DETERMINED TO WED Hollywood, Nov. 24 (U.P).-Screen Actor Chester Morris said tonight that no legal snarl would block his marriage next Saturday to Mrs. Lillian Barker, attractive blonde divorcee. Morris had been Jittery since he recently announced his intention of marrying Mrs. Barker be ause his former wife, Sue Kilbourne, had failed to make application for her final divorce decree to supplement an interlocutory Judgment she received Nov.
10, 1939. Morris made use of a law allowing a husband to apply for the final decree, even though the wife obtained the interlocutory decree. Superior Judge Thomas C. Gould signed the judgment. Archbishop Rummel Talks to Delegates at AFL Meet New bishop gates to Labor the cause in a Catholic thedral.
The army of of your the same human "To for you a of which of the Catalogs Baked to Save Postage Hallau, no tear Switzerland what the Flora a school of gardening at Hallau is sending out this year. The weight of the booklets when THREE WELL DONE CATALOGS COMING uP. published was just under the 30- gram limit for the cheapest postal rate but they absorbed so much moisture during a damp spell the postoffice refused to accept them without increasing the fee. Officials of the school worried and worried until someone thought of baking them in an oven. Then on a bright sunny day they sent back to the postoffice and accepted, Don't Risk This Happening to YOU! PHONE 6139 RICHARDSON'S PLUMBING and HEATING Night Service, Phone 7-9752 173 STUDENTS HERE GET $1,110 MONTHLY AID Dodd, Centenary and St.
Vincent's Pupils Are Granted NYA Help Seventy -three Dodd, Centenary and St. Vincent's college students receive a total of $1.110 a month from the National Youth administration as a part of the national program of aid to 150,000 undergraduates and graduates in American colleges and universities, the administration reported in Washington yesterday. The NYA report, relayed by The Associated Press, said the average monthly wage paid undergraduates is $13.46. while graduate students are paid an average of $21.78. Eight Dodd college students on NYA payrolls receive a total of $120 a month.
At Centenary, 61 students receive a total of $915 a month, and five St. Vincent's college students receive a total of $75 a month. The NYA a minimum of $10 a month and maximum of $20 for fixeS. under graduates, and a minimum of $10 and maximum of $30 for graduates. Payments being made from the NYA's $13.713,225 fund for the 1940- 1941.
academic year, which is prorated among non making colleges and universities the basis profit, of enrollment of students between 16 and 24 years of age. Officials of the institutions select the students for NYA work and assign them to research and tory, clerical, building repair, library, and other tasks. Louisiana's student quota Louisiana's student quota the present NYA program is 1,939, its monthly allotment is $29,085 and its yearly allotment $261,765. tions Among in other Louisiana participating, instituquotas and allotments are: Students Monthly Yearly Louisiana College 38 570 8 5,130 La. Negro Normal and Ind Inst 31 465 4,185 La.
Poly. 184 2,760 24,840 La. State N. Col. 137 2,055 18,495 L.
S. U. 615 9.225 83.025 Loyola U. 81 1,215 10.935| Natchitoches Tr. 1 15 Sou.
La. College 56 840 7,560 Southern U. 123 1,845 16.605 Sou. La. 206 3.090 27,810 Listed among Ohio's more important mineral resources are coal, clay, shale, limestone, dolomite, sandstone, stones for abrasive use, peat, gypsum and salt.
INDEPENDENT MILAM AT MARSHALL PHONES KANSAS CITY 1870 TEXAS AVENUE PHONES GREEN WALLS TEXAS AT MURPHY PHONES Quantities Limited -Mail Orders Add BARGAIN COMBINATION Pads Five-Day Under- ...........43 WIL DR 001 $100 SIZE 50c Lyon's Tooth Powder or BARGAIN WILDROOTI Phillip's Milk of Magnesia .31 AND GENUINE 504 5-1b. Epsom Bag Salts ..............19 BOTH HAIR 27 BRUSH 75c Squibb's Bayer's Milk Aspirin of or Magnesia Qt. .59 Will FOR $1.00 Hind's Honey ONLY Almond Cream .49 REGULAR FORMULA OR WITH OIL 1 Cod Pint Liver Pure Oil .69 25c Lifebuoy Shaving Cream, 2 for .33 LISTERINE ANTISEPTIC Veg. $1.35 L. E.
