Cassandra, has noticed Felix rarely takes off his suit these days, and postulates that its own AI has taken over Mazetti’s mind and is the real Controller.

PROFILE Attributes: Agility d8, Smarts d12, Spirit d10, Strength d6, Vigor d6 Skills: Athletics d6, Common Knowledge d8, Driving d8, Electronics d12+2, Fighting d8, Focus d10, Hacking d10, Notice d10, Persuasion d6, Research d10, Shooting d6, Stealth d10, Thievery d10 Pace: 6; Parry: 6; Toughness: 23 (18) Hindrances: Arrogant, Ruthless (Major), Vengeful (Major) Edges: Attractive, Connections, Level Headed (Imp), Scholar (Electronics, Hacking), Super Powers (60), Streetwise Gear: Controller suit (see various powers below).


 Armor

+18 (12): Device (Suit). Heavy Armor.  Broadcast (7): Channel Surfer. Device (Suit). Manipulation (Deep Fakes). Range (1000 miles).  Flight (7): Pace 45 (30 MPH). Device (Suit).  Illusion (11): Holograms. Area Effect (LBT). Device (Suit). Distraction. Film Quality. Obscurement. System Shock.  Interface (4): Codebreaker. Device (Suit). Fast.  Ranged Attack (19): Laser. Focus. Damage 4d6, AP 10, RoF 3. Device (Suit).

THE KRAKEN CRIME SYNDICATE The aging out of the old guard, modern crime fighting technology, better communication between authorities thanks to the Doom Guard (and Cassandra, see page 122), and perhaps most importantly the v’sori invasion did a number on the old “mafia.” One of the orphans left behind was Felix Mazetti, surviving crown prince of the former boss and master hacker. Sensing the vacuum, he decided to rebuild the old syndicate into something new— an organization that added lucrative cybercrimes to its repertoire and embraced modern society’s new emphasis on diversity. No longer would the mob be an Italian affair—it would be a multicultural criminal enterprise. When one of his father’s consiglieres insulted Tony’s approach, the young boss “unleashed the Kraken” and killed him with his bare hands. Now the new organization, “Kraken,” incorporates gangs of all backgrounds and nationalities. Other criminals often laugh at the “kumbaya mafia,” but the syndicate’s rapid success can’t be denied. Use the profiles for Common Criminals for affiliated gang members (page 100). Two of Mazetti’s main rivals are the Crimson Fist (page 116) and Red Dragon (page 146). The coming gang war will likely be fought in every corner of the world.


Chapter Five: Rogues Gallery power level




Sam Watkins was an environmental activist who wasn’t afraid to use violence against those he 6 believed were harming the planet. His enemies eventually caught up with him and dumped Sam in a toxic dump infested with fiddler 9 crabs. What emerged was a confused and maddened hybrid of man and crab. 17 (10) When Sam is lucid, he targets interests he believes poison the planet, usually on or near the ocean. He occasionally goes on deadly rampages in seaside towns and has become a scourge of tourism and industry wherever he emerges.



Attributes: Agility d8, Smarts d6, Spirit d6, Strength d12+2, Vigor d10 Skills: Athletics d12, Common Knowledge d8, Fighting d12, Focus d6, Intimidation d8, Notice d6, Persuasion d6, Stealth d6 Pace: 6; Parry: 9; Toughness: 17 (10) Hindrances: All Thumbs, Distinctive Appearance (Man-crab), Mean, Ruthless (Major), Vow (Major—protect the planet, at all costs) Edges: Frenzy, Super Powers (30), Two-Fisted Gear: None.

 Aquatic

(2): Swimming Pace 6, breathes in water.  Armor +10 (5): Carapace.  Heightened Senses (1): Hearing.  Melee Attack (10): Str+3d6. Claws (+d6, AP 2).  Parry +1 (1): Large claws.  Super Attribute (8): Strength +3, Vigor +1.  Super Skill (3): Athletics +1, Fighting +1, Intimidation +1.

ADVENTURE IDEAS The Thing at the Bottom of the Earth: Tempest, the Crab, and the Ice Queen have teamed up to attack a Bolivian oil company in the Antarctic. Tempest believes their operations will hasten the destruction of the southern ice and asks Crab and Ice Queen for help. The team has already destroyed one experimental rig and a research vessel and is now searching for an exploration team somewhere in the interior. Blackguard asks the heroes to help and transports them to McMurdo Station in Antarctica— the Barrage can go no further due to heavy storms. From there the heroes must track the explorers and their pursuers across the Beardmore Glacier and deep into the southern continent’s interior. Eventually, they find the Bolivians hiding in a series of ice caves while attempting to avoid Eco-Watch. But what lies at the heart of these strange caves? Is it an ancient shape-shifting alien? An antediluvian v’sori scout ship? The monster known as Goliath or some similar kaiju? Rampage: When the heroes are somewhere near the sea, the Crab staggers up out of the ocean to attack a local aquarium. The authorities respond, but the super team is closer. The Crab must be brought down before he harms anyone, but he leaps into a tank of young killer whales (use Great White Sharks from Savage Worlds) for protection. Can the heroes extricate the misguided Crab without harming the orcas?



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The Fist is a secret, world wide criminal organization based in Osaka, Japan made up of skilled and deadly martial artists. They have their own secret agenda but are allied with and serve the infamous Kyota yakuza under Fantamu (page 124). “Masters” command independent “fists” of warriors for hire throughout the globe. Some claim an “Ancient and Venerable Lord” links the cells from a hidden temple somewhere in the wilds, but so far that theory has not been proven.



Attributes: Agility d8, Smarts d6, Spirit d8, Strength d8, Vigor d8 Skills: Athletics d10, Common Knowledge d6, Driving d4, Fighting d8, Notice d8, Persuasion d6, Stealth d10, Survival d6, Thievery d10 Pace: 6; Parry: 9; Toughness: 6 Hindrances: Ruthless (Major), Vow (Major— serve the clan) Edges: Assassin, Block, First Strike, Martial Artist, Super Powers (15), Thief Gear: Ninja-to (Str+2d6), shurikens (Range 3/6/12, Strength+d4+d6).

Attributes: Agility d10, Smarts d8, Spirit d10, Strength d8, Vigor d10 Skills: Athletics d10, Common Knowledge d6, Driving d4, Fighting d12, Notice d8, Persuasion d6, Stealth d10, Survival d6, Thievery d10 Pace: 6; Parry: 12; Toughness: 12 Hindrances: Greedy (Major ), Ruthless (Major), Vow (Minor—rarely breaks contracts) Edges: Assassin, Block (Imp), Chi, First Strike, Martial Artist, Martial Warrior, Super Powers (25), Thief, Trademark Weapon Gear: Ninja-to (Str+2d6), shurikens (Range 3/6/12, Str+d4+d6).

Initiates have completed their training and seek to prove themselves to their masters. They should never be underestimated, especially when encountered in large groups.


(2): Ignores 2 points of a foe’s attack penalties.  Leaping (4): 4” vertical, 8” horizontal. Bounce. Death from Above.  Melee Attack (4): +d6 to Fighting attacks. Thrown Weapons.  Parry +2 (2): Ninja training.  Uncanny Reflexes (3): Ignore −2 penalty when making Evasion attempts; may Evade area attacks that don’t usually allow it at −2.



Masters are the most skilled of the order, leading groups of initiates on their missions or forming into elite strike squads to take on more powerful foes or difficult challenges.


(2): Ignores 2 points of a foe’s attack penalties.  Dodge −4 (4): −4 to be hit by ranged attacks.  Leaping (4): 4” vertical, 8” horizontal. Bounce. Death from Above.  Melee Attack (6): +d6 to Fighting attacks. Thrown Weapons.  Parry +1 (1): Ninja training.  Toughness +5 (5): Mystical training.  Uncanny Reflexes (3): Ignore −2 penalty when making Evasion attempts; may Evade area attacks that don’t usually allow it at −2.

Chapter Five: Rogues Gallery power level




Dr. Piers Walsh discovered an old crusader grave while excavating a castle in the Holy Land. On 6 drawing the dead knight’s sword, near perfectly preserved, he uttered a prayer of thanks. Instantly, the doctor was filled with divine energy, a suit of gleaming chain mail appeared on his body from 19 nowhere, and he instinctively knew he had the power to heal. Walsh became Crusader—a super hero. 18 (10) Crusader has no superpowers unless his sword is drawn and a prayer spoken. Crusader is a hero rather than a villain, but he has a very black-and-white personality and may come to oppose the player characters if he deems their actions less than pure.


*These attributes and skills are in his transformed state. Otherwise, use the Citizen profile on page 100. Attributes: Agility d10, Smarts d8, Spirit d12, Strength d12, Vigor d12 Skills: Athletics d6, Common Knowledge d6, Driving d4, Fighting d12+2, Focus d10, Notice d6, Persuasion d8, Occult d8, Research d6, Riding d6, Stealth d8 Pace: 6; Parry: 19; Toughness: 18 (10) Hindrances: Code of Honor, Transformation (must draw sword and invoke a prayer), Habit (Minor—always muttering prayers), Loyal Edges: Champion, Charismatic, Combat Reflexes, Block (Imp), Super Powers (60), Trademark Weapon (enchanted long sword) Gear: Enchanted chain mail (see below), holy longsword (Str+d8+5d6, Heavy Weapon), medium shield (Parry +2).


 Armor

+10 (4): Device (Enchanted chain mail).  Awareness (4): Ignores 4 points of a foe’s attack penalties.  Fearless (2): Immune to Fear.  Healing (11): Cure. Fatigue. Refresh. Requires Touch. Restoration. Resurrection.  Melee Attack (12): Str+2d6. Special Weapon (Long sword +3d6, Device, Heavy Weapon, Smash).  Parry +5 (5): Sword master.  Regeneration (5): Crusader makes a natural Healing roll every hour.  Super Attribute (12): Agility +1, Spirit +1, Strength +2, Vigor +2.  Super Skill (2): Fighting +2.  Uncanny Reflexes (3): Ignore −2 penalty when making Evasion attempts; may Evade area attacks that don’t usually allow it at −2.

ADVENTURE IDEAS Villains Also Mourn Their Beloveds: This adventure works best after a villain has been slain. That villain’s paramour—perhaps one unknown to the party, seeks revenge, but first wants to bring her (or his) partner back to life. Crusader’s existence, and his resurrection ability, is a well-kept secret, but the grief-stricken villain has learned of it and plots to force him into compliance. She kidnaps Dr. Walsh’s daughter, takes her to a lair where the body lies (a castle works great), and delivers proof her minions hold Dr. Walsh’s daughter. Crusader manages to get word to the heroes or the Doom Guard of his predicament, but the team must figure out how to rescue his daughter before busting in guns blazing.



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The Dark Brood are the legions of Stygia. Asmodeus (page 104) and his warlords command hordes of the horrors when they invade some unfortunate world. A few of the most common are presented below. Stygian hounds are unleashed on civilian populations or to inspire terror. Winged horrors are sent to command them or take out tougher targets— such as meddlesome heroes!


Stygian hounds are mastiff-sized beasts of war unleashed on unsuspecting populations by the lords of the Abyss. They are relatively easy to conjure and control for mortal cultists. Attributes: Agility d8, Smarts d4 (A), Spirit d6, Strength d12, Vigor d10 Skills: Athletics d8, Fighting d10, Intimidation d6, Notice d12, Stealth d10, Survival d6 Pace: 10; Parry: 7; Toughness: 11 (4) Hindrances: Bloodthirsty

ADVENTURE IDEAS Incursion: A monstrous villain such as Lycanthropus (page 149), the Monster (page 155), or the Ghoul (page 127) seeks forbidden knowledge in the beleaguered towns of Transylvania. While digging through long-fallen ruins in the vast hills, the monster unearths an ancient book of dark magic. Few of the pages can still be read, but one dangerous spell allows the wielder to summon 2d6 Stygian hounds and d6 winged horrors once per week. The fiend decides to try his luck in town, terrorizing the locals until supers arrive to stop him. Then he recites the spell, hides the book, and joins in the mayhem. Add complications to the adventure by having the Romanian government forbid the team’s intervention, other active villains in the area, or two or three of the fiends listed above working in concert together.


Edges: Alertness, Frenzy (Imp) Gear: None. SPECIAL ABILITIES: „ Armor

+4: Scaly Skin Str+d6, AP 2 „ Infravision: Halve Illumination penalties when attacking foes with heat signatures. „ Pack Tactics: Stygian Hounds add their Gang Up bonus to damage as well as the usual bonus to Fighting. „ Speed: d10 running die „ Bite:


These winged horrors are cruel and calculating in battle, picking on weaker foes, healers, and support types first if possible. Attributes: Agility d8, Smarts d6, Spirit d8, Strength d12+2, Vigor d10 Skills: Athletics d10, Common Knowledge d4, Fighting d10, Intimidation d10, Notice d6, Stealth d10, Taunt d10 Pace: 4; Parry: 8; Toughness: 17 (4) Hindrances: Bloodthirsty, Environmental Weakness (Light) Edges: Block, Frenzy (Imp), Super Powers (8) Gear: None. SPECIAL ABILITIES: „ Armor

+4: Scaly skin. Str+d10, AP 4. „ Flight: Pace 12. „ Infravision: Halve Illumination penalties when attacking foes with heat signatures. „ Eldritch Blast (8): Darkness. Athletics. Range 12/24/48, Damage 3d6, AP 4, RoF 1. „ Size 2: 10’ tall. „ Toughness +4: Thick, dense bodies. „ Bite/Claws:

Chapter Five: Rogues Gallery


Celestial horrors are rampaging terrors of the Dark Brood’s home dimensions. They’re strong enough to take on cosmic-level heroes, and a coven of such creatures is enough to threaten even a super team. Celestial horrors are something like giant, floating octopuses. They serve whatever being has managed to conjure them—or at least pretend to. Truthfully, no mortal can comprehend their unfathomable minds. Attributes: Agility d12, Smarts d8, Spirit d12, Strength d12+12, Vigor d12+6 Skills: Athletics d12, Common Knowledge d10, Fighting d12+2, Intimidation d12, Notice d10, Stealth d10, Taunt d12 Pace: 6; Parry: 11; Toughness: 32 Hindrances: Bloodthirsty, Environmental Weakness (Light) Edges: Block (Imp), Counterattack, First Strike, Mighty Blow, Super Powers (14), Sweep (Imp) Gear: None. SPECIAL ABILITIES: „ Awareness:

Ignores up to 5 points of attack penalties. „ Doesn’t Breathe: As power with Extreme modifier.

„ Hardy: Horrors don’t take a Wound from

being Shaken twice.

„ Eldritch Blast: Darkness. Range 12/24/48,

Damage 6d6, AP 8, RoF 1. Uses Athletics. −2: Seeing a horror’s massive, grotesque form requires a Fear check at −2. „ Flight: Pace 12. „ Infravision: Halve Illumination penalties when attacking foes with heat signatures. „ Mind Control: Strong. „ Size 13 (Gargantuan): A celestial horror is the size of a mammoth octopus roughly 130 feet in diameter. They have three extra Wounds and their attacks are Heavy Weapons. „ Swat: Celestial horrors ignore 4 points of Scale penalties when attacking creatures smaller than itself. „ Tentacles: Four tentacle actions, Reach 5, +2 Grappling, talon tips cause Str+3d6 damage. „ Toughness +8 (8): Massive form. „ Unstoppable: The horror takes a maximum of one Wound (after Soaking) from any damaging attack unless the attacker’s Action Card is a Joker. „ Fear





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power level


Dr. Nicola-Jane Bartez was one of Dr. Emil Munroe’s peers (see Black Hole, page 107). She 6 was also desperately in love with him, and when he underwent his bizarre transformation she rushed in to help. 6 The warping effects of the miniature black hole affected her differently, granting her powers over light and darkness but twisting her mind as well. 7 — She often accompanies the Black Hole on his rampages, searching for a cure that will turn her beloved flesh once more. The two are terrible and cruel when it comes to the “intelligentsia” who scoffed at them or now stand in their way.



Attributes: Agility d8, Smarts d12, Spirit d10, Strength d8, Vigor d10 Skills: Athletics d6, Common Knowledge d4, Driving d6, Fighting d8, Focus d10, Healing d10, Notice d10, Persuasion d4, Science d12, Stealth d4 Pace: 6; Parry: 6; Toughness: 7 Hindrances: Distinctive Appearance (Patterned skin), Delusional (Major—hates anyone who criticizes or opposes the Black Hole), Ruthless (Major) Edges: Combat Reflexes, Scholar (Science), Super Powers (45) Gear: None.

 Awareness (5): Level 2. Ignores 2 points of

foe’s attack penalties from his opponent’s powers, actions, or abilities.  Energy Control (15): Darkness. Additional Power Type (Light). Area Effect (LBT). Heavy Weapon. Power.  Environmental Resistance (4): Darkness. Light. Immunity.  Flight (12): Sonic Speed, −6 to hit. Ungainly.  Spacer (3): Dark Star can survive in space and extend her power to one other. Shareable.  Super Attribute (6): Agility +2, Vigor +1.

ADVENTURE IDEAS Anything for Love: Dark Star appears in the middle of a major city and begins randomly destroying property. When a group of heroes shows up, she surrenders and says her love, the Black Hole, has been kidnapped by a powerful alien race. She managed to escape in a stolen faster-than-light ship but overheard them say they planned on using his abilities to power some terrible secret weapon that would destroy Earth! Assuming they’ll help her rescue the villain, Nicola-Jane promises the team whatever they ask and leads them to the stolen ship (or they can follow on their own if able) and to the alien world. The Black Hole is indeed in a powerful prison, but the aliens don’t speak any Earth tongue (a clue that Nicola-Jane is lying!). In truth, he tried to take the aliens’ powerful technology, believing it might be the cure he seeks, but was defeated and cast in irons that held even his incredible powers. Dark Star, desperate and violently reckless, leads the assault against the alien prison and their powerful wardens (k’tharen make great guards, see page 191).


Chapter Five: Rogues Gallery power level




Alastair Blake was an elite thief who specialized in industrial espionage, typically for high-tech super 6 villains and their tech gangs. A few years back a gang contracted him to break into a company and steal a new top-secret technology. In 7 doing so, Alastair learned the target of his theft was the “Methuselah Formula.” He had never broken a contract before, but if the research notes were accurate, 5 — the serum would let him live forever! Immortality beckoned. Alastair injected himself with the only sample. He realized his mistake in moments. The prototype didn’t work. Instead, it created a corrupting time stream around the subject. Now anyone and anything the thief touches ages at greatly increased speeds. Alastair has been driven mad by the inability to touch another person without aging them or eat food without it tasting sour and rotten. The corruption field ages his own flesh, too, but he’s discovered absorbing certain kinds of radiation restores his youth—for a while. Alastair can often be found entangled in the schemes of other high-tech villains and the gang he betrayed, searching for a way to end the Methuselah effect and restore his humanity.

PROFILE Attributes: Agility d6, Smarts d12, Spirit d8, Strength d4, Vigor d6 Skills: Athletics d10, Common Knowledge d10, Driving d10, Electronics d10, Fighting d8, Focus d10, Hacking d8, Intimidation d6, Notice d8, Persuasion d6, Stealth d6, Taunt d6, Thievery d10 Pace: 6; Parry: 7; Toughness: 5 Hindrances: Code of Honor, Elderly* (unless he’s recently absorbed radiation), Grim, Ruthless (Minor) Edges: Nerves of Steel, Super Powers (30) Gear: None.



 Absorption

(4): Radiation. Transference. (4): Time distortion. Midas Touch. Strong. Linked to ranged attack.  Environmental Resistance (3): Radiation. Immunity. Alastair ignores radioactive attacks and attacks.  Parry +1 (1): Reflexes.  Ranged Attack (8): Focus. Range 12/24/48, Damage 4d6. Lethal. (Chronal blast.)  Regeneration (5): Level 4 (Once every hour). Regrowth. Limitation (Must have absorbed radiation within the past 24 hours to activate).  Teleport (2): Up to 12”. Rapid Teleport.  Uncanny Reflexes (3): Ignore −2 penalty when making Evasion attempts; may Evade area attacks that don’t usually allow it at −2.  Decay



THE DOOM GUARD They have gone by many names since the dawn of super-powered individuals. The Twilight Legion, the Guardians of Freedom in World War II, and many others. In the modern era, they are known as the Doom Guard. The guard stands above nations and politics. They form when there is an existential threat to humanity. Most of its members are heroes, but in times of great crisis the past is put aside and villains join the ranks as well. Sometimes pardons are granted for service in the Doom Guard, but casual agreements of limited amnesty are more common. Entire super groups join the Doom Guard when annihilation threatens, and in fact, it’s considered an honor.


The Doom Guard’s primary and most public headquarters is in Star City, a strange urban island created by a cosmic entity called the Outsider. The super hero called Warden manages and oversees the team and its network of affiliates, and handles most of the organization’s diplomatic and logistical issues from here. The Doom Guard has another base in New England called Legacy City. Hex and Hellcat are most often found there, watching over the strange ley lines, magical incidents, and curious cultists who frequent the region. A third, mobile base is a massive flying ship called the Barrage. The former criminal Blackguard is often found at its helm. He’s

well-suited to the role as Barrage is often used to infiltrate places that aren’t always friendly to the Doom Guard’s role.


A dour artificial intelligence called Cassandra aids the Doom Guard greatly. “She” constantly scours the planet for any crimes or unusual events and reports them to Warden. Most importantly, Cassandra analyzes billions of minute events for patterns that might indicate greater threats. The team learned the hard way that a simple break-in at an occult shop or the collection of certain high-tech devices often signaled far greater trouble on the horizon.


Below are a few of the threats the Doom Guard has battled: „ ELDER THINGS: Any number of cults sometimes call to strange, often betentacled beings from beyond the stars. The Doom Guard has so far foiled these incursions, but a few heroes and villains of a magical natural claim many more leer hungrily at our world. They wait patiently for the stars to align and chance their ancient abilities against earth’s supers. „ GOLIATH: The undying giant monster known as Goliath erupts from the sea on occasion and rampages the world’s coastal cities. Only the Doom Guard has thus far been able to force the beast back into the cold depths where it lairs. See page 129. „ THE LORDS OF STYGIA: Asmodeus (page 104) constantly seeks a way into the mortal world so that he can turn it into a literal Hell on Earth. The Dark Brood (page 118) serve as shock troops in his many legions.

THE DOOM GUARD IN YOUR CAMPAIGN The Doom Guard is an organization you can drop into your campaign regardless of its style. They’re an “uber group” that can call on your heroes (or villains!) to fight threats greater than any one super or group can handle—or quell lesser threats before they grow into something more significant. The Doom Guard tracks even lesser crimes, having learned the hard way such mischief is often the harbinger of greater schemes and catastrophes to come. In practical terms, this means even a low-level gang of crime-busting street fighters might be called on by the Doom Guard to look into or thwart some relatively minor crime.


Chapter Five: Rogues Gallery power level




Carol Benchley is a skilled computer hacker who fell in with a bad crowd and started defrauding banks 6 and corporations. While breaking into a secret government site, she discovered the blueprints to an amazing suit that allows her to control electricity. She stole the file, deleted the original, and built the suit. 5 Now she raids corporations (and banks in particular) as Electron—the “Bane of Business.” 15 (10) Carol had a brief fling with fellow hacker Felix Mazetti (page 114) but their rivalry caused a messy breakup and now the two are bitter enemies. When someone wants to attack Mazetti’s Kraken syndicate, Electron is often the one who gets the call.




Attributes: Agility d8, Smarts d10, Spirit d6, Strength d6, Vigor d6 Skills: Athletics d4, Common Knowledge d8, Driving d6, Fighting d6, Focus d8, Hacking d12, Notice d6, Persuasion d6, Repair d10, Stealth d4, Thievery d6 Pace: 6; Parry: 5; Toughness: 15 (10) Hindrances: Greedy (Major), Power Negation (Minor—Powerful magnets), Vengeful (Major) Edges: Connections (Hackers), Scholar (Hacking and Repair), Super Powers (45) Gear: Electricity control suit (see below).

 Armor

+10 (4): Device (Electric suit). (2): Ignores 2 points of a foe’s attack penalties.  Damage Field (8): Electricity. Damage 3d6. Area Effect (LBT). Device (Electric suit).  Dodge −3 (3): −3 to be hit with ranged attacks.  Energy Control (9): Electricity. Area Effect (LBT). Charge. May use Cone Template. Device (Electric suit). Requires Material.  Environmental Resistance (2): Electricity. Device (Electric suit). Immunity.  Flight (3): Pace 12 (8 MPH). Device (Electric suit).  Interface (4): Code Breaker. Device (Electric suit). Fast.  Ranged Attack (10): Focus. Range 12/24/48, Damage 5d6. Device (Electric suit). Heavy Weapon. (Electric bolts.)  Awareness

ADVENTURE IDEAS Take Her Out: Red Dragon hires Electron to hack Kraken’s finances and steal his funds. Electron delivers, but Felix sees her “fingerprints” in the hack and sends a hit team after her (whichever villains are most appropriate to battle the super team). Electron flees to the Star City power plant (where she gets synergy to all her powers—see page 33). The battle is sure to take out the grid, endangering everyone in Star City, if the heroes don’t stop them. Love is Strange: It’s early February when a man approaches the Doom Guard and asks for help. He claims Electron hacked his family estate and took all the money his father had saved for years—money that was to be donated to a children’s hospital. He asks the team to find her, capture her, and bring him to his family estate so he can attempt to get her to return the funds. The man proves to be an agent for the Controller, but he’s not trying to kill Carol—Felix wants to reconcile with the super villain for Valentine’s Day!





power level


Akira Yokohama was once a highly decorated member of Japan’s special forces. Then he struck a 6 superior and was drilled out in disgrace. Furious, Akira fell in with the venerable Kyoto yakuza and quickly rose to become its best-known superpowered enforcer. 12 Akira is expanding operations around the world, using gangs of Common Criminals (page 100) or 12 (4) −2R the Crimson Fist (page 116) when more talented help is needed. The expansion brings him into frequent conflict with Red Dragon (page 146) and Kraken (page 114). He’s a cold and ruthless killer but true to his word once given.



Attributes: Agility d10, Smarts d8, Spirit d10, Strength d12, Vigor d8 Skills: Athletics d8, Common Knowledge d4, Driving d10, Fighting d12+2, Focus d6, Intimidation d6, Notice d6, Persuasion d6, Stealth d6, Taunt d6, Thievery d10 Pace: 6; Parry: 12; Toughness: 12 (4) Hindrances: Arrogant, Cautious, Code of Honor, Loyal, Ruthless (Major) Edges: Block, Chi, Counterstrike, First Strike (Imp), Frenzy, Level Headed, Martial Artist (Imp), Martial Warrior, Super Powers (30), Trademark Weapon (Katana) Gear: Heavy combat armor (+4*), katana (Str+3d6+1).

