The Times from Shreveport, Louisiana (2025)

Tuesday, Oct. 10, 1967 THE SHREVEPORT TIMES Parliament To Convene In Russia 89 MOSCOW .0 Soyiet (UPD) (parliament) The con- Supreme venes today to adopt a "rockets and refrigerators" budget and economic plans for the next three years. The groundwork for the session in the grand Kremlin palace was laid Sept. 26 when the Communist party's ruling central committee set down the guidelnes to be turned into law this week. Raising minimum wages, meaning the pay of the lowest unskilled laborers, from 50 to 60 rubles ($55.50 to $66.60) a month.

Lowering the pension age for some categories of workers to as little as 50 years, and increasing stipends. Reducing the income tax for the lower income groups by as much as 25 per cent. The central committee indicated that the current five-year plan, the broad outlines of which were published two years ago, may be scrapped and replaced by three annual plans for 1968, 1969 and 1970. The Supreme Soviet is also expected to introduce measures connected with the 50th anniversary of the Russian revolution which may include an amnesty for prisoners and a reduction of the present term on military service. The budget will exceed that for 1967 of 109.9 billion rubles ($121.989 billion) -the biggest in peacetime Soviet history.

The 1967 appropriation for defense amounted to 14.5 billion rubles ($16.995 billions) which represented an increase of 1.1 billion rubles ($1.21 billions) over 1966. At present, defense claims 13.2 per cent of the total national budget. Confidence Vote Today In France PARIS (UPI) French farmers Monday announced plans te hold an antigovernment rally of 100,000 persons as opposition and majority groups marshalled forces for a showdown confiedence vote in the National Assembly Tuesday. Premier Georges Pompidou was reported confident he will win the lower house test of his economic and social policies. The government was more preoccupied by continued farm and labor agitation.

The premier, who survived three similar confidence motions last spring, will speak briefly in the chamber to rebut attacks to be delivered by leftist federation leader Francois Mitterrand, and Communist party secretary general Waldeck Rochet. The ballot is scheduled for late Tuesday evening. Deep division in the ranks of the 41-member middle road Progress and Modern Democracy (PDM) party increased Pompidou's chances of beating down the Communist-leftist federation motion. Only votes against the government are counted in a censure vote. Last spring the opposition failed by seven and eight vote margins to get the absolute majority necessary for Pompidou's overthrow.

If at least party of the PDM deputies abstained, or did not come to the assembly, the motion would fall short of imperiling the cabinet. President Charles de Gaulle, who had never paid much attention to parliamentary battles, scheduled his cabinet for its regular weekly session Wednesday as if its life were not threatened Tuesday. Shaw Trial Hearing Due Next Week NEW ORLEANS (UPI) A hearing will be conducted next Thursday to determine if the assassination conspiracy trial of Clay L. Shaw should be delayed or changed to another location. agreed to the hering Judge Edward A.

Haggerty after the defense had earlier requested a six-month delay or a move to another Louisiana city. Dist. Atty. Jim Garrison's office has objected to the proposed change of venue or the six-month delay but indicated it might accept a shorter delay. Asst.

Dist. Atty. James Alcock was quoted as saying he does not expect the trial to start until next year. Shaw was indicted last march on a charge of conspiring with Lee Harvey Oswald to assassinate President John F. Kennedy in 1963.

He has denied the charge. Defense attorneys have said Shaw could not obtain a fair trial in New Orleans now because of Garrison's many public statements about the investigation. Garrison's office countercharged that the defense itself has to influence prospective jurors by cooperating with television and news personnel in statements about the case. WANTED OFF TOKYO (AP) Police and railroad officials would like to talk to a young man who took prompt and drastic action when a conductor told him he was on the wrong train. The man pulled the emergency cord and the Osaka-bound express screeched to a halt, jolting passengers.

The man calmly stepped off and disappeared in the confusion. Florida May See Walkout Of Teachers TALLAHASSEE, Fla. (UPI) Florida teachers Monday vowed to hand in their resignations which already have been signed unless Gov. Claude Kirk relents and calls a special session of the legislature by Oct. 22.