Compound Pinkham's .87 FOR 25c Calox COLDS Tooth Powder ............21 55c Lady Esther LISTERINE AND THROATS SORE 10c Powder Woodbury's (Disc.) Facial ...........29 Largest soap, 4 for .21 69 Size 594 1 Matches Cart. of 50-Book .06 FAT? Ands PLAN REDUCING AND CANDY 6A 30-DAY SUPPLY ONLY $2 (LESS THAN A DAY) NO DRUGS! NO EXERCISE! LAXATIVES! SALE! COLGATE TOOTH POWDER COLGATE SIZE TOOTH POWDER WHEN YOU BUY GIANT SIZE AT REGULAR PRICE VALUE THE SHREVEPORT TIMES, SHREVEPORT, NOVEMBER 25, 1940 YOUR MORNING NEWSPAPER LAST ELDER STATESMAN DIES SUNDAY Japanese Genro Is Woven Into Japanese History Since Perry's Day Okitsu, Japan, Nov. 24 last of Japan's Genro, or elder statesman, Prince Kimmochi Saionji, whose 91 years of spanned the whole period of Japan's emergence from medieval insularity to rank among the great economic and military states of the modern world, died today. A child barely beyond the toddling age when Commodore Perry made his historic visit to Japan in 1853, a young man when feudalism abolished in Japan, Saionji's career, embracing military and diplomatic service, was inextricably woven into Japanese history. He was twice premier himself and had advised the emperor in the appointment of at least a score of other premiers from 1916 on when As a marquis he became a sort of junior member of the Genro in selecting Field Marshal Count Saeki Terauchi for the high post.
He headed the Japanese delegation to the Paris conference after the World war and sat with Wilson, Clemenceau, Lloyd George and Orlando when the Versailles treaty was drawn. In 1919 he WAs invested with the grand order of merit, and in 1920 was made a prince. In 1924 with the death of Prince Masayoshi Matsukata he became the only surviving member of the Genro, the unofficial body of statesmen who stood between the cabinet and the crown and whose services were sought in crises because of their distinguished services in the past. John F. Hughes Funeral Services Held in Bossier Funeral rites for John F.
Hughes, 69, of 539 Vine street, died at a Shreveport hospital Saturday morning, were conducted yesterday afternoon at the Osborn funeral home by Dr. W. F. O'Kelly of Minden and the Rev. W.
A. Zeigler of Plain Dealing, assisting. Burial was in the Rocky Mount cemetery of Bossier parish. Mr. Hughes had lived in Shreveport for the past 29 years.
He was A brother of late W. Clark Hughes, speaker of the state house of representatives. The first man discharge an explosive located at distance by an to, electric current sent over a wire was Benjamin Franklin, LOW 2 OF 10 Lunches GILLETTE to Choose 25c BLADES 11 a.m. Served to Special With Chicken Potatoes 35c .10 25c PALMOLIVE .27 SHAVING .10 CREAM Lather or Brushless Milk 69 2:33 .32 .40 60c MARY .26 .25 .37 AND $1 SCHICK 1.29 RAZOR 2.49 25c LIFEBUOY Shav. Cream .23 and 8 BLADES Oil, 1.09 ALL FOR 49 .89 Wallace to Be Key Man In Plans of Roosevelt Vice- President Elect Slated to Work for Unity Among 21 Republics in the Western Hemisphere By HAROLD BRAYMAN (ot The Times' Washington Staff.) Washington, Nov.
Henry A. Wallace is to be the key man in plans of President Roosevelt and Secretary of State Hull for binding the 21 American countries together into a understanding. The trip which Mr. Wallace is about to make to Mexico to attend the inauguration of the new president, Avilo Camancho, is simply the first of frequent trips which he will make to countries south of the Mexican border in order to strengthen and implement the administration's "good neighbor" policy. It is for this reason that Mr.
Wallace has undertaken the task of learning Spanish, which he has been studyintensively since the election. With what he knew of the language before he is now able to read it after a fashion. After the inauguration of President Comancho he intends to spend several weeks in the heart of Mexico learning to speak it, returning to Washington only a short time before his own inauguration As vicepresident on Jan. 20. They May Reciprocate There is a corollative result to this visit which may occur, which the administration may or may not have had in mind when the decision was made to send Mr.
Wallace to Mexico City. The fact that President Roosevelt sends his vice-president to the inauguration of Mexico's new chief executive may plant the idea in the minds of some Latin-American countries to send representatives to Mr. Roosevelt's inauguration. If that should happen the evidence of solidarity would unquestionably be welcomed by the American government. Mr.