 Awareness

(4): Ignores 4 points of a foe’s attack penalties.  Dodge −2 (2): −2 to be hit by ranged attacks.  Melee Attack (4): Str+2d6.  Parry +2 (2): Martial arts training.  Super Attribute (4): Strength +2.  Super Edge (6): Block, Frenzy, Level Headed.  Super Skill (3): Fighting +2, Athletics +1.  Toughness +2 (2): Conditioning.  Uncanny Reflexes (3): Ignore −2 penalty when making Evasion attempts; may Evade area attacks that don’t usually allow it at −2.

ADVENTURE IDEAS Recruitment Drive: The Crimson Fist has its own strange agenda. In exchange for their continuing loyalty to the yakuza, they demand Fantamu hold a recruitment drive for their shadowy organization. Applicants must commit violent crimes throughout the super team’s city, with the ten most impressive netting the lucrative job. The heroes are asked to stop the applicants’ rampage. Along the way, they can also work the streets to find out where the final gathering is to be held. It draws dozens of would-be criminals to some sort of makeshift arena attended by Fantamu and a zealous contingent of the Crimson Fist! Sword of a Thousand Tears: Fantamu seeks an ancient blade once said to be wielded by an oni, or demon. Word reaches the hero of the yakuza’s interest, and they set watch over it. But Fantamu is no fool. He uses a stolen artifact to open a temporary portal to Stygia as a distraction! A host of Dark Brood pour in (page 118), and if they aren’t defeated within five rounds, a celestial horror appears for one hour of soul-stomping madness as well! While the heroes battle the horrors, Fantamu breaks into the museum and steals the sword, a Special Weapon (katana +3d6, AP 10, Heavy Weapon).


Chapter Five: Rogues Gallery power level




Liza Sutton is the daughter of the original Fixer, aka Miss Mechanical. She’s a scientific genius who can 6 create just about anything imaginable. Her services aren’t cheap though, and those who have dealt with her know never to double-cross her. 6 Fixer isn’t just a “behind-the-scenes” villain—she uses her devices to steal money and parts to make more gizmos. The Fixer often runs a Tech Gang (page 169) 17 (12) and has little regard for their care or safety. −5R The Fixer employs, allies with, or manipulates numerous super villains in her schemes, including: Alchemist (page 102), Flux (page 126), Nocturne (page 157), Stealth (page 166), and Whirling Dervish (page 176).



Attributes: Agility d8, Smarts d12, Spirit d10, Strength d6, Vigor d6 Skills: Athletics d6, Common Knowledge d6, Driving d6, Fighting d8, Focus d10, Notice d8, Persuasion d4, Repair d12+1, Science d12, Shooting d8, Thievery d8, Stealth d4 Pace: 6; Parry: 6; Toughness: 17 (12) Hindrances: Greedy (Major), Mean, Ruthless (Major), Vengeful (Major) Edges: Gadgeteer, Level Headed (Imp), McGyver, Super Powers (45) Gear: Micro toolkit, parts for repairs.


 Armor

+12 (5): Device (Force field belt). −5 (4): −5 to be hit with ranged attacks. Device (Deflection field on force field belt).  Flight (5): Pace 24 (16 MPH). Device (Repulsor belt). Maneuverable.  Ranged Attack (10): Shooting. Range 12/24/48, Damage 5d6. Device (Blaster pistol).  Super Attribute (11): Agility +1, Smarts +3, Strength +1, Vigor +1. Device (Muscle actuators).  Super Science (4): Can spend a Benny on a Power Stunt and she doesn’t have to base the new power on one of her existing powers.  Super Skill (3): Repair +2, Science +1.  Dodge

ADVENTURE IDEAS I Warned You: The Fixer recently created a hydroponics system for the Green Goddess that would help her grow her henchman faster. Unfortunately, the growth proved temporary, and the horde fell apart before the horrified goddess’ eyes. She’s now on a rampage, and the Fixer, who famously warns her clients never to cross her, is set on revenge. Drones fly all through the heroes’ city, seeding any unpaved area with deformed Spores (page 133) who live only two agonizing days before crumbling into fiber. The creatures have only d8 Strength and Vigor (unless your party is particularly powerful), but trundle mindlessly through the city for 48 hours or until they’re destroyed. The Green Goddess appears once the heroes begin rounding them up to protect her babies.





power level


Carla Boardman was a frustrated scientist working at a government research facility. One day the lab 8 was attacked by the Black Hole and Carla was hit by the villain’s strange gravitic rays. As her body stretched into the event horizon something in the lab exploded, showering her in powerful energy and 6 chemicals. When the neon smoke cleared, Carla was able to stretch her body and even assume a putty-like 12 R state. From that point on became known as Flux. −5 Flux often works for the Fixer, using her abilities to slip into places and steal technology. She hates the Black Hole (page 107) and Dark Star (page 120) with a passion.



Attributes: Agility d12, Smarts d8, Spirit d6, Strength d6, Vigor d10 Skills: Athletics d6, Common Knowledge d6, Driving d6, Fighting d8, Focus d8, Healing d6, Notice d8, Persuasion d6, Science d8, Stealth d6, Taunt d8 Pace: 8; Parry: 6; Toughness: 12 Hindrances: Greedy (Minor), Environmental Weakness (Cold), Vengeful (Minor) Edges: Fleet-Footed, Frenzy, Quick, Sweep (Imp), Super Powers (45), Take the Hit Gear: None.

 Altered

Form (10): Rubbery body. Grappler. Reach +4. Viscous. Yield.  Dodge −5 (5): −5 to be hit with ranged attacks.  Environmental Resistance (4): Electricity. Biological. Earth. Metal.  Melee Attack (10): Str+3d6, Heavy Weapon, Smash.  Super Attribute (10): Agility +3, Vigor +2.  Super Skill (1): Fighting +1.  Toughness +5 (5): Rubbery body.

ADVENTURE IDEAS Fluxed: Carla knows the Fixer’s reputation for payback, but her boss’ recent affiliation with the Black Hole and Dark Star has pushed all her buttons. The Black Hole asked the Fixer to work on his existential problem—returning his form to flesh—and the Fixer asked Carla to steal several important pieces of technology around the world to build a machine the scientific genius thought might work. Carla had no trouble with the procurement but tinkered with some of the gadgets before handing them over in hopes of killing Black Hole—or at least making him pay. Cassandra, the Doom Guard AI, detected the pattern, guessed the intent, and was able to track Carla’s movements to a warehouse in Star City. Warden alerts the player characters, and they’re asked to keep an eye on things while he assembles his most powerful team members. Before the rest of the Doom Guard can arrive, however, the Black Hole and Dark Star fly into the warehouse at super speed. The Fixer powers up an incredible device and signals for the Black Hole to step into its blinding white ray. What happens next is up to you. The ray might tear a hole in space and time, letting in dangerous horrors from another dimension, or it might give the Black Hole even more power. The only thing it doesn’t do, of course, is cure the unfortunate scientist.


Chapter Five: Rogues Gallery power level




Jeremiah Chesterton III was born to money and spent his days in wasteful opulence, surrounded 8 by the best life had to offer. He cared little for the “invisible people” who worked for him. One such “invisible” was fired for a minor offense and 6 sought vengeance, cursing Chesterton with gnawing hunger and a desiccated frame. As a final touch of 9 poetic “justice,” Chesterton was made truly invisible. Now the former debutante skulks in the shadows, forced to eat carrion like a ghoul from folklore. He cannot will himself to be seen, can never satisfy his unholy craving, and takes his wrath out on anyone he comes across.



Attributes: Agility d8, Smarts d8, Spirit d6, Strength d10, Vigor d10 Skills: Athletics d6, Common Knowledge d8, Driving d6, Fighting d8, Focus d8, Intimidation d6, Notice d8, Persuasion d4, Occult d6, Stealth d6, Survival d8, Thievery d6 Pace: 8; Parry: 6; Toughness: 9 Hindrances: Bloodthirsty, Distinctive Appearance (skeletal), Quirk (Always hungry, eats only carrion), Ugly (Major), Vulnerability (Minor—Light) Edges: Combat Reflexes, Extraction, Frenzy, Super Powers (30) Gear: None.

 Heightened

Senses (2): Smell. Low Light Vision.  Invisibility (6): Permanent.  Leaping (3): 4” vertical, 8” horizontal. Death from Above.  Melee Attack (7): Str+2d6. Claws (+d6).  Stun (1): Contingent on Fighting (melee attack, Claws). Requires Touch. Strong.  Super Edge (2): Combat Reflexes.  Super Skill (1): Stealth +1.  Undead (8): +2 Toughness; +2 to recover from Shaken; doesn’t breathe; immune to disease & poison; no additional damage from called shots; ignore 1 level of Wound penalties.

ADVENTURE IDEAS Eat the Witch: The woman who cursed Jeremiah was an iron-willed woman named Jessica Good. Fired and humiliated from one of his many companies, the desperate girl searched the dark web and was rewarded with the terrible curse that turned her former employer into the Ghoul. Jeremiah has long sought revenge on Jessica, and he’s finally found her living somewhere in Legacy City. Through the Spider, he reached out to Russia and contacted the Witch Hunter—Baba Yaga’s relentless stalker (see page 105 and page 177, respectively). The hunter now roams Legacy City. There he finds that Jessica is part of a newly formed coven spread out across the city, and captures them to send to his ever-hungry mistress. Cassandra, Doom Guard’s artificial intelligence, detects the pattern and alerts Hex and Hellcat. They contact the player characters and ask for their help. As the team canvases Legacy City for the young spellcasters and Witch Hunter, Ghoul follows, harassing as he’s able then disappearing into the shadows to strike again.




6 17 —

19 (10)


power level


Markus Caputo was a successful fighter in the underground “super pit fighting ring.” A wealthy sponsor recognized his talents, built him a suit of gladiator armor c and recruited him as an enforcer. “Gladius” has since moved on to other criminal endeavors, but relishes in challenging other supers to single combat—often at the expense of the mission.



Attributes: Agility d10, Smarts d6, Spirit d10, Strength d12+4, Vigor d12+2 Skills: Athletics d10, Common Knowledge d6, Driving d8, Fighting d12+2, Focus d8, Intimidation d10, Notice d6, Persuasion d4, Stealth d6, Taunt d6 Pace: 6; Parry: 17; Toughness: 19 (10) Hindrances: Arrogant, Quirk (Must give a “thumbs up” or “thumbs down” as an action to whoever is watching before deciding what to do with a vanquished foe), Vengeful (Major) Edges: Block (Imp), Counterattack, Extraction, First Strike, Super Powers (30) Gear: Gladiatorial armor (see armor power), medium shield (+2 Parry), gladius (Str+4d6, Heavy Weapon), net (see page 16).

 Armor

+10 (4): Device (Gladiator armor).

 Melee Attack (6): Str+2d6. Special Weapon

(Gladius, +d6, Device, Heavy Weapon). +4 (4): Training.  Super Attribute (7): Strength +3, Vigor +1. Device (Armor).  Super Skill (3): Fighting +3.  Stun (3): Requires Touch. Strong. (Sword slap).  Uncanny Reflexes (2): Ignore −2 penalty when making Evasion attempts; may Evade area attacks that don’t usually allow it at −2. Device (Sensors in gladiator armor).  Parry

ADVENTURE IDEAS The Challenge: Just as the heroes finish a tough fight with some other foe, Gladius steps from the shadows and challenges one of them, preferably a beat-up melee fighter with a few Wounds, to first blood (the first Wound caused). Gladius promises that if the foe wins, he’ll turn himself in peacefully. If he wins, however, the rest of the team must promise to grant his escape. Otherwise, he takes on the whole team and promises no quarter. We Who Are About to Die: His long time in the underground fighting world has caused a serious brain injury. The doctors have given Markus just a few months to live. Before he passes, Gladius wants to score one last big job with some of the other villains he’s fought beside through the years. He gathers a crew of whatever rogues are most appropriate for your campaign and stages an attack on a casino, bank, or other large, fortified target. The heist involves a distraction at the other end of town that ties down most of the police forces and leaves only the local heroes to stop them. Markus fights with glee and reckless abandon (Conviction and 6 Bennies), hoping to perish in combat before his condition kills him. After he’s apprehended, he’s examined and the diagnosis proves false…


Chapter Five: Rogues Gallery



The creature known as Goliath lives somewhere deep in the Marianas Trench. She is a massive, lizard-like being with atomic breath and titanic claws. Goliath bears an uncanny resemblance to the fictional Godzilla, but is definitely no friend of humanity. When Goliath or her ilk appear, the threatened nation usually calls on the Doom Guard.

PROFILE Attributes: Agility d6, Smarts d6 (A), Spirit d10, Strength d12+12, Vigor d12+2 Skills: Athletics d8, Common Knowledge d4, Fighting d10, Intimidation d10, Notice d6, Persuasion d4, Shooting d10, Stealth d4 Pace: 30; Parry: 7; Toughness: 31 (10) Gear: None.


„ Armor

+10: Heavy Armor. (Scaly skin). Str+2d12, AP 10. „ Fear: Seeing a giant monster causes a Fear test when it’s first seen. „ Stomp: No more than once per turn, giant monsters can stomp in a Large Blast Template. Those who don’t Evade take Str + Size damage. „ Ranged Attack: Atomic breath. Athletics. Range 24/48/96, Damage 5d10, AP 20. Area Effect (LBT). Heavy Weapon. „ Size +12 (Gargantuan): Giant monsters are over ten stories tall. They have Heavy Armor, their attacks count as Heavy Weapons, and they can take three additional Wounds. „ Swat: Some giant monsters are practiced at battling smaller prey. If so, they ignore up to 4 points of Scale modifiers. „ Unstoppable: The villain takes a maximum of one Wound (after Soaking) from any damaging attack unless the attacker’s Action Card is a Joker. „ Bite/Claws:

30 7 31 (10)


Super heroes are frequently called on to battle towering monstrosities that threaten their cities. Such creatures are unique in appearance—from enormous radioactive lizards to towering robots. Some have powerful ranged attacks, some can fly, and some may be made from pollution or ooze. Use Goliath’s profile as a foundation for these beings, then add additional super powers as fits the particular creature. Giant monsters are often accompanied by lesser creatures as well, perhaps its children, attendants, or simply creatures fleeing before the titan’s rage. Note: For truly giant creatures, check out our other book Dawn of the Daikaiju!

ADVENTURE IDEAS Up From the Depths: The Spider plans a heist of epic proportions. A Devastation Seed (page 180) has been recovered and is being brought into Legacy City in a heavily armed caravan. The heroes also catch wind of the event. But just as the deadly seed arrives, Goliath rises from the depths, summoned by electronic “lures” placed by the Spider’s henchmen. Hex and Hellcat rush to fight the monster but task the heroes with protecting the caravan. It’s attacked in massive force by the Spider’s most powerful minions.





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power level


Grappler, alias Donnie Pitzoni, would be a nobody in the ranks of super villains if he operated alone. 6 He’s a one-trick pony, but that’s precisely what makes him useful to other villains. He’s paid to capture targets for kidnapping, or bind foes so more powerful villains can batter them senseless 6 without risking their own skins. Grappler is a consummate jerk who enjoys getting under the skin of his more powerful enemies and allies.



Attributes: Agility d10, Smarts d6, Spirit d8, Strength d8, Vigor d8 Skills: Athletics d8, Common Knowledge d4, Driving d6, Fighting d8, Focus d4, Notice d6, Persuasion d6, Shooting d12, Stealth d8, Taunt d10, Thievery d8 Pace: 6; Parry: 6; Toughness: 6 Hindrances: Big Mouth, Monologuer, Phobia (Minor—hospitals) Edges: Acrobat, Extraction, Humiliate, The Best There Is (entangle), Super Powers (15) Gear: Grapple gun (see below).

 Entangle

(8): Area Effect (LBT). Alternate Trait (Shooting). Device (Grapple gun). Strong.  Super Attribute (2): Agility +1.  Super Skill (1): Shooting +1.  Swinging (2): Pace 12. Device (Grapple gun). Strong Line (2,000 pounds).  Uncanny Reflexes (2): Ignore −2 penalty when making Evasion attempts; may Evade area attacks that don’t usually allow it at −2. Device (Grapple gun).

ADVENTURE IDEAS Sticky Situation: Grappler is in prison when a large batch of chemical agent created from his infamous grappling gun is transported to a test site out West. But an accident on a city bridge causes the truck carrying the compound to crash and rupture. The heroes have to rescue people on the bridge before it collapses, but they’re covered in sticky glue and are nearly impossible to free without causing great harm, and the compound doesn’t dissolve for at least an hour! Maybe Grappler will grant the team a counter-agent in exchange for his freedom (he won’t agree to any other conditions). Hurry! The clock is ticking… Lousy Stinkin’ Thieves: The super team has been invited to observe an experiment at a military research station deep in the Nevada desert. The scientists have analyzed Grappler’s formula and have asked two squads of soldiers to engage in mock battle using only copied Grappler guns. The two sides fight in a fake town created for training and quickly wind up trapped in the thick goo around the town. The battle done, the scientists venture out to test their new dissolving agents just as a group of troglodytes (page 172) burst forth from below and attack! Guiding the assault is Grappler, furious at having his formula replicated, and his temporary ally, the Mole (page 154). The heroes must attempt to save the scientists and entangled soldiers while battling the Mole, Grappler, and a small army of trogs!


Chapter Five: Rogues Gallery power level




Gravel was a prisoner in one of the galaxy’s toughest prisons. He broke free, stole a ship, and crash6 landed on Earth some years ago. Since then he’s tried to prove his dominance over the puny humans, but several defeats by Earth’s 7 defenders have forced him underground—literally. Gravel is a huge mass of moving rocks with glowing 34 (16) red eyes. His immense size and strength allow him to cause death and devastation, and his emergences are considered a top priority by the world’s super teams.



Attributes: Agility d6, Smarts d4, Spirit d4, Strength d12+5, Vigor d12 Skills: Athletics d8, Common Knowledge d4, Fighting d10, Focus d10, Intimidation d10, Notice d4, Persuasion d4, Piloting d8, Stealth d6 Pace: 6; Parry: 7; Toughness: 34 (16) Hindrances: Alien Form (Living rock), Clueless, Illiterate Edges: Combat Reflexes, Hard to Kill, Nerves of Steel (Imp), Super Powers (60) Gear: None.

 Absorption

(2): Earth. +16 (12): Heavy Armor.  Burrowing (4): Pace 6. Block Buster. Tunneler.  Earthquake (4): Strong.  Growth (13): Level 5. Size 5 (15’ tall, Large, +1 Wound). Permanent.  Matter Control (11): Earth. Area Effect (LBT). Power. Requires Material.  Melee Attack (9): Str+3d6, Smash.  Tough +5 (5): Rocky form.  Armor

ADVENTURE IDEAS As Above, So Below: Gravel has discovered the “red” tribe of troglodytes, a group in constant warfare with the “green” troglodytes led by the Mole (page 154). The two groups battle beneath the streets of a major city in your campaign, occasionally shaking the foundations of the many skyscrapers. One of those buildings has just collapsed and the mayor asks for help from the super team. The group must venture deep into the new (and ancient) tunnels beneath the city to take out various troglodyte patrols led by customized lieutenants leading any savage pets you care to add, create, or import from other Savage Worlds settings. The climax of the battle occurs when the Mole finds Gravel’s “throne” room, a rising pinnacle of stone and earth towering over a vast field of lava pools and rockslides filled with battling red and green trogs. Bling: Gravel heals by incorporating new matter into his form. After a particularly terrible battle with some powerful force, he slinks off into a mountain range out West and emerges covered in gold! A number of greedy super villains, such as Whirling Dervish (page 176), Medusa (page 152), or Electron (page 123), begin to hunt him. The terrible titan battles his way through the American desert, rampaging through one encounter after another. But the real danger is a large and careless group of civilians following behind looking for scraps!





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8 8

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Rose Gardner was a campaigner for green issues before coming into contact with the mysterious Orb of Gaia (see below), a powerful magical artifact that transformed her into a half-human half-plant monstrosity. Now she’s set on destroying humanity for its rampant destruction of the natural environment.

In her most mad and reckless moments, the Green Goddess seeks a Devastation Seed (see page 180). This is pure 16 (8) madness, of course, as it will destroy that which she seeks to — protect. But if particularly enraged, Rose’s desire to destroy everything and let the universe “start over” takes hold. If she can be shown an incredible act of human kindness, her mortal psyche may resume control and persuade her to give up the self-destructive quest.



Attributes: Agility d10, Smarts d8, Spirit d10, Strength d12+2, Vigor d12 Skills: Athletics d6, Common Knowledge d6, Driving d6, Fighting d10, Focus d12, Intimidation d8, Notice d6, Persuasion d4, Stealth d10, Taunt d6 Pace: 8; Parry: 8; Toughness: 16 (8) Hindrances: Alien Form (Half-human, half-plant), All Thumbs, Bloodthirsty, Dependency (Sunlight), Environmental Weakness (Fire) Edges: Block, Combat Reflexes, Dodge, First Strike, Fleet-Footed, Frenzy (Imp), Level Headed, Sweep (Imp), Strong Willed, Super Powers (60) Gear: None.

 Armor

+8 (8): Heavy Armor. (2): Pace 8.  Decay (8): Corrosive sap. Area Effect (LBT). Strong.  Fearless (2): Immune to Fear and Intimidation. (Soulless).  Matter Control (12): Plants. Area Effect (LBT). Power.  Melee Attack (8): Str+2d6, Heavy Weapon.  Ranged Attack (13): Focus. Damage 5d6. Cone Template only. Spread. (Barrage of thorns.)  Reach (1): The goddess can extend her long limbs.  Super Attribute (6): Strength +3.  Burrowing

THE ORB OF GAIA The orb is the last artifact of a living, verdant planet slain by a World Eater Tree (page 180). If planted in a field of fetid matter, it generates a “crop” of 3d6 Spores and a Pod (see the following page) each full moon. The Green Goddess keeps a dozen or so Spores and a Pod in personal attendance. The rest are sent on various missions or assignments to strike at the Goddess’ many targets. The Goddess can contact any of her minions anywhere on Earth (but not beyond).

ADVENTURE IDEAS The Blood Moon: A rare blood moon gives rise to a “Red Spore,” a more powerful and independent version of Spore (customize as you see fit) that leads an army of Spores into the heroes’ city. At the height of the battle, a furious Goddess arrives to destroy the traitors and any heroes who happen to be in their way.


Chapter Five: Rogues Gallery


Pods are the Green Goddess’ lieutenants. Each is a combination of the Goddess’ will and the Orb of Gaia which created them. They are sentient, intelligent, and clever, and each manifestation carries forth the memories of those who came before. Pods can communicate telepathically with the 6 Green Goddess anywhere on the planet, and any Spores within one mile. Attributes: Agility d6, Smarts d10, Spirit d10, Strength d10, Vigor d12 Skills: Athletics d8, Battle d12, Common Knowledge d6, 13 Fighting d10, Focus d10, Intimidation d10, Notice d10, — Persuasion d4, Stealth d6, Taunt d8 Pace: 6; Parry: 7; Toughness: 13 Hindrances: Alien Form (Plant), All Thumbs, Environmental Weakness (Fire) Edges: Command, Common Bond, Fervor, Hold the Line, Inspire Gear: None.



Effect (MBT). Deadly (3d6). Strong. Resistance: Plants. Area Effect (MBT). Immunity. „ Matter Control: Plants. Area Effect (LBT). „ No Vital Organs: Pod is made of plant material. „ Ranged Attacks: Barrage of thorns. Focus. Range 12/24/48, Damage 4d6, AP 4, Cone Template, Lethal, Spread. „ Regeneration: Once per round. Limitation (Must touch and absorb (kill) a Spore as an action to regenerate). „ Toughness +5: Thick, spongy flesh. „ Environmental


Spores are the Green Goddess’ powerful but mostly mindless minions. They are remarkably strong and dexterous but lack true will or sentience. This makes them perfect servants for the Goddess’ violent campaigns against humanity. Spores can communicate telepathically with other Pods or Spores within one mile.


Attributes: Agility d10, Smarts d4, Spirit d4, Strength d12+2, Vigor d10 Skills: Athletics d6, Common Knowledge d4, Fighting d8, Focus d6, Intimidation d10, Notice d6, 6 Persuasion d4, Stealth d10 Pace: 6; Parry: 6; Toughness: 13 13 Hindrances: Alien Form (plant), All Thumbs, Clueless, Illiterate, Environmental Weakness (Fire) Edges: Ambidextrous, Hard to Kill Gear: None.


Resistance: Plants. Area Effect (MBT). Immunity. Str+2d6. „ No Vital Organs: Spore is a living plant. „ Size 1: Spores are 8’ tall. „ Toughness +5: Thick, spongy flesh. „ Melee Attack:





power level


Grenadier is a mercenary for hire, bringing an impressive arsenal of grenades and a battle6 hardened cadre of non-super-powered mercenaries to any patron. Grenadier never talks about his background, but there is plenty of evidence he’s 7 served in one or more armies around the world. He wears armored combat fatigues in battle and carries a bandoleer of grenades and a grenade launcher. 15 (8) Note: Grenadier can fire normal grenades with his grenade launcher as listed in his gear, or negation and stun grenades via his power.



Attributes: Agility d10, Smarts d6, Spirit d6, Strength d6, Vigor d10 Skills: Athletics d6, Battle d10, Common Knowledge d6, Driving d10, Fighting d10, Focus d10, Notice d10, Persuasion d4, Shooting d12+2, Stealth d8, Survival d6, Thievery d10 Pace: 6; Parry: 7; Toughness: 15 (8) Hindrances: Arrogant, Mean, Ruthless, Vengeful (Major) Edges: Combat Reflexes, Command, Hold the Line, Marksman, Super Powers (30) Gear: Armored suit (see below), grenade launcher (Range 24/48/96, Damage 4d8, RoF 1, MBT, Heavy Weapon).

 Armor

+8 (2): Device (Armored suit). Partial Protection (−1).  Awareness (2): Ignores 3 points of a foe’s attack penalties. Device (HUD in helmet).  Heightened Senses (1): Eagle Eyes, Low Light Vision. Device (HUD in helmet).  Negation (8): Area Effect (LBT). Contingent on Shooting (grenade launcher). Device (Grenade). Full Spectrum. Strong.  Stun (5): Area Effect (LBT). Contingent on Shooting (grenade launcher). Device (Grenade). Strong.  Super Attribute (6): Agility +1, Vigor +2.  Super Skill (2): Shooting +2.  Swinging (2): Strong Line (2000 lbs). Device (Grappling gun).  Uncanny Reflexes (2): Ignore −2 penalty when making Evasion attempts; may Evade area attacks that don’t usually allow it at −2. Device (HUD in helmet).

