The Times from Shreveport, Louisiana (2025)

1 TEM THE SHREVEPORT TIMES, MONDAY, APRIL 14, 1947 YOUR MORNING NEWSPAPER IMnTTQTPV Executives Won't Play Featured Roles in Senior Play 111 IfllLl I IB I MM He declared the opportunities will Halt Hoe! Execution IN ARK. URGES INFLATION END be better for the next generation. He cited strikes as unfortunate and said to demand wages above what Is reasonable is dangerous but declared inequalities will always exist. In calling attention to the great resources of natural gas In this area Shepherd cited the fact that markets are being hunted for utilizing this and especially the sour gas with its many products being taken from it by industries here in South Arkansas. Warsaw, April 13 (JP).

President Blerut declined today to Intervene In the scheduled hanging Tuesday of Rudolf Hoess, wartlro commandant of Oswteclm (Auschwitz) extermination camp. Hoess did not ask presidential clemency, but Polish law require thnt court records be rubmltted to the president for review. SOCIETY EDITORS Blanch Wild Viva Begbl CLUB EDITOR Teias M. Campbell Magnolia Chamber Told to Hold Off Spending Until Price Level Met si (graduation Calendar E-Texas Oil Landmark Dies in Sweeping Blaze Henderson, Texas, April 13 (IP). A Vlovxans Department Club APRIL 1 landmark of the East Texas oil strike HI Pattia Cotter, open house at her horn.

7:30 to 0 p.rn 1133 Kings of 15 years ago the farmhouse of Willi 1111 I I 1 I I .1 Mill r. ,1,1 1 l.l I. jJ; 5 I l-AHM's waft-'' v- A PAINT FOR EVERY PURPOSE AND PURSE NU-ENAI71EL SHREVEPORT CO. Shreveport Dealer for 11 a ear 728 MILAM Mrs. Daisy Bradford was a mass of ashes yesterday after a fire raced' through the structure.

Highway. APRIL, 10 TIESDAY, APftIL 13 9:13 a.m. Spanish class: Mra. Earl The home was occupied by Burl Mr. Ken Lawrence, tea hostess, at McCord.

Mrs. Bradford lived In the Pox. Magnolia, April 13 (Special). Control Inflation was the keynote in the talk on the development revolution of Arkansas by W. M.

Bill Shepherd, Industrial director of the Arkansas Power and Light company, whose companies help and encouragement he pledged to 300 citlziens of Arkansas members of the Magnolia chamber of commerce including several out-of-town visitors at the annual banquet at A. and M. college dining room Friday night. The speaker advised that to defeat inflation we must defeat black-marketing. He said saving money now by bond purchases and spending later when prices adjust themselves is wise.

Shepherd called attention to the undeveloped resources her home. 435 Prospect for her old home at the time the late C. M. 10:30 a.m. Music department daughter.

Sue Ann from 3 to 5 p.m (Dad) Joiner brought in his dls- i meeting: Ralph Squires presenting aLa Kathleen Coleman will be covery well that made him rich. "Modern Music" as represented by Prokefieff and Bartok. The home was built by Dr. Henry Miller and was located at Jolnervllle. APRIL 17 3 p.m.

Dr. Leroy Vogel program honored at tea from 4 to 6 p.m., by lira. Gordon Hogan, 878 Oneonta. Mr. H.

J. Qulnn, 4414 Richmond. wlU have a luncheon at 1 p.m., for Mia Sally Ollllspie. Mas Judy Daniel will be complimented at luncheon by Mrs. 8cott Wilkinson, in the Zephyr room.

i speaker: "America and the Strife In Europe." Tea Hour. Education da- partment program. of Arkansas and said It Is up to the people their unselfish service encouraging and Inducing Industries APRIL 20 You'll enjoy yourself When your visit our modern salon and store your furs Y.W.C.A. Mr a. O.

Diamond, afternoon party for Mia Alice Larmoyeux. 4-0 CALENDAR pjcn 19 Albany. APRIL 15 leading penormers in me yra nign scnooi senior play, "Green Grow the Lilacs." are pictured above In a scene from the show. Virginia Day as "Ado Annie Carne" clasps her hands In maidenly horror as Frank Reynold, left, The Peddler," and Casey Craynor as "Old Man Peck" prepare for an unevenly matched dueL VC-m Barbara Blanchard to be feted at afternoon party at 3 p.m., by Mra. with us SEVEN TWENTY-ONE MILAM B.

Campbell, at 84fl Ockley. Annual Presentation Scheduled for April 16-18 at Monday, April 14 5:30 p. m. Body-molding clas for business women. 6:00 p.

m. Modern dance class. 4:00 p. m. Inter-Club Council T-Teen membera.