Dexter Hagman, president: of the Florida Education Association (FEA), said that if Kirk falls to set a date for a special session to consider school financing by Oct. 22, "a decision will be made regarding the activation of teacher resignations." He said he already has 31,424 resignations, signed but undated, and "each mail will swell this total." The FEA represents about 55,000 of the state's 60,000 teachers and principals. Gov. Kirk, who insists he will not call a session for education and tax reform before next year, declined comment on the new FEA deadline. MAY TRY But state Senate President Verle Pope and House Speaker Ralph Trulington, both Democrats, said they will try to get the two thirds vote necessary to take up educational matters during a special session on constitutional revision which they expect Kirk to call for Nov.

6. "When we are in session, we can take up anything by a two-thirds vote," said Turlington. "We will be in session for revision in the next few weeks and I am sure the problem of education can be considered at that time. I am to vote to take action for A close associate of Gov. Kirk said he looked for the teachers to "walk out" just before Thanksgiving holidays.

But Hagman would set no date, saying even though the FEA board has the go-ahead to turn in the resignations, "we want the membership involved in this decision." If no action has been taken by Oct. 22, Hagman said "I don't see how the teachers could do anything but resign." He said the FEA leadership has had trouble keeping the teachers from quitting before now. The state has been on the state and national education association blacklist since last summer and Kirk has been nationally censured by the teacher organization. The major issue is teacher pay raises, but there are also demands for more money to cut the size of classrooms, give teachers a 30-minute lunch break and increase spending for textbooks and other school needs. Gov.

Wallace Hospitalized In Houston HOUSTON (AP) Gov. Lurleen B. Wallace of Alabama was hospitalized Monday for treatment for side effects of radiation therapy. The governor has been receiving cobalt radiation treatment as an outpatient at the University of Texas M. D.

Anderson Hospital Tumor Institue the past four weeks. A hospital announcement said the side effects from such treatment are normal and that hospitalization was not unexpected. Governor Wallace underwent cancer surgery at the hospital July 10 for the removal of a lemon-sized tumor and a section of the colon. "Her attending physicians report she is now suffering from the normal effects of cobalt Monday's hospital bulletin said. "Therefore, Governor Wallace is being admitted to the hospital for supportive treatment.

This treatment will include careful supervision of her intake of fluid and foods." Anderson physician said most patients undergoing large field cobalt therapy to the abdominal cavity often suffer the side effects now experienced by the governor. Wade Jolliff Rites Are Today Funeral services will be held at 10 a.m. Tuesday for Wade A. Jolliff 68, of 3807 Michigan who died Sunday in Schumpert Hospital after a brief illness. Mr.

Jolliff was a retired meat cutter for Elmer Cotten Grocery Co. of Shreveport. Officiating at services in Osborn Funeral Home will be Dr. D. L.

Dykes, pastor of First Methodist Church. Burial will be in Forest Park Cemetery. Pallbearers will be Gordon Baker, Joe Daniels, Bill Andrews, Elmer Cotten, Jimmy Cotten, Jimmy Goslin, Arch Bewley and Bert Emery. Kashmir Bans Six Newspapers SRINGAR, India (AP) Six daily newspapers were banned Monday by the Kashmir state government on the grounds of "highly objectionable writings likely to endanger the peace and security of the The six were banned the defense of India act, adopt ed five years ago giving the government virtual dictatorial powers, including arrest without warrant and secret trial. CC Pushes Road Work Resolution A resolution, urging the state Department of Highways to "imediately improve and widen" Louisiana 5 between Logansport and its junction with U.S.

171 was adopted yesterday by the Executive Committee of the Shreveport Chamber of Commerce. The resolution called on Caddo and DeSoto legislators and police jurors to push for improvement of the narrow, two-lane road, which has no shoulders. Built in 1948, the road, according to the resolution, must be improved and widened to "safely take care of increased traffi." The resolution said there is heavy traffic on highway, that Shreveport's tr growth requires workers living in Logansport and intermediate communities along the road to communte to Shreveport and that completion of Toledo Bend Lake at Logansport will "result in a tremendous increase of traffic" between the two cities. meeting last Thursday of the chamber's Street and Highways Committee, Sen. Jackson B.

Davis and Rep. Frank Fulco pledged to help on the project. Davis said he would "vigorously work with any group in persuading the Louisiana Department of Highways to complete this route as a hard-surfaced and first-class highway. Spokesmen for the Logansport City Council and DeSoto Police Jury said the project would make the lake a 45-minute drive from Shreveport. Booby-Trap Blast Probe Under Way BASTRON (UPI) Morehouse Parish authorities Monday investigated the possibility that a bobby-trap at a lodge near was installed by Ku Klux Klan members using a gun club as "a front." The booby-trap was triggered Sunday by two boys hunting near the lodge.