ADVENTURE SEEDS The Heist: The Grenadier has put together a black ops team to take on an armored train running from Los Angeles to New York City. The Warden asks the team to protect the locomotive. That might mean digging for information from the criminal community, analyzing likely ambush spots, or simply accompanying the train somehow (Warden can arrange to make them passengers if they wish). The Grenadier’s scheme is far more dastardly than imagined. He’s going to demolish a bridge somewhere in the midwest to send the train plunging into a deep ravine. There his team can quickly search through the ruins and make off with the mysterious cargo. What’s the cargo? That’s up to you. It could be anything from precious metals to alien artifacts, all packed safely enough to survive the wreck.


Chapter Five: Rogues Gallery power level




Halifax is Asmodeus’ oldest warlord and the one the Conqueror turns to for council most often. The 6 general was from one of Asmodeus’ first conquests, making him perhaps as old as Stygia’s recorded existence. Cunning to no end, Halifax saw it was futile to fight against the Dark Overlord and swore 10 allegiance to him instead. In return, Asmodeus granted the old man a powerful body and sorcerous power rarely matched in the known universe. Halifax wears a dark blue, hooded robe glowing with eldritch sigils. His face is a deep blue-black with glowing, yellow eyes and bloody teeth.





Attributes: Agility d12, Smarts d12, Spirit d12, Strength d12, Vigor d12 Skills: Athletics d6, Battle d12+2, Common Knowledge d6, Fighting d12, Focus d10, Intimidation d8, Notice d10, Occult d21+2, Persuasion d4, Spellcasting d12+2, Stealth d8, Taunt d10 Pace: 6; Parry: 10; Toughness: 17 Hindrances: Mean, Monologuer, Vow (Major—serve Asmodeus) Edges: Arcane Background (Magic), Command, Command Presence, Hold the Line!, Super Powers (60), Tactician Powers: Banish, barrier, blind, boost/lower Trait, confusion, darksight, detect/conceal arcana, dispel, divination, drain Power Points, elemental manipulation, farsight, fly, illusion, light/darkness, sloth/speed, smite, sound/silence, speak language, stun, summon ally, telekinesis, warrior’s gift. Power Points: 60 Gear: None.

 Ageless

(3): Very Old. Halifax returns to the Abyss when Incapacitated.  Dodge −4 (4): −4 to be hit with ranged attacks.  Environmental Resistance (3): Magic. Immunity.  Invisibility (8): −4 to Notice or attack.  Parry +2 (2): Experienced fighter.  Ranged Attack (13): Spellcasting. Range 12/24/48 or Cone Template, Damage 5d6. (Dark energy blasts.) „ Size +1: Halifax is 8’ tall.  Super Attribute (12): Agility +2, Strength +2, Vigor +2.  Super Skill (2): Spellcasting +2.  Super Sorcery (4): Demonic magic.  Toughness +8 (8): Dense, alien body. „ Unstoppable: The villain takes a maximum of one Wound (after Soaking) from any damaging attack unless the attacker’s Action Card is a Joker. „ Damnation:

ADVENTURE IDEAS A Curious Diversion: Asmodeus awaits a new invasion. While he does so, he uses a rare artifact to send Halifax and a small army of the Dark Brood (page 118) to Legacy City. The demon lord’s goal is to test the Doom Guard’s defenses and the mettle of any new heroes they’ve recruited to their cause. Halifax arrives in the middle of the city during rush hour, a massive flock of Dark Brood behind him (in whatever quantity you feel is a major threat to your heroes). The team must defeat the invasion and save the thousands of civilians caught in the crossfire.





power level


Dmitri Rasputinovich’s sister Olga got hooked on a drug called “Malevolent” by a Russian crime 6 syndicated called Red Dragon (page 146). Most simply become hopelessly addicted, but Olga became the super villain known as Sickle (page 7 163). Where Olga goes, Dmitri goes, and to keep up he knew he needed to take Malevolent as well. He knew the risks but hoped the family genes that had 14 worked for Olga would see him through as well. — They did. He gained super strength and toughness and suggested he and his sister adopt “super villain” names. They came up with Hammer and Sickle, had special weapons made, and are now Red Dragon’s top enforcers. Hammer likes to go toe-to-toe with the biggest threat in a fight while his sister dances around the edges in hit and run attacks.



Attributes: Agility d4, Smarts d6, Spirit d6, Strength d12+2, Vigor d12 Skills: Athletics d8, Common Knowledge d6, Driving d6, Fighting d8, Focus d6, Intimidation d8, Notice d6, Persuasion d4, Stealth d6, Survival d8 Pace: 6; Parry: 7; Toughness: 14 Hindrances: Arrogant, Loyal, Mean Edges: Brawny, Nerves of Steel (Imp), Super Powers (30), Sweep, Take the Hit Gear: Sledgehammer (Str+d10+3d6, Parry −1, Reach 1, Heavy Weapon).

 Hardy (2): A second Shaken result doesn’t

cause a Wound. (3): 4” vertical, 8” horizontal. Death from Above.  Melee Attack (8): Str+2d6. Special Weapon (Sledgehammer, +d6, Device, Heavy Weapon, Smash).  Parry +2 (2): Skill and training.  Super Attribute (10): Strength +3, Vigor +2.  Toughness +5 (5): Hardened skin.  Leaping

ADVENTURE SEEDS Prison Break: Sergei Dmitriov, otherwise known as Katyusha (page 146), has heard a disturbing rumor. Aleksandr Dragovich’s brain is alive! The founder of Red Dragon had his brain placed in deep freeze, and it was recently smuggled out of Volgograd by secret loyalists. Sergei’s network soon locates it, though—it’s in London where the Fixer (page 125) is said to be waking it and placing it in a new robotic body! A decade ago, Sergei would have died for his boss, but now he enjoys being the master of Red Dragon—and the apple of Veronika’s eye. He dispatches Hammer and Sickle to London to destroy it. The brother and sister sneak into the city and begin smashing criminal labs looking for the missing brain! British authorities ask the super team for help. They battle through a series of secret labs filled with Tech Gangs and affiliated super villains before finally tracking Hammer and Sickle into the tunnels of the London metro. The Fixer is long gone, but the Ice Queen is there to implant Dragovich’s brain into a robot body (use a sleeker version of Magnetron, page 150, if she’s successful).


Chapter Five: Rogues Gallery power level




Bert Nichols became a vigilante in response to the growing crime in his neighborhood. At first he 6 merely caught criminals and handed them over to the police, but the courts proved inefficient and the crooks were back on the street in days. Bert changed his modus operandi, built his lightweight nylon lasso, 9 and became the Hangman. Unfortunately, Hangman’s penchant for justice became an obsession. Now he takes a dim view of any crime—even littering—and punishes every lawbreaker he comes across. He uses his “Noose of Justice” to entangle, then execute his enemies.




Attributes: Agility d10, Smarts d8, Spirit d8, Strength d10, Vigor d8 Skills: Athletics d12+4, Common Knowledge d6, Driving d8, Fighting d10, Focus d6, Intimidation d10, Notice d6, Persuasion d6, Stealth d10 Pace: 6; Parry: 9; Toughness: 6 Hindrances: Delusional (Minor—he’s judge, jury, and executioner), Ruthless (Major), Vengeful (Major) Edges: Acrobat, Extraction, First Strike, Quick, Super Powers (30) Gear: Noose (see below).

 Awareness

(3): Ignores 3 points of a foe’s attack penalties.  Entangle (8): Alternate Trait (Athletics). Device (Rope and noose). Deadly (Damage 3d6). Strong.  Parry +2 (2): Spinning rope.  Ranged Attack (6): Athletics. Range 12/24/48, Damage 3d6. (Lash.)  Super Attribute (4): Strength +2.  Super Skill (6): Athletics +4, Fighting +2.  Swinging (1): Device (Noose).

ADVENTURE IDEAS Who Judges the Judges?: Bert is furious that incompetent officials failed in their prosecution of the New York-based cell of the Red Dragon organization. He’s come to believe most of them are either on the take or too foolish to serve. He’s started at the bottom, killing several of the arresting officers in an ambush with the help of his occasional ally, Hell’s Angel (page 139). Local detective Angela Gomez is a personal friend of one of the super team—and part of the team that gathered evidence on Red Dragon. She calls for help, and the group is drawn into the Hangman’s violent vendetta. The action starts on the streets as the vigilante and his partner set traps for the remaining few detectives, then moves to the prosecutor’s office, and finally the judge, if not stopped. The Hangman is cautious—he looks for traps, and hypocritically, even pays off the Spider for any favors he might need to keep heroic interlopers at bay. That might mean distractions, additional muscle, even additional weaponry, or other favors if the interfering heroes have a particular weakness.





power level


Emily Ellis learned she had magical talents early in life. She was special and developed her prodigious 6 magical ability under the tutelage of the heroic master mage Bewitcher, learning to harness and focus her powers. They fought alongside the Doom 7 Guard, but in time she bridled at her role as the world’s second greatest sorcerer. Her jealousy led her to folly. And in turn to damnation. 15 — She struck a bargain with Asmodeus to give her more power than her mentor. Asmodeus obliged, but at a terrible cost, dragging Emily to Stygia. The hellish transformation she endured has made her all but immune to damage, while her bond with the Stygian realm allows her to summon fiery demonic imps and unleash blasts of hellfire. The Bewitcher tracked her to the bleak plains of Stygia, but the girl he knew had gone. In her place was Hellcat, a being of fire and fury. Determined to redeem her, he sacrificed himself to return Hellcat to earth, where the Doom Guard broke Asmodeus’ hold over her. Hellcat now fights by their side for the good of humanity. She is driven by a burning desire for vengeance, her own fiendish powers a constant, bitter reminder of the terrible bargain she made… and the price it exacted.

PROFILE Attributes: Agility d8, Smarts d10, Spirit d12, Strength d4, Vigor d8 Skills: Athletics d8, Common Knowledge d4, Fighting d8, Focus d10, Intimidation d8, Notice d10, Occult d10, Persuasion d4, Stealth d4 Pace: 6; Parry: 7; Toughness: 15 Hindrances: Bad Luck, Enemy (Major— Halifax), Vengeful (Minor), Vulnerability (Major—Silver) Edges: Attractive, Block, Dodge, Super Power (45), Quick Gear: None.



 Environmental

Resistance (3): Fire. Immunity.  Flight (6): Pace 24 (16 MPH). Maneuverable.  Healing (1): Limitation (Hellcat takes a level of Fatigue whenever she uses this power).  Minions (11): Up to three hellbats. Summonable. Super Powers (awareness 3; dodge −3; flight Pace 24, Maneuverable; melee attack Str+d6, Bite +d4).  Ranged Attack (9): Range 12/24/48, Damage 3d6, AP 4. May use Cone Template. Heavy Weapon. Lethal. (Hellfire blasts.)  Regeneration (5): Infernal regeneration.  Super Sorcery (3): Backlash.  Toughness +9 (9): Impervious flesh.

Chapter Five: Rogues Gallery power level




Steve Nitro was a rising star in the world of motorbike racing when a rival sabotaged his bike. What was 6 supposed to slow Nitro resulted in a horrifying accident—and his death. At the gates of Hell—for he had gone to “the other 7 place”—Nitro made a bargain with Asmodeus. He’d serve the ruler of the Abyss on Earth if returned to life. Asmodeus saw Nitro’s potential, granted him powers 15 (4) and a fantastic “Hell bike,” and returned him to the mortal — world as a murderous herald and enforcer. Nitro now roams as he wishes, reveling in his new life and fantastic abilities. When he is called by Asmodeus to perform some dark task, however, he must comply or return to the bowels of Hell immediately.



 Environmental

Resistance (3): Fire. Attributes: Agility d12, Smarts d8, Spirit d10, Immunity. Strength d12+2, Vigor d12  Fear −2 (4): Strong. Skills: Athletics d6, Common Knowl Fearless (2): Nothing scares “Hell’s Hit Man.” edge d6, Driving d12, Fighting d10,  Melee Attack (7): Str+3d6, Heavy Weapon. Focus d10, Notice d6, Occult d6, Persua Ranged Attack (10): Focus. Range 12/24/48, sion d6, Repair d6, Stealth d4 Damage 3d6, RoF 1, AP 8. (Hellfire.) Pace: 6; Parry: 7; Toughness: 15 (4)  Super Attribute (6): Strength +2, Vigor +1. Hindrances: Distinctive Appearance (Skel Vehicle (10): Hell bike. Size 0, Handling +2, eton in biker leathers), Ruthless (Major), Top Speed 80 MPH, Toughness 19 (12), Crew 1. Enclosed. Handling +2. Super Powers (30), Power Negation (holy ground), Vow see below. (Major—serve the rulers of Hell)  Toughness +3 (3): Hellish energy. Edges: Frenzy, Super Powers (45), Sweep Gear: Heavy body armor (vest, +4*), motor- THE HELL BIKE’S POWERS  Armor +10 (5): Hellish workmanship. cycle (Hell bike, see below).  Damage

Field (13): Fire. Damage 4d6. Medium Blast Template. Selective.  Environmental Resistance (3): Fire. Immunity.  Speed (9): Pace 180 (240 MPH), −2 to hit while moving.

ADVENTURE IDEAS Race the Devil: Nitro challenges a hero to a long race across the country. The hero must have a comparable land vehicle to the Hell bike. If the hero wins, Hell’s Angel will reveal a Hellish secret that might aid the super team in some current mystery or future event. If Hell’s Angel wins, the hero is cursed and can’t Soak damage until the next full moon (a month away). Of course, the Spider (page 165) finds out about the race and arranges a massive betting pool that includes some of the most notorious villains of the setting—all of whom try to skew the results by setting up ambushes and traps across the route!





power level


Shirley Banks always knew she was strange. Or, rather, she knew the world around her got strange 6 when she got anxious, excited, or angry. An unfortunate fight with her mother triggered her rage—and a horrific accident that almost destroyed 9 her entire neighborhood. Shirley ran away from home the next day. She spent the next few years living on the streets of Legacy City, 5 −3R going by the name Hex. The strange events and unexplained happenings that surrounded her intensified over the years. The Doom Guard’s AI, Cassandra, detected these anomalies and predicted disaster if the Doom Guard didn’t get involved. Warden made the approach and gradually won over the troubled youth. Blackguard has completed batteries of tests on Hex’s abilities and determined her powers are based on probability, increasing or decreasing the chance of something happening. It’s a powerful but dangerous ability on which she has a tenuous grip, but with the help of Doom Guard and Warden’s guiding hand, the team believes Hex might eventually be the most powerful of all of them.

PROFILE Attributes: Agility d8, Smarts d6, Spirit d10, Strength d6, Vigor d6 Skills: Athletics d8, Common Knowledge d6, Fighting d6, Focus d10, Notice d6, Persuasion d6, Stealth d8, Thievery d6 Pace: 6; Parry: 9; Toughness: 5 Hindrances: Impulsive, Poverty, Reckless, Shamed (Minor—Super villain father) Edges: Elan, Extraction, Great Luck, Super Power (60) Gear: None.

ADVENTURE IDEAS What are the Odds?: The super team is visiting the Legacy City headquarters when Cassandra suddenly goes rogue! It seems Hex asked Cassandra to run various simulations of her abilities, and her Jinx power somehow triggered the AI’s defense mechanisms. It locks the Legacy City tower, summons a cadre of robotic guards (use SPCR with the Construct ability), and won’t allow anyone in or out! The team must not only defeat Cassandra’s defenses, but also either talk her down or restore her memory from backups.



 Awareness

+3 (3): Lucky shot. −3 (5): Deflect.  Duplication (6): Promotion.  Healing (13): Cure. Fatigue. Refresh. Restoration. Resurrection. Requires Touch.  Jinx (6): Greater jinx.  Malfunction (3): It was always going to break.  Negation (8): Full Spectrum. Strong.  Parry +4 (6): Deflect.  Teleport (7): Teleport Others.  Uncanny Reflexes (3): Deus ex Machina.  Dodge


Chapter Five: Rogues Gallery power level




Wellington Fairbanks has been obsessed with collecting animals since childhood, whether for 8 zoos or as trophies on his wall. His goal is to catch or kill as many unusual or dangerous creatures as possible. He’s especially 10 intrigued by any animal-like being with super powers. He doesn’t hunt “people,” but seems to think any animal-like being, even sentient individuals like Lycanthropus (page 149), Mako (page 151), or Ratkin (page 161) are fair game.


8 (2)



Attributes: Agility d8, Smarts d12, Spirit d10, Strength d8, Vigor d8 Skills: Athletics d6, Common Knowledge d6, Driving d8, Electronics d6, Fighting d8, Focus d6, Notice d8, Persuasion d6, Shooting d12+2, Stealth d12, Survival d10, Thievery d10 Pace: 8; Parry: 10; Toughness: 8 (2) Hindrances: Arrogant, Code of Honor, Quirk (must stalk his prey) Edges: Alertness, Fleet-Footed, Level Headed, Marksman, Woodsman, Steady Hands, Super Powers (30) Gear: Body armor (+2*), pulse rifle (Range 20/40/80, Damage 3d6, AP 4), machete (Str+d4).

 Awareness

(5): Ignores 5 points of a foe’s attack penalties.  Deadeye (3): Wellington adds +d10 damage to all firearms attacks. Deadly.  Dodge −5 (5): −5 to be hit by ranged attacks.  Heightened Senses (3): Eagle Eyes. Hearing. Smell.  Immune to Poison/Disease (2): Wellington has built up his resistance.  Melee Attack (2): Str+d6.  Parry +4 (4): Training.  Super Skill (3): Shooting +3.  Uncanny Reflexes (3): Ignore −2 penalty when making Evasion attempts; may Evade area attacks that don’t usually allow it at −2.

ADVENTURE IDEAS Primal: The Hunter sets his sights on a player character with an animal characteristic or a super pet! Wellington is a clever hunter. He doesn’t just appear and start shooting. He stalks his prey, determines their routines, then sets up an ambush spot to attempt a sniper shot with the Drop. He might also use paid decoys (who have no idea what’s going on—they just “do what the man asked them to do for a hundred bucks”), dummies set in the windows of skyscrapers, or other clever ruses to prevent a team’s retaliation. The Hunter Hunted: Wellington almost ran Lycanthropus to the ground in Transylvania by using silver bullets fired from a Barrett sniper rifle (Range 50/100/200, Damage 2d10, AP 4). The crafty werewolf barely managed to rouse when the Hunter came for his head. The two engaged in an epic fight that saw both terribly wounded before they broke it off to regroup. Weeks later, the Hunter has fled Romania for the super team’s city. Soon after, Lycanthropus arrives for revenge. The two battle across the rooftops and parks of the heroes’ home, endangering anyone who gets in their way.






power level


Huntsman is the Spider’s (page 165) top assassin. When he’s called to action someone, somewhere, 6 will die. No one knows Huntsman’s real name, but he has served the Spider loyally for years, never questioning his orders or failing to fulfill his boss’s 13 wishes. His accent is rumored to be Australian, but few who have heard him speak have survived. Huntsman works only for the Spider, but sometimes 11 (4) the master loans out his pet killer to his allies. The invisible assassin prefers to kill with his trademark titanium dagger, but will use any means necessary to accomplish his goals.



Attributes: Agility d10, Smarts d8, Spirit d8, Strength d10, Vigor d10 Skills: Athletics d10, Common Knowledge d10, Driving d10, Fighting d12, Focus d8, Notice d6, Persuasion d6, Stealth d12, Thievery d12 Pace: 6; Parry: 13; Toughness: 11 (4) Hindrances: Cautious, Ruthless (Major), Vow (Major—serve the Spider), Wanted (Major— most every law enforcement agency on the planet) Edges: Block (Imp), Counterattack, Dodge, First Strike, Level Headed, Quick, Streetwise, Super Powers (30), Trademark Weapon (titanium dagger) Gear: Heavy combat armor (+4*), poisoned titanium dagger (Str+d4+2d6, see below), auto-grapnel, lockpicks, night vision goggles (no penalty for Dim or Dark conditions).

 Dodge

−2 (2): −2 to be hit by ranged attacks.  Invisibility (7): −4 to hit. Device (Lightdistortion suit).  Melee Attack (7): Str+2d6, AP 4, Heavy Weapon.  Parry +2 (2): Training.  Poison (1): Deadly. Strong. Contingent on Fighting with Titanium dagger. Device (Titanium dagger). Requires Touch.  Super Attribute (6): Strength +2, Vigor +1.  Super Skill (5): Fighting +2, Stealth +2, Thievery +1.

ADVENTURE IDEAS Targeted: The dreaded day has come. One or more of the player characters has become a thorn in the Spider’s side. The Huntsman is given the contract. The clever assassin knows the super will be a difficult target, so he decides to soften the team up by sending other super villains at them first. Which villains he hires is up to you, but all are simply promised a bounty if they take down the Huntsman’s targets or any of the target’s companions. Once the assassin feels the situation is under control, he slips into the fight and attempts to deal a lethal blow with his titanium dagger. Secrets Revealed: The Spider has crossed the Controller (page 114). Mazetti wants vengeance but is clever enough to be subtle about it. He digs up the Huntsman’s real identity and offers it to the heroes—if they’ll give him a pass next time they cross paths.


Chapter Five: Rogues Gallery power level




Natalie Adams worked at a cryogenics company as a junior researcher. When the grants dried up in 12 favor of another corporation, Natalie took matters into her own hands. She broke in and attempted to sabotage the rival, but the attack went awry and she wound up falling into a vat of prototype frozen 7 liquid. She emerged as the Ice Queen. Natalie is young and uses her power primarily for personal gain. She’s reckless with her ill-gotten gains and always looking for a quick score to replenish her stash.


13 (6)



Attributes: Agility d8, Smarts d10, Spirit d8, Strength d6, Vigor d10 Skills: Athletics d8, Common Knowledge d8, Driving d6, Fighting d10, Focus d10, Notice d6, Persuasion d6, Science d8, Stealth d8, Taunt d8, Thievery d8 Pace: 12; Parry: 7; Toughness: 13 (6) Hindrances: Greedy (Minor), Environmental Weakness (Fire), Vengeful (Minor) Edges: Extraction (Imp), Super Powers (45) Gear: None.

 Armor

+6 (2): Requires Activation.

 Damage Field (5): 3d6. Area Effect (MBT).


 Dodge

−3 (3): −3 to be hit by ranged attacks. Intelligence and skill.  Energy Control (12): Cold. Area Effect (LBT). Power.  Entangle (9): Area Effect (LBT). Strong. (Freezes targets solid).  Flight (4): Pace 12 (8 MPH). (She skates on ice that forms beneath her as she goes).  Slow (6): Additional Recipients (+4). Contingent on energy control.  Super Edge (4): Extraction (Imp).

ADVENTURE IDEAS Cold, Cold Heart: Natalie was recently in prison for attempting to steal technology—which she planned to use to ease Brimstone’s pain (see page 111). She’s now free, on the run, and seeking comfort in a boisterous crime spree across Los Angeles, far from the numerous heroes of the east coast. She robs jewelry stores and banks, takes on lovers and leaves them cold (sometimes fatally), and is generally taking out her frustrations on the world. Warden has narrowed her location to a high-rise apartment where she likely has the owners “on ice.” He asks the super team to track her down. They do, and it turns out the Ice Queen has taken up with Medusa (page 152). The two attack the moment they realize they’ve been found, using collateral damage to distract their attackers so they can escape. Winter Wonderland: Natalie has stumbled upon an amazing power amplifier. The trucksized machine allows the Ice Queen to control and intensify the weather in a five-mile radius. Around Christmas-time, she sets up her device in Vancouver, British Columbia, and rapidly buries the city in several feet of snow. Blackguard detects the anomaly, asks the super team for help, and transports them in the Barrage to Canada. There the team must battle the Ice Queen and her new friends Jackdaw (page 144) and Kamchatka (page 145) in the thick, blinding snow before the incredible blizzard causes widespread destruction. Of course Brimstone might just show up to join in the fun as well.






power level


Pedro Rivera is addicted to shiny things, especially jewelry. After graduating college, he constructed 6 an exoskeleton complete with wings and powerful claws and set himself up as Jackdaw—after the Eurasian raven. 7 Pedro graduated from petty theft quickly, using his ability to fly to gain access to private vaults, museum skylights, and other elevated access points. 10 (4) Pedro is also vengeful and ruthless. Heroes who attempt to stop him are taken to great heights—and dropped.



Attributes: Agility d10, Smarts d6, Spirit d6, Strength d12+2, Vigor d8 Skills: Athletics d10, Common Knowledge d10, Driving d6, Electronics d10, Fighting d10, Focus d8, Notice d6, Persuasion d4, Repair d12, Science d10, Stealth d10, Thievery d10 Pace: 6; Parry: 7; Toughness: 10 (4) Hindrances: Curious, Greedy (Major), Mean, Ruthless (Major), Vengeful (Major) Edges: Extraction (Imp), First Strike, Quick, Super Powers (30) Gear: Combat armor (+4*).

 Dodge

−4 (3): −4 to be hit by ranged attacks. Device (Sensors in suit connected to HUD in helmet).  Flight (7): Pace 90 (60 MPH), −1 to hit while flying. Device (Winged suit).  Melee Attack (8): Str+2d6. Claws (+d6, AP 4). Device (Suit).  Stun (2): Requires Touch. Strong. Device (Defensive electric field in suit).  Super Attribute (7): Strength +4. Device (Suit).  Whirlwind (3): Spinning wings.

ADVENTURE IDEAS Hot Potato: Jackdaw broke into a private collection thinking he was stealing valuable gemstones. He did, but it turned out the owner of the collection was none other than the Spider! Worse, one of the pieces he stole was the Amulet of All-Sight (page 179)! Pedro doesn’t have the mind to actually use the artifact, and didn’t even know what it was until he tried to fence it. His contact was the bait in a trap that almost got Pedro caught, but he managed to escape. The Spider offered a massive bounty for his head and the return of the stone, so a host of criminals now scour the city’s highest reaches, figuring that’s where the flying criminal must be hiding. Mayhem ensues, and Warden asks the super team for help. As they look for Pedro, a former acquaintance eventually approaches and says he gave his friend some food just a day ago, and he smelled like a sewer. Realizing he’s hiding below rather than above, the team descends into the sewers, where they find Pedro held by a raving Ratkin (page 161) and a swarm of his gnawing rats. Shiny!: Jackdaw wants some device carried by the heroes—something he can swoop down, steal in a moment of surprise, and sell for a tidy bundle on the black market. He watches the team from on high and waits for the perfect moment to strike.