For The Finest PAINTING and REDECORATING Call J. E.NOBLE Painter and Decorator Phone 7-7702 Re. Phone 7-2614 Byrd High School Auditorium i. i Any Citizen Can Start a Church, State Rules Frankfort, Ky. (IP).

Citizen need no approval from the state or other "Green Grow the Lilacs," choice of the Byrd high school senior class as the annual play, will be presented to local Tuesday, April 15 APRIL 2 W. Scott Wilkinson, luncheon hostaaa at the Country club for Miaa JoaephJc Carmody. MAY Mra. T. C.

CI an ton will honor her granddaughter. Barbara Clanton. vtth a tea from 4-6 p.m., for Byrd graduate. political unit to form a new church 10:00 a. m.

Body-moldlna class for audiences three nights, April 16-18, in the high school audi SAIL housewives. or religious denomination. Kentucky's Attorney General Eldon S. Dummlt has ruled. torium.

The comedy, written by Lynn Riggs, takes place in Indian Territory in 1900 and provides the high school 11:00 a. m. Badminton. 13 noon aluplan elub, students with a background for period costumes, laughs Luncheon club for business girls. 5:30 p.

m. Body-molding class for auu sung. Affairs for Today business women. miss AJiian roiiL, director, lists a DIAL Plckbohm on a recent trip to New York and other point In th east dual cast which will play on alternate Mendelssohn Choral club In lecture 5:30 p. m.

Body-molding club. Sup per club for business girl. room. Tlrtx Baptist church. 7:30 at th supper Tuesday evening.

Club members present were: Miss Carolyn 7:30 p. ra. Ladle wl naming In MONDAY ONLY DRESSES Business and Professional Women' Brlslan. Mlsa Bonnie Hayea, Mrs. eluh.

J0 T.W.C.A. pool of TMCA building. Wednesday, April 18 Methodist City Mission board. 10 Cleo Schoolfield, Misses Grace and Frances Fazio, Miss Emma Flckbohm, 10:00 a. m.

Board of director meet ajn Buslnesa OUT Inn, 413 Fannin ing. nights. Assisting In th direction are Miss Frances Davis, Mrs. Margaret Griffin and Miss Betty Lawrence. Incidental music will be furnished by the Byrd a capella choir.

Leading roles have been awarded to Dale Thompson and Niven Morgan as "Curly McClain." Elizabeth Scott as "Aunt Eller," Polly Robertson and Nyda Sneed as "Laurey Williams," Metz. Seebach. "Jeter Fry," Betty Joy Hamner and Virginia Day, "Ado Annie Carnes," Frank Reynolds. "The Mis Montes Babln. Inspirational meetings, 3 pjn, First Sltreveport'iyinesl 10:00 a.

m. Body-molding das for rresbytertan church. GROUP 1 GROUP 2 Th Melku-Onwego club of the women. 11:00 a. m.

Badminton. WJSC.B.. Cedar Orov Methodist TWCA had a business meeting ehuch. 3 :30 p.m. Visitation day Wednesday at noon presided over by SfSOO 13.

-00 noon Melku-Onwego club. Luncheon club for business women Poster-Oatewood elaaa, night divi 1 1. Mrs. Camilla Griffin, "vice-president Members attending were: Mrs. Gor 8:30 p.

m. Body-molding class for sion. Krt Methodist church. 8 p.m., women. don Becker, Mra.

Burton Weekley, Peddler." MacGlllen and Casey Cranor, Mr. Joe H. Moor, 3545 Plnehurst bouievard. Mra. Drew Moreland will AND $8.00 Mr.

T. C. McConnell, Mra. Kathryn 7:00 p. m.

Claas In social dancing. Old Man Peck." Joe McKinney, "Cord Ooodness. Mrs. Charles Pratt, Mis Donald Smith, "guitar player." Thursday, April 17 Minnie Lea. Mis Montes Babln, I FOR BETTER FOR BETTER review "Talking Through My Hats' by IXly Dache.

W.SCJ5.. Mangum Memorial Meth Cowboys are played by Kenneth Mr. Camilla Griffin. 10:00 a. m.

Homemaker club. 11:00 a. m. Body-molding clas for odt church. 3:30 p.m.

Program Sawjer, Harry Tompkins. Belden Williams, Jlmmle McClelland, Philip Hlsey, Robert Boone, Tommy Overton, Members of the Business and Pro SPORTSWEAR Pl.y.uit. $Q00 tO $C00 Jumpers housewives. opu "On Hundred Year of Meth Sunbacks Pinafores 5:30 p. m.