It exploded injuring both youngsters, one seriously. Homer Randall Bullock, 14, and Glen Brown, 12, were hunting when they got curious about the large, windowless tin building 13 miles north of Bastrop off U.S. Hwy. 139. The explosive device was triggered when Bullock pushed open a door which appeared to be partially ajar.

"We went to push the door open and it was just a blast, Brown said. Brown suffered deep cuts and shock. Bullock's right knee cap was shattered. Morehouse Parish Sheriff Huey Perry said he had "always assumed the club was used for Klan meetings." Sheriff's officers found two crosses and a bulletin board inside the building pinned with Klan activities. 3 TV Networks Flayed for Film Breaks By ANN WOOD WASHINGTON (UPI) -Television networks- were told at a Congressional hearing Monday they might avert pay TV by cutting down on commercial interruptions of movies.

Chairman Torbert H. Macdonald of the House communications subcommittee said TV networks might be fueling the demand for pay TV by chopping up movies into bits and pieces for frequent commercial breaks. At a hearing on a Federal Communications Commission proposal to authorize pay TV in 83 areas, Macdonald took a National Broadcasting Co. executive to task for suggesting there is no demand for pay TV. Viewers might be "willing to pay to see a movie that is not interrupted 220 times for commercials," he told NBC attorney Howard Monderer.

Macdonald also deplored sional network blackouts of sports events. The communications panel, generally cool to pay TV, won a promise from FCC chairman Rosel H. Hyde to delay a decision on the issue until Congress has a chance to fully investigate it. An FCC committee has recommended that permanent pay TV operations be authorized in areas with at least four free commercial stations. The pay stations would be limited to showing movies and sports events that had not regularly televised on free TV within the previous two years.

Subcommittee members questioned whether the FCC has authority to approve pay TV without an act of Hyde said he was sure the commission had authority but said the FCC would give Congress plenty of chance to examine the issue and promised the commission "certainly is not going to take hasty action." PILLAR MOUNTED TORONTO (AP) pillar of Egyptian granite, believed to have formed part of a colonnade in a Romans gallery, has been nently mounted in front of Toronto's new city hall. Since when the column was presented in Rome to former Mayor Nathan Phillips of to, it has been displayed at the Royal Ontario Museum. ANNOUNCEMENTS (1) Political Announcements CADDO PARISH ELECT E. D. "Ed" Clark (D) Caddo Parish Police Juror WARD 4 LEVER 141 Pald for by "Ed" Clark ELECT REV.

ALEXANDER LEE Caddo Parish Police Jury WARD 4 LEVER 154 Paid for by Rev. Alexander Lee RE-ELECT Horace M. Downs (D) Caddo Parish Police Jury WARD 4 LEVER NUMBER 146 Paid for by H. M. Downs RE-ELECT FRANK FULCO (D) State Representative Caddo Parish, Lever 86 Paid for by Frank Fulco VOTE VIRGIL BROOKS State Representative Caddo Parish, Lever 82 Paid for by Virgil Brooks ELECT WELLBORN JACK STATE REPRESENTATIVE Lever 89 Paid for by Wellborn Jack ELECT C.

R. "PAT" PATTERSON Justice of Peace WARD 3, LEVER 175 Paid for by Buddy Patterson BOSSIER PARISH RE-ELECT Ford E. Stinson (D) State Representative Bossier Parish-Lever 86 Paid for by Ford E. Stinson ELECT EDWARD E. JOHNSON (D) PARISH Ward 6 Lever 150 Paid for by Edward E.

Johnson ELECT RAY LINDSEY POLICE JURY Bossier Parish, Ward 2, Lever 131 Paid for by I. R. Lindsey ELECT M. D. (Bubba) Green Bossier Parish Sheriff of' LEVER 116 (D) Pald for by M.

D. (Bubba) Green ELECT Laurie G. Campbell BOSSIER REPRESENTATIVE Pull Lever No. 82 Paid for by Tom J. Campbell for WEBSTER PARISH ELECT HOMER D.