Chapter Five: Rogues Gallery power level




Igor Ermakov was a ruthless member of the Russian Spetsnaz. He was convicted of war crimes, 8 sentenced to death, executed, and buried. Or so the government claimed. In truth, Igor was given a choice—death or volunteer 9 for a new enhanced soldier program—Project Kamchatka, named after the large, grizzly-like bears of the Kamchatka Peninsula. DNA from the creatures, 17 — along with other unknown reagents was pumped into a number of convicts to create stronger soldiers who could take on the world’s growing population of super-powered beings. Most subjects died, but Igor underwent a startling transformation and became the very embodiment of the bear’s size and strength and his own brutal rage. Igor slaughtered his minders and went on a bloody rampage before being defeated and incarcerated. Kamchatka eventually escaped and occasionally works as muscle for more nefarious super villains. He is a clever killer who likes to herd his prey into traps and dead ends before charging in with his savage teeth and claws.



Attributes: Agility d10, Smarts d8, Spirit d10, Strength d12+4, Vigor d12 Skills: Academics d4, Athletics d10, Battle d8, Common Knowledge d6, Driving d8, Electronics d6, Fighting d12+2, Focus d8, Notice d10, Persuasion d6, Stealth d10, Survival d10 Pace: 8; Parry: 9; Toughness: 17 Hindrances: Distinctive Appearance (Bear), Ruthless (Major), Phobia (Major—needles) Edges: Alertness, Berserk, Brawny, Combat Reflexes, Extraction, First Strike, FleetFooted, Mighty Blow, Super Powers (45) Gear: None.

 Awareness

(3): Ignores up to 3 points of an opponent’s attack penalties.  Growth (4): Level 2 (+2 to Size, Strength, and Toughness). Permanent.  Hardy (2): A second Shaken result doesn’t cause a Wound.  Heightened Senses (1): Smell.  Melee Attack (15): Str+3d6. Claws (+2d6, AP 8).  Super Attribute (8): Strength +4, Vigor +2.  Super Edge (6): Berserk, First Strike, FleetFooted.  Toughness +6 (6): Thick skin.

ADVENTURE IDEAS Red Winter: The yakuza are moving in on New York, a city still trying to rebuild after the v’sori invasion. Red Dragon doesn’t want any more competition for organized crime and hires a hit squad to take out any person or business who even takes a meeting with the yakuza. Wracked by violent crimes with millions in collateral damage already, the authorities ask the super team for help. A nighttime parlay on the icy, snow-covered docks turns violent when Fantamu (page 124) and the Crimson Fist battle Kamchatka, Hammer (page 136), and Sickle (page 163). In the middle of the fight, the Controller and his Kraken gang (page 114) attack. The thugs are armed with deadly pulse assault rifles!





power level


Aleksandr “the Dragon” Dragovich founded the Red Dragon (Krasni Drakon) criminal organization in the 6 1950s. His enforcers, the “Dragon Guard,” were a squad of loyal soldiers wearing World War II Soviet power armor. Aleksandr and most of the Dragon 7 Guard died fighting the v’sori invasion a decade ago and now only one of them remains—the veteran warrior Sergei Dmitriov. Dmitriov took over what 13 (6) was left of Red Dragon and has been slowly attempting — to piece it back together with the help of his brilliant fiancée and Aleksandr’s great grand daughter, Veronika. Sergei still dons his worn battle armor when challenged by rivals or super-powered dogooders. His call sign is “Katyusha,” after the dreaded mobile rocket batteries of World War II.



Attributes: Agility d10, Smarts d6, Spirit d8, Strength d12+6, Vigor d10 Skills: Athletics d6, Common Knowledge d6, Fighting d8, Focus d12, Intimidation d8, Notice d6, Persuasion d6, Repair d6, Stealth d8 Pace: 6; Parry: 7; Toughness: 13 (6) Hindrances: Arrogant, Mean, Ruthless (Major), Ugly (Major) Edges: Block, Level Headed, Marksman, Menacing, Steady Hands, Super Powers (45), The Best There Is (ranged attack) Gear: Armored battle suit (see below).

 Armor

+6 (8): Heavy Armor. Device (Armored suit). Sealed.  Melee Attack (9): Str+3d6, AP 6, Device (Power gauntlets), Heavy Weapon.  Ranged Attack (15): Shooting. Range 24/48/96, Damage 5d6, RoF 2. Device (Shoulder-mounted rocket launcher). Heavy Weapon. Lethal. Range.  Super Attribute (13): Strength +7. Device (Suit).

RED DRAGON Krasni Drakon is a Russian criminal organization with allied “families” in most of the major cities of the world. Each family is a small, trusted cell, usually made up of no more than a dozen, who engage in every major criminal activity, and have enough money and clout to call on small armies of allied Eastern European gangs when the need arises. Red Dragon also maintains a group of tinkerers in their hometown of Volgograd called the Trove. The Trove maintained the Dragon Guard’s power armor in the past, though Sergei is now the only one who wears it. A few years ago, the Trove discovered a serum concocted in the desperate days of the Cold War called Formula 44, code name Malevolent. They altered it, experimented with it on certain high-performing subjects, and eventually managed to create several super-powered hirelings such as Hammer (page 136), Sickle (page 163), and Kamchatka (page 145). Red Dragon’s main rivals are the Controller’s Kraken (page 114) and Fantamu’s Crimson Fist (page 124 and page 116). Use the profiles for Common Criminals (page 100) for the Red Dragon’s “families.”


Chapter Five: Rogues Gallery power level




Fred Nox knew better than to repair telephone wires during a storm, but he was running behind schedule 6 and his bosses were breathing down his neck to get the job done. Fred doesn’t remember much about the bolt of lightning that struck the telephone pole he was working on, but he does remember the searing 6 pain and the smell of burning flesh. Fred didn’t die that day, but he changed. Now he’s his own boss. Now he’s someone important, someone feared. Now he’s Kilowatt—the electrically charged super villain.




Attributes: Agility d8, Smarts d8, Spirit d8, Strength d6, Vigor d10 Skills: Athletics d4, Common Knowledge d6, Driving d6, Fighting d8, Focus d10, Intimidation d8, Notice d6, Persuasion d6, Repair d6, Stealth d4 Pace: 6; Parry: 6; Toughness: 7 Hindrances: Ruthless (Minor), Environmental Weakness (Water) Edges: Combat Reflexes, Nerves of Steel (Imp), Level Headed, Super Powers (45) Gear: None.

 Attack,

Ranged (14): Range 12/24/48, Damage 4d6, RoF 2. Forceful. Heavy Weapon. (Electrical bolt).  Damage Field (2): Electricity. Level 2. Damage 3d6.  Energy Control (5): Electricity.  Environmental Resistance (3): Electricity. Immunity.  Force Field (10): Level 5. +5 Toughness. Defender (LBT), Mobile.  Flight (6): Pace 45 (30 MPH).  Telekinesis (5): Str d8. Static energy.

ADVENTURE IDEAS Big Electric: The mascot of the Star City Power Company (SCPC) is Sparky, a costumed character currently played by Alex McNeal. Alex uses minor tricks and gadgets to make a show when he talks to kids at schools, makes appearances at supermarkets, or otherwise helps with the SCPC’s public image, but has no real powers of his own. But two weeks ago, Sparky was at a concert when a live lighting wire broke loose and started flailing around the performers. He rushed in, grabbed the live wire, and safely drew off the electricity. A week after that, the elevated rail wouldn’t stop. Sparky leapt off an overpass and managed to once again absorb the train’s electricity until it finally slowed down, saving everyone on board! The mayor wants to give Sparky the keys to the city for his heroism, and the SCPC CEO will be on hand as well. The event is set to take place at a soccer game between the Star City Outsiders and the Legacy City Nighthawks. The problem is, Sparky is actually Kilowatt! He set the whole thing up to lure the mayor and the SCPC CEO, who he blames for almost killing him, into the same place at once. When they give him the key, he plans to electrocute them both in front of thousands of spectators. Warden asks the party to look into Sparky’s sudden abilities, and they begin to unravel the tale. When they find Alex, they know something is up. Then they see a commercial announcing Sparky is about to be honored at the soccer game and must rush to the rescue.




6 8 —



power level


Jack Blunt, aka Knave of Clubs, is an enforcer for various gangs in Star City. His weapon of choice is a stun baton he took from the Special Power Crime Response team a few years back. A local newspaper reporter called Jack a “knave” in one of her stories. He thought a knave was a sort of royalty and adopted the moniker as his own. So far, none of his associates have had the guts to correct him.



Attributes: Agility d6, Smarts d4, Spirit d6, Strength d12, Vigor d12 Skills: Athletics d8, Common Knowledge d4, Driving d6, Fighting d10, Focus d6, Intimidation d6, Notice d4, Persuasion d6, Stealth d8 Pace: 6; Parry: 8; Toughness: 15 Hindrances: Arrogant, Greedy (Minor) Edges: Brawny, Bruiser, Extraction, Super Powers (15), Trademark Weapon (club) Gear: Stun baton (Str+d4, see page 16).

 Melee Attack

(4): Str+2d6.

 Super Attribute (6): Strength +2, Vigor +1.  Toughness

+5 (5): Strong body and lots of confidence.

ADVENTURE IDEAS Nosy Newsie: The reporter who gave Jack his nickname is Melissa “Missy” Marlo. Jack has been told the meaning of “knave” and decides to confront her and see what she meant. The bruiser is less than subtle and Missy figures out he’s on her tail. She asks the heroes for help. If Jack is confronted, he backs down as best he can without losing his pride, then gathers a gang and tries to hit the heroes when they aren’t expecting it. Missy will get hers later, he figures. If the team misses Jack, he confronts Missy and threatens her but doesn’t touch her and doesn’t really plan on actually hurting her—he just wants to scare her for the slight. A Beatdown Too Far: Jack is hired by a low-level gang boss (perhaps working for one of the larger syndicates) to teach a resistant neighborhood a lesson. They haven’t been paying their protection fees and Jack is asked to remind them who they’re really being protected from! The adventure consists of two parts. Sometime after Jack and some accompanying thugs are defeated and perhaps handed over to the authorities, he beats the rap somehow and returns to the street. Embarrassed by the beat-down, he knocks off a few local stores and steals enough money to buy a “strength harness” from the Fixer. The device increases his Strength to d12+1, gives him the Hardy ability, and increases his melee attack damage to Str+3d6. Emboldened, he continues robbing local businesses or otherwise making a nuisance of himself until the heroes come to intervene. With the harness hidden under his clothes and a gang of thugs (and maybe even another super villain) in support, he looks to get a little payback.


Chapter Five: Rogues Gallery power level




Leo Wolfcastle grew up in New York City reading The Tomb of Dracula, Werewolf by Night, and other 8 horror comics. Later in life, while attending college, a series of personal tragedies caused him to seek out the power he’d read about in these cautionary tales. He traveled to Transylvania and eventually 8 found what he was looking for. Leo was searching old ruins in the cold mountains when 18 he became lost and was hunted by a pack of werewolves. — He begged the things for power and for some strange reason, it was granted. Now Lycanthropus roams the world selling his power to whoever offers him something interesting or heroes to fight. His regeneration gives him great confidence so he rarely says no to a mission as long as it pays well or lets him use his might against some worthy foe.



Attributes: Agility d12, Smarts d8, Spirit d10, Strength d12+4, Vigor d10 Skills: Athletics d12, Common Knowledge d6, Driving d4, Fighting d12, Focus d6, Notice d6, Occult d6, Persuasion d6, Science d4, Stealth d12, Survival d10 Pace: 8; Parry: 8; Toughness: 18 Hindrances: Arrogant, Greedy (Minor ), Mean, Transformation (Minor—Leo can change from human to werewolf as an action), Vulnerability (Major—Silver) Edges: Brawny, Fleet-Footed, Frenzy (Imp), Quick, Super Powers (60) Gear: None.

 Awareness

(5): Ignores up to 5 points of an opponent’s attack penalties.  Heightened Senses (3): Hearing. Low Light Vision. Smell.  Growth (6): Level 2 (+2 to Size, Strength, and Toughness).  Melee Attack (19): Str+3d6. Bite (+2d6, AP 4). Claws (+2d6, AP 4).  Regeneration (8): Focus roll to recover one Wound (two with a raise) every round. Regrowth. Limitation (Cannot regenerate damage caused by acid, fire, or silver).  Super Attribute (4): Agility +1, Strength +1.  Super Edge (4): Frenzy (Imp).  Toughness +8 (8): Thick, brawny form.  Uncanny Reflexes (3): Ignore −2 penalty when making Evasion attempts; may Evade area attacks that don’t usually allow it at −2.

ADVENTURE IDEAS Mile High Meltdown: Cassandra (page 122) notes game wardens have reported deer and other animals savaged across the Rockies. She predicts the trail leads toward Denver and asks the heroes to investigate. Several pets and even a few people go missing, leaving nothing but bits where they were last seen. As the party investigates, they discover the culprit is the powerful Lycanthropus. He’s building up the nerve to raid one of the world’s largest comics dealers. His goal? To steal a ton of old horror comics then vanish into the mountains to read them!





power level


Simon Gallowham has been around the block a few times. He first designed the Magnetron costume 6 in the fifties when he was an engineering student. Throughout a glorious super villain career spanning almost 40 years, Magnetron became a 7 household name. He never killed, but certainly gave his foes a good beating throughout his many schemes. He was in and out of jail so many times he knew most 18 (9) of the judges on first name terms. — Magnetron died in prison, but a few days later, his costume rose on its own and sought revenge against everyone who had ever defeated “him.” Some say the suit is run by an artificial intelligence, created by Simon in his final days, but in truth it’s the creator’s mad spirit that animates the machine.



Attributes: Agility d10, Smarts d8, Spirit d8, Strength d12, Vigor d10 Skills: Athletics d4, Common Knowledge d6, Driving d4, Electronics d6, Fighting d10, Focus d10, Intimidation d10, Notice d4, Persuasion d4, Repair d6, Science d6, Stealth d4 Pace: 6; Parry: 7; Toughness: 18 (9) Hindrances: Alien Form (Robot), Quirk (Can’t decide if he’s the real spirit of Gallowham or an AI) Edges: Super Powers (45) Gear: Magnetron is its own gear!

 Armor

+9 (9): Heavy Armor. (6): +2 to recover from being Shaken, ignores 1 point of Wound penalties, doesn’t breathe or eat and is immune to disease and poison, doesn’t Bleed Out, and Wounds are removed with Repair instead of Healing with no “Golden Hour.” Dependency (Electricity).  Growth (4): Level 2 (+2 to Size, Strength, and Toughness). Permanent.  Melee Attack (12): Str+3d6. Claws (+2d6, Heavy Weapon).  Ranged Attack (14): Focus. Range 12/24/48, Damage 5d6, AP 2. Heavy Weapon. (Laser.)  Construct

ADVENTURE IDEAS Ghost in the Machine: Watchmen at various junkyards and abandoned factories around town are scared. Something moves in the vast wastes they watch over, something with glowing red eyes and heavy footsteps that disappears when they gather a group to seek it out. The party is asked to help. Eventually, they stumble upon the robot, and it attacks. The creature is Magnetron, searching for rare replacement parts disappearing rapidly in the advancing technology of the world. The robot is wanted for many crimes, so even though he isn’t immediately threatening anyone, capturing him is still a priority. Simon Gallowham doesn’t truly understand he’s dead. He just senses his transistorized soul is fading and his ancient components need to be replaced. The heroes are asked to help the terrified night watchman of their city’s junkyards. If they don’t stop Magnetron, he might eventually hurt someone. If they stop him before he can find 1950s-era transitors, the light in Magnetron’s eyes eventually fades. Perhaps a more permanent solution can be found? Either way, the Fixer wants to know how a construct melded with a human soul.


Chapter Five: Rogues Gallery power level




Hamilton Smythe, the Spider (page 165) discovered an advanced power source in ancient Lemurian 6 ruins and assembled a team of mercenaries to retrieve it. The Atlanteans caught them, and in the aftermath of the battle Paul Kruger was near death. 6 Waste not, want not, thought the Spider. He brainwashed Kruger into blaming the Atlanteans for his fate, then offered him a chance at life—and revenge. Kruger was made into an aquatic weapon the Spider could use against the Atlanteans whenever they opposed him. Kruger is still cunning and clever, but once he “smells blood” he’s reckless and bloodthirsty.




Attributes: Agility d8, Smarts d6, Spirit d6, Strength d12, Vigor d10 Skills: Athletics d12, Common Knowledge d4, Driving d6, Fighting d8, Focus d8, Intimidation d6, Notice d6, Persuasion d4, Stealth d8, Survival d6, Thievery d6 Pace: 6; Parry: 6; Toughness: 8 Hindrances: Bloodthirsty, Dependency (Salt Water), Poverty, Ugly (Major), Ruthless (Major), Vengeful (Major) Edges: Brawny, Berserk, Extraction (Imp), Hard to Kill, Super Powers (30) Gear: None.

 Animal

Control (7): Seven points of creatures. Telepathic Link. Major Limitation (Sharks only).  Aquatic (2): Mako cannot drown in water and moves his full Pace when swimming.  Fear −2 (4): Strong.  Heightened Senses (1): Eagle Eyes, Low Light Vision, Smell. Limitation (Works only underwater).  Melee Attack (10): Str+2d6. Bite (+2d6, AP 2, Heavy Weapon).  Super Attribute (6): Strength +2, Vigor +1.

ADVENTURE IDEAS Deep Dive: The treasure-seeking Medusa (page 152) has discovered a sunken Nazi submarine somewhere in the Mediterranean. Aboard that sub are rumored to be several tons of solid gold. Athena commissions a deep diving suit for herself from the Fixer and hires a few rogue Atlanteans to accompany her to the bottom of the ocean. Her research into the sub triggers an alert from the Doom Guard, however, and they ask the heroes to look into it. Anything Athena is after, of course, is likely bad for everyone. The team finds Athena as she’s cutting into the side of the sub with an underwater torch. Her Atlantean marine guards (page 98) defend her but keep their distance and rely on ranged attacks as much as possible. Why? Because Athena has hired another helper to watch over their efforts as well—Mako! The shark man lurks in the dark depths, waiting for trouble. When the super team arrives, he stalks them and darts forth from ambush the moment the battle begins. Mako goes for the weakest-looking prey first, using hit and run tactics to go after any other targets of opportunity, such as Vulnerable or Wounded prey.





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Athena Minios descends from the ancient Medusa! She doesn’t have snakes for hair, but her gaze can 6 turn her victims to stone! Athena’s family has horded treasures (particularly very lifelike statues!) through the ages, running a large 12 and extremely profitable black market in antiquities. Athena’s role in the family business is acquisition. She travels the world, robbing newly discovered tombs, 11 (2) museums, and private collections for whatever the family finds a buyer for. She even stole from the Spider (page 165), a misstep she’ll likely pay for soon.



Attributes: Agility d8, Smarts d10, Spirit d10, Strength d10, Vigor d10 Skills: Academics d6, Athletics d6, Common Knowledge d6, Driving d6, Electronics d6, Fighting d10, Focus d10, Notice d8, Persuasion d10, Shooting d10, Stealth d10, Thievery d10 Pace: 6; Parry: 12; Toughness: 11 (2) Hindrances: Greedy (Major), Power Negation (Major—Mirrors), Stubborn, Super Powers (30) Edges: (Very) Attractive, Connections, Martial Artist, Rich, Streetwise, Super Powers (30), Quick Gear: Body armor (+2*).

 Dodge

−5 (5): −5 to be hit by ranged attacks. (Preternatural awareness).  Melee Attack (9): Str+2d6. Claws (+d6, AP 4).  Parry +5 (5): Preternatural awareness.  Poison (9): Area Effect (LBT). Deadly. Strong. As a Trapping, anyone who dies from Medusa’s poison is turned to stone!  Toughness +2 (2): Muscular body.

ADVENTURE IDEAS Tomb Raider: A week ago, Athena plundered a tomb in the Peruvian Andes and found a Sphere of Eternal Imprisonment (page 182). She knows what the artifact is but can’t figure if there’s already an entity inside. From Lima, she contacted a number of sorcerous experts she knows and determined the only way to find out is to use it. Athena decides to auction the dangerous relic off as a sort of “surprise package” to the world’s criminal organizations and puts out a bid through her usual network. The auction requires a live agent and takes place during Peru’s Festival of the Sun on June 22nd. Exactly who shows up to bid is up to you, but various criminal gangs or even servants of Stygia or beings such as Vulcan might be in attendance simply to get rid of the dangerous device. What’s inside the orb? The spirit of Sutay, the Incan god of death. If released, the angry entity unleashes a sickly green vapor that spreads out over a mile-wide radius. Everyone within that mile must make a Vigor roll at −4 or die, rising moments later to become a deader (page 159) and giving rise to an outbreak of the “Omega Legion.”


Chapter Five: Rogues Gallery power level




Jose-Maria Barrabas earned a living selling Aztec artifacts to rich western museums and private 6 collectors. An ancient legend led him deep into the jungle where he found a lost temple. To his amazement, he discovered the temple had survived the Spanish conquest and was brimming with golden 8 artifacts. Ignoring the warnings carved on the walls, Jose-Maria ventured into the catacombs. 9 The lure of the golden statuette he found in the deepest — vault proved too tempting and Jose-Maria grabbed it. Unfortunately for him, the spirit of Mictlantecuhtli—the Aztec God of Death—inhabited the device. Mictlantecuhtli possessed JoseMaria, destroyed his mind, and gained control of his body as a physical vessel. Since his awakening, Mictlantecuhtli has converted several tribes of Mesoamericans to the old faith and now revels in the bloody sacrifices they perform in his honor. Over the years, Mictlantecuhtli has embraced modern war. His gang of Central American cultists wear high-tech arms and armor.

PROFILE Attributes: Agility d12, Smarts d12, Spirit d12, Strength d12+2, Vigor d10 Skills: Athletics d6, Common Knowledge d4, Fighting d12, Focus d12, Intimidation d12, Notice d6, Persuasion d4, Stealth d4 Pace: 6; Parry: 8; Toughness: 9 Hindrances: Bloodthirsty, Distinctive Appearance, Mean, Vengeful (Major) Edges: Combat Reflexes, Frenzy, Level Headed, Nerves of Steel, Super Powers (60) Gear: Obsidian sword (Damage Str+d8+4d6, Heavy Weapon).



 Decay (6): Area Effect (LBT). Midas Touch.

Strong. −2 (8): Area Effect (LBT). Strong.  Fearless (2): Mictlantecuhtli knows no fear and cannot be Intimidated.  Immune to Poison/Disease (2): Mictlantecuhtli is immune to poison and disease.  Melee Attack (10): Str+3d6. Special Weapon (Long sword, +d6, Device, Heavy Weapon).  Ranged Attack (13): Focus. Range 12/24/48 or may use Cone Template, Damage 5d6. (Sonic screech.)  Super Attribute (8): Spirit +2, Strength +2.  Uncanny Reflexes (3): Ignore −2 penalty when making Evasion attempts; may Evade area attacks that don’t usually allow it at −2.  Undead (8): +2 Toughness; +2 to recover from Shaken; doesn’t breathe; immune to disease & poison; no additional damage from called shots; ignore 1 level of wound penalties. „ Unstoppable: The villain takes a maximum of one Wound (after Soaking) from any damaging attack unless the attacker’s Action Card is a Joker.  Fear





power level


Hank Thompson worked for an oil company designing robots for oil exploration. Eager to make 8 more money than his profession paid, Hank built himself a special mole suit to tunnel beneath the earth—and straight into bank vaults. 7 Turns out Hank really liked it down there in the dirt. Eventually he even discovered a tribe of subterranean creatures he called troglodytes (page 18 (8) 172) and cowed them into submission. He frequently uses the aggressive but unwitting beings as support—or distractions—for his riskier heists.


Attributes: Agility d8, Smarts d8, Spirit d6, Strength d12, Vigor d12 Skills: Athletics d6, Common Knowledge d6, Fighting d10, Intimidation d6, Notice d8, Persuasion d4, Science d10, Shooting d10, Stealth d10, Thievery d8 Pace: 8; Parry: 7; Toughness: 18 (8) Hindrances: Bad Eyes (Minor ), Greedy (Major) Edges: Command, Level Headed, Super Powers (45) Gear: Mole suit (see below).


 Armor

+8 (3): Device (Mole suit).

 Burrowing (3): Block Buster. Device (Mole

suit). Pace. Tunneler. (4): Strong.  Growth (3): Level 2 (+2 to Size, Strength, and Toughness). Device. Permanent.  Heightened Senses (1): Infravision. Lowlight Vision. Device (Mole suit).  MeleeAttack (15): Str+3d6, Device (Mole Suit). Claws (+2d6, AP 8, Device, Heavy Weapon).  Ranged Attack (6): Wrist laser. Range 12/24/48, Damage 3d6. Device (Mole suit). Heavy Weapon.  Super Attribute (13): Strength +4, Vigor +3. Device (Mole suit).  Earthquake

ADVENTURE IDEAS Eruption: An army of troglodytes emerges from below Legacy City, rampaging through the streets. The heroes are summoned to chase them back into the earth, but the frenzied creatures seem more afraid of what lurks beneath. The team must defeat several powerful pockets of troglodytes threatening civilians, ravaging supermarkets, or attacking the police who attempt to stop them. People need saving from burning or collapsing buildings or are trapped in traffic jams as the trogs rage. The Mole uses the chaos to strike at underground vaults and other lucrative targets. He also aids his troglodyte friends by attacking the heroes (preferably after they’ve acted for the turn) then burrowing beneath the ground to escape. Eventually, the super team learns the reason for the monster’s panic: Surtr has found their subterranean kingdom and decided to subjugate the powerful brutes as “Múspell’s sons,” which he plans to lead in the final battle of Ragnarok! The powerful Norse legend emerges from the broken city once the heroes are worn and wounded, fresh and eager for fiery battle! Can the Mole be convinced to lend a claw in defense of the beings he claims to champion?


Chapter Five: Rogues Gallery power level




The Monster is the creation of the original Dr. Frankenstein, though he has been remade many 12 times since those early, tempestuous days. The Monster despises humans—especially crowds. After initially battling Lycanthropus, the Monster 7 now enjoys going on an occasional rampage before slipping off into the deep forests to hide for a time. He’s occasionally recruited (or tricked) into joining some other villain group as a distraction or pure muscle.




Attributes: Agility d6, Smarts d4, Spirit d8, Strength d12+5, Vigor d12+2 Skills: Athletics d6, Common Knowledge d4, Fighting d10, Focus d8, Intimidation d8, Notice d4, Persuasion d4, Stealth d4, Survival d8 Pace: 12; Parry: 7; Toughness: 27 Hindrances: Bloodthirsty, Distinctive Appearance (Patchwork monstrosity), Environmental Weakness (Fire), Illiterate, Mean, Vengeful (Major) Edges: Brawny, Combat Reflexes, Hard to Kill, Nerves of Steel (Imp), Super Powers (60) Gear: None.