Body-molding class for fessional Women' club will meet Monday evening, April 14th at 6:30 odm In China." Social hour. Circle Billy Ray Robinson, Homer Ford, 1 business women. 4 in charge. Charles Vinck and Cecil Lloyd. p.

m. The program la In charge of Girls are played by Betty Stuart, 6 :00 p. m. Class In modern dancing. 7:30 p.

m. Ladles swimming In Woman Missionary union of the AMBULANCE SERVICE With Courteous and Efficient Attendants at all Times CALL 0SB0RN FUNERAL HOME PHONE 2-3251 Affiliated with Osborn Life Insurance Inc. the finance committee, Mra. Mar guerite Metcalf. chairman.

Mayor Jrt Baptist church meets In circle a follow No. 1, church. No. 3. Mra.

pool of YMCA building. Friday, April 18 Clyde Pant and Mr. Lynn Andrews Betty Paul, Josephine Carmody, Janice Murthlshaw, Forrest Gaumer, Betty Campbell, Dixie Lynn Smith. Barbara DeBate, Arllne Johnson, Mll-ner Ann Harris, Eoline Bush. Marilyn HOP J.

M. McMillan. 1S30 Dtckerson, 10 will give a presentation of the 10:00 a. m. Body-moldln- elaas for SMART 623 Texas St.

'Greater Shreveport Improvement housewives. a No. 3. Mrs. J.

D. Bartoix 1033 Garden: No. 4. Mr. T.

S. Row, 1307 Program. Membera of the Altruaa. 11:00 a. m.

Bowline at Shreveoort Shlpp, Florence Nipper and Ann Zonta and Pilot clubs will bs guests Bowling Center. Saturday, April 19 on this oocaalon and anyone Inter Edmund Parker and H. C. Wllkerson ested la Invited to attend. 9:30 a.

m. Bowling for T-Teen designed the set. Crew and business member at Shreveport Bowling DE RIDDER BUSINESS staff personnel include Ralph Meier, Center. 10:00 a. m.

Play-Time for -Teens In gymnasium of YW. WOMEN'S CLUB HOLDS OFFICERS ELECTION Thomas Rhodes, Philip Tuminello, Dennis Smith, Bobby Jack Ins, A. D. Lewis, Richard Braswell, Jack Gibson, James Hamlter, Merilyn Fox, Cynthia Stevenson. Gay Hay, Gladys Parvinc, Th board of tractors of th YWCA will meet Wednesday morning.

Ridder, April 13 (Special). April 16 at 10 a. m. Every member Mrs. O.

B. Toungblood has been T9 la aeked to be nreeent If nossible. named new president of Business and Highland; No. 8. Mr.

C. F. Curry. 1344 Jennings: No. Mrs.

T. J. 1030 Margaret place; No. 7.

Mra. W. A. McMlchael, 835 Klrby; No. 8.

Mr. Sally Roger. 531 Dudley; No. B. Mr.

H. C. Robinson. 403 DalseU; No. 10, Mr.

J. A. Melton. 155 Prospect; No. 11, Mr.

W. F. Dennis. 433 Broadmoor boulevard; No. 13, Mra.

W. T. Stephenson, 446 Stephen-eon; No. 13. Mr.

W. H. Hitchcock. 750 Siattery; No. 14.

Mr. V. W. Lamoureuat. 813 Linden; No.

16. Mra. O. N. Aahworth.

515 Forest. 10 a.m.; No. 19. Mr. Ruby Pine.

601 Egan, 30 a.m. Q-ieensworker meet at follow: No. 3. p.m.. Mis Armlnda Doty.

S83S Lake Shore, phone 3-0453; No. 3. 1:30 pjn, Mr. C. O.

Cloutler. 1533 Dickinson; No. 4. 8 p.m.. Mr.

B. E. Ache. 333 Robinson; No. 6, 1:30 p.m., Mra- J.

C. Welch, 3861 Southern; No. 7. 13:80 p.m.. Mr.

Calvin, 239 Dcrtzell; Professional Women'a club. Other Business Girls Federation of the Eddie Jean Qulnn. Rita Sjunneason, Mlllicent Smitherman, Katherln Baraett, Eleanor Wright, Jane Taylor, Nancy Jones, Aria Jo Knause, Eugenia Hastings, June Ann Roeger, Peggy Voelker, Jolene Klrpatrlck, Betty Claire Hudson and Charlotte Brown. Officer are: Mrs. Verda Baker, vice- YWCA will have Its annual "Bosses president; Miss Cathryn Sailor, sec Dinner" on Tuesday evening.

April 22nd at 7:30 p. m. Employera of ond vice-president; Miss Ida Mae Mc-Cormlck. treasurer; Miss Edna Oakea, member of business girls clubs of th local association will be honor recording secretary; Mrs. Ted Shirley, corresponding secretary.

Installation guests on this occasion. Members are asked to make reservation In the of officers will be held the latter part of May. offlc of th YWCA with. Miss Montez Delegates named to attend the Babln, program director. State Federation of Business and Pro fessional Women'a club to be held at Th Kalupian club during Its pro Alexandria May 10, 17 and 18 are gram period on Tuesday had a les Mrs.