ACKLEN Webster Parish Police Jury WARD 4 LEVER 135 Paid for by Homer D. Acklen by (2) Lost and Found REWARD, Keep money, return papers, keys and purse, no questions asked 631-0694 LOST: Part Pekingese, reddish brown female, between Vivian St. and Mansfield Road, answers to Tinker. 868-9058 IF YOU see a pet in distress, call the Humane Society, 929-2066. If your pet is lost, USE A Times-Journal Ad here.

Dial 424-0373. "Charge It." LOST Ladles black billfold, Parkway School. Reward, 987-3776. Lost one soul. May be yours.

Belongs to a "good" person who may or may not attend church who may or may not have really obeyed the Lord. Found a helpful aid to Bible study to help you KNOW you have obeyed the Lord a FREE 8-lesson correspondence course you study at home. To begin this FREE study, phone 635-7858 mornings, or write Church of Christ, 3220 Lakeshore Shreveport. No charge or obligation. Be safe; do it now! LOST red colt, white diamond on Jewella.

$50 reward. 686-4398. forehead. In the vincity, 6700 block REWARD for information leading to return of black male Poodle. Strayed from 818 E.

Washington, evening of Oct. 2. Not wearing collar, small scar on right front paw. Needs treatment for eye infection. Please call 865-6198.

(4) Cemetery Lots, Monuments 2 CRYPTS, FOREST PARK Mausoleum. Below Cost. Write Box 185-M, Times-Journal (5) Business Personals SOMETHING DIFFERENT FOR FALLING HAIR and DANDRUFF Line Ave. Barber Shop, 2406 Line INSURANCE CANCELLED? Driver License Revoked? Premium Financing Available Tri-State General Agency Inc. 2056 E.

Texas Bossier City CALL 425-8657 BROCADE Avon's newest and most sophisticated fragrance. For your local representative call Avon Products, 686-0394. (5-A) Business Service WILL clean out your attic or garage for whats in it, plus $10. 422-5232. (9) Travel, Share FREE TRANSPORTATION Drive as your own to major cities in USA 424-4138 LATE MODEL CARS Furnished to California-865-2234 TRANSPORTATION furnished TO Phoenix and Los Angeles.

686-3302. REPAIR-IT SERVICE PAINTING. papering, reasonable Mrs. Fred Johnson. 631-7641.

ASPHALT PAVING Free Estimates. Parking Lots Driveways. Large or small jobs. BRATTON LARANCE 586-4050 STOVES Regulated and Repaired. Tom Attaway, 631-2293, 861-4710.

(13) Cabinet Work CABINETS vanities, bookcases made to order. Call John 635-3607 (14) Carpenter, Remodel Repairs, reasonable, no job 100 small. Estimates. 635-8206, 635-6063. QUICK SERVICE 1 member of Carpenter Local No.

764 over 20 yrs. Experience, Integrity, Craftsmanship. Vernon Honey, 865-3811. CARPENTER repairs and additions. Free Estimates.

Call Shaw 423-8448. D. M. TRACY Home Remodeling Inside and out, house leveling, brick and concrete work, 40 years experience, 631-4146. 25 YEARS remodeling and repairs.

additional rooms. patios, kitchen cabinet, doors, windows, etc. 631-2289 FLOORS Formica tops and home repairs. Reasonable. Free estimates.

865-3495, 635-2106 NEW HOMES, additions, repairs, concrete work. Free estimates. No job too small. Olen Creech, 686-5015. COMPLETE home repairs, remodeling, Madden.

424-1844, 746-2373. FORMICA tops, cabinets, complete home improvements; financing estimates. KIZER MILLWORKS. 422-3634 W. D.

PEROT, BUILDER DeSOTO AT HEARNE New homes, additions and remodelIna. 635-2117, 631-2206. Zeb G. Le Vasseur- Contractor. New homes, remodeling, commercial.

868-7275 Office Nights 868-2694 WEEKS HOME REMODELING House loveling, rooms, den, painting, neatly done. Call 423-6841 anytime. BUILD, REMODEL, repair, estimation. R. P.

Player. 631-4560, 861-1847. CALL HARRISON ANYTIME For Free estimates. Building, pairs, remodeling, leveling. Work guaranteed.