 Growth

(4): Level 2 (+2 to Size, Strength, and Toughness). Permanent.  Hardy (2): A second Shaken result doesn’t cause a Wound.  Leaping (5): Can leap 8” (16 yards) vertically or 16” (32 yards) horizontally. Bounce. Death From Above.  Melee Attack (10): Str+3d6, Heavy Weapon, Smash.  Super Attribute (18): Strength +6, Vigor +3.  Toughness +13 (13): Muscular, undead flesh.  Undead (8): +2 Toughness; +2 to recover from being Shaken; no additional damage from Called Shots; ignores 1 point of Wound penalties; doesn’t breathe; immune to disease and poison.

ADVENTURE IDEAS Replacement Parts: Every few years, the Monster’s flesh decays beyond repair. He usually coerces some brilliant criminal to replace his parts from those he “harvests,” but this time he’s decided he wants something more. He wants to replace his failing body with super hero parts! The Monster partners with Lycanthropus (or any other powerful brute appropriate to your campaign) and a squad of deaders (see Omega Legion on page 159). They lure the heroes into a trap of some sort and attack. The Monster’s only goal is to kill or capture one of the more powerful supers (in terms of raw Strength and Vigor) then replace his own parts with theirs! Will it work? Perhaps! Soothsayer (page 164) has taken pity on the beast, and with certain occult texts can use her healing spells to perform the necessary procedures. In the meantime, she watches from the shadows, subtly using her magical spells to bolster the Monster and his allies in their battle against the super team.





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Jean-Paul DuPois studied voodoo in Haiti during the reign of “Papa Doc” Francois Duvalier. Rather 6 than use his powers for good, he chose to walk a darker path. Necromancer is a gifted sorcerer, able to raise the 7 dead to serve him as zombies. He has few living friends, but that’s the way he prefers it—to his warped mind, turning someone into a zombie is rewarding them with eternal life. He dresses like Baron Samedi as an ode to the loa.



Attributes: Agility d8, Smarts d12, Spirit d12, Strength d8, Vigor d8 Skills: Athletics d4, Common Knowledge d6, Driving d4, Fighting d6, Focus d6, Intimidation d10, Notice d6, Occult d12, Persuasion d4, Spellcasting d12+2, Stealth d4, Thievery d6 Pace: 6; Parry: 7; Toughness: 11 Hindrances: Bad Luck, Bloodthirsty, Delusional (Minor—being turned into a zombie is a good thing), Vengeful (Minor) Edges: Command, Fervor, Hold the Line!, Super Powers (75), The Best There Is (minions) Gear: Small bones, feather bundles, and other voodoo bric-a-brac.

 Dodge

−3 (3): −3 be to hit with ranged attacks.  Fear −2 (4): Strong.  Mind Control (17): Multiple Minds ×5. Strong.  M i n i o n s (27): Alternate Trait (Spellcasting). Up to 10 zombies. Resilient. Summonable. Super Powers (melee attack Str+2d6, super attribute (Strength +2, Vigor +2), undead).  Parry +2 (2): Preternatural senses.  Ranged Attack (9): Spellcasting. Range 12/24/48, Damage 4d6. (Fiery, screeching skull).  Super Attribute (4): Spirit +2.  Super Sorcery (4): Voodoo.  Toughness +5 (5): Protection of the loa.

ADVENTURE IDEAS Eye of the Witch: The petro loas (evil spirits) have shown Jean-Paul how to create an occult version of the Z Contaminant (page 183). With it he can stop climate change, end war, and grant humanity eternal peace—as long as everyone’s dead, that is! The contaminant requires numerous ingredients to produce, so Necromancer is traveling the world to gather strange reagents. Cassandra (page 122) detects the pattern and sends the party to Russia to stop Necromancer before he gathers the final ingredient—one of Baba Yaga’s eyes (page 105)! Blackguard isn’t available to transport the party to Russia in time, so they must make their own arrangements to get there. This alerts Red Dragon (page 146), who dispatches a number of their enforcers to see what the heroes are up to—and teach them not to enter their turf without asking. The Russian authorities might also send their version of SPCR teams (page 101) to deal with the intruders. The final fight takes place on the outskirts of a small village and features a brawl between any of those forces still in pursuit, Baba Yaga and her thrall, the Huntsman (page 142), and of course Necromancer himself.


Chapter Five: Rogues Gallery power level




Jennifer Watts fell in love with the Fixer (page 125) during an opportune team-up. The relationship 8 became complicated and the Fixer eventually “tested” one of her devices on Jennifer. The dark energy gun killed the former model, leaving nothing but Jennifer’s shadow on the wall. Weeks later, the 6 shadow rose as “Nocturne.” Nocturne is a phantom made of raw hate and dark 12 energy. She seeks the Fixer, but in her maddened state — takes her rage out on all supers, particularly females who even slightly resemble the Fixer or those displaying super technology. Jennifer’s phantom can manipulate shadows and fire bursts of dark energy. Nocturne seems to hibernate for long periods of time—perhaps struggling to maintain her very existence. When she returns, she is often manipulated by scheming super villains for their own nefarious purposes.



Attributes: Agility d8, Smarts d6, Spirit d6, Strength d8, Vigor d10 Skills: Athletics d6, Common Knowledge d4, Driving d6, Fighting d8, Focus d10, Intimi­ dation d6, Notice d10, Persuasion d4, Stealth d8, Taunt d6, Thievery d8 Pace: 8; Parry: 6; Toughness: 12 Hindrances: Alien Form (Shadow), Outsider (Major ), Vulnerability (Minor—Strong light), Vengeful (Major) Edges: Strong Willed, Super Powers (45) Gear: None.

 Ageless

(1): Jennifer is no longer mortal. (2): Ignores 2 points of a foe’s attack penalties.  Energy Control (7): Darkness. Area Effect.  Force Field (5): Incoming damage is reduced by 5 points.  Heightened Senses (1): Low Light Vision.  Intangibility (3): Permanent.  Obscure (6): Area Effect (Up to 25”).  Toughness +5 (5): Cosmic energy.  Ranged Attack (15): Focus. Range 12/24/48, Damage 4d6, AP 10. (Bolts of darkness.)  Awareness

ADVENTURE IDEAS Bright Lights, Big City: Jennifer materializes after her last defeat, confused and alone, in Star City. It’s night, somewhere in the worst part of the city, and the bright streetlamps infuriate her. She begins taking them out, one by one. Then the hateful, blue and red lights of the police cars. The authorities ask the heroes for immediate help. Consumed: The incredible Black Hole (page 107) believes he might cure his condition by absorbing Nocturne! He and Dark Star (page 120) engage Nocturne in a no-holdsbarred battle of cosmic energies in the night skies of the super team’s city. It would be over quickly, but the Fixer (page 125) has arrived, claiming remorse for what she did to Jennifer. Or perhaps the Fixer just wants to capture her former girlfriend’s mysterious essence for her own sinister experiments! If the Black Hole wins Nocturne’s essence doesn’t cure him, but does grant him her force field power!





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Oskar Baumstein is a former pirate—and raving lunatic. He claims he was swept away to another 6 world, a drowning world suffering from a terrible curse. Oskar further claimed he had been there for a decade, though he was missing only a few months. 14 Somewhere in his travels he crossed paths with a race of terrible octopus-like creatures born of dark and somehow the contact transformed his 11 limbssorcery, into that of the “octopons,” from which he’s taken — his name. The mad pirate now focuses on ocean liners or seaside targets. He has little use for the loot he acquires now, but he continues to seek plunder regardless.



Attributes: Agility d10, Smarts d6, Spirit d10, Strength d12+2, Vigor d12 Skills: Athletics d12, Common Knowledge d6, Driving d6, Fighting d12+2, Focus d8, Intimidation d6, Notice d6, Persuasion d6, Stealth d10, Thievery d8 Pace: 6; Parry: 14; Toughness: 11 Hindrances: All Thumbs, Distinctive Appearance (Tentacled fiend), Environmental Weakness (Fire), Wanted (Major—Atlantean authorities) Edges: Ambidextrous, Combat Reflexes, First Strike, Hard to Kill, Level Headed, Super Powers (45), Sweep Gear: Two sabers (Str+3d6), two pulse pistols (Range 10/20/40, Damage 2d6, AP 2).

 Additional Actions (5): Ignores up to two

points of Multi-Action penalties each turn. (4): Swimming Pace 10, breathes in water. Fast Swimmer.  Extra Limb (9): Four tentacles, Reach 1. (Oskar’s actually a sectopon, but calls himself Octopon).  Hardy (2): A second Shaken result doesn’t cause a Wound.  Melee Attacks (4): Str+2d6. Octopon wields sabers and pulse pistols in his tentacles if he can obtain them.  Parry +5 (5): Whirling tentacles.  Super Attribute (6): Strength +2, Vigor +1.  Super Skill (5): Athletics +2, Fighting +3.  Toughness +2 (2): Deep water adaption.  Uncanny Reflexes (3): Ignore −2 penalty when making Evasion attempts; may Evade area attacks that don’t usually allow it at −2.  Aquatic

ADVENTURE IDEAS Gray Lady Down: The heroes are dispatched to help secure the site of a nuclear submarine that went down in 300 feet of water and rescue any survivors. Octopon is already there with a band of other underwater criminals who are either greedy or have no love for the surface world. The heroes can’t let the deadly missiles fall into his tentacles. Octopon, of course, has no concern for the sailors still alive inside and simply wants to open the sub like a tin can to get the valuable weapons within.


Chapter Five: Rogues Gallery


THE OMEGA LEGION These “super zombies” aren’t your average walking dead. These horrific creatures returned to unlife with bizarre powers, perhaps hosts to alien parasites, powerful spirits, or even husks inhabited by demonic forces. Note that these undead don’t have super powers—their abilities are entirely natural.


“Super zombie” might be spawned by powerful toxic chemicals, mad scientists, powerful cultists, secret government labs, or spores seeded by alien invaders. Attributes: Agility d6, Smarts d4, Spirit d4, Strength d10, Vigor d10 Skills: Athletics d8, Fighting d8, Intimidation d8, Notice d6, Shooting d6 Pace: 6; Parry: 6; Toughness: 9 Edges: Frenzy SPECIAL ABILITIES: „ Bite/Claws:


„ Fear: Anyone seeing a zombie must make

a Fear check.

„ Fearless: Zombies are immune to Fear and

Intimidation. „ Infection (1): Anyone bitten or clawed by a deader must make a Vigor roll or be infected. Contingent on melee attack—claws). Lethal. Requires Touch. Replication. Strong. „ Undead: +2 Toughness; +2 to recover from being Shaken; no additional damage from Called Shots; ignores 1 point of Wound penalties; doesn’t breathe; immune to disease and poison. „ Weakness (Head): Called Shots to a zombie’s head do the usual +4 damage.


Some deaders are augmented to belch clouds of noxious fumes. They have the statistics of a standard deader above with Athletics d10 and an additional ability: „ Charnel Breath: Anytime a belcher’s Action Card is a face card, it may make an Athletics roll to emit a blast of foul breath in a Cone Template. Everyone in the template must make a Vigor roll (at −2 if the brute got a raise) or is Stunned.

A super conglomerate—’glom for short— is a group of corpses joined together into a horrifying mass. The one presented here is made of ten corpses and a significant challenge for most any super. ‘Gloms use their limbs and whatever weapons are handy to kill any living person in sight, then add those corpses to their mass. Conglomerates can wield weapons if available, though their limbs flail wildly so ranged shots are made at a −2 penalty. Super ‘gloms are often found at the center of undead hordes of super zombies and brutes. Some may have additional powers that buff other undead, enfeeble the living, and so on. Attributes: Agility d6, Smarts d4, Spirit d4, Strength d12+7, Vigor d12+7 Skills: Athletics d8, Fighting d8, Intimidation d6, Notice d10, Shooting d6, Stealth d4 Pace: 6; Parry: 6; Toughness: 22 Edges: Frenzy (Imp) Gear: ‘Gloms can carry and use weapons if desired, but most prefer to use the local terrain as weapons—cars, streetlights, or whatever else they can get their hands on. See Large Improvised Weapons on page 32. SPECIAL ABILITIES: „ Fear

(−2): Anyone seeing a ‘glom must make a Fear check at −2. „ Fearless: ‘Gloms are immune to Fear and Intimidation. „ Melee Attack: Str+3d6. Smash. „ Size 9 (Huge): The ‘glom presented here is the size of 10 human corpses and can take two additional Wounds. „ Undead: +2 Toughness; +2 to recover from Shaken; ignore 1 point of Wound modifiers; Called Shots do no extra damage; doesn’t breathe; immune to disease and poison. „ Weakness (Head): A Notice roll at −1 for each ‘glommed body (−4 max) reveals which of a ‘glom’s many heads is the primary. If it’s destroyed the entire thing dies instantly.





power level


While rummaging through his great-grandfather’s attic, Klaus Werner discovered a small set of pipes 6 and a mysterious letter written in the 17th century. The letter said that one of Klaus’ distant relatives was one of the children taken from Hamelin by the 10 Pied Piper of (supposed) legend. The child managed to escape the Piper’s prison and steal his pipes, which Klaus now held in his hands. 5 Klaus started small, charming rats, persuading policemen −5R to forgive his tickets, and so on. His control escalated quickly from there as did his depredations. Now the Pied Piper is a notorious criminal, often throwing his lot in with criminal gangs and lurking in the shadows behind those who have more raw firepower.



Attributes: Agility d10, Smarts d12, Spirit d10, Strength d6, Vigor d6 Skills: Athletics d8, Common Knowledge d10, Driving d6, Fighting d6, Focus d10, Intimidation d8, Notice d8, Performance d12, Persuasion d8, Stealth d8, Taunt d10, Thievery d8 Pace: 6; Parry: 10; Toughness: 5 Hindrances: Greedy (Major ), Ruthless (Major), Vengeful (Major) Edges: Charismatic, Killer Instinct, Strong Willed, Super Powers (45), The Best There Is (mind control) Gear: Magic pan pipes (see below).

 Animal

Control (12): The piper can control up to 14 points of animals. Device (Pipes).  Dodge −5 (5): −5 to be hit with ranged attacks. The piper dances out of harm’s way.  Fear −2 (6): Area Effect (LBT). Device (Pipes). Strong.  Mind Control (17): Device (Pipes). Forgetful. Multiple Minds ×5. Strong.  Parry +5 (5): The piper dances out of harm’s way.

ADVENTURE IDEAS Fake News: The heroes are going about their business when a panic-stricken newscaster appears on the air and says the alien v’sori (page 184) have returned and are invading Star City! As the heroes make their way there, a different announcer comes on and says the reports were erroneous. Different television news stations and live streams continue to air false reports over the coming weeks, announcing everything from a Goliath sighting (page 129) to fuel shortages to utterly ridiculous tales about stuffed animals coming to life (inspiring a wave of “Teddy Bear Bonfires”). Of course, the Piper is behind all of this. He’s managed to get the phone numbers of the world’s top news reporters and wants to show the world how foolish they are for believing the “corporate puppets of the New World Order.” How the heroes trace the Piper to Berlin is up to them, but when they arrive they find him hiding in a warehouse lair with a new Tech Gang (page 169) who just happens to be tinkering with Magnetron (page 150)—who they turn loose if attacked!


Chapter Five: Rogues Gallery power level




Ratkin was a homeless drifter who passed out one night in an illegal chemical warehouse. Noxious 8 fumes permeated his system, and when he awoke he had mutated on a cellular level to a ravenous rat-like humanoid. 10 “Ratkin” rose from the fumes and took to preying on all those he felt had hurt him. Now he’s a savage and pitiable killer. He’s a cunning hunter, using the sewers to evade authorities and fleeing any fight where he’s clearly overpowered.





Attributes: Agility d10, Smarts d6, Spirit d6, Strength d12, Vigor d10 Skills: Athletics d8, Common Knowledge d4, Fighting d10, Focus d6, Notice d6, Persuasion d4, Stealth d10, Taunt d6, Thievery d10 Pace: 8; Parry: 10; Toughness: 7 Hindrances: Distinctive Appearance (Rat-like features), Habit (Minor—strokes whiskers), Mean, Phobia (Major—cats) Edges: Fleet-Footed, Frenzy (Imp), Super Powers (30) Gear: None.

 Animal

Control (10): 10 points of creatures. Limitation (Rat swarms only). Telepathic Link (one mile).  Dodge −2 (2): Fear at being hurt.  Melee Attack (9): Str+2d6. Claws (+d6, AP 4, Lethal).  Fear (2): Anyone seeing the grotesque villain must make a Fear check.  Immune to Disease (1): Ratkin’s system renders him immune to all diseases.  Infection (1): Anyone hit by Ratkin’s claws must make a Vigor roll or be Fatigued. (Contingent on melee attack— claws). Strong. Requires Touch.  Parry +3 (3): Ratkin really doesn’t like pain!  Super Attribute (2): Strength +1.

ADVENTURE IDEAS Rattled: Ratkin is on a rampage! Several of his closest rat friends have gone missing, sending him into a desperate rage. Certain that human exterminators are behind the attack, he summons a fresh horde and attacks a large exterminator company that contracts with the city. As soon as they have Ratkin on the ropes and he prepares to escape, the heroes overhear a police officer’s radio report that the Pied Piper (page 160) is attacking a cargo ship on the docks using “every rat in the city.” The heroes must decide whether to pursue Ratkin before he attacks somewhere else or split their forces and battle on two fronts. Return of the Vermintide: Ratkin’s latest horde included a strange white rat—one with a hint of alien intelligence he’d never encountered before. The rat says it was once part of the “Vermintide,” an alien presence that was almost killed by a group of villains in New York during the v’sori invasion (see the Necessary Evil: Breakout book for the whole story). If Ratkin can devour a scrap of the alien fungus from a display about the war in New York’s American Natural History Museum, his swarms become infected and mutate into Wild Cards! This lasts until Ratkin is captured and sanitized to remove all the alien spores.





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Shipping heiress Claudia Shapman should have died in the 1950s, but through sheer willpower and 6 the occult, managed to recover a reaper’s scythe. The weapon protects her from natural death as long as she wields it at least once per day, and 10 grants her many other powers as well. Now Claudia uses her small but powerful import/ export company to seek out magical artifacts and sell 8 them to the highest bidder (or keep them for herself). She — has a loyal cult who serves her every whim, and often hires super villains or the Crimson Fist when she needs additional muscle to recover, protect, or transport some rare item.



Attributes: Agility d8, Smarts d12, Spirit d10, Strength d12+2, Vigor d12 Skills: Athletics d6, Common Knowledge d10, Driving d8, Fighting d10, Focus d10, Intimidation d10, Notice d10, Occult d12, Persuasion d10, Stealth d10, Taunt d10 Pace: 6; Parry: 12; Toughness: 8 Hindrances: Curious, Greedy (Major), Ruthless (Major) Edges: Menacing, Super Powers (75), Sweep (Imp), Strong Willed, Trademark Weapon (Imp—Scythe) Gear: Reaper’s scythe (Str+d10+5d6, AP 10, Parry −2, Reach+1, Heavy Weapon).

All of Claudia’s powers are Device (Reaper’s scythe).

ADVENTURE IDEAS The Devil’s Due: The Reaper has made many perilous deals when entreating the dark powers of the cosmos. She broke one of these pacts, and now an army of the Dark Brood (page 118) is on its way to her offices at the top of the Crowley Building in Legacy City. In classic Claudia style, she offers the heroes a deal. Help her fend off the legion until daybreak and they’ll not only protect any other residents of the building but she’ll hand over a valuable artifact that might help them in their current activities (your choice, Game Master—whatever makes sense for your campaign).


 Ageless

(1): Very Old. (4): Ignores 4 points of an opponent’s attack penalties.  Fear −2 (6): Area Effect (LBT). Strong.  Fearless (1): Immune to Fear.  Flight (4): Pace 45 (30 MPH).  Force Field (8): Incoming damage is reduced by 10 points.  Immune to Poison/Disease (1): Reaper will not die of natural causes.  Intangibility (3): Reaper can become intangible as a limited action.  Boost/Lower Trait (9): Additional Recipients (5). Any Trait. Leech. Limitation (Lower Trait only)  Melee Attack (14): Special Weapon (Reaper’s scythe, +5d6, AP 10, Heavy Weapon).  Mind Control (5): Strong.  Parry +3 (1): Scythe.  Super Attribute (12): Spirit +1, Strength +4, Vigor +2.  Super Skill (1): Fighting +2, Intimidation +2.  Awareness


Chapter Five: Rogues Gallery power level




Olga Rasputinovich was a promising gymnast but never quite good enough to make the Russian 24 Olympic team. Seeing her struggles, a member of the Red Dragon crime syndicate (page 146) offered her an experimental drug that would enhance her abilities. “Malevolent” (zloy in Russian) worked as 8 advertised but made her reckless and mean. She was soon banned from athletic competitions for her violent outbursts, and as planned, Red Dragon offered her an alternative—become one of their enforcers, live large, make a fortune, and have all the zloy she wants.




Attributes: Agility d12, Smarts d6, Spirit d6, Strength d12, Vigor d8 Skills: Athletics d12, Common Knowledge d6, Driving d4, Fighting d12, Focus d6, Intimidation d6, Notice d6, Persuasion d6, Stealth d8, Taunt d6, Thievery d6 Pace: 24; Parry: 8; Toughness: 6 Hindrances: Arrogant, Overconfident, Habit (Major—must take “Malevolent” at least once a day), Reckless, Ruthless (Major) Edges: Dynamic Duo, Dodge, Frenzy (Imp), Level Headed, Super Powers (30), Sweep Gear: Large sickle (Damage Str+d8+3d6, AP 4, Heavy Weapon).

 Leaping

(4): 4” vertical, 8” horizontal. Bounce. Death from Above.  Melee Attack (8): Special Weapon (Large sickle, +3d6, AP 6, Device, Heavy Weapon).  Speed (4): Pace 24.  Super Attribute (8): Agility +2, Strength +2.  Super Edge (6): Frenzy, Frenzy (Imp), Level Headed, Sweep.

ADVENTURE IDEAS Deadly Defenestration: Olga wants revenge on her former teammates for snide comments they made about her on social media. One by one, she’s taking them out, saving her archrival, Nadia Petrova, for last. The Russian authorities have Nadia under watch in her Moscow high-rise apartment building, but this won’t be enough to stop Sickle. The acrobat plans to attack from the roof, using her gymnastics to bounce off the accompanying building, smash in through the window, then hurl Nadia back out to the street below! Hammer (page 136) watches from a neighboring building, ready to get involved if “capes” show up. Fan Club: Despite her abhorrent crimes, Sickle has a fan club. They gather anywhere there’s been a “Sickle Sighting,” usually at the scene of some terrible fight. The heroes have learned that Sickle revels in their adoration and has occasionally been seen lurking nearby in disguise. Last night she took out one of Red Dragon’s rivals in Gorky Park, Moscow, and the blood is still wet. Interpol and the local authorities want the assassin captured and ask the heroes to stake out the macabre gathering. Sickle is indeed nearby, disguised as a young woman pushing a baby carriage, but the right-side frame and handle of the carriage is actually her trademark weapon.





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Katyana Drasilova was born to a poor Romanian family. Like her mother and grandmother, she had 6 the gift of prophecy. Unlike her ancestors, however, she had other magical powers that allowed her to bend reality to her will. Her abilities weren’t enough 10 to save her family, however, who were killed by Red Dragon agents Hammer and Sickle (page 136 and page 163, respectively) when she refused to help the 6 Russian mafia in their criminal enterprises. −5 Katyana fled Eastern Europe after exacting revenge against some of the mobsters who wronged her, and now hides in the shadows, emerging to sell her powers when she needs money. She’s helped heroes and villains alike—but never any member of Red Dragon.



Attributes: Agility d6, Smarts d12, Spirit d8, Strength d6, Vigor d8 Skills: Athletics d6, Common Knowledge d6, Driving d6, Fighting d6, Focus d6, Intimidation d6, Notice d8, Persuasion d10, Occult d12, Spellcasting d12, Stealth d4, Taunt d6, Thievery d8 Pace: 6; Parry: 10; Toughness: 6 Hindrances: Curious, Outsider (Minor— Roma), Vengeful (Major) Edges: Arcane Background (Magic), Charismatic, Danger Sense, Level Headed (Imp), Power Points, Strong Willed, Super Powers (45) Spells: Banish, beast friend, confusion, darksight, detect/conceal arcana, disguise, dispel, divination, entangle, farsight, healing, illusion, object reading, speak language. Power Points: 20 Gear: None.

 Awareness

(4): Ignores 4 points of penalties from her opponent’s powers, actions, or abilities.  Boost/Lower Trait (9): Additional Recipients (+2). Alternate Trait (Spellcasting). Any Trait. Power.  Dodge −5 (5): −5 to be hit by ranged attacks.  Heightened Senses (1): Eagle Eyes.  Jinx (6): Greater Jinx.  Parry +5 (5): Predictive movement.  Super Edge (12): Arcane Background (Magic), Danger Sense, Level Headed (Imp), Power Points.  Uncanny Reflexes (3): Ignore −2 penalty when making Evasion attempts; may Evade area attacks that don’t usually allow it at −2.

ADVENTURE IDEAS Better Red than Dead: Katyana is in a small Romanian town treating a terrible outbreak of some unknown and fatal disease. The nature of her powers makes it a slow process, and she knows every day she remains she risks being discovered by Red Dragon. Sure enough, word reaches the super team and the Russian mobsters at the same time, and it’s clear the villagers will be the greatest victims of the coming fight. The heroes arrive soon after Sickle and Kamchatka (page 145). A battle ensues when the dead begin rising—an outbreak of the Omega Legion! (See page 159.)


Chapter Five: Rogues Gallery power level




Hamilton Smythe is “The Spider” at the center of an international web of crime, intrigue, and corruption. 6 No one knows where he lives or how to find him. He doesn’t maintain a permanent gang or minions that anyone knows of, but instead works through countless proxies—many of whom don’t even know 7 it—to carry out his wishes. But the Spider’s has a secret…there actually isn’t a single 6 Spider, there are several! But there’s an even greater secret… — all of the “Spiders” are actually… v’sori agents! The v’sori invasion (page 184) took place over a decade ago, but not all the alien invaders managed to escape. A small force lingered and eventually managed to make contact with each other. Now the “fifth column” manipulates Earth’s affairs in readiness for the Overmind’s inevitable and glorious return! They’ve heard stories a super group defeated their leader but don’t believe it, and they plan to be ready for their “ascension.” Until that day, the “Spider” will cause mayhem and dissent among Earth’s defenses, including their super heroes—and their villains.