Wallace realizes that if there is to be hemispherical defense against totalitarian governments something more tangible than, words is necessary. That is the reasoning behind his visit to Mexico the future visits that he may make as an emissary export trade of this hemisphere, a board which would give real meaning to the phrases "understanding" and "solidarity," which would create a sort of American trade cartel, to combat what he conceives "Ger. mania, Inc." Here in Mr. Wallace's own words is the prospect he visualizes: "If Germany wins she will have the complete resources of the European and continents and slave population of 400 million people. "Force Alone Counts" "She will be more powerful 69.
DRUG Special Combination Breakfast One Egg Canadian Bacon Raisin Toast from Oatmeal Grapefruit Juice and Coffee 20c from Oatmeal 10c 3 p.m. Figs and Toast 15c Special Fried Loin Steak Shoestring With Shoestring Potatoes 35c 50c IODENT TOOTH PASTE With 4 Tooth Brushes PICKFORD CREAM-POWDERS LOTIONS $1 LADIES' RAIN CAPES Mother Dies, Actress Goes on With the Show New York, Nov. 24 Lila Lee carried on in the best "show must go on" tradition tonight as she through with her part in the Broadway show, "Blind Alley" despite the death of her mother, Mrs. Augusta Appel, 65, of Elyria, Ohio. Mrs.
Appel, who came to New York in which daughter has the femfor the recent, opening of play inine lead, died last night. TWO INJURED IN COLLISION Baton Rouge, Nov. 24 police reported tonight that Harry C. Raich, 36, Dallas, Texas, and Arthur Brin, 36, Brooklyn, N. had been injured in an automobile collision near Sorento en route here from New Orleans late today.
At a hospital here Raich was treated for a broken nose and lacerations while Brin was reported only shaken up. Police said their car struck another while passing A truck. FOUR CIVILIANS KILLED Cairo, Egypt, Nov. 24 civilians were killed and 28 injured early today in an Italian air raid on Alexandria, British naval base, a vised ministery of defense statement said. Only slight property damage resulted, it was said.
IMRS. JOSEPH LAING stronger defensive and economic many respects than all of the new world put together. Force and force alone counts with the Nazis. A German economist who was one of the ablest of all statisticians in the German government before Hitler says that Germany has spent the equivalent of 20 billion dollars a year for five years on armaments. "The American public is not even yet awake to the magnitude of the problem we are facing.
"If huge Germania corporation were to control the purchase of all the exports of agricultural products from the new world to Europe, the effect would be felt on every farm and in every home in the new world." Would Work In Advance Wallace's plan is to make the arrangements in advance so that, Germany should win the war, she would be in no position to dominate the trade of South America. This program may involve fairly substantial losses for the United States if undertaken on a scale to insure control by the United States of the raw materials of this hemisphere, losses at least for a few years until our own economy could be re-adjusted to avoid them. To fight an economic war with "Germania, at least a 000,000 corporation would be necessary. This would be set up in competition with the German economic union in case England is defeated. If the war should end without German domination of the British empire but with German domination of Europe, the western hemisphere economic union would be less important, but still a necessary thing, in Mr.
Wallace's view. These plans have been worked out to a considerable extent with Under-Secretary of State Sumner Welles. If it is, finally accomplished it would amount to squeezing practically every German interest out of the Americas. RHEUMATISM your money back. NURITO Don't on suffer.
this Ask your In druggist today for guarantee RELIEVE PAIN IN FEW To relieve torturing pain of Rheumatism, a minutes, get NURITO, the splendid formula, Neuritis, Neuralgia, or Lumbago in a few used by thousands. Dependable no opiates. Does the work quickly. Must relieve cruel pain, to your satisfaction, in few minutes or PRICES CLOSE OUT! $1.00 FACE POWDER and BODY POWDER 1 Bottle of 100 Certified Aspirin .11 75c Pinaud's Lilac Shaving Lotion, 2 for .73 25c Listerine Tooth Paste, 3 for .49 Rx 59 Mouth (1 Pint) ..................37 50c Phillip's Dental Cream with 2 High Ball la Glasses .39 50c Barbasol Shav. Cream, Gem Razor and 5 Blades .59 $1.00 Alarm Clocks .77 40c Squibb's Tooth Paste, 2 for .59 1-lb.
Bar Castile Soap .29 1 Gallon Mineral Oil ..............1.19 60c Benzedrine Inhalers .49 10c Sayman's Soap. 3 for .19 25c Gillette Shaving Cream with 10 Blue Blades .49 8-oz. Citrocarbonate (Upjohns) .89 $1 1 Tichenor's Antiseptic or Waterbury Red .89 $1.00 Pycope Tooth Powder .79 1 Qt. Halitosine Mouth Wash .49 40c Bost Tooth Paste with 25c Tetra Tooth Brush .34 60 19 do 6g 6g IS CRITICALLY ILL AT HER HOME HERE Mrs. Joseph Laing, 2703 Fairfield avenue, is desperately ill at her home and was not expected to live, it was reported last night.