861-1401. (20) Mattress Repairs SPECIAL Mattress Renovated $8. Elliott Mattress Co. (21) Painting, Papering PAINTING and REPAIRS Call 861-7281 REPAIR-IT SERVICE (21) Painting, Papering PAINTING, papering, textone. Free estimates.

Fred Cox, 868-6278. PROFESSIONAL PAINTING lanteed, Interior, exterior; satisfaction guarfree estimates, day, night. Jerry Roberts, 746-2125 COLORED painter desires work very neatly done. 424-2912 ALL KINDS of painting, accept anything of value on work, 865-9643. PAINTING Quality work.

Free estimates. Walt Toups, 865-3404 SHEETROCK, Textone, paint, Inside, out. E. E. McClain 631-3320.

RELIABLE colored man painting and papering. 866-8073. PAPERING, vinyts, murals. Need work, reasonable. Joe Legan, 686-2839 HOUSE painting, repairs.

Free estimate. Reasonable. Williams 686-1878. PATIO, driveway, sidewalk; concrete specialties. Fred Johnson 631-7641.

(23) Plumbing, Heating Septic Tanks Cleaned Installed, Field Lines Relaid HAYNES SANITATION 609 Browning 686-5432, 686-5612 SEPTIC Tanks cleaned, Field lines laid. Day's Septic Tank Service, Ph. 746-5828 125) Radio- TV Repairs FOR TELEVISION and radio repairs or antenna installation. Call Wiggins 861-6803 anytime. SAVE--Bring your TV to cur shop for repairs while you wait.

CAMPBELL TV CO. 718 Marshall Phone Phone Calls Until 8 p.m. SERVICE all make TVs; house calls. Work guaranteed. Rinaudo's TV Fix-All, 3300 Lakeshore, 631-2416 (27) Roofing, Sheet Metal I SPECIALIZE in all types of roof repairs, built-ups, re-roofs, slate tiles, commercial work.

FREE Estimates. Work guaranteed. Beat all bids. T. R.

Johnson, 635-6651. Professional Roofers! Built-up roofs, shingles, slate, guttering. UNIVERSAL 746-1946. G. C.

GIBBS, JR, ROOFER-20 years experience! specialize in repairs and re-roofs. No job 100 small. Personal job supervision, call 423-7321 15-YEAR GUARANTEE ON ROOFING (Materials) Morgan Lumber Co. 2340 Lakeshore Drive 8 423-3531 (32) Tailor, Dressmaker DRESSMAKING, alterations. Mrs.

Leah Crow, 537 Kirby, 861-7983. ALTERATIONS, DRESSMAKING 4515 Finley 868-5807 WOMENS and childrens sewing and alterations, reasonable, 865-0862. WOMEN'S expert alteration and sewing, Summer Grove. 686-4214, (33) Upholstery, Decorate UPHOLSTERING reasonable. Samples shown.

1743 Irving PI. 425-5915. WICK'S DECORATORS, upholstery draperies, slip covers. 423-6381. WEEKS UPHOLSTERY, work guaranteed.

Sample shown. 424-0276. SHOOK'S UPHOLSTERY Free estimate, 100 Edwards, B.C., 425-1994. CUSTOM Furniture Reupholstering. HEMENWAY'S, 919 Texas, 422-8311.

BETTER UPHOLSTERY, Slip Covers Loe Decorating Co. 1800 Highland 422-7405 UPHOLSTERY Quality Workmanship LILES ENTERPRISE 925-9569 GOOD THINGS TO EAT AT LAST! Fresh crop of fall field corn, peas, tomatoes, and all kinds of fresh vegetables picked daily. Same price save money. Bring your containers. Gayle, La.

861-1021. PURE Mahaw jelly, 49c per dozen. AGED Omaha beef fillets, ribeyes, strips, roasts; all cuts. The way you like 'em. Fielder's Grocery, 5863 Fairfield, 868-9242.

EMPLOYMENT LOOKING for a better lob in this area or anywhere in the United States? Call US now at 425-4445 Snelling Snelling Personnel. AAA Employment Courteous Confidential Service Fay Wilson Johnson Centenary Employment 324 Ricou-Brewster Bldg. Elizabeth Cox 423-4179 ROYAL EMPLOYMENT SERVICE, INC. 1629 Slattery Bldg. 424-7141 HERITAGE PERSONNEL SERVICE CONFIDENTIAL COAST TO COAST 1205 N.