Attributes: Agility d8, Smarts d8, Spirit d6, Strength d6, Vigor d8 Skills: Athletics d8, Common Knowledge d8, Electronics d10, Fighting d10, Focus d10, Hacking d10, Intimidation d8, Notice d8, Persuasion d8, Research d10, Science d10, Shooting d10, Stealth d8, Taunt d8 Pace: 6; Parry: 7; Toughness: 6 Hindrances: Mean, Ruthless (Minor) Edges: Charismatic, Super Powers (51) Gear: The Spiders have access to any v’sori equipment listed in Appendix A as needed, but usually carry only a pulse pistol so as not to give away their identities.


„ Aquatic:

Pace 10. (3): Biometrics. Device (Chip implanted on a piece of clothing).  Energy Control (12): Mental. Area Effect (LBT). Power. „ Low Light Vision: V’sori ignore penalties for Dim and Dark lighting.  Mind Control (9): Multiple Minds × 2.  Mind Reading (5): Strong.  Mind Shield (3): Strong.  Stun (9): Area Effect (LBT). Strong. (Synaptic shock psionic blast).  Telekinesis (10): Strength d10. Range 12”. „ Telepathy: Range 24”. Other v’sori or Atlanteans only.  Chameleon

ADVENTURE IDEAS The World’s Greatest Detectives?: The heroes discover the Spider is behind some caper they’ve become entangled in and want to take him down. Whatever plan they come up with to lure him out eventually works! It’s a difficult fight that involves several hired villains such as Whirling Dervish (page 176) or Kilowatt (page 147), but should leave the players feeling like maybe it was just a little too easy. After they hand the infamous kingpin over to the authorities, the press lauds their efforts, calling them the “world’s greatest detectives.” The mayor’s office calls and wants to hand them the keys to the city. As they arrive at the press conference, however, the news breaks that the “Spider” held in captivity is a simple baker, mind-controlled into believing he’s the Spider. The press quickly turns on the team, the mayor withdraws the keys, and a letter arrives in the mail with a simple imprint upon it—a stylized spider.







power level


Patricia Dalgleish’s powers make her a perfect spy, saboteur, and assassin. Her abilities are simple but 6 effective. The sultry Scot uses her chameleon and copycat powers to infiltrate even the most protected areas to steal secrets, gather blackmail material, or give her targets “one last dance.” 7 Stealth works for whoever has the cash to afford her, including clients like the Spider (page 165) or the Fixer (page 125).



Attributes: Agility d10, Smarts d8, Spirit d6, Strength d6, Vigor d8 Skills: Athletics d6, Common Knowledge d4, Driving d8, Electronics d10, Fighting d10, Focus d8, Hacking d10, Notice d8, Persuasion d12, Stealth d10, Thievery d10 Pace: 6; Parry: 7; Toughness: 6 Hindrances: Greedy (Major ), Ruthless (Major) Edges: First Strike, Level Headed, (Very) Attractive, Super Powers (30), The Best There Is (copycat), Thief Gear: Pulse pistol (Range 10/20/40, Damage 2d6, AP 2).

 Chameleon

(3): Biometrics. Requires Touch.  Copycat (15): Level 17. Overly Accurate.  Dodge −5 (5): Foes subtract 5 from their ranged attacks.  Stun (3): Requires Touch. Strong.  Super Skill (4): Persuasion +2, Stealth +2.

ADVENTURE IDEAS Dependent Danger: The heroes have become a thorn in the Spider’s side, and he wants to gather some dirt on them. He tasks Stealth with kidnapping one of the heroes’ friends (or Dependent if someone has one), infiltrating their base in her disguised form, and gathering whatever information she can. Keep the “friend” around for a while as the heroes go about their business. Don’t overdo it, but ask a few odd questions, “forget” previous events sometimes, and give your more perceptive players a chance to realize something is off. If they do, let them figure out how to expose Stealth and trap her. The crafty agent does everything she can to weasel her way out or escape once the group starts questioning her. If cornered, she says that if they touch her she won’t reveal where their actual friend is. She’s not bluffing—she’s too good for that. The friend is actually being held in an abandoned apartment building nearby, guarded by Kilowatt (page 147), Whirling Dervish (page 176), and any other villains you feel make the fight a real challenge. The team can try and make Stealth give the safe word to release the hostage, but if given any chance at all to give the “attack” code she does that too, ensuring a titanic fight ensues.


Chapter Five: Rogues Gallery power level




Duke Barton was the pilot of a returning space mission when the craft was struck by radiation 6 from a solar flare. His body was forever altered, throwing off lethal amounts of radiation to anyone who came near him. With modern science unable to find a cure, he learned all he could about radiology 5 and determined to find a cure himself. The tragic villain commits crimes only to fund his research, but has become somewhat deranged by the many experimental chemicals ravaging his body.


17 (6)


Attributes: Agility d6, Smarts d10, Spirit d8, Strength d6, Vigor d10 Skills: Athletics d6, Common Knowledge d4, Driving d10, Electronics d10, Fighting d6, Focus d8, Notice d6, Persuasion d6, Piloting d12, Repair d8, Science d10, Shooting d8, Stealth d4, Thievery d8 Pace: 6; Parry: 5; Toughness: 17 (6) Hindrances: Distinctive Appearance (Always wears his radiation suit), Ruthless (Major), Terminally Ill, Vow (Major—find a cure) Edges: Alertness, Scholar (Science), Super Powers (30), The Best There Is (Energy Control) Gear: Radiation suit (see below).

 Armor

+6 (2): Device (Lead-coated suit). Control (10): Radiation. Power.  Environmental Resistance (3): Radiation. Immunity.  Explode (4): Radiation. Big Bang. Failsafe. Temporary Disintegration.  Flight (4): Pace 12 (8 MPH).  Heightened Senses (2): Infravision, Lowlight vision.  No Vital Organs (1): Supernova is made entirely of energy.  Toughness +4 (4): Altered physiology.  Energy

ADVENTURE IDEAS This Man, This Monster: The Spider has been feeding Duke Barton false information, hinting that if Supernova were to enter a nuclear reactor it would likely cure him of his condition. Supernova chooses a plant in your super team’s hometown or current location for the attempt. Duke isn’t powerful enough to break in and defeat the guards on his own, but he’s made friends with Gravel (page 131). The alien bursts into the compound and begins fighting everything the guards throw at him. The heroes happen to be in the area and (hopefully) rush to help. Gravel’s attack is a distraction though— something that should be obvious by the monster’s demeanor. If the heroes don’t pick up on the cues, Supernova enters the nuclear reactor, leaving the few remaining security personnel in his wake. The experiment proves fruitless, but it does trigger a meltdown if the heroes can’t get into the reactor and perform a Difficult Dramatic Task. For his part, Supernova is charged up by the radiation. For the next hour, he gains Toughness +10 and a ranged attack (Range 24/48/96, Damage 5d6, AP 10), using Focus.





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Surtr hails from a dimension where Norse legend was a reality. Although now trapped on Earth, he 8 was once ruler of the fire giants. He is arrogant, proud, and looks upon humans as mere insects who have abandoned the “Old Faith” and all the 11 things he once held sacred. Surtr’s powers were weak when he arrived on Earth, but he is slowly regaining them. His hair and beard are 27 (10) living flame, and his great sword is swathed in constant fire.



Attributes: Agility d6, Smarts d6, Spirit d12, Strength d12+4, Vigor d12 Skills: Athletics d6, Common Knowledge d6, Fighting d12+2, Focus d10, Intimidation d8, Notice d6, Persuasion d6, Stealth d4, Taunt d8 Pace: 8; Parry: 11; Toughness: 27 (10) Hindrances: Arrogant, Environmental Weakness (Water), Overconfident, Ruthless (Major) Edges: Combat Reflexes, Counterattack, Expert (Fighting), Fleet-Footed, Block (Imp), First Strike (Imp), Sweep (Imp), Strong Willed, Take the Hit, Super Powers (75), Tough as Nails, Weapon Master Gear: Enchanted breastplate (see below),flaming great sword (Str+d10+5d6, AP 12, Heavy Weapon).

 Armor

+10 (8): Heavy Armor. Device (Breastplate).  Awareness (5): Ignores 5 points of an opponent’s attack penalties.  Damage Field (10): Fire. Damage 4d6. Device (Flaming breastplate). Area Effect (LBT). Lethal. Permanent.  Energy Control (12): Fire. Area Effect (LBT). Power.  Environmental Resistance (3): Fire. Immunity.  Melee Attack (16): Str+3d6. Special Weapon (Flaming great sword +2d6, AP 12, Device, Heavy Weapon).  Mind Shield (3): Strong „ Size 4 (Large): Surtr is 15’ tall.  Super Attribute (12): Strength +3, Vigor +2, Spirit +1.  Toughness +5 (5): Unearthly flesh.

ADVENTURE IDEAS An Army of Flame: Surtr believes his power will grow if he impresses the puny mortals with his might. He raises a legion of burning dead and sends them to attack the heroes’ city. Use the Omega Legion deaders as his army, with the damage field power (Damage 3d6, Lethal, Permanent). Hall of the Fire Giants: Surtr believes a company of fire giants slumbers somewhere in Iceland, near the Mýrdalsjökull Glacier. He prowls the landscape there, searching for an opening to the underworld that houses the sleeping titans. The locals are terrified and ask the Doom Guard for help. They contact the heroes, and Blackguard transports them to Iceland (if they can’t get there themselves). Surtr is destined to be disappointed this time out, however. The rumbling in the Earth he sensed is Gravel, seeking refuge from his constant pursuers! The two team up when confronted by the heroes, a terrible twosome indeed!


Chapter Five: Rogues Gallery

TECH GANGS Tech gangs are criminal organizations with brilliant but no less immoral members. They develop dangerous weapons for the highest bidder, steal technology from legitimate businesses, and even undermine global economies. Most do it because they can exploit technology, dazzling the less technicallyoriented world while robbing it blind. Others do it for the pure thrill of getting away with it or the raw power their devices often grant. Tech gangs are often hired or led by wealthy or technologically-oriented super villains such as the Alchemist (page 102), the Black Hole (page 107), Electron (page 123), the Fixer (page 125), Flux (page 126), the Spider (page 165), and other brilliant but misguided miscreants.


The foot soldiers of tech gangs are brighterthan-average criminals with at least some background in science and mechanics. Attributes: Agility d6, Smarts d6, Spirit d6, Strength d6, Vigor d6 Skills: Athletics d6, Common Knowledge d6, Driving d6, Electronics d6, Fighting d6, Intimidation d6, Notice d6, Persuasion d4, Repair d6, Science d6, Shooting d6, Stealth d6, Taunt d6, Thievery d8 Pace: 6; Parry: 5; Toughness: 7 (2) Hindrances: Greedy (Minor) Edges: Alertness Gear: Kevlar costume (+2*), pulse SMG (Range 10/20/40, Damage 2d6, AP 2, RoF 3).


Bands of tech gangers are usually led by savvy lieutenants with a few additional gadgets to wreak havoc on anyone who gets in their way. Attributes: Agility d6, Smarts d8, Spirit d8, Strength d6, Vigor d6 Skills: Athletics d6, Common Knowledge d8, Electronics d8, Driving d6, Fighting d6, Hacking d8, Intimidation d8, Notice d8, Persuasion d8, Science d10, Shooting d6, Stealth d8, Thievery d10 Pace: 6; Parry: 5; Toughness: 12 (2) Hindrances: Greedy (Major ), Ruthless (Minor) Edges: Bolster, Command, Command Presence, Inspire, Mr. Fix It, Super Powers (15) Gear: Combat armor (+2*), pulse SMG (Range 10/20/40, Damage 2d6, AP 2, RoF 3). SPECIAL ABILITIES:  Damage

Field (2): 2d6. Device (Neural scrambler on belt).  Dodge +2 (1): Device (Deflection belt).  Interface (4): Code Breaker. Device (Wrist-mounted computer). Fast.  Super Science (3): Overload.  Teleport (2): Range 48”. Device (Hand-held teleporter device).  Toughness +5 (3): Device (Force field belt). Requires Activation.





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Tempest, alias Johnny Salvatore, is a mutant, born with the power to control the weather. 6 At first he used his powers for good, but his passion for ecology and hatred of society’s slow environmental progress proved too strong. Now he uses his talents to terrorize those he believes are 7 destroying the planet—corporations, governments, political groups, and so on. 11 (2) He often teams up with the Crab (page 150), Mako — (page 151), and Tsunami (page 173). Together, they are “Eco-Watch,” a terrorist organization that attacks any person or company they deem a threat to the environment—regardless of collateral damage and who gets in the way. While their goals are admirable, the lengths they’re willing to go to are not.



Attributes: Agility d8, Smarts d8, Spirit d12, Strength d10, Vigor d10 Skills: Athletics d10, Common Knowledge d10, Driving d6, Fighting d10, Focus d10, Notice d8, Persuasion d6, Science d10, Stealth d6 Pace: 6; Parry: 7; Toughness: 11 (2) Hindrances: Cautious, Heroic, Ruthless (Minor), Vengeful (Major) Edges: Combat Reflexes, Dodge, Extraction, Super Powers (30) Gear: Body suit (+2).

 Damage

Field (7): Lightning. Damage 3d6. Area Effect (MBT).  Flight (6): Pace 24 (16 MPH). Maneuverable.  Ranged Attack (10): Electricity. Focus. Range 12/24/48, Damage 3d6. Area Effect (LBT). (Bolts of lightning.)  Toughness +2 (2): Muscle and willpower.  Weather Control (5): Environmental resistance to Air, Electric, Fire, Water. Outdoor only.

ADVENTURE IDEAS All the Ships at Sea: Tempest is furious with the number of ships crossing the Pacific. He calls the Eco Watch together and goes on a rampage off the coast of California, attacking every cargo ship he can find. Tempest conjures a massive storm that threatens to sink ships and wrack the coastline from Los Angeles to San Diego, while the Crab and Mako board ships, terrify crew, and push cargo containers into the ocean. Tsunami is mostly interested in surfing the massive waves caused by the storms. He isn’t interested in harming civilians, but is happy to battle any actual supers who come along just for the thrill of it. The Coast Guard can’t sail in the fierce weather so the heroes are asked to help. As they get there, a ship begins to sink, requiring a Dramatic Task to rescue the crew. The ship goes down in three rounds and there are 12 crew members aboard the vessel. Every success and raise on any skill the GM feels makes sense saves a sailor.


Chapter Five: Rogues Gallery power level




Mohan was a dark priest and member of a Thuggee cult in the 1850s. He worshiped and served Kali, the 6 Hindu goddess of Death and Time, and used her malevolence to fight the British interlopers in India. The fight went poorly, however, so, in desperation, 13 Mohan summoned the power of his terrible goddess and was instantly transformed into a four-armed 36 living statue. He took the name Thuggee and has (20) been the terror of India ever since. The tragic golem now hibernates for much of his time, dozing away for decades before rising to lead a new cult or challenge some perceived threat to India’s culture.

PROFILE Attributes: Agility d12, Smarts d8, Spirit d10, Strength d12, Vigor d12 Skills: Athletics d6, Common Knowledge d6, Fighting d12, Focus d10, Intimidation d12, Notice d6, Persuasion d4, Stealth d6 Pace: 6; Parry: 13; Toughness: 36 (20) Hindrances: Bloodthirsty, Cautious, Distinctive Appearance (Four-armed, living statue), Vow (Major—serve Kali) Edges: Block (Imp), First Strike, Frenzy (Imp), Level Headed (Imp), Sweep (Imp), Super Powers (75), Two-Fisted Gear: Two long swords (Str+d8+3d6).

ADVENTURE IDEAS Evil Rises: A group of run-of-the-mill thieves has been running rampant in New Delhi for the last year. They’ve met with limited success and have been chased by the local authorities relentlessly. But now they’ve found the dormant statue of Thuggee, and the gang’s leader, Purab, has begun to understand its history and its purpose. If they prove their worth with murder and robbery, the statue will rise and become their champion, leading them to great victories and fabulous wealth. The heroes come to India’s aid but are too late—Thuggee rises once more!


 Additional

Actions (10): Ignores up to four points of Multi-Action penalties each turn.  Ageless (1): Thuggee is more statue than man, and does not age.  Armor +20 (14): Heavy Armor.  Construct (8): +2 to recover from being Shaken; doesn’t breathe; immune to disease and poison; ignores one level of wound penalties.  Doesn’t Sleep (2): Tireless. Thuggee does not sleep but occasionally rests his eyes after a heavy feast…of souls!  Extra Limbs (4): Thuggee has two extra arms, like the dark goddess he worships.  Melee Attack (7): Str+3d6, Heavy Weapon.  Parry +3 (3): Swirling blades.  Super Attribute (6): Agility +1, Strength +1, Vigor +1.  Super Edge (10): Block (Imp), First Strike, Frenzy (Imp)  Super Skill (2): Fighting +2.  Toughness +8 (8): Thuggee’s body is made of stone. „ Unstoppable: The villain takes a maximum of one Wound (after Soaking) from any damaging attack unless the attacker’s Action Card is a Joker.



TROGLODYTE 151971...2530...3332233309...3097648...2335.5717175577...9783032... 09687477686797895...568756987...2134343.34350..

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Troglodytes are a race of beings who live deep underground, far from the gaze of the surface 6 worlders. They are a splinter group in humanity’s evolutionary path, having fled beneath the earth to avoid some long-forgotten catastrophe. Now 7 they have made their first tentative steps back to the surface, eager to reclaim a world they see as rightfully theirs. 16 (8) The troglodytes currently recognize the Mole (page 154) as their king, though that might change if he were thoroughly defeated before their barbaric masses.



Attributes: Agility d10, Smarts d4, Spirit d8, Strength d12, Vigor d10 Skills: Athletics d6, Common Knowledge d4, Fighting d10, Focus d6, Notice d6, Persuasion d4, Stealth d10, Survival d8 Pace: 6; Parry: 7; Toughness: 16 (8) Hindrances: Distinctive Appearance (Subterranean subhuman), Ugly (Major ), Vulnerability (Minor—Light) Edges: Combat Reflexes, Super Powers (30), Take the Hit, The Best There Is (melee attack) Gear: None.

 Armor

+8 (4): Rock hard skin. (4): Pace 6. Block Buster. Tunneler.  Hardy (2): A second Shaken result doesn’t cause a Wound.  Heightened Senses (4): Hearing. Infravision. Low Light Vision. Smell.  Melee Attack (12): Str+2d6. (Claws, +2d6, AP 6).  Toughness +1 (1): Thick skin.  Uncanny Reflexes (3): Ignore −2 penalty when making Evasion attempts; may Evade area attacks that don’t usually allow it at −2.  Burrowing

ADVENTURE IDEAS The Drop: A sinkhole in California drops a small town into an 80’ deep abyss. Fortunately, the rock slab the town rests on landed mostly intact, but the situation is still extremely dangerous. The civilians are in great danger from further collapse—and yellow eyes glow in the darkness. The heroes are called in to save the day. They must rescue and carry the frightened citizens out of the sinkhole while fending off attacking bands of troglodytes and any other creatures you feel might be lurking in the depths. Hell Well: Explorers in Yemen’s notorious “Well of Hell” have gone missing. A search team was sent to find them, as was a relatively popular and well-known Yemeni hero, Dust. One of the player characters knows Dust and is contacted by a relative to come to Yemen and save their mutual friend. Inside the deep sinkhole are numerous labyrinthine tunnels, equipment left by the previous exploration teams, signs of battle—and the clear, heavy footprints of troglodytes. The super team must slog their way through caves filled with trogs and any other monsters you feel are a thematic and appropriate threat before they finally find Dust and the researchers and rescue them from the troglodyte prison pits!


Chapter Five: Rogues Gallery power level




Wayne Andrews was born with the power to manipulate water. At first he used his ability to help 6 him learn to surf, then to win surf competitions, and finally to turn pro. Eventually, he fell in with a gang of daredevils and 6 leads them on schemes centered around various forms of extreme sports that make it hard for the authorities to follow. He sometimes works with Tempest, though he considers the storm controller too violent for most jobs.




Attributes: Agility d12, Smarts d12, Spirit d10, Strength d10, Vigor d10 Skills: Athletics d12, Common Knowledge d6, Driving d12, Fighting d8, Focus d10, Notice d6, Persuasion d8, Stealth d4, Taunt d6 Pace: 6; Parry: 6; Toughness: 12 Hindrances: Curious, Poverty, Quirk (talks like a surfer) Edges: (Very) Attractive, First Strike, Quick, Super Powers (30) Gear: None.

 Aquatic

(1): Semi-Aquatic. Resistance (3): Water. Immunity.  Matter Control (12): Water. Area Effect (LBT). Power.  Super Attribute (6): Agility +3.  Toughness +5 (5): Water-logged body.  Uncanny Reflexes (3): Ignore −2 penalty when making Evasion attempts; may Evade area attacks that don’t usually allow it at −2.  Environmental

ADVENTURE IDEAS Breaking Point: Tempest (page 170) was supposed to create a massive fog for Tsunami and his crew to cover their getaway after a heist but got distracted by disabling a nearby oil tanker. Tsunami barely escaped capture, but some of his guys weren’t so lucky. One of the gang members tells the heroes he’ll give them Tempest and Tsunami’s next target if they’ll give them a pardon. If the heroes agree or find some other way to coax the information from them, they discover Eco-Watch plans to hit a new mega oil rig set to open in the Gulf of Mexico in a week. The villains want to destroy the rig before it starts pumping oil and their attack spills crude oil into the sea. Little do they know that the rig opened early, and one of the workers is Kilowatt (page 147), hiding out after almost getting nabbed by heroes a few months earlier. Manu Siva Tau: Word reaches the heroes that Tsunami has put together a new gang, and they’ve infiltrated a casino ship somewhere off the coast of their city (or wherever you choose to set the adventure). The heroes must join the cruise in disguise and figure out who Tsunami’s gang is (they’re a group of Samoan Manu Siva Tau dancers!). The dancers plan to join Tsunami when he arrives, break open the ship’s vault, and make off with the money in a stolen landing boat. What no one knows is the ship is run by the yakuza, and Fantamu (page 124) himself is on board!





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During one of Stygia’s invasions of Earth, Asmodeus lost his most prized lieutenant—his son, Blackstar. 6 Something akin to grief overtook the normally cold Master of the Dark World and he sought retribution. 5 The Tyrant of Stygia captured John Abrahams, aka Infernus, and broke the powerful fire blaster’s body and soul until he became a loyal servant of Hell— 17 Vulcan, Son of the Black Flame. Vulcan appears as a dark mockery of his former glory. Where once his flames burned yellow and crimson, they now burn black and blue, akin to the fires of Stygia itself.

PROFILE Attributes: Agility d12, Smarts d8, Spirit d6, Strength d12+5, Vigor d12 Skills: Athletics d6, Common Knowledge d6, Fighting d6, Focus d12+2, Intimidation d8, Notice d6, Persuasion d4, Stealth d6 Pace: 6; Parry: 5; Toughness: 13 Hindrances: Delusional (Major—believes he was born in Stygia), Mean, Ruthless (Major) Edges: Combat Reflexes, Dead Shot, Dodge (Imp), Extraction (Imp), Marksman, Super Powers (75) Gear: None.

ADVENTURE IDEAS For Love: John’s human mind has battled its way back to the surface of his psyche. He seeks his wife, Tabitha, somewhere in the heroes’ home city. The Vulcan personality is still present, however, and when attacked by local authorities John cannot stop himself from firing back with his deadly blackfire bolts. John has been conditioned by Asmodeus to hate heroes, so he stutters and shrieks whenever he tries to explain his efforts— then ultimately fires his blasts at them in frustration. The monster stomps through residential neighborhoods seeking Tabitha and finds her unless stopped. There the brutal beast subsides, and John takes over for a brief moment. He kisses his wife goodbye then gives the heroes the location of a cult about to summon Asmodeus once more. Vulcan then fades to black, returning to hell and his eternal servitude.


power level


 Damage

Field (12): Fire. Damage 4d6. Area Effect (LBT). Lethal. Heavy Weapon. Permanent. Selective. „ Damnation: Vulcan returns to the Abyss when Incapacitated.  Energy Control (7): Fire. Area Effect (LBT).  Environmental Resistance (3): Fire. Immunity.  Flight (16): Super Sonic Speed, −8 to hit while flying.  Heightened Senses (2): Infravision, Low Light vision.  Ranged Attack (18): Fire. Focus. Range 12/24/48 or Cone Template, Damage 5d6, AP 10. Heavy Weapon. (Fiery bolts.) „ Size 5: Vulcan is 16’ tall.  Super Attribute (10): Agility +1, Strength +2, Vigor +2.  Uncanny Reflexes (3): Ignore −2 penalty when making Evasion attempts; may Evade area attacks that don’t usually allow it at −2. „ Unstoppable: The villain takes a maximum of one Wound (after Soaking) from any damaging attack unless the attacker’s Action Card is a Joker. „ Toughness +4: Hellbound skin.

Chapter Five: Rogues Gallery power level




Dr. Jordan Jones served on the operations support team for the Vanguard Defense Force, the division 6 of Homeland Security in charge of detaining superpowered criminals. Dr. Jones designed many of the devices used by VDF field agents, including 11 his brother, Ricochet. When his brother died on an undercover mission, Dr. Jones resigned from the VDF, taking many of his inventions with him. After 12 (6) establishing a base of operations, Dr. Jones took on the — mantle of Warden and swore he would do better than the VDF’s leadership. Warden uses high-tech devices of his own creation to battle Earth’s enemies, including a nanite sword, state-of-the-art energy shield, and a high-tech suit of custom armor that absorbs incoming damage and enhances his physical capabilities. His gadgets, natural smarts and strong moral compass granted him membership to Doom Guard, and through his leadership and the admiration of his fellow heroes, Warden rose to become its leader in just a few short years. Warden has vowed to protect Earth from alien invaders, dark dimensions, and other existential threats, and protect its members to the best of his ability—a balancing act that constantly weighs on his troubled soul. Jordan adopted his brother’s son, Jamal, a curious youth who figured out his uncle’s secret and is constantly looking for a way to become a super hero and honor his dead father. He’s a bright but reckless youth who often causes his uncle considerable trouble. Despite the terrible burden, Warden stands as the tip of the spear whenever the world is threatened. What will happen when he can’t live up to the impossible standard he’s set for himself remains to be seen.