She is the mother of Mrs. Patrick J. White and Mrs. F. C.
Morse, both of Shreveport. Another daughter, Mrs. Thomas Phee, is en route from Derby, to be at the bedside of her mother. Mrs. Laing's grandson, Pat J.
White, is an announcer and script writer for radio station KTBS. ALMAZAN MOVEMENT "DEAD" San Antonio, Texas, Nov. 24 of a little colony of selfexiled Mexicans expressed belief today that the political movement of Gen. Juan Almazan was "dead" after hearing news their chieftain WAS Mexico-bound, bent on avoiding "any struggle" arising from his unsuccessful campaign. The Marquis de LAFayette came to America to aid in the struggle for independence in the ship LaVictoire, which salled from Bordeaux, France, March 26, 1777, Feat will be used for insulation and packing material in Eire.
Remember, Please all worm, about funeral expense, 'is ended quickly with an Osborn burial insurance policy. OSBORN Funeral Home Orleans, Nov. 24 -ArchJoseph F. Rummel urged delethe American Federation of convention today to champion of workers outside the AFL sermon at a special mass for delegates in St. Louis ca- archbishop said, "That vast toilers still outside the pale influence and strength has need for organizations and progressive attainment of their rights as yourselves.
champion their cause must be a solemn duty, the sacredness is the more urgent because prestige you now enjoy." 6150-6158 4195-4194 DRUG PACKAGE 6111- 6112 BLUE DRUG DELIVERY 10c Powder Puffs, 2 for 25c Vick's Salve or Bromo Quinine 25c Ironing Cords $1.35 Electric complete ..................93 $1.00 Horlick's Malted. or Ironized Yeast 35c Stearn's Electric Rat and Roach Paste 50c Pebeco Tooth Paste, 2 for 25c Djerkiss Talcum, 2 for Dr. West's New Nylon Tooth Brush 60c California Syrup of Figs 250 Eagle Brand Milk Vigo Dog Food Ideal Dog Food (16-oz. Can) 3 for 10c Lux or Lifebuoy Soap, 2 for 5 lbs. Psyllium Seed Black 5-lb.
Horlick's Malted Milk 1-lb. Chocolate Covered Cherries $1.50 S. D. Esdavite Perles $1 Squibb's Cod Liver flavored or plain MONDAY, TUESDAY AND WEDNESDAY 50c Dr. Butler's Tooth Brushes .29 1 lb.
Hospital Cotton .19 $1.00 Fever Thermometers (one Minute) 1.47 25c Seed .............21 $1.50 Occy Crystine .87 25c Cuticura Ointment or Soap .19 1 Pkg. of 12 Schick Injector Blades 46 25c Aldas Pomade, Tuxedo or Wavine Hair Dressing .19 25c Fleet's Chap Stick .23 $1 Grove's Chill Tonic or Hart's Elix. .79 50c Jergen's Lotion with 25c AllPurpose Cream .39 Full Pint of Witch Hazel or Bayrum .19 15c Four -Way Cold Tablets, 2 for .25 60c Wampole's Preparation .53 25c Anacin Tablets .19 $1.00 Mar-0-Oil Shampoo .........49 60c Fleet's Phospho Soda or Sal Hepatica .49 $1.00 Angelus Lip Stick .79 60c Phillip's Magnesia Cleansing or Texture Cream .43 50c Woodbury Cream with 25c Almond Rose Lotion .39 50c Nadinola Bleach Cream .34 55c Lady Esther Face Powder .39 $1.00 Mercolized Wax .73 40c Squibb's Hand Lotion .31 60c Velour Hand Lotion .43 50c Gra-Ern Tooth Paste .34 1 Perfumed Alcohol (asst. 1 lb. White Petroline .19 1 Bottle of 75 Iron and Yeast Tablets .49 $1.25 Petrolagar or Peruna .89 1 Treet Pkg.
of Blades 14 .25 75c Cystex or Kreml Hair Tonic .67 Ingram's Milkweed Cream 1.39 COLOGNE FOR BATH 1280 $1.00 Dorothy, car VALUE a buying A coming Cologne sod only, $1.00 11.00. gift Memoirs 6g .19 .05 .25 6A.