18th St. MONROE, LA La. State Emptoyment Service Professional Commercial And Industrial Placements 2900 Dowdell St. Phone 865-2371 NO FEES CHARGED (36) Male Help Wanted MACHINIST Ideal working conditions. Daytime work.

Pay commensurate with experience. Apply UGC INSTRUMENTS, INC. 8015 St. Vincent Ave. or Call R.

E. Cordray 865-1438 Auto Cleanup Man Must be thoroughly experienced in auto detail work. Apply 3502 Mansfield Rd. MOTEL Night Auditor NCR 4200, age 30 to 50 years. Apply in person.

Kickapoo Motel, Bossier City. Manager Trainee business. Apply 3940 Mansfield Rd. FRY COOK Must be experienced Day and night. Apply in person.

AMBER INN RESTAURANT 1911 E. Texas, Bossier OLD established finance company needs man 21 to 30 years of age, married, must have automobile. Salary commensurate with ability, Plus auto expenses. Contact A. R.

Word, 404 Milam. 424-2673 WAITERS WANTED 18 YEARS AND UP Full or Part Time Apply after 6 P.M. SAK'S Whisk-a-go-go Hwy. 80 East 746-9111 EXCELLENT opportunity to take over established automobile trim Chemical Analyst Inspector Should have a minimum of 2 years college chemistry. Experience in chemical treating of metals desirable.

Draftsman Approximately 2 years ElectroMechanical experience. Full range of company benefits. If you qualify, please call or send your resume, in confidence, stating present salary to: Mr. Leon Gregory Baifield Industries Division of "Automatic" Sprinkler Corp. of America P.O.

Box 8085, Shreveport, La. 71108 Phone 686-1250 An Equal Opportunity Employer LARGE manufacturing Corporation has openings for several good men, who need to earn more money. Name your own pay check. Inexperienced men in this field are learning from $75 to $200 per week. Experienced men from $150 to $350 average.

Ex-service men welcome. Apply 1704 Fairfield. EMPLOYMENT (36) Male Help Wanted WANTED BOOKKEEPER for retail sales concern established Shreveport 1941. We are looking for an experienced man. qualified to assume bookkeeping duties and to train for position eventually as assistant manger to be responsible for supervision of all departments.

Excellent opportunity for the with right man. Salary in keeping qualifications and experience. Write P. 0. Box 9006, Shreveport, La.

71109, giving complete resume and salary expected. Estimator $9,000 Material, Take-Off, Blueprints, Pressure Vessels Call Mac-423-8561 PORTERS 6:30 A.M. to 2:30 P.M. Good salary Kickapoo Restaurant 2141 E. Texas, Bossier COLORED MALE CARHOP and waiters, 18 years or over.

Apply in person. HERBY-K 1833 Pierre Ave. BELLMAN WANTED APPLY IN PERSON HORAK HOLIDAY INN WEST FLOOR covering mechanic needed for formica and linoleum. Apply Floor Service 3010 Hollywood Ave. CLASSIFIED DISPLAY (36) Male.

Help EMPLOYMENT Wanted Newspaper Production AGENT FOR The Shreveport Times MORNING AND SUNDAY Shreveport Journal EVENING. To Place Ads: Phone 424-0373 OFFICE HOURS: to 5 P.M, Saturdays 8 a.m. to 1 p.m. Sundays and Holidays 2 to 5 CONSECUTIVE COMBINATION WANT AD RATES Within 125-Mile Radius of Shreveport Z- 03-02 3-HI 34ZH A OZ4 HOOT 7 10 DAY DAYS DAYS DAYS DAYS 2 1.04| 2.40| 2.80 4.48 6.00 3 1.56| 3.60| 4.20 6.72 9.00 4 2.08| 4.80| 5.60 8.96 12.00 5 2.60| 6.001 7.00 11.20 6 3.12| 7.201 8.40 13.44 18.00 7 3.641 8.40| 9.80 15.68 121.00 TIME a line OUR ECONOMCAL. 10-DAY PLAN with cancellation privileges gives you the best rate.