Attributes: Agility d8, Smarts d8, Spirit d8, Strength d10, Vigor d8 Skills: Athletics d8, Common Knowledge d6, Electronics d6, Fighting d8, Focus d8, Notice d6, Persuasion d8, Piloting d8, Repair d8, Science d12, Stealth d6 Pace: 6; Parry: 11; Toughness: 12 (6) Hindrances: Dependent (Minor—nephew), Heroic, Loyal Edges: Attractive, Command, Common Bond, Iron Jaw, Natural Leader, Super Powers (30), Team Leader Gear: Reinforced super suit (see below), nanite blade (Str+2d6, AP 8, ignores armor of inanimate objects and vehicles).


 Armor

+6 (6): Heavy Armor. Device (Custom super suit).  Fearless (4): Steady.  Genius (2): Brilliant mind and welleducated.  Leaping (4): Level 4. 16” vertical, 32” horizontal. Death from Above. Device (Custom super suit).  Parry +5 (6): Protector. Device (Super suit).  Push (2): Strong. Device (Custom super suit).  Scan (3): Humans. Additional Power Types (Electricity). Distance (10 miles). Device (Visor with sensors and HUD).  Super Attribute (3): Strength +2. Device (Super suit).





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power level


Sara Boucher began shaking at the age of five. By her teens, she realized she had powers and tried to 1152 become a crime fighter. This led to tragedy, and to avoid prison her parents allowed her to be placed in a government training program called Project 12 Spartan. Sara rebelled from the training and escaped, eventually falling in with the Fixer (page 125) and the Spider (page 6 165). She steals to fund a lavish lifestyle, and frequently strikes against the governments of the world for what she perceives as her lost childhood.



Attributes: Agility d12, Smarts d8, Spirit d8, Strength d6, Vigor d8 Skills: Athletics d12, Common Knowledge d6, Driving d6, Fighting d10, Focus d10, Intimidation d8, Notice d12, Persuasion d6, Stealth d10, Taunt d12, Thievery d8 Pace: 1152; Parry: 12; Toughness: 6 Hindrances: Arrogant, Big Mouth, Quirk (Incredibly restless) Edges: First Strike, Level Headed (Imp), Super Powers (45), The Best There Is (Speed) Gear: None.

 Additional Actions (8): Ignores up to two

points of Multi-Action penalties each turn. Concentration. Fast Action. Physical Only.  Dodge −5 (5): −5 to be hit by ranged attacks.  Melee Attack (6): Str+3d6.  Parry +5 (5): Super speed.  Speed (21): Super Sonic Speed, −8 to hit. Maneuverable. Pummel. Surface Tension.

ADVENTURE IDEAS The Spree: Sara is on a multi-city spree, robbing jewelry stores across the US. She hits three stores in one city each day and is due to hit the heroes’ hometown next. There are many possible targets, but one she’s almost certain to hit. Can the team set a trap to catch the speedster before she zooms off? A Family Affair: The Fixer has given Sara the current location of the mysterious Spartan project. Whirling Dervish burst in, wrecked the place, took vengeance on the cruel guards she recognized from her youth, and released their current inmates. The latter must be tracked down and apprehended—most are far too dangerous to walk around on their own. Whether the heroes return them to Spartan or not is up to them. During her raid, Dervish discovers the woman she hated most, the former head of the program, Dr. Andrea Watts. Impulsive as ever, Sara races to Andrea’s home but finds it empty—except for a sobbing sound coming from an upstairs bedroom. She cautiously climbs the stairs and spies a strange figure huddled in the corner. Sara risks a look, and discovers the figure is none other than the deadly Nocturne (page 157), retreating in one of her occasional safe spaces—the house of her dead mother! The heroes arrive on Sara’s trail just as the mad Nocturne attacks!


Chapter Five: Rogues Gallery power level




Josef Olegski was a young hunter and trapper in 1916 Siberia. During a terrible storm he sought shelter in 6 a strange hut, and gasped in terror as it rose up on two scraggly chicken legs. It was the walking hut of the infamous Russian witch, Baba Yaga. 7 In exchange for his life, Josef agreed to become her personal hunter, tracking down sorcerous rivals so that she remained the uncontested mistress of the 13 magical arts. — Over a century later, the “Witch Hunter” remains youthful and vigorous, though disillusioned with life and the constant killing. He is methodical in his methods, watching his prey for weeks, testing their powers with diversions and paid thugs or staged catastrophes, then striking when they are most vulnerable. Over the years, dozens of young mages who catch Baba Yaga’s unearthly eyes have fallen to the cold and calculating Witch Hunter.



Attributes: Agility d8, Smarts d10, Spirit d6, Strength d10, Vigor d12 Skills: Athletics d8, Common Knowledge d10, Driving d6, Fighting d10, Focus d10, Notice d12, Persuasion d8, Shooting d12+2, Stealth d12+2, Survival d12 Pace: 6; Parry: 7; Toughness: 13 Hindrances: Can’t Swim, Cautious, Grim Edges: Calculating, Combat Reflexes, Danger Sense, Level Headed (Imp), Super Powers (45) Gear: Pulse Rifle (Range 20/40/80, Damage 3d6, AP 4).

 Absorption (10): Magic. Additional Power

Types (All).

 Ageless (1): Josef still appears as a twenty

year old man, despite being alive since 1897.  Awareness (5): Ignores 5 points of an opponent’s attack penalties.  Environmental Resistance (3): Sorcery. Immunity.  Negation (12): Full Specturm. Range (24”). Strong.  Super Attribute (4): Vigor +2.  Super Skill (5): Focus +1, Stealth +2, Shooting +2.  Toughness +5 (5): Magical enhancement.

ADVENTURE IDEAS Koschei Reborn: When Baba Yaga saved Josef Olegski’s life in exchange for his service, she bound his soul to an egg and promised that as long as it remained unharmed, he would live. Josef has carefully guarded the egg, and its secret, ever since. After losing one of their own to the Witch Hunter, a coven of young but powerful magic users has vowed revenge. Through years of careful study, they uncovered the secret to his long life and the approximate location of the egg. They now threaten to destroy Josef’s entire hometown unless Witch Hunter surrenders to them and brings them his precious egg. Josef has no intention of complying, but is very happy to hunt the witches. A friend in the town asks for help. Blackguard can’t risk an incident with the Russian authorities, but will take them to the country’s borders so that they can find a way to resolve the situation before countless innocent lives are lost—and Baba Yaga herself gets involved!


CHAPTER SIX: ITEMS OF POWER Scattered throughout the multiverse are incredible items of power. Such relics are usually the nexus of stories rather than items to be employed on a regular basis as in most fantasy tales.


The wearer of this amulet can see several seconds into the future. A character must have a Smarts of d10 to use the amulet. For those of quick mind, it adds +1 to all Trait rolls, allowing the wearer to sort through and choose an action’s outcomes and take those that are more favorable for her. Constantly seeing numerous possible outcomes is confusing, however. When she rolls a Critical Failure on any Trait roll, she’s Stunned in addition to any other consequences.


Performing the rituals and reading the incantations in this leather-clad book allow various ancient beings and their legions to enter the mortal realm. Creatures such as Asmodeus (page 104), Surtr (page 168), or Mictlantecuhtli (page 153) all wait to hear the sweet words that grant them access to our world. Reading the book requires difficult rituals that usually take months to acquire the relevant ingredients (GM’s call, but this is where the heroes should start figuring out what’s going on) and a final incantation.

The latter is a Complex Dramatic Task using Occult at −2 performed by a nefarious super villain or cult leader and Supported by his cultists (this is usually what the heroes try to stop, if they can!).


The box is a six-foot square cube of some strange, crimson metal engraved with indecipherable glyphs and unexplainable pictograms. Anyone who enters the box and steps inside it may concentrate, open the door, and appear in another place—or even time. Controlling the ancient box is difficult, requiring a Smarts roll at −10. If successful, the box opens to the user’s desired location and time (along with anyone else in the box with her). Failure means the box distorts the occupants’ bodies through space—roll on the Box of All Fates table below to see what happens to them.

BOX OF ALL FATES (D6) 1: The box opens to a random place and time. It could leave the heroes in a Hell dimension, atop a German zeppelin in World War I, the battle of Marathon, or any other place or time period of the GM’s choosing. (Think of this as a great opportunity to run a time-traveling or dimension-hopping one shot.) 2: The occupants’ bodies are distorted through space and time. Each takes d4+1 Wounds (roll separately).


SAVAGE WORLDS: SUPERS COMPANION 3: The occupants arrive but are temporarily transformed. They have no super powers for 10+d20 hours (rolled secretly by the GM). 4: The occupants’ souls or consciousnesses are rearranged! Each player must pass their character sheet to another, or to the player on their left or right (GM’s call—whatever will be the most fun for the group). This lasts until the box is resummoned. 5–6: The box opens close to the desired place or time, but is off by a distance or time factor determined by the GM to make the task at hand more difficult.


The box remains in place after opening for 24 hours. After that, roll a die each day. If the result is odd, it fades away, appearing elsewhere in the multiverse to some other group of travelers. A character with knowledge of the box and super sorcery or super science may summon it by spending a point of Conviction and making a Spellcasting or Science roll at −4. Failure means the Conviction is lost, but the sorcerer or scientist may try again as she likes.


This crown was forged from orichalcum in the ancient days of Atlantis—then banished to the abyss as the people realized its dark power. Anyone who wears the crown becomes like unto a God. He has the power to control most anyone who sees him—in person or live video (but not recorded video). The moment an individual sees the New God or hears his voice, he must make a Spirit roll at −10. Those who fail are controlled until the crown is removed from the New God’s head. That instantly breaks the connection and returns all the thralls’ free will. Of course, an individual who willingly uses such a power quickly assembles a powerful team of champions to ensure the crown is removed only when he or she desires it.


When this bizarre seed comes in contact with arable land, it cracks open the earth around it and quickly sprouts into a massive “World Eater Tree.”


The World Eater’s roots spread quickly through the soil, rock, and even along the bottoms of great bodies of water, draining all life from the soil and those who live upon it. After an hour, a World Eater tree is the size of a massive redwood. After four hours the core of the tree encompasses an area five miles wide. It grows much like an unruly bush, with numerous “false” trunks alongside the central heart, and a vast tangle of reaching branches, wooden hollows, and inert vines. The roots never stop growing, however. Over the course of a month for a planet the size of Earth, the tree absorbs all life energy until the planet is nothing but a gray, desolate husk. Minutes later, the tree collapses into dust as well, leaving thousands of devastation seeds and its transformed heart—the original devastation seed—as a “Fruit of Life” (see below).


The ravages of a World Eater Tree can be stopped only be destroying its heart. This lies at the center of a massive maze of false chambers and twisting branches protected by pulp drones (see sidebar). Such “heartwood chambers” are a mile in diameter after the first few hours. Within the maze are various guardians formed from the tree’s own matter and given life. Her core defenders have the same statistics as Pods (page 133) and Spores (page 133), but other variations based on the local flora of the host planet—particularly those with the most dangerous properties— may also come alive. Once found, the heart is made of incredibly tough hardwood (Hardness 30). Very powerful explosives can easily destroy the heart of a World Eater, but nuclear weapons ruin the land around it for a thousand years, and conventional explosives might not reach the heart given the vast, five-mile radius of the central trunk system. More importantly, the ravages of a World Eater can be undone if an individual reaches the center and overloads it with light energy that causes a Wound. This causes the tree to “regurgitate” the life it stole back into the planet. Over the next few minutes, it withers, dies, and crumbles to dust—including the heart.

Chapter Six: Items Of Power THE FRUIT OF LIFE

Once a World Eater Tree has completed its macabre and devastating cycle, its leaves bear millions of devastation seeds that float in space, waiting on new planets to consume. The heart, however, turns into a single pearlike fruit dripping with cosmic energy. Each fruit has five “doses” of energy. A single dose heals all Wounds, illnesses, and maladies. A bite regenerates lost limbs or organs (two doses). Placing an entire fruit (all five doses) in the mouth of a dead individual restores life itself—regardless of the corpse’s size, origin, or physiology.


The alien Dr. Chronos devised many time manipulation gadgets over the years, the most elegantly simple of which was the “Redo” button. The entire device is only one inch cubed, made of alien metal, and powered by the very time particles it manipulates. If the wearer finds himself instantly regretting an action or in a life-threatening situation, the button (usually sewn onto a sleeve) winds back time exactly six seconds. In game terms, the redo button allows the user to redo their entire turn if they are unsatisfied with a roll, including a critical failure. The player rolls a d6 and on any result other than 1, the device works as anticipated. On a 1, the time tachyons send the user skipping into the future, making them miss the next round of action. Pressing the button is a free action but requires the user to have the mobility to do so.


Larry “Hellfighter” Tate was a marine in World War I serving in the famous, all-black 368th “Hellfighter” regiment. Prior to that, he was the welterweight boxing champ from Queens, New York. He survived the horrors of the war and continued his career for a decade longer. Secretly, Larry fought crime as a masked vigilante called, appropriately enough, Hellfighter. When he finally hung up his gloves in the late ‘30s, they became imbued with some of this fighting spirit.

ADVENTURE IDEA: THE WORLD EATER TREE The World Eater Tree can be a tough oneshot, but it might also be an epic quest to resurrect a fallen hero. The Fruit of Life that it leaves behind is very powerful— especially in a campaign world without the resurrection power or other ways to deliberately bring someone back from the Great Beyond. The price is high, however. The heroes must find a planet they’re willing to destroy by planting a devastation seed. And since the seed requires arable land, it must at least have vegetation—if not animal life. It also leaves behind millions of devastation seeds in its wake—the kind of thing would-be galactic conquerors use to dispatch planetary defenders who get in their way. Even an uninhabited planet in a distant galaxy might have galactic defenders watching over the planets in their system, and the arrival of a World Eater Tree and the millions of seeds it leaves behind is never tolerated. Anyone who wears these old-style boxing gloves gains the melee attack power at +2d6. This doesn’t stack with any existing levels in this power.


Karen Gillespie was the Mighty Owl in the 1960s. Her original goggles, and a few copies, have found their way into various other heroes’ and villains’ hands on occasion. They grant the wearer heightened senses (page 66) with the following modifiers: Eagle Eyes, Infravision, Low Light Vision, Microscopic Vision, and X-Ray Vision.


Created by a super villain from the World War II era, nega rods are made from a strange alloy of metals and charged with various radioactive, cosmic, and even magical energies.


SAVAGE WORLDS: SUPERS COMPANION When wielded by a character without the Super Powers Edge against a being with that Edge, nega rods cause Str+d6 damage, plus an additional d10 for each of the target’s Power Levels! Against a Power Level III super, for example, the rod causes Str+d6+3d10 damage. Worse, damage from nega rods is particularly devastating to supers. All characters with the Super Powers Edge subtract 2 when Soaking damage from nega rods. There aren’t many of these deadly weapons left, but occasionally a villain will find a cache and outfit his lieutenants with them. Critical Failure on a Fighting roll while using a nega rod means the shell is cracked and the voracious energies within are released in a Large Blast Template for 3d6 damage that ignores all armor. This destroys the rod as well.


Made from some high-tech or magical crystal, this clear, faceted shield protects the wearer and reflects energy attacks. Direct ranged attacks (not area effect attacks) must hit the bearer’s Parry (while still taking into account all usual ranged attack modifiers). If the attack was an energy form and misses, the bearer may also make a Focus roll to redirect the attack back at any other target within 12”. A raise on the Focus roll inflicts bonus damage as usual.



This hideous cloth sack was once used by a terrifying villain called the Scarecrow, a dark and twisted serial killer who preyed on young supers. He was defeated and slain, but his grotesque, bloodstained mask remains. Anyone who wears it gains the fear power. Any super, however, makes his Fear check at −4 and if failed, adds +4 to the roll on the Fear Table.


These alien artifacts absorb cosmic energy and can transfer it to the bearer for astounding feats. Once per game session, a super-powered individual holding one of the s’kram crystals may make a Focus roll at −2. If the roll is failed, there’s no effect. A Critical Failure stuns the character and destroys the crystal after one last use. With success, the hero gains five Super Power Points that may be used to increase any of his powers (points may be split and parceled out as desired). With a raise, he gains eight Super Power Points. The effect lasts five rounds. The crystal then goes dim and slowly begins to recharge.


These grenade-sized spheres are ornate and elaborate. In fact, they are often mistaken for a Fabergé egg on Earth. But they are far more priceless, for they can contain even the most powerful beings for all eternity! A sphere is thrown at a target using Athletics. If successful, the target is instantly drawn into the egg and Bound. The only way to release an imprisoned being is to throw the sphere at the ground (they are nigh invulnerable). This releases whoever—or whatever—is inside, unaged and unharmed. The problem with the spheres, of course, is that when one is found there is no easy way to tell if a being is already inside…

Chapter Six: Items Of Power


This tattered piece of costume comes from a dead hero who made some great sacrifice in the campaign world. The fragment has the hero’s logo, letter, symbol, or other identifying mark. Once per game session, a character may tell a story about the former hero to grant his entire party a Benny. The tale might be about how the dead hero once helped the tale-teller, or might just be a lesson in humility, heroism, or humanity, and should somehow be relevant to the current adventure or circ*mstances. That hero may not inspire his companions with the tattered symbol until all others in his party have done so (in other words, it should rotate between the players to give everyone a chance to tell a story). This is best done out of combat, but can be done while the game is in rounds—speech bubbles in comics can be quite long!—if the hero does nothing else but move that action.


One of the Fixer’s leftover teleporter guns has made the rounds in villain circles and might wind up in the hands of your super group— or their enemies! It grants the teleport power with a Range of 48” (96 yards) and Teleport Other.


These powerful grenade-like devices are sometimes found in the hands of masterminds or time-based heroes and villains. They are rare to encounter, but a cache might literally hold dozens. A time bomb is a small blue grenade with a simple timer on top—a simple mechanical twist-style device that’s immune to electromagnetic pulses and other forms of electronic interference. The timer doesn’t control the detonation, however, it controls how far back the user wants to rewind time. It takes an action and a simple Agility roll to set the timer from one to 60 minutes. Critical Failure breaks the timer—the grenade explodes for 3d6 damage as a wave of pure chrono-energy races out in a Large Blast Template. Failure means the timing is off by +/ – d20 minutes. Success means the timing is off by +/-d6 minutes, and a raise means it goes off precisely as the hero wishes.

Once activated, the grenade explodes at the end of the hero’s turn. This resets time a number of minutes equal to the timer’s setting. The Game Master must figure out exactly what this means based on context, but everyone within a Large Blast Template of the grenade remembers the previous future. Time bombs weigh two pounds each, and are made of rare matter found only in anomalous and dangerous corners of the galaxy.


This beautiful silver scepter with blue haft was created by a German occultist in the final months of World War II. The scepter is imbued with the melee attack, Special Weapon modifier (+5d6). If it causes a Wound, it also explodes with a blast of cosmic energy in a Large Blast Radius that causes 3d6 damage. (The wielder is unaffected.)


The origins of this large, deep red cape are shrouded in mystery, but it appears as far back as ancient Roman writings. The cape is long, tailing to the ankles on a fivefoot wearer, and bound with a gold-colored cord. Anyone who wears the vermilion cape gains flight (Pace 45 (30 MPH)).


Encased in this vial of chemicals, chunk of pulsating brimstone, or infected piece of organic matter, is a curse that turns humans and animals into zombies. If it gets out, a zombie outbreak is the best the heroes can hope for, and a full-on zombie apocalypse must be prevented by rounding up all those affected and finding a cure for them—or destroying them. The zombies aren’t just regular walking dead, however. They’re “super zombies” of the Omega Legion (see page 120).



APPENDIX A: THE V’SORI The v’sori are alien conquerors ruled by a galactic “Overmind.” They are the beings that dominated the Earth for a number of years in our Necessary Evil setting, but are excellent foes for any campaign and so are included here in their updated entirety. At higher Power Levels, the heroes might fend off a full invasion. At low Power Levels, perhaps they must thwart a small party of v’sori scouts (or their minions, the dread k’tharen).



The Overmind is the ultimate commander of the v’sori. He never ages, and in fact seems to grow more powerful as his massive intellect absorbs more and more psychic energy from the worlds he conquers. Retaking Earth is his ultimate prize because of an ancient feud with the Atlanteans—some of whom remember him. The Overmind has an irrational fear of taking Earth. He’s waiting until his fleet is so vast and his powers so strong he could not be defeated. His scouts have been here for years — some even tried to help the Axis take over the world in 1941 — but the rising population of super heroes proved troublesome. But the Overmind is patient, and will one day send his vast invasion fleet against the Earth.

Appendix A: The V’sori


The Overmind appoints one of his most trusted commanders to govern each planet he conquers. These wily veterans fight their way up through the ranks, earning their spot by cleverness and ruthlessness. They are literally in charge of the invasion—hence the title “War Master.” War Masters might base themselves planetside, but more often command from the depths of space aboard a massive mothership. Attributes: Agility d10, Smarts d10, Spirit d8, Strength d8, Vigor d10 Skills: Athletics d6, Battle d10, Common Knowledge d10, Fighting d10 Focus d12, Intimidation d12, Notice d10, Persuasion d6, Research d10, Shooting d8, Stealth d8, Taunt d12 Pace: 6; Parry: 7; Toughness: 13 (6) Hindrances: Arrogant, Monologuer, Ruthless (Major) Edges: Bolster, Humiliate, Command, Inspire, Iron Will, Menacing, Natural Leader, Provoke, Rabble Rouser, Retort, Iron Will, Super Powers (60) Gear: Combat armor (+6*), gyrojet pistol with various rounds (see page 193). SPECIAL ABILITIES: „ Aquatic:

Pace 10. Control (14): Mental. Area Effect (LBT). Heavy Weapon. Power. Range 24”. „ Low Light Vision: V’sori ignore penalties for Dim and Dark lighting.  Mind Control (19): Forgetful. Multiple Minds × 5. Range 12”. Strong.  Mind Reading (5): Strong. Few secrets can be kept from a War Master.  Mind Shield (3): Strong.  Stun (9): Area Effect (LBT). Strong. (Synaptic shock psionic blast).  Telekinesis (10): Power (Strength d12). Range 24”. „ Telepathy: Range 24”. Other v’sori or Atlanteans only.  Energy


Beneath the War Master of Earth is a council of Shock Lords who attend the War Master at strategy meetings and help plan his highestlevel operations. All Shock Lords fancy themselves aspiring War Masters and attempt to impress the

Overmind so that they might one day become War Masters themselves. They are constantly scanned for their loyalty and treacherous sorts are expelled—often into the vacuum of space! Attributes: Agility d6, Smarts d12, Spirit d10, Strength d6, Vigor d6 Skills: Athletics d6, Common Knowledge d10, Fighting d8, Focus d12, Intimidation d10, Notice d8, Persuasion d6, Research d10, Shooting d6, Stealth d8, Taunt d8 Pace: 6; Parry: 6; Toughness: 5 Hindrances: Mean, Monologuer, Ruthless (Major) Edges: Charismatic, Danger Sense, Investigator, Super Powers (50) Gear: Datapad. SPECIAL ABILITIES: „ Aquatic:

Pace 10. Control (14): Mental. Area Effect (LBT). Heavy Weapon. Power. Range 24”. „ Low Light Vision: V’sori ignore penalties for Dim and Dark lighting.  Mind Control (11): Multiple Minds × 3.  Mind Reading (5): Strong. Shock Lords are masters at gathering information, even if it must be dredged from the minds of their captives.  Mind Shield (3): Strong.  Stun (9): Area Effect (LBT). Strong. (Synaptic shock psionic blast).  Telekinesis (8): Power (Strength d10). Range 24”. „ Telepathy: Range 24”. Other v’sori or Atlanteans only.  Energy


The next step down in the v’sori hierarchy are the Overlords. They typically watch over nation-size regions and are primarily concerned with logistics and administrative matters. Overlords are almost always despised as “useless middlemen” by both their superiors and the Warlords who report to them. Use the game statistics for Shock Lords but reduce Research to d8 and remove the Charismatic Edge.


Warlords bear the real responsibility of ruling the planet’s conquered populace. They’re responsible for “districts” carved out by their Overlord.


SAVAGE WORLDS: SUPERS COMPANION The size of a district is based more on the amount of trouble or resources a place generates rather than pure area. On Earth, one Warlord might rule New York City, for example, another New England, and another the entire American Northwest. Attributes: Agility d8, Smarts d8, Spirit d6, Strength d6, Vigor d8 Skills: Athletics d8, Common Knowledge d8, Fighting d10, Focus d10, Intimidation d8, Notice d8, Persuasion d8, Shooting d10, Stealth d6, Taunt d8 Pace: 6; Parry: 7; Toughness: 12 (6) Hindrances: Mean, Ruthless (Minor) Edges: Combat Reflexes, Command, Inspire, Natural Leader, Super Powers (45) Gear: V’sori combat armor (+6*), 2× fusion grenades (Range 5/10/20, Damage 3d10, AP 4, MBT), pulse rifle (Range 20/40/80, Damage 3d6, AP 4, RoF 1).



Pace 10. Control (14): Mental. Area Effect (LBT). Heavy Weapon. Power. Range 24”. „ Low Light Vision: V’sori ignore penalties for Dim and Dark lighting.  Mind Control (9): Multiple Minds × 2.  Mind Reading (5): Strong.  Stun (9): Area Effect (LBT). Strong. (Synaptic shock psionic blast).  Telekinesis (8): Power (Strength d10). Range 24”. „ Telepathy: Range 24”. Other v’sori or Atlanteans only.  Energy


Forces are allocated as needed, so there is no standard organizational chart for the v’sori. In a district with a high but docile populace, a Warlord might rely on nothing but a company or two of drones (see below) and a personal guard of Battle Masters. In a more


Appendix A: The V’sori troublesome area, troops might be organized into typical platoons of around 20 soldiers or companies of 100, each led by a Battle Master.