Toungblood. Mrs. Louisa Han- son In fabric stenciling given by chey, Mrs. Henry W. 8mlth, Miss Doris Dawson, Miss Pearl Slaughter Miss Montez Babln.

Those present were Miss Lor en Lambeth, Miss No. 8. 3 p.m, Mr. Art Carmody, 447 Sherwood: No. 9, 3 p.m., Mr.

Lock-wood. 373 Albany. Bualnesa and Inspirational of th Woman' auxiliary of the First Presbyterian church, 3:30 p.m., at th church. Child Study club, 10 Mr. 9.

O. Fontaine, 330 PI err Mont. and Miss Ida Mae McCormlck. Mervln Benson, Miss Virginia Rector, Miss Kathleen Hildebrand. Miss 8-State "Humanities" Betty Cross, Miss Stella Bloxom.

Talks Open at Tulane Member of th Kumjoynu club enjoyed a talk given by Miss Emma New Orleans, April 13 (IP). Fifty educator from eight southern states That's all the railroad company had left over 3H cents out of each dollar spent by the public in 1946 for Illinois Central freight and passenger service. The other 96H cents went to pay wages, buy materials and meet other expenses. Nothing remained from 1946 earnings for the railroad's stockholders. All of the 3H cents left over, and more, was spent for new equipment ard other things to maintain and improve the service the Illinois Central, provides the public.

We are firmly resolved that the Illinois Central shall SADtXEMAKEft SABOT will meet at Tulane university here Monday morning to discuss means of improving college courses In the "humanities" such subjects as literature, philosophy and languages. Texas. Arkansas, Mississippi, Ten nessee, Alabama, Georgia, Florida and Louisiana will be represented. In announcing the meeting. Dean Roger P.

McCutcheon of the Tulane graduate school said "It 1 the duty Reducing continue to earn your friendship and patronage. of th humanities now to undertake th education of all to th value of W. A. JOHNSTON. FrttideM peace and understanding, and create solidarity of feeling and thinking." Colorado Dam Threatens Can Be Charming, Too! A lovely woman Is slender, of course, with the limbs and a slim waist and hips.

The Ptauffer 85s-tem takes off extra pounds and Indian Cultural Relics La Vegas. (LP). When Davis dam 1 completed, and th Colorado river rises behind It to form a new lake, the entire Petayan Indian culture will be under water. Richard Miller, director of the Ne contours the body. A charming woman Is poised, sure of herself.

STAIFFER treatments relax tired nerves and muscles send you out at ease, confident. A beautiful woman Is vibrant with health and sparkle. Slauffer treatments stimulate circulation. vada atate museum, said this destruction of all records of a tribe which existed only in this region of the river "i an irreparable loss." He said petroglypha (rock Inscrip tions) and ruins ranging from mere pits to large site of communal dwellings will sealed off with, a "liquid adding sparkle vitality. Oentle healthful treatments while you Just r-e-l-a-x! No exercises, massages, rollers, steam or elec tomb." He estimated that $8,000 to 313,000 would be necessary to pay for excavating th Indian lore before the water rises, but the project has been abandoned because none of the SfDOLtMAKER SABOT Sets the pece in saddle leather with bright whit ttitches bright red only.

$3.95 AI! Joyces say Joyce Orders Add 1 Tax 36c Postage tricity. federal agencies Is equipped to Call for Free Trial Treatment 12 Treatments. $15 25 Treatments Dr. Moore Chief Surgeon 1 nrf qulpmnl Q)iQ yp at Alexandria Hospital De Ridder. April 13 (Special).

Dr. ILLINOIS CENTRAL RAILROAD Robert E. Moore of De Ridder, has been named chief surgeon at the Huey P. Long Charity hospital at Alexandria. Jfothf Dr.

Moore 1 a graduate of the school of medicine, Tulane uni for faxt versity. New Orleans. He did intern Q(3- ship at Charity hospital In New Or- eana and later studied under Dr.1 f4tem Exclusive in Shreveport 247 Egan Phone 2-0060 Max Knigh, Port Arthur, Texas, a fel-j low of the American College of Sur geons. He Is th son of Mr. and Interest MAIM UNI MID-AMI 1 1 A D.

B. Moor of De Ridder. a.

The Times from Shreveport, Louisiana (2025)


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Name: Neely Ledner

Birthday: 1998-06-09

Address: 443 Barrows Terrace, New Jodyberg, CO 57462-5329

Phone: +2433516856029

Job: Central Legal Facilitator

Hobby: Backpacking, Jogging, Magic, Driving, Macrame, Embroidery, Foraging

Introduction: My name is Neely Ledner, I am a bright, determined, beautiful, adventurous, adventurous, spotless, calm person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.