You are billed for exactly the number of days you run. SEPARATE NEWSPAPER RATES: Shreveport Times 5c a line less than combination rates. Shreveport Journal 7c a line less than combination rates. Contract rates on request. DAILY COMBINATION ADS appear first in The Shreveport Times and then in The Shreveport Journal the same day, Minimum ad space 2 lines Notices-10 line minimum No misclassifications permitted Only standard abbreviations allowed Blind Box 50c plus one line extra for address CANCELLATIONS-CORRECTIONS Accepted up to 5 p.m.

daily and p.m. Saturday for next-day publication. cancellation or correction cannot take effect until the tisement 'has been published once. ERRORS Newspaper Production Co. assumes no responsibility for errors after the initial insertion.

Errors not the fault of advertiser which clearly lessen the value of' the advertisement will be adjusted or credited by not more than one gratis insertion. LEGALS AND a BIDS 8 NOTICE: am applying clemency. Signed: Leon Bullocks. The Shreveport Times: September 30; October 5 and 10, 1967 Instructions to 8 Bidders Sealed bids are hereby invited by the Caddo Parish Police Jury for the purchase of one new 1968 Bookmobile for the use of its Rural Libraries. Detailed specifications are enclosed herein.

Bids will be accepted for complete Bids bookmobile, will also i.e., be chassis and body. accepted for body or chassis separately. If low bidder for chassis is not also low bidder for body, F.O.B. the chassis will be delivered Detroit, Michigan. Bids must include all transportation charges and applicable taxes (La.

sales tax, local sales tax). Approximate delivery date must be included In bid. Drawings must accompany all body bids. Bids must be in the hands of the undersigned not later than 9:45 o'clock A.M., October 11, 1967, when bids will be opened and tabulated by the Library Committee for referral to the Police Jury for awarding at its meeting October 18, 1967. Caddo Parish Police Jury reserves the right to reject any and all bids and waive all informalities.

R. S. Cavett Secretary-Treasurer Caddo Parish Police Jury 401 Courthouse, or mail to Post Office Box 4 Shreveport Times: September 26, October 3, 10, 1967. ADVERTISEMENT FOR BIDS Sealed proposals will be received by the Purchasing Department, October 13, 1967 for 1. Re-bid printing books, Press 2.

Printing and binding books, Press 3. Carload newsprint paper at which time and place the proposals will be opened and read. Specifications may be obtained from the Purchasing Agent. The right is reserved to reiect all bids and to waive informalities. by: George W.

Schwab Purchasing Agent The Shreveport Times: Sept. 28, Oct. 2 and 10, 1967 NOTICE TO BIDDERS Sealed bids will be received by Northwestern State College, Natchitoches, Louisiana, on the following: POCKET BILLIARD TABLE, 10:00 a.m., Thursday, October 12, 1967. Specifications may be obtained from the above address. Bids will not be accepted after hour and date specified and will be publicly opened at the hour specified in the Purchasing Office, Northwestern State College, Natchitoches, Louisia-1 na.

We reserve the right to to to to to to relect any and all bids and to waive any SYLVAN R. SIBLEY, Purchasing Agent Northwestern State College The Shreveport Times: October 3, 5 and 10, 1967. ANNOUNCEMENTS REDUCING? New belts for RENT. $10 Month- Free Delivery AMERICAN RENTAL CO. 423-2687 RENT: TV's Hospital Beds Wheel Chairs Gas and Electric Ranges.

AMERICAN RENTAL CO. 423-2687. LET US DELIVER for YOU Packages, prescriptions, etc. CITY CAB COMPANY 1029 Creswell 423-8318, 424-8282 PAY YOUR MOVING EXPENSES by selling odds and ends in furniture Items, appliances, outgrown clothing, things you don't need, for cash. through TIMES-JOURNAL low cost Want Ads.

Daily 424-0373 8 to 5. Drivers Furnished To drive your car anywhere in U.S. Insured Driveway System 424-4138. (1) Political Announcements www CADDO PARISH ELECT Homer C. Bryant, Jr.

SHERIFF CADDO PARISH Lever 115 Paid for by Dr. Albert Bicknell Dr. Robert Braswell Dr. John L. Leopard ELECT BERT J.

BOWMAN (D) POLICE JURY Caddo Parish Ward 4 LEVER 138 Paid for by Bert J. Bowman ELECT Hobert E. Hendrix, Sr. Caddo Parish Police Jury (D) Ward 4 Lever 151 Paid for by Hobert E. Hendrix Sr.