V’sori soldiers are considered well-trained and obedient fodder for the Overmind’s grand design, but above the servitor species often forced to fight for their conquerors. Attributes: Agility d8, Smarts d8, Spirit d6, Strength d6, Vigor d6 Skills: Athletics d8, Common Knowledge d6, Fighting d8, Intimidation d8, Notice d6, Persuasion d6, Shooting d8, Stealth d6, Taunt d6 Pace: 6; Parry: 7; Toughness: 11 (6) Hindrances: Mean, Obligation (Major—serve the v’sori empire) Edges: Block Gear: Combat armor (+6*), pulse rifle (Range 20/40/80, Damage 3d6, AP 4), 2×fusion grenades (Range 5/10/20, Damage 3d10, AP 4). One in ten is usually a heavy weapons specialists with a gyrojet rifle (see page 193) with various warheads. SPECIAL ABILITIES:

Aquatic: Pace 10. Low Light Vision: V’sori ignore penalties for Dim and Dark lighting. „ Telepathy: Range 24”. Other v’sori or Atlanteans only. „


Older or injured Battle Masters are often placed in charge of prisons, bases, or other installations. Attributes: Agility d8, Smarts d8, Spirit d6, Strength d8, Vigor d8 Skills: Athletics d10, Battle d10, Common Knowledge d8, Fighting d10, Focus d6, Intimidation d8, Notice d8, Persuasion d8, Shooting d10, Stealth d8, Taunt d8 Pace: 6; Parry: 7; Toughness: 15 (6) Hindrances: Mean, Ruthless (Major), Vow (Major—serve the v’sori empire) Edges: Combat Reflexes, Counterattack, First Strike, Level Headed, Super Powers (5), Tactician Gear: V’sori combat armor (+6*), gyrojet rifle with various rounds (see page 193), 2×fusion grenades (Range 5/10/20, Damage 3d10, AP 4), a stun baton (Str+d4, see page 16) or nullifier rod (Str+d4, page 16). SPECIAL ABILITIES: „ Aquatic:

Pace 10. Light Vision: V’sori ignore penalties for Dim and Dark lighting.  Hardy (2): A second Shaken result doesn’t cause a Wound (conditioning).

„ Low


Battle Masters are heavily trained, unquestioning “special operations” troops. The v’sori use them to lead soldiers or carry out particularly sensitive missions where some subtlety is called for (such as kidnapping or assassination) or when a particularly clever threat (such as super-powered individuals) must be taken down. Battle Masters thus serve as captains, infiltrators, assassins, and shock troops. They are equipped with whatever hightech devices are believed necessary to carry out their assignments. Battle Masters often follow behind k’tharen wave attacks, letting the fins absorb the bulk of the enemy’s counterattack while they gather any important data or dispatch stubborn defenders who escaped the fins’ bloodthirsty attention.



If a Battle Master isn’t a Wild Card, he’s Resilient and can take one Wound before being Incapacitated. „ Telepathy: Range 24”. Other v’sori or Atlanteans only.  Toughness +3 (3): Conditioning.


The v’sori are hungry for knowledge— particularly as it might help with conquering new planets. For this reason, the v’sori military is indistinguishable from its bureaucracy, and scientific pursuits are just another extension of their might. V’sori are both a psionic and a technological culture, and the many worlds they’ve conquered have given them countless devices, powers, and insights. The head of a particular project is simply called the Chief Scientist. Most v’sori scientists are far more interested in knowledge than ethics. They have ranged so far, seen so much, and been conditioned from the earliest age to favor scientific inquiry over the “discomfort” of countless test subjects. The suffering of one planet—let alone one species or one individual—is nothing in the cosmic scheme of things. For that reason, v’sori scientists are cruel and curious creatures. They are kept well away from battle, but have access to typical armor and weapons if needed. Attributes: Agility d6, Smarts d12, Spirit d8, Strength d6, Vigor d6 Skills: Academics d6, Athletics d4, Common Knowledge d6, Fighting d4, Intimidation d8, Notice d12, Persuasion d8, Repair d12, Science d10, Shooting d6, Stealth d8, Taunt d10 Pace: 6; Parry: 4 Toughness: 5 Hindrances: Curious, Ruthless (Minor) Edges: Mr. Fix It, Scholar Gear: Datapad.



Pace 10.

„ Low Light Vision: V’sori ignore penalties

for Dim and Dark lighting. Range 24”. Other v’sori or Atlanteans only.

„ Telepathy:


Not all v’sori have a wide range of powers; those with a single strong psionic talent are called Solos. Many of these mentalists hone their single skill to its full potential, becoming ruthless and feared interrogators, detainment camp overseers, or other specialists. Use the statistics for Battle Masters but add Focus d10 and up to 15 points of powers.


Appendix A: The V’sori DRONES

MINIONS The subjects of the Overmind are numberless. Entire armies rule over distant planets and even systems in the vastness of space. Some of these troops are v’sori, some are the sharklike k’tharen, some are cyborg slaves, and many more are subjects or mercenaries of alien races unknown on Earth. Below are two of the v’sori’s most common footsoldiers—the tragic drones and savage k’tharen.


These poor souls are the epitome of a “fate worse than death.” When the v’sori need completely obedient slaves, they subject captured foes to horribly precise psychic lobotomies that strip them of their independence. The mind inside cannot refuse its commands, betray the v’sori, or otherwise act against its masters. But that’s not the worst part. By far the most horrible aspect of the transformation is that the soul trapped inside the drone knows exactly what it’s doing! Drones are completely cloaked in speciallydesigned suits of v’sori combat armor that makes them look like robots, allowing the conquerors to hide the thralls’ true identities if it suits their purpose. Hyper drones are augmented further, and used only where the v’sori no longer care if the secret is known. They are cyborgs with wires and cybernetics plugged directly into their dying flesh. The process burns them out quickly, but they are powerful foes while their bodies last.

Drones are encased in form-fitting body armor with visored helmets. They bristle with weaponry and cables carrying fluids and wiring to their various systems. Drones can speak, primarily to give orders, but their voices are electronically generated so that they can’t be recognized as human (or whatever species they are made from). Attributes: Agility d6, Smarts d4, Spirit d6, Strength d10, Vigor d8 Skills: Athletics d6, Common Knowledge d6, Driving d6, Fighting d8, Intimidation d6, Notice d4, Persuasion d4, Shooting d8, Stealth d6 Pace: 6; Parry: 6; Toughness: 12 (6) Hindrances: — Edges: Ambidextrous, Combat Reflexes Gear: V’sori combat armor (+6*), pulse SMG (Range 10/20/40, Damage 2d6, AP 2, RoF 3), 2×fusion grenades (Range 5/10/20, Damage 3d10, AP 4). Depending on mission, they might be armed with stun batons (Str+d4, see page 16) or vibro wrist claws (Str+2d6, AP 4, see page 16).



Aquatic: Pace 6. (Cybernetic gills.) „ Fearless: Drones are immune to Fear and Intimidation. „ Hardy: Drones have their pain centers rewired. A second Shaken result doesn’t cause a Wound. „ Heightened Senses: Low Light Vision (Cybernetic eyes). „


When it becomes apparent that the typical drone is no match for a super-powered Earthling, the v’sori unleash the hyper drones. These poor souls have their cybernetics wired to overcharged internal power plants that grant them extreme power. Twice as bright burns half as long, of course, so they expire far more quickly than the more stable drones. Seeing


SAVAGE WORLDS: SUPERS COMPANION the withered figure inside their tough black armor is a shock for even the most jaded veteran. Attributes: Agility d10, Smarts d4, Spirit d6, Strength d12+1, Vigor d10 Skills: Athletics d10, Driving d6, Fighting d12, Intimidation d8, Notice d8, Piloting d10, Shooting d12 Pace: 6; Parry: 8; Toughness: 18 (6) Hindrances: Ugly (Major, if seen without armor) Edges: Ambidextrous, Combat Reflexes, Nerves of Steel (Imp), Super Powers (30), The Best There Is (melee attack) Gear: V’sori combat armor (+6*), pulse rifle (Range 20/40/80, Damage 3d6, AP 4), 2×fusion grenades (Range 5/10/20, Damage 3d10, AP 4). Depending on mission, they might be armed with stun batons (Str+d4, page 16) or vibro wrist claws (Str+2d6, AP 4, see page 16). SPECIAL ABILITIES: „ Aquatic:

Pace 6. Drones are immune to Fear and Intimidation. „ Heightened Senses: Infravision. Low Light Vision.  Ranged Attack (15): Shoulder mounted plasma cannon. Range 24/48/96, Damage 5d6, AP 10. Device. Heavy Weapon. Lethal. Limitation (Cannot be used in combination with any other attack). Range. „ Resilient: Hyper drones can take two Wounds before they’re Incapacitated.  Super Attribute (10): Agility +2, Strength +2, Vigor +1.  Toughness +5 (5): Hardened skin. „ Fearless:




When there isn’t enough of a rebel’s body left to turn it into a standard drone, v’sori scientists make the best of what’s left. War spheres are floating, metallic drones the size of beach balls with short retractable arms for simple tasks. Located in the center of a war sphere’s well-armored shell is the stillliving brain of the rebel subject, wiped and cybernetically controlled in exactly the same way as standard drones. Attributes: Agility d10, Smarts d4, Spirit d6, Strength d10, Vigor d6 Skills: Driving d6, Fighting d6, Intimidation d6, Notice d8, Shooting d8 Pace: —; Parry: 5; Toughness: 10 (6) SPECIAL ABILITIES:

„ Armor +6: Heavy Armor. War spheres are

encased in thick metal. +2 to recover from being Shaken; doesn’t breathe; immune to disease and poison; ignores one level of wound penalties. „ Fearless: Drones are immune to Fear and Intimidation. „ Flight: Pace 12. „ Infravision: Halve Illumination penalties versus targets with heat signature. „ Low Light Vision: Ignore penalties for Dim and Dark Illumination. „ Pulse Blaster: Range 12/24/48, Damage 4d6, AP 4, RoF 1. „ Size −1: War spheres are about the size of a large beach ball. „ Construct:

Appendix A: The V’sori


When the v’sori began their expansion more than a millennium ago, the k’tharen were one of their first stops along the way. They were also one of the most difficult. The shark-like “fins,” as they are frequently called, fought so savagely against the technologically superior v’sori that the Overmind eventually decided to try a different tactic. He called for peace and offered them the blood and treasures of a thousand worlds in exchange for their service. The voracious fins agreed. K’tharen don’t rely on guile or craft to win their battles. Though an intelligent and cunning species, they become frenzied berserkers in battle. They attack foes in slavering waves, usually after the v’sori air forces have bombed an opponent’s frontal defenses into submission. Fins use their tremendous size and toughness to great advantage, pressing frontal assaults that would be suicidal for lesser beings.


The most vicious k’tharen are cybernetically enhanced to be even more dangerous than the troops they lead (reflected in some of their Edges). They also receive some basic command training, but are mostly valued for their pure ferocity. Attributes: Agility d10, Smarts d8, Spirit d10, Strength d12+4, Vigor d12+1 Skills: Athletics d12, Common Knowledge d6, Driving d6, Fighting d12, Intimidation d12, Notice d10, Persuasion d6, Shooting d12, Stealth d8 Pace: 10; Parry: 8; Toughness: 17 (6) Hindrances: Bloodthirsty, Mean, Ruthless (Major) Edges: Brave, Combat Reflexes, Command, Fervor, Frenzy (Imp), Marksman, Nerves of Steel (Imp) Gear: Combat armor (+6*), 4× fusion grenades (Range 5/10/20, Damage 3d10, AP 4), pulse rifle (Range 20/40/80, Damage 3d6, AP 4, RoF 1). SPECIAL ABILITIES: „ Aquatic:

Pace 10. Str+d8, AP 4. „ Size 3: K’tharen commanders tend to be the largest of their species. „ Bite/Claws:




The fins are an amphibious race combining the jagged teeth of sharks with the scaly skin of crocodiles. Most stand over seven feet tall and are as strong as elephants. Armed with advanced armor and weaponry they are a match for most of Earth’s super-powered beings. Attributes: Agility d8, Smarts d6, Spirit d8, Strength d12+2, Vigor d10 Skills: Athletics d10, Driving d6, Fighting d10, Intimidation d10, Notice d8, Shooting d10 Pace: 7; Parry: 7; Toughness: 15 (6) Hindrances: Bloodthirsty, Mean, Ruthless (Major) Edges: Brave, Combat Reflexes, Frenzy (Imp) Gear: Combat armor (+6, −4 AP), 2× fusion grenades (Range 5/10/20, Damage 3d10, AP 4), pulse rifle (Range 20/40/80, Damage 3d6, AP 4, RoF 1).


A new breed of k’tharen were created by v’sori traitors for a very special (and treacherous!) purpose—to resist the psionic powers of the Overmind himself! (The complete story is revealed in Necessary Evil: Breakout.) They have all that statistics of k’tharen commanders plus:  Fearless (2): Tharn are immune to fear and Intimidation.  Melee Attack (4): Str+2d6.  Environmental Resistance (1): Psionics. Tharn add +4 to rolls made to resist psionic effects and suffer only half damage from attacks.  Toughness +3 (3): Tough, durable skin.


Pace 10. Str+d6, AP 2. „ Resilient: Fins can take two Wounds before they’re Incapacitated. „ Size 2: Fin troopers are eight feet of hate and rage. „ Bite/Claws:


The first super powers book for Savage Worlds was Necessary Evil, originally created by Pinnacle’s long-time friend and rules guru, Clint Black. In the original tale, the k’tharen attacked the Earth and ravaged its super heroes before the “friendly” v’sori arrived to help battle the invaders. In celebrations around the world, the treacherous v’sori revealed their true face—the k’tharens were their own shock troops! The assembled heroes were destroyed in a rapid and brutal surprise attack. A few escaped, but thereafter, “the fate of the world lay with the scum of the Earth.” The super villain resistance, called Omega, was organized by the powerful Dr. Destruction. Under his ferocious leadership, the Omegans struck at the aliens around the world and eventually triumphed. They even managed to travel to the v’sori home planet and assault their leader, the notorious Overmind. Necessary Evil: Breakout took place concurrently. In this street-level campaign, the villains attempt to escape New York City, sealed under an energy dome and used as a prison for the region’s most troublesome villains (and a few unfortunate heroes). Those events are now the past history of the Doom Guard universe, but we aren’t done exploring them yet. Necessary Evil: Cosmic Crisis is on the way, as are updated versions of the original books so you and your villains can play these cornerstone campaigns with the newest and best version of our super powers rules we’ve ever published.


Appendix A: The V’sori


Fusion Grenade















Notes: Heavy Weapon, MBT. The v’sori use grenades containing a micro fusion reactor capable of cracking vehicles and super-powered beings alike.

GYROJETS Given their aquatic origins, some v’sori prefer gyrojet weapons, which fire miniature, self-propelled rockets and are thus effective underwater, in space, or atmosphere. Gyrojet weapons offer several types of warheads: „ ARMOR PIERCING:

Damage 2d6, AP 10, Heavy Weapon.

„ BOOMER: Damage 5d6, LBT, Heavy Weapon. Weighs one pound per round and is attached

to the end of a gyrojet rifle (it can’t be used on a pistol). Boomers have a minimum arming distance of 20” (40 yards). „ HEAT SEEKER: Damage 3d6, AP 4. Heavy Weapon. Use the rules for missiles (see Savage Worlds), except the attacker uses Shooting and the defender uses Agility. „ ROCKET: Damage 3d6, Heavy Weapon. The basic line-of-sight projectile tipped with an explosive warhead. WEAPON

Gyrojet Pistol









By Type




Notes: Ammo weighs .5 pounds per 10 shots and must be requisitioned from the v’sori.

Gyrojet Rifle


By Type




Notes: Min Str d6, HW. Ammo weighs 1 pound per 10 shots must be requisitioned from the v’sori.

V’SORI VEHICLE WEAPONS BLASTER CANNONS V’sori vehicular blasters fire charged particle blasts with incredible penetration. Particles are filtered from ambient dust, water particles, or micro-meteors, granting unlimited ammunition when connected to a continuous power supply. If not, a power core can be attached providing 100 shots. Power cores have no price as they must be requisitioned and supplied by the v’sori quartermasters. All are Heavy Weapons. WEAPON

























Super Heavy






MISSILES & TORPEDOES These weapons use the rules for missiles in Savage Worlds and require vessels with missile launchers or torpedo tubes to mount. WEAPON

Missile, Heavy























Notes: HW, MBT.

Torpedo, Light

Notes: HW, LBT. Space or watercraft only. Half Range in water.

Torpedo, Heavy



Notes: HW, LBT. Space or watercraft only. Half Range in water.










ƒ SENSOR SUITES: Include long range energy scanners, infrared night vision, night vision, and targeting computers that eliminate up to 2 points of penalties when firing any linked weapons. ƒ BUBBLE DOMES: Craft with these clear shields provide clear views but have –2 Armor compared to the rest of the vehicle. They can be raised or lowered as an action. 6 +1 135 20 (5) 1+10 — Barracuda Barracudas (mbunas in the v’sori language) are flying vehicles used for transport, reconnaissance and quick response. Notes: Amphibious (TS 60), Bubble Dome, Heavy Armor, Sensor Suite, Imp. Stabilizer, Submersible (TS 35). Weapons: Heavy Blaster Cannon (Top Turret). 8 −1 120 45 (25) 6 — King Crab The King Crab is the v’sori armored assault tank. It carries their most advanced and powerful field weapons and is used to eliminate heavy opposition before the troops deploy. Notes: Amphibious (TS 55), Heavy Armor, Sensor Suite, Imp. Stabilizer, Submersible (30). Weapons: Super Heavy Blaster Cannon (Bottom Turret), 2× Heavy Blaster Cannons (Front Fixed), 2× Pulse Gatlings (On Pincers, 180 degree front arc). 6 +2 1,800 22 (7) 1 — Manta The Manta is a multi-environment fighter vehicle that can function in space, atmosphere, or under water. It is not interstellar-capable and must be carried such distances via Man O’ War battleships. Notes: Amphibious (TS 100), Heavy Armor, Sensor Suite, Imp. Stabilizer, Submersible (TS 50), Spacecraft (TS 3K). Weapons: Heavy Blaster Cannon (Top Turret), 8× Heavy Missiles (Front Fixed), 4× Heavy Torpedoes (Front Fixed). 4 −2 90 15 (4) 1+10 — Sargasso The Sargasso is the most common workhorse of the conqueror’s war machine, carrying personnel, matériel, bulk cargo, and other payloads across their realms. Notes: Amphibious (TS 45), Bubble Dome, Heavy Armor, Imp. Stabilizer, Sensor Suite, Submersible (TS 20). Weapons: 2× Medium Blaster Cannons (Bottom Turret). 4 +2 60 15 (4) Stingray Stingrays are the personal shuttles of the v’sori commanders.


Notes: Amphibious (TS 30), Heavy Armor, Sensor Suite, Imp. Stabilizer, Submersible (TS 15). Weapons: Dual Light Blaster Cannon (Front Fixed).



Appendix A: The V’sori




INDEX Abilities and Powers..........97 Absorption..........................48 Additional Actions.............48 Ageless.................................49 Alien Form............................6 Altered Form.......................49 Amulet of All-Sight..........179 Animal Companion...........50 Animal Control...................51 Aquatic................................52 Area Effect Range...............42 Armor...................................52 Atlanteans............................98 Champion.........................99 Marine...............................98 Attributes...............................6 Awareness...........................53 Background Edges.............10 Bases ...................................21 Bite ...................................53 Blind ...................................53 The Book of Doom...........179 Boost / Lower Trait.............53 The Box of All Fates.........179 Broadcast.............................54 Burrowing...........................54 Capes ...................................15 Chameleon..........................55 Citizens..............................100 Claws ...................................55 Combined Attacks..............29 Comic Book Combat..........29 Construct.............................55 Contingent...........................46 Copycat................................56


Criminals...........................100 The Crimson Fist.............. 116 Crown of the New God...180 Damage Field...................... 56 The Dark Brood................ 118 Deadeye............................... 57 Death & Defeat................... 34 Decay ................................... 57 Dependency.......................... 6 Dependent............................. 7 Devastation Seed.............. 180 Device.................................. 46 Distinctive Appearance....... 7 Dodge................................... 57 Doesn’t Breathe.................. 58 Doesn’t Eat.......................... 58 Doesn’t Sleep...................... 58 The Doom Guard............. 122 Dr. Chronos’ Redo Button..... ................................. 181 Duplication.......................... 58 Dynamic Duo...................... 11 Earthquake.......................... 59 Edges ................................... 10 Background...................... 10 Combat.............................. 11 Leadership........................ 11 Social................................. 11 Elasticity.............................. 59 Encumbrance...................... 14 Energy Control................... 59 Entangle............................... 60 Environmental Resistance.61 Explode................................ 62 Extra Actions....................... 62

Extra Limbs.........................62 Fear ...................................62 Fearless................................62 Finishing Move...................34 Finishing Moves.................34 Flight ...................................63 Focus (Spirit).........................6 Force Field...........................64 Gear Lists.............................13 Genius..................................64 Goliath...............................129 Growth.................................64 Hardy...................................65 Healing................................65 Heightened Senses.............66 Hellfighter’s Gloves.........181 Heredity.................................6 Hindrances............................6 Horns ...................................66 Illusion.................................66 Immune to Poison / Disease. ...................................67 Infection...............................67 Infravision...........................68 Intangibility.........................68 Interface...............................69 Invaders Drone...............................189 Hyper-Drones................189 War Spheres...................190 Invisibility...........................69 Jinx ...................................70 Knockback..................... 29, 30 K’tharen.............................191 Commander...................191

Index Tharn...............................192 Warrior............................ 192 Large Improvised Weapons.. ................................... 32 Larger Than Life.................34 Leadership Edges...............11 Leaping................................70 Light ...................................71 Limited Actions..................29 Line of Sight........................42 Low Light Vision................71 Machine Control.................71 Making Powers...................49 Matter Control....................72 Maximum Parry.................29 Maxiumum Penalty...........29 Mega Destruction...............34 Melee Attack.......................73 The Mighty Owl’s Goggles... .................................181 Mind Control......................74 Mind Reading.....................75 Mind Shield.........................76 Minions................................77 Monologuer...........................8 Necessary Evil....36, 161, 184, ....................................192 Nega Rods.........................181 Negation..............................77 Never Surrender.................35 Nonplayer Character Powers......................10 No Vital Organs..................78 Object Reading...................78 Obscure................................78 The Omega Legion...........159 The Overmind...................184 Pace ...................................78 Paralysis...............................78 Parry ...................................78 Poison...................................79 Police .................................101 Possession............................79 Power Activation.........................42 Cost ...................................41 Levels................................41 Trappings.........................41 Power Down.......................42 Power Level I Boomer............................110 Grappler..........................130 Knave of Clubs...............148

Power Level II Arrowhead.....................103 Blackguard.....................108 Blood Widow.................109 Chainsaw........................112 Clone...............................113 The Crab.........................115 Decay...............................121 Fantamu..........................124 Ghoul...............................127 Gladius............................128 Grenadier........................134 Hammer..........................136 Hangman........................137 Hunter.............................141 Huntsman.......................142 Jackdaw...........................144 Mako................................151 Medusa...........................152 Ratkin..............................161 Sickle...............................163 Stealth..............................166 Supernova.......................167 Tempest...........................170 Troglodyte......................172 Tsunami..........................173 Warden............................ 175 Power Level III Alchemist........................102 Beachhead.......................106 Brimstone........................111 Dark Star.........................120 Electron...........................123 The Fixer.........................125 Flux ................................. 126 Hellcat.............................138 Hell’s Angel....................139 Kamchatka......................145 Katyusha.........................146 Kilowatt...........................147 Magnetron......................150 Nocturne.........................157 Octopon..........................158 Pied Piper.......................160 Soothsayer......................164 Whirling Dervish...........176 Witch Hunter.................177 Power Level IV Baba Yaga........................105 The Black Hole...............107 The Controller................114 Crusader.........................117 Gravel..............................131

The Green Goddess.......132 Halifax.............................135 Hex .................................140 The Ice Queen................143 Lycanthropus.................149 Mictlantecuhtli...............153 The Mole.........................154 The Monster...................155 The Reaper......................162 The Spider......................165 Power Levels.......................10 Power Level V Asmodeus.......................104 Necromancer..................156 Surtr.................................168 Thuggee..........................171 Vulcan.............................174 Power Limits.......................10 Power Modifiers........... 41, 44 Alternate Trait..................44 Contingent........................44 Device................................45 Forceful.............................45 Heavy Weapon................45 Limitation.........................46 Linked...............................44 Selective............................46 Special...............................46 Switchable........................47 Power Negation....................8 Power Stunts.......................30 Power Types.......................43 The Prismatic Shield........182 Push ...................................80 Ranged Attack....................80 Reach ...................................81 Regeneration.......................81 Resurrection........................82 Rising Stars..........................11 Scan ...................................82 The Scarecrow’s Mask.....182 Senses, Heightened............66 Shape Change.....................82 Shrink...................................83 Skill Bonus...........................83 Skills .....................................6 Skill, Super..........................86 S’Kram Crystals................182 Slow ...................................83 Social Edges........................11 Spacer...................................83 Speak Language.................84 Speed ...................................84


SAVAGE WORLDS: SUPERS COMPANION Sphere of Eternal Imprisonment........182 Stun ...................................85 Super Attribute...................85 Super Edge..........................85 Super Science......................86 Super Sorcery......................86 Super Strength....................14 Super Styles.........................37 Cosmic...............................37 Fantasy..............................38 “Four Color”....................37 Gritty.................................38 Horror...............................38 Ultra Violent.....................39 Zero to Hero.....................39 Swinging..............................87 Synergy................................33 Take the Hit.........................11 The Tattered Symbol........183 Team Leader........................11


Tech Gangs........................169 Telekinesis........................... 87 Telepathy............................. 87 Teleport................................ 88 Teleporter Gun.................. 183 Terminally Ill......................... 8 Throwdown........................ 35 Time Bomb........................ 183 The Titanium Scepter...... 183 Toughness........................... 88 Training Montage............... 35 Trappings............................ 41 Uncanny Reflexes............... 89 Undead................................ 89 Unstoppable........................ 97 Vehicle.................................. 89 The Vermilion Cape......... 183 Villainous Conviction........ 36 V’sori ................................. 184 Battle-Masters................ 187 Overlord......................... 185

Scientists.........................188 Shocklords......................185 Soldiers...........................187 Solo .................................188 Warlord...........................185 War Master.....................185 Wall Walker.........................91 Weakness...............................7 Weather Control.................91 Whirlwind...........................92 The Z Contaminant..........183




Start your adventures in a flash with our deck of 36 full-color Archetype Cards. With a selection of supers of varying power levels, players can quickly try something new, or use them as inspiration for their own heroes.


Our sturdy die-cut card miniatures are printed front and back with a selection of the most devious masterminds and stalwart defenders in the superverse! This set of pawns contains all he heroes and villains in this book and in the archetype card set—more than 120 unique characters and critters and more than 170 miniatures in total, complete with cardstock stands.



SWADE - Super Powers Companion (v1.4) (2022!01!07) CC - PDFCOFFEE.COM (2024)


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Author: Moshe Kshlerin

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Name: Moshe Kshlerin

Birthday: 1994-01-25

Address: Suite 609 315 Lupita Unions, Ronnieburgh, MI 62697

Phone: +2424755286529

Job: District Education Designer

Hobby: Yoga, Gunsmithing, Singing, 3D printing, Nordic skating, Soapmaking, Juggling

Introduction: My name is Moshe Kshlerin, I am a gleaming, attractive, outstanding, pleasant, delightful, outstanding, famous person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.