ELECT JOE A. LEINDECKER (D) Caddo Parish Police Jury WARD 4 LEVER 155 Paid for by J. A. Leindecker ELECT M. Caddo "NICK" NICHOLSON (R) Parish Police Jury WARD 4 Paid for by M.

D. Nicholson RE-ELECT MILTON (HOOKIE) CAMERON POLICE JURY Caddo Parish Ward 4, Lever 139 Paid for by M. J. Cameron VOTE Rossie R. Banks (D) Caddo Parish Police Jury WARD 4.

LEVER 134 Paid for by Mrs. R. R. Banks WHOLESALE SOFT DRINK Route Salesman. Age 21 to 45, reliable and steady.

Salary plus commission and fringe beneftis, 5 days. Apply in person, Pepsi Cola Bottling 281 Southern Ave, Shreveport, La. NIGHT DELIVERY BOY apply in person SHREVE ISLAND DRUG 1102 Capt. Shreve Dr. COLORED man to work for furniture store, drive truck and deliver.

Mayfield Furniture 1169 Texas Ave. 422-1233 WHITE Clerk for retail package store, cash register experience Call 746-1993. Between 1 p.m.-4 p.m. WANT 10 lease owner tandum trucks to haul 4 state area, Call 2729 Arcadia, La. INSTALLER WITH Own truck and tools Chance for high earnings Carefree Aluminum Products 631-2744 COLLECTOR $500 Aggressive young man to train in all phases of financial firm.

Advancement, car and expenses furnished Cal: 424-7141. Overseas-North Sea Offshore drilling company has opening for motorman and derrick men. Call Mr. DeFatta 425-7712 For interview An equal opportunity employer MOTEL PORTER Apply in person, Kickapoo Motel, 2141 E. Texas.

Cocktail Waitresses $60 and up Go Go Dancers and up Bartenders $75 and up No experience necessary, beautiful new costumes. New starting time 6 P.M. Opening new lounge. Merle Kemmerly's Sak's Whisk-A-Go-Go HWY. 80 BOSSIER Pipeline Engineer Immediate opening for a young engineer with the proper qualifications.

This positon opening offers an excellent opportunity to join this dynamic and growing oil and gas firm located on the Texas gulf coast. Prerequisites for the position are: An engineering degree 2 to 4 years experience in estimating, equipment sizing and specifications for pipelines, meter stations, dehydration and related system facilities. For more information send your resume to: Write Box 188-M, Times-Journal "An Equal Opportunity Employer" SPERRY RAND ELECTRONIC TECHNICIANS WANTED Men with ability in Electronics Men without A9 College Degree Men with a yen to advance Ever fill out a job application? Who hasn't? How you explain why you didn't finish college? They don't give you space for that. Application forms don't have space for a man's personal Story. But UNIVAC isn't necessarily looking for a college degree.

UNIVAC wants men with ability. FIELD ENGI. NEERS. If you have a basic understanding of electronics, then the door to space age technology is open to you. Maybe you're a maintenance specialist or you have had military training in technical weapons.

Control systems, Radar, Sonar, Radio maintenance. Or an associate degree in electronic Technology. UNIVAC can make you into a qualified FIELD You'll get paid while you learn on the ENGINEER. job. You'll become a specialist in computer technology.

work. You'll learn how computers work Why How to install them. How to maintain them. they And you'll work as an individual, acting on your own initiative, earning a good salary. UNIVAC has an excellent benefit porgram, with possibilities for work in offices in the United States and overseas.

you write or call us if you want When tell your own personal We won't mind. you can story. UNIVAC is interested in people not just degrees. college Interested applicants may call: Mr. F.

Stevens 318-422-9351 Wed. -Oct. 11 12 Noon-9 P.M. Write for an interview near you: Mr. Neal McDonnel Field Employment Administrator P.O.

Box 8100, Philadelphia, Pa. 19101 UNIVAC Data Processing Division an equal opportunity employer.

The Times from Shreveport, Louisiana (2025)


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Name: Eusebia Nader

Birthday: 1994-11-11

Address: Apt. 721 977 Ebert Meadows, Jereville, GA 73618-6603

Phone: +2316203969400

Job: International Farming Consultant

Hobby: Reading, Photography, Shooting, Singing, Magic, Kayaking, Mushroom hunting

Introduction: My name is Eusebia Nader, I am a encouraging, brainy, lively, nice, famous, healthy, clever